var localizedStrings = { TotalInitiallyCollected: "Total Initially Collected", AppointmentWillLoseChanges: "This appointment has unsaved changes that will be discarded if you continue.", CollChangeReminderHeaderSingle: "You have an account change to post!", CancelMembershipFromCheckIn_Desc: "From the More form on Check In, have the right to cancel memberships.", SelectDistrictFirst: "Select District First", ItemAddedToJournalAlertFinance: "1 financed package billing item has been added to begin on this specific billing date since you generated this file. The item must be added to the file before you can authorize the billing for processing.", UnableToRemoveWaitList: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to remove the client from the wait list at this time.", Surveys: "Surveys", ConfirmResendClientStatement: "Are you sure you want to send the statement email to {0}?", ErrorOccuredWhileAddingYouToAppointment: "I\u0027m sorry, but an error ocurred while attempting to add you to the appointment", AccountsReceivableTokens: "AR Tokens", YourOnlineAccountUserName: "Your online account user name", NoCompleteForER: "Do not allow appointment completion for clients with an ER status.", Between: "Between", Summary: "Summary", ClientIDReceiptHeader: "Client ID: {0,-29}", DaysInPast: "Days in the Past", ReSendAll: "Re-Send All", OpenTime: "Open Time", SetCRMFactorsFriendlyRight: "Set CRM Factors", NoServiceFeeToggleAll: "Some returns did not have their service fee set because service fees cannot be charged for returns from {0} to {1}", FieldValue: "Field Value", MassAddBilling_Desc: "The ability to use the utilities to mass-add billing items", Support: "Support", EditUseTypes: "Edit Use Types", SelectPaymentPrompt: "Please select a payment for all appointments", SetAnniversaryDateOn: "Set Aniversary Date based on", NoScheduledMergesMessage: "No Scheduled Merges Found", CannotReverse: "Unable to Reverse Invoice", FindItOnCheckText: "You can find your {0} printed on the bottom of a check. Please follow the sample below:", NewClients: "New Clients", ClearCancelationOnCheckIn: "Clear Cancelation On Check In", RemainingAmount: "Remaining Amount", ShowingAppointmentsUntil: "Showing appointments until {0}", LockerClubName: "Locker Club Name", ScheduledReportDailyConfirmation: "Attached please find the {0} for {1}.", UnpaidLengthsBody: "This Appointment Type requires payment, but there are no Packages selected that apply to the following lengths:", DuplicateClientsReportShortName: "Duplicate Clients", DebitCards: "Debit Cards", AccountNumber: "Account Number", FullNameLastFirstToken: "Full Name (Last, First)", GiftTransferred: "Gift Successfully Transfered", SelectAContractToLoad: "Select a contract to load", EventChangedCustomFieldValue: "A user changed an existing custom field value", ErrorRemovingPOSItem: "An error occurred while removing the POS Item", NoBillingsMessage: "There are no active billing records for this account.", AlreadyEnrolled: "{0} is already enrolled", CurrentCycleDelinquentRecovery: "Current Cycle Delinquent Recovery", TransactionNotFound: "Transaction Not Found", InstructsOtherClassesOfThisType: "Instructs Other Classes of this Type", AppointmentCartConfirmationZero: "No Appointments have been added to your Cart", CancelArchiveClientsReport: "Canceled/Archived Clients Report", CannotVoidBecauseER: "Voiding is not allowed on ER Payment transactions", ReportOptions: "Report Options", BadBillStartDate: "Bad Bill Start Date", UnlockOnlineAccount: "Unlock Online Account", ClientAnnivDate: "Client Anniversary Date", AllSalesPlanTypes: "All Sales Plan Types", NewTotalCharges: "New Total Charges", AdjustBalance: "Adjust Balance", ManuallyEnterCC: "Manually Enter Credit Card Information", AddDiscount: "Add Discount", NoActiveBilling: "No Active Billings", EditDocumentCategories_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a document category.", GovernmentProductCodeInvalid: "Please enter a valid Government Product Code", BillingFileDetails: "Billing File Details", NoFutureBillings: "There are no billings scheduled between now and the selected date.", AppointmentTypeGridSaved: "Appointment Type Grid Saved", CRMPipelineStartDate: "CRM Pipeline Start Date", PreferredProvider: "Preferred Trainer", DiscountPercentage: "Discount Percentage", CampaignNameSearch: "Campaign Name: {0}", SomeClientsNotEligible: "Note that some clients may not be eligible for reassignment if they have clients that are responsible to them.", InvalidLoginAttempt: "Invalid login attempt.", CancelAtHomeClinicOnlyFromCheckIn: "Sorry, but you must process your cancellation by visiting your home clinic location, {0} in {1}", ClientReferralsReportShortName: "Client Referrals", PackageClubError: "This package cannot be redeemed at your club.", AccountAddress: "Account Address", MailMerge: "Mail Merge", FoodAndBeverage: "Food and Beverage", IncompleteInClub: "Incomplete In Club", CompleteEmail: "Complete Email", ClientNumberWithColon: "Client Number:", AllowedLengths: "Allowed Lengths", EditBillings_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Client\u0027s Billing Charges", ClosingDate: "Closing Date", TextingAccounts: "Texting Accounts", ReceiptText_TotalRefund: "TOTAL REFUND", MarkAsScheduled: "Mark as Scheduled", RepClassConfirmationSubject: "Class Enrollment Notification", CCExpirationFromDate: "Credit Card Expiration From Date", UnableToLeaveGroup: "Unable to Leave Group", Street2: "Street 2", Streaks: "Streaks", String1: "View entire visit history", String2: "Billed Using", String3: "Sessions can be redeemed until {0}", String4: "", Reminder_MonthEndClosing_Body: " {0}This can be done in the Accounting section under Month End.", MarketingApplicableSections: "\u0027Applicable Sections\u0027 are all sections except for the Cancelation Statistics and the Attrition Statistics", NoARMessage: "This client does not have any AR History that matches your search.", BasicInformation: "Basic Information", AllLockerAreas: "All Locker Areas", ForClient: "For Client", StoreID: "Store ID", DuesAllocationWeeklyDateHeader: "Weekly Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", EndDateBeforeStartDate: "The End Date cannot be before the Start Date.", ClientExceededMonthlyVisits: "This client has exceeded the maximum Monthly visits.", ClubNumberLongName: "Club: {0:D4} - {1}", PreventExpiredClientLoginText: "Sorry, but expired clients are not allowed to log in to this site. Please visit your club to perform any actions on your account.", TransferOutOptions: "Transfer Out Options", InventoryHistoryReportShortName: "Inventory History", ContractClubNumsign: "Contract Club #", EditPurchasedPackage: "Edit Purchased Package", OrderNumsign: "Order #", OnlinePurchaseConfirmationSubject: "Online Purchase Confirmation from {0}", OfferSignupsReport: "Offer Signups Report", WebForm: "Web Form", AddressAndContact: "Address and Contact Info", ManageRepSecurity: "Manage Rep Security", CannotAuthorizeWeeklyFuture: "Sorry, but you cannot authorize a Weekly journal more than 7 days in the future.", BiWeeklyPaymentOne: "1 Bi-Weekly Payment starting {0}", InsufficientPayments_Desc: "Sorry, but you must supply enough payments to completely cover the purchase amount.", PaymentFailureMessage: "Some of your payments could not be fully processed. Please enter enough payment to cover the remaining balance.", CollectionsDeptName: "Member Services", ExpirePackageBooking: "If you do so, any sessions which are not currently assigned as payment towards scheduled appointments will be marked as redeemed.", AddPreferredTrainer: "Add Preferred Trainer", OfferNotAvailableOnline: "This offer is not available Online", ClockedOutMessage: "Clocked Out on {0} at {1}", EnrollmentBeginsAtTime: "Enrollment Begins At Time", PosOnAccountPaymentsForPreviousCycleReturns: "", RecurringBillings: "Recurring Billings", AnnualAccountNumber: "Annual Account Number", RoutingNumberInvalid: "The routing number is not valid", BillingPrepaymentBreakdown: "Billing Prepayment Breakdown", YouHaveSuccessfullyAuthenticated: "You\u0027ve successfully authenticated with \u003cstrong\u003e{0}\u003c/strong\u003e. \\nPlease enter a user name for this site below and click the Confirm button to finish logging in.", DoesNotContain: "Not Contains", NoAllowedBillingDays: "No Allowed Billing Days", EmailDoesNotMatch: "The email address entered does not match the one entered for verification", NoBillingInformationReport: "No Billing Information Report", ClassCategory: "Class Category", NoGroupsMessage: "This client is not currently a member of any groups or families. To join a group, please use the Client Edit screen.", Breakdown: "Breakdown", PhoneNumber: "Phone Number", ClubSettings: "Club Settings", UndoAuthorizationRequired: "I\u0027m sorry, but you do not have permission to Un-Complete Appointments.", CompanyTypeRequired: "Please select a Company Type", OfferNotification: "Offer Notification", MissingMailSettingTitle: "You do not have settings configured for {0} emails", AgeFactor: "Age", InstructsThisClass: "Instructs This Class", EditClosedDay: "Edit Closed Day", MaximumFromEmailsReached: "Sorry, but you have already reached the maximum number of allowed email from addresses.", AutomaticallyApplyServiceFeesToBillingReturns: "Automatically apply service fees to billing returns", NoShowReport: "No Show Report", AutoAuthEmailWeeklyHeader: "Your Weekly file dated {0:d} was automatically authorized at {1:g}", TransactionHistory: "Transaction History", PrintTransactions: "Print Transactions", ClockOutBeforeInError: "Clocked Out cannot be before Clocked In", AccessCode: "Access Code", PerVisitPackageRestriction: "Per-Visit client type must have at least one package selected.", DebitCardReturn: "Debit Card Return", ActionTypeFilter: "Action Type: {0}", UnableToImport: "Unable to Import", Tuesday_Short: "Tue", MembershipFreeze: "Membership Freeze", SpecificDays: "Specific Days", FutureInvoiceMemoBody: "Due to a group cancelation, Billing {0} will switch to Recurring Invoice billing on {1}.", SpecificProb: "Specific Problem", NoAdditionalPaymentNeeded: "No additional payment is needed. Please click \u0027Submit Order\u0027 to complete your purchase.", SampleMessageNo1: "Sample message #1", SampleMessageNo2: "Sample message #2", CompanyCode: "Company Code", CompanyType: "Company Type", XWeeksOne: "1 week", TwilioAccountsUnderReviewOne: "1 of your Customer Profiles is under review.", NotRegistered: "Not Registered", ApplyChanges: "Apply Changes", EditPackages: "Edit Packages", ClosingPercentageReport: "Closing Percentage Report", Membership: "Membership", EntryFieldSettings: "Data Entry Field Settings", UnknownPaymentType: "Unknown Payment Type", ChargeFirstMonthExplained: "Select this if you would like to charge the first billing amount at enrollment and advance the billing start accordingly.", TimeRestriction: "Time Restriction", MatchingAccounts: "Matching Accounts", AddBilling: "Add Billing", AddBillDay: "Add Bill Day", RequiredSurveysMessage: "Please answer all required surveys", CompleteCancelation: "Complete Cancelation", CreditCardVoid: "Credit Card Void", CreditCardSale: "Credit Card Sale", DidNotReceiveVerificationCode: "I did not receive a verification code", YearsInFuture: "Years in the Future", CurrentBalance: "Current Balance", SecureCustomOnlyPhoenix: "Custom Fields cannot be set as insecure unless your location is configured to use only v2. To get set up please contact Twin Oaks.", MissingRewardsGroupRights: "You do not have rights to Edit Gift/Reward Settings for all clubs in this group.", SpecificSalesCategories: "Specific Sales Categories", LeaderClientNumber: "Leader Client #", FreezeRequestChangesTotal: "Total Freeze Request Changes", OneTimePaymentsZipCodeInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid billing zip/postal code for the one-time payments", EventArchivedAccount: "Archived an Account.", AllowFinancing: "Allow Financing", SubtotalBySalesCategory: "Subtotal By Sales Category", DateOfBirthRequired: "Please enter your Date of Birth", NoScheduleDetails: "This schedule does not cover any days of the year.", NumberDeleted: "Daily Recap Number Deleted", PrintCCReceipt: "Print CC Receipt?", TransactionFinalized: "The Transaction has been Finalized.", ShowDowngradeOptionOn: "Show Downgrade option on", LogInUsingAnotherService: "Log in using another service", SigningMethod: "Signing Method", AccountInformation: "Account Information", PleaseEnterValidWebAddress: "Please enter a valid web address including http:// or https://", ReminderEmail: "Reminder Email", ConfirmDeletePhoneNumber: "Are you sure you want you remove this Phone Number?", ChargeCodesReports: "Charge Codes Reports", NotBi_Weekly: "Not Bi-Weekly Billing", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersGender: "Please enter this family member\u0027s gender", WaitListAvailableOneMany: "{0} spot left with {1} people on the wait list", SaveFiltersForLater: "Save Filters for Later", ExcludeLockedPrice: "Exclude Locked Price", WillContinue: "Will Continue", YesContinue: "Yes, Continue", ReportFilterBalanceChanges: "The report filters for AR Balances have been simplified, however you can no longer filter both Personal and Responsible Balances at the same time.\r\n\r\nPlease check your filters before running the report.", SaleToClientOnlyChargeCodeNote: "Please Note: this change will not affect any existing Generic Sales using this charge code whether Posted or Unposted.", VerbalOptInExplained: "You must include the sample verbal consent collection and examples in a document.", LiveStreamNotAvailable: "This live stream is not available at this time", AutoAuthEmailProblemCountOne: "There was {0:N0} problem in the authorized file.", TransType: "Trans Type", TourDate: "Tour Date", EditClientCustomFields: "Edit Client Custom Fields", Workout: "Workout", DaysBefore: "Days in Advance", GA3AlertText: "On July 1, 2023, this Google Analytics 3 will stop processing data. Please switch to Google Analytics 4 before then.", ClientExceededWeeklyVisits: "This client has exceeded the maximum Weekly visits.", ActiveRepsNeedEmail: "Active reps are required to have an email address", AllowedLocations: "Allowed Locations", NoUsageFound: "There is no Usage History that matches your search.", SemiAnnual: "Semi-Annual", After1Session: "After 1 session", HardDeclineMemo: "The Billing Item {0} that was paid by Account {1} was changed to a Recurring Invoice since it returned with a Hard Decline Return Reason", RemoveScheduledReportDeny: "I\u0027m sorry, but you do not have permission to end this scheduled report.", DailyTransactions: "Daily Transactions", AccountCredit: "Account Credit", SellToBillingClients: "Sell to Billing Clients", NoCrossBillTypeRenewals: "Do not allow Clients to change Billing Type when renewing", InvalidRoutingNumber: "Please enter a valid Routing Number.", AccountZipPostalCode: "Account Zip/Postal code", AutoCreateJournals: "Auto-Create Journals", PriorityChangeConfirmation: "Priority has been changed", ClearInvalidKeyTags: "Clear All Invalid Key Tags", OnlyShowClientsNotUsedClub: "Only show clients who have not used the club between", SurveyAnswersSaved: "Survey Answers Saved", ProspectManagement: "Prospect Management", ConfirmDeleteScheduledReportBefore: "Are you sure you want to end the", MemosReports: "Memos Reports", EftAllocationReportBiWeeklySubject: "EFT Allocation Report for Bi-Weekly - {0} as of {1:d}", StartingCash: "Starting Cash", MarkAsCancel: "Mark as Canceled", ThanksgivingDay: "Thanksgiving Day", BillingMethod: "Billing Method", NewLocationName: "New Location Name", Campaigns: "Campaigns", TransactionDetailsRequired: "Please enter at least one Detail.", BillingMonths: "Billing Months", ErrorSavingPosItem: "An Error Occurred while saving the POS Item", OnAccountAllowed: "On Account Allowed", AppointmentTypeCannotUsePackage: "The appointment type \"{0}\" cannot be used with this package", CommissionReportShortName: "Commission", ProceedToCheckout: "Proceed to Checkout", ReviewedBy: "Reviewed By", ProvinceRequired: "Please enter Province", BalanceWriteOffCode: "Balance Write Off Code", Reminder_IncompleteBooking_Singular: "There is an incomplete booking!", ServiceFee: "Service Fee", ReviewCart: "Review Cart", ViewClientAR_Desc: "View the AR tab on Client Edit", CountryRequired: "Please enter Country", OnlyRequired: "Only Required", PrintSettlementReport_Desc: "Ability to print the credit card settlement report", LastJoinRenew: "Last Join/Renew", OnTheApp: "On the App", Balance: "Balance", CharityNonProfit: "Charity Non-Profit", UnableToChangeStatusHeader: "Unable to Change Status", AllowFinancingOnlyItemsPlease: "There are items in you cart that are not available for financing, please pick a different payment method or remove items that cannot be financed.", UnlinkedPaymentConfirmation: "There are potential payments that you have not yet linked to this transaction. Are you sure you want to mark it as finalized anyway?", ShowDocumentOnlineDescription: "Show documents in this category on the Client Portal/App", BankNum: "Bank Num", Banking: "Banking", NonDuesBilling: "Non-Dues Billing", RepRequiredForAutoAuth: "This rep is the only active rep receiving Billing Journal Auto-Authorize notifications, it cannot be turned off until you set another active rep to receive the notifications.", CannotVoidBecauseRedeemed: "This Transaction contains a Package that has already been redeemed and cannot be voided.", AvailableTrainers: "", PrintType: "Print Type", AchievementApptTypeComplete: "Earned when a client completes the {0} appointment {1} time(s).", PrintMode: "Print Mode", PrintCard: "Print Card", PrintOnly: "Print Only", SalesBreakdownWidget_Desc: "A bar graph that details what items the rep has sold in Point Of Sale.", ChangeToNewRep: "Change to a new Rep", Variable: "Variable", ResponsibleForClients: "Responsible for {0} Client(s)", RepTransferOutSubject: "Client Transfer Out", GeneralCounsel: "General Counsel", EnableDataWarehouse: "Enable Data Warehouse", EditLocations_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Locations", NoOutstandingBalance: "There is no outstanding balance for this client.", PackagePurchasedMsg: "{0} has been sold and may not be deleted", OverwriteExistingChanges: "Overwrite Existing Changes?", ViewRegisters: "View Registers", BillingMethods: "Billing Methods", EventUnassignedClientLocker: "Unassigned Client Locker", WarnMeIfAnniv: "Warn me if the client\u0027s anniversary date is ", HideDetail: "Hide Detail", ReceiveAdjust: "Receive / Adjust", UsageAlertTextFormatted: "This Client has used {0} {1} time{2} {3}", ClientCopyOnly: "Client Copy Only", InvoiceReversed: "The reversal invoice has been created!", AbandonCartWarningOne: "You still have 1 Appointment in your Cart.", Barcode: "Barcode", EFTJournalReport: "EFT Journal Report", NoBalanceRemainingToPay: "No Balance Remaining to Pay", RepModifiedText: "The rep you are editting has been modified. Are you sure you want to insert a new rep?", VariableBillingAfterCancel: "After Canceling, Variable Billing should", WeeklyUsageTotalsByUseTypeReport: "Weekly Usage Totals By Use Type Report", DisableChangeAsAccountCredit: "Disable Change As Account Credit", UnableToCancel: "Unable to Cancel", AllowVisa: "Allow Visa", CancelArchiveClientsReportSubtext: "This report shows clients with cancel dates in the range specified. Other filters for Archived Status, Client Types and Cancel Reasons may also be applied. Please note, if a cancel date range is not specified, all clients, with and without a cancel date, will be included.", GenderAgeBreakdown: "Gender / Age Breakdown", EmptyContractField: "NA", Importance: "Importance", Enrollment: "Enrollment", RequireGiftCardToEnroll: "Require a Gift Card to enroll.", ReturnPostingConfirmation: "This will post all returns for this club. Returns may not be posted if the associated billing file has not yet been posted. Would you like to continue?", SemiAnnualDuesTotal: "Semi-Annual Dues Total", PackageBookedNoExpire: "Package is currently used for payment on scheduled appointments. The expiration date value may not be prior to {0}.", LengthOfTermMembership: "Length of Term/Membership", GiftDetails: "Gift Details", CannotAuthorize: "Unable to Authorize", CurrentOccupancy: "Number of people in the club now", UnableToChangeQuantity: "Unable to Change Quanity", OriginalAmount: "Original Amount", PushNotification: "Push Notification", WriteOff: "Write-Off", StopOnlyForReasons: "Stop Only For Reasons", AllowGroupCheckIn: "Allow Group Check In", AchievementUsageAny: "Earned when a client visits the club {0} time(s).", Special: "Special", Specify: "Specify", BadEmail: "Bad Email Address", ExpiresWithinMonthsAndBillsOther: "Expires Within {0} Months and is used for Billing", OfferNotAvailableNoContract: "This offer does not have a contract", CCReaderUnavailable_Desc: "The Credit Card Reader is unavailable. It may be in use by another machine. If so, please wait until that transaction has been completed.", GroupByStatus: "Group by Status", ResponsibleParty: "Responsible Party", MemberOpenBalanceReport: "Member Open Balance Report", ClientTypeSetup: "Client Type Setup", BillingWidget_Desc: "A line graph that tracks each month\u0027s billing totals for multiple clubs.", EditSaleCats_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Sales Categories", CameraNeedsRights: "To take a picture, allow your browser to access your camera", PromoReceiptTotal: "PROMOTIONS USED......{0,10}", UnableToOpenAppointmentDialog: "Unable to open Appointment dialog", AvailableFields: "Available Fields", NoPrepaidBillings: "No Prepaid Billings", ClientTypeMachineRestriction: "This client type is not allowed to use this computer", NoServiceFee: "No Service Fee Set Up", AttritionRiskManagement: "Attrition Risk Management", ErrorSendingStatement: "Sorry, but we were unable to send the statement. Please ensure that this client is configured to allow emails.", ChangeAllToSameAmount: "Change All to the Same Amount", EditGL: "Edit General Ledger", POS_PrintCloseOut: "Print Close Out", BillingItemSummaryWeekly: "Bills Weekly Starting {0}", ClientMembershipCancellationRequestSubject: "Membership Cancelation Request {0}", DailyRevenueReportSubText: "This report displays the daily and/or month-to-date revenues grouped by charge code and payment type.", ResourceUnavailableFormatted: "{0} is not available for booking.", EnterAmount: "Enter Amount", AddTrainer: "Add Trainer", IncludeAmountsFrom: "Include Amounts From", OfferDetails: "Offer Details", AlreadyExistsAtClubAlert: "This {0} already exists at this club", CustomerNameValidation: "Customer Name must be two words.", MarginReportShortName: "Margin", CartReceipt: "Cart Receipt", LockerExpirationDate: "Locker Expiration Date", LockerExpirationDays: "Locker Expiration Days", OnAccountNotAllowedRegister: "Sorry, but On Account Payments are not allowed at this register.", CreditOrNoBalance: "Credit or No Balance", Energy: "Energy", Enroll: "Enroll", ClosingPercentageWidget: "Closing Percentage Widget", ManageDigitalContracts: "Manage Digital Contracts", ClientStatuses: "Client Statuses", ClientEditSettingsExplained: "Below are the settings for Client Record fields when performing a Client Edit.", EmailAddressesReportSubText: "Report of client email addresses. Report can be for all email addresses, email addresses marked as bad or clients with no email address.", PercentDiscount: "% Discount", UnableToDelete: "Unable To Delete", LongSmsWarning: "SMS supports sending 160 characters per segment, and using concatenated messages, sending messages containing 10 segments is possible. Concatenated messages are supported when sending to all major US/Canada carriers except for US Cellular, who do not support concatenated SMS. Many carriers worldwide as well as many smaller US/Canada carriers also support concatenated messages.\r\n\r\nMessages that contain accented characters, emojis, and other characters that are not part of the Latin script are limited to 70 characters per segment.\r\n\r\nPlease note that using tokens can increase the actual length of the final message.", MassCheckInTooltip: "This will process all of your Background Check Ins, except for Red and Grey Screens, which must be processed individually.", Responses: "Responses", SameAddressAsPrimaryMember: "Same address as primary member", UseDate: "Use Date", UseCard: "Use Card", UseCase: "Use Case", UseClub: "Use Club", ConfirmChangeSessionsContent: "Are you sure you wish to change {0} {1} of {2}?", UseType: "Use Type", UseTime: "Use Time", UsedFor: "Used For", Events: "Events", NoBanksGreenAlert: "Billings are not using a Bank Account", Europe: "Europe", VoidingNotAllowed: "I\u0027m sorry, but voiding is not allowed at this machine.", NextPage: "Next Page", NextStep: "Next Step", MergeDocuments: "Merge Documents", NextWeek: "Next Week", NextYear: "Next Year", InitialReturnPercent: "Initial Return %", GiftCardConfirmationPrintingDirections: "Please click the link below to print your gift card:", DemonstrativeAdjectivePlural: "Demonstrative Adjective Plural", DescriptionRequired: "Description is required", DueToday: "Due Today", DeleteRedemptionMembership: "The associated check-in will not be removed by this action.", ClassSingleReceiptHeader: "CLASS FROM: {0,-12:t} TO {1,-12:t}", Expire: "Expire", Export: "Export", DashboardBilling: "Dashboard Billing", EmailSubscriptions: "Email Subscriptions", ColumbusDay: "Columbus Day", MatchesFound: "Matches Found", YouReceivedGiftCardFrom: "You have received a gift card from {0}.", DailyRecapNumbers: "Daily Recap Numbers", AnnualFeeBillsOn: "Annual Fee Bills On", BillingFreezeEndDate: "Billing Freeze End Date", TotalBalance: "Total Balance", PhysicalGift: "Gift Card", CancelRequestPromptDefaultText: "Are you sure you would like to submit a request to have your membership canceled?  Requests will be processed within 24 hours.", TooYoung: "Too Young", UnCancelFinanacedPackages: "This Client has Financed Package Billings that were missed during the term of their cancelation. We will automatically reschedule those billings for a future date.", BonusSeries_Desc: "Add a Bonus to a Series Transaction", BestHourClicked: "Best Hour Clicked", DeleteAppointmentQuestion: "Delete Appointment?", ScheduleWidget: "Use the Schedule Widget", Widgets: "Widgets", EnableRedeemStandardPackagesOnCheckIn: "Enable the redemption of Standard Packages on the Check In screen", ParentalSupervision: "A client needs parental supervision if they are ", PostReturns: "Post Billing Returns", TotalDepositKey: "**Total Sales Deposit: All sales paid for during the reporting period, regardless of when the item was originally purchased.", NoTransferBalanceDue: "Do not allow transfers if the client owes a balance.", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsCCExp: "Please enter the credit card expiration date for one-time payment", UnableToPrintServiceReady: "Please ensure the Twin Oaks Print Service is running", BookingsStatusFilter: "Bookings Status: {0}", MembershipAddOns: "Membership Add-ons", AlternateTimePrompt: "The {0} time slot was not found available for all dates requested. An alternative time slot of {1} is available for all requested dates. Select this time slot instead?", BankCorrectionChangesTotal: "Total Bank Correction Changes", ExpirationFactor: "Expiration Date", MassChangeSubClientExp: "*All Sub-Clients will be included/excluded with their Responsible Party (if applicable)", NoProductWithUPC: "No product was found with that barcode.", ViewHistory: "View History", ThreeSetsMinutesPerSession: "{0}, {1}, or {2} minutes per session", RemoveClient: "Remove Client", ClientsWithNoBalance: "Clients with no balance", EventAssignedRepRight: "One user assigned a right to another", PanamaItemCodeExplanation: "Item Code in the Panamanian Codification of Goods and Services", SearchForActiveClasses: "Search for Active Classes", AdjustBalanceTaxable: "You may only use non-taxable charge codes with this utility. To make an adjustment with a taxable charge code, please use the \u0027+ Add Transaction\u0027 option found next to the \u0027Adjust Balance\u0027 option.", FirstMonthlyBillingAmount: "First Monthly Billing Amount", PostTransactions: "Post Transactions", OnlyUnclosed: "Only Un-Closed", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsBillingAddress: "Please enter your billing address for the recurring payments.", NewRepRightText: "You have not given {0} any rights to any locations. Reps with no rights are not able to use the software. Please assign at least one right.", TotalsForSalesCategoryFormatted: "Totals for Sales Category {0}:", StatusCode: "Status Code", StatusDate: "Status Date", PleaseSelectMethodOfPaymentForOneTimePayment: "Please select your method of payment for the one-time payments", FreqeuncyAmountFormatted: "{0} Amount", AddingAppointments: "Adding Appointments to Cart...", Corporation: "Corporation", GiftCardExpiredError: "We\u0027re sorry, but that Gift Card has expired.", NoRegisterHeadline: "Currently there are no selected machine settings in place.", Education: "Education", Urgency: "Urgency", CrowdLevel: "Crowd Level", ConfirmEndRepAssignment: "Are you sure you want to end this rep assignment?", CrunchFitnessMemberType: "Crunch Fitness Member Type", WhichIs: "Which Is", OtherChargesCapitalized: "Other Charges", DoesNotHavePackageBilling: "Does not have Package Billing", ConfirmDeleteLocationGroup: "Are you sure you want to delete this location group?", StringFieldName: "String Field Name", ProductionMessageSampleRequired: "Please enter a Production Message Sample", DeleteProcess: "Delete Process", SelectClockInRep: "There are multiple reps with this KeyTag. Please select which one you would like to Clock In.", EditARSettings_Desc: "Edit settings dealing with when you report your tax revenue.", ClientFirstUse: "This is the clients first usage.", LeaderPaymentResponsibility: "Leader Payment Responsibility", ItemProratedTo: "{0} - Prorated to {1}", ResponseMessage: "Response Message", RepAssignmentReports: "Rep Assignment Reports", CardRetrieval: "Card Retrieval", BillingLastReturnReason: "Last Return Reason", UnableToExport: "Unable to Export", ShowOnlyUnanswered: "Show Only Unanswered", Contracts: "Contracts", CompleteEmailTransferNotificationSecondPersonSingular: "You received a notification about a client transfer", ReferralLink: "Referral Link", ReferralDate: "Referral Date", BranchNumberInvalid: "The branch number is not valid", MailMergeNoHeader: "{0} {1} without an email", TextOptInExplained: "Describe the keyword campaign in a document. What is the keyword? Where does the consumer/subscriber find the keyword? Screenshots/pictures/URLs are best.", ThirdCreditCardResubs: "Third Credit Card Resubs", PackageSalesReportByPackageSalesRepWithoutAssessment_Desc: "View and print a report of Package Sales By Package Sales Rep", StartingDateRequired: "Please enter a Starting Date", RepSalesSummaryReportSubHeader: "This report provides a detail of your Rep Sales.", FutureInvoiceMemoSubject: "Future Billing Change", CheckBalance: "Check Balance", YearToDateEnd: "Year To Date End", MustBeAtleast: "Must be at least {0} characters", InsertClientTransactions: "Insert Client Transactions", AnnualUsageTotalsByUseTypeReport: "Annual Usage Totals By Use Type Report", OccurredAppointmentDate: "The date on which the appointment occurred", CanceledPrepaidClients: "Canceled Prepaid Clients", FlagName: "Flag Name", ResponseCode: "Response Code", AssignedToMe: "Assigned to Me", BillingUpdated: "Billing Updated", IncompleteOnline: "Incomplete Online", CompleteCall: "Complete Call", CompleteTask: "Complete Task", CompleteTour: "Complete Tour", CompleteText: "Complete Text", HoursAddedPartialCount: "{0} of {1} Hours were added. The following hours could not be added:", PrimaryPhone: "Primary Phone", ResetPassword: "Reset password", TransactionsImported: "Transactions Imported Successfully", VisitHistory: "Visit History", GiveChangeAs: "Give Change as", DiscardChanges: "Discard Changes", Available: "Available", TextMergeDuplicateProspectOne: "1 - Non-Member with the same phone number as a Member", MembershipAddOnsAvailable: "Membership Add-On(s) Available", PleaseSelectRecurringPaymentsBillingDistrict: "Please select your billing district for the recurring payments.", ActionSaved: "Action Saved", ContactUs: "Contact Us", AppointmentTypeGrid: "Appointment Type Grid", TrainerSessionsReport_Desc: "Scheduled Sessions by Trainer Report", DateMomentUpcomingWeek: "dddd, MMMM D", CompleteTourWithAnySingular: "{0} gave a Tour to {1}", SelectLocationGroup: "Select Location Group", POS_CloseShift: "Close Shift", SettingsHaveChanged: "One or more setting has been changed and has not been saved.", FinanceTransactionInvalid: "The amount being financed is too low for the number of months selected. Please select fewer months.", NoTransactionsForStatus: "There are no transactions found for the selected status.", NoAppointmentTypesFound: "There are no Appointment Types that match your criteria.", ArchiveCanceledClients: "Archive Canceled Clients", FamilyAddition: "Family Addition", OverShort: "Over Short", EftAllocationReportWeeklySubject: "EFT Allocation Report for Weekly - {0} as of {1:d}", PlanetFitnessMemberType: "Planet Fitness Member Type", RepMembershipFreezeRequestSubject: "Freeze Request - {0} - {1}", ChargeLimit: "Charge Limit", ClockedInAfter: "Clocked In After", EditCustomReports: "Edit Custom Reports", IncompleteCartSecondEmail: "Incomplete Cart Second Email", AgreeAuthorizeTermsAndConditionsAfter: ".", ShoppingCartEmpty_Text2: "If you\u0027d like to create a membership at this location, please take a look at our \u003ca href={0}\u003emembership offers\u003c/a\u003e", ShoppingCartEmpty_Text3: "To schedule an appointment please check out our \u003ca href={0}\u003eavailable appointments\u003c/a\u003e", ShoppingCartEmpty_Text1: "Please feel free to take a look at our \u003ca href=\u0027{0}\u0027\u003eselection of packages\u003c/a\u003e!", CompleteTaskWithAnySingular: "{0} had a Task with {1}", TrainerHoursReportShortName: "Trainer Hours", NotEqualTo: "Not Equal To", PackageActionForBoth: "If you proceed, you will need to update any affected client billings or offers to remove the package from use in those places.", FillOutAboveFields: "Please fill out all of the above fields.", FlatRate: "Flat Rate", AmountPerSession: "Amount Per-Session", ChargeCodes: "Charge Codes", UsageProblems: "Usage Problems", SetPassword: "Set password", NoAppointmentTypesSoAll: "Bookings of all Appointment Types will be included", CurrentOnHand: "Current on Hand", EnrollmentBeginsHoursBefore: "Enrollment Begins Hours Before", NoUseCasesSelected: "You have not selected any Use Cases", BalanceExplained: "This balance includes both posted and pending transactions.", OrderSummary: "Order Summary", VerifyEmailInstruction: "Your email verification request has been submitted. You will soon receive an email at {0} from SendGrid. In this email will be a link to \u0027Verify Single Sender\u0027. Please right click on that link and select \u0027Copy Link Text\u0027. Then paste the full link text in the field below. We\u0027ll do the rest.", AmountDueNow: "Amount due now", EditVideoSettings: "Edit Video Settings", ContactDet: "Contact Detail", SentRequestToRetrievePasswordInClub: "A request to reset the password for your online account was sent from your check-in screen at {0}. Please click {1} and enter this code when prompted: {2}\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ePlease be aware that this code will expire within 10 minutes.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIf you did not request to reset your password, please contact {0} immediately.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e", MarginDescriptionDefinition: "ChargeCode Description", LiveJournalChanges: "Live Journal Changes", PasswordContainsBannedWord: "Passwords cannot contain the word \u0027password\u0027, \u0027master\u0027, \u0027twinoaks\u0027, or your User Name.", UnableToDeleteCancelReasonText: "This cancel reason is currently tied to a client and therefore cannot be deleted.", PastYear_One: "The Past 1 Year", RoutingNumber: "Routing Number", KioskEnrollmentConfirmationSubject: "Kiosk Enrollment Confirmation from {0}", SharedAccountActiveClients: "Shared Account to Active Clients", MonthlyTotal: "Monthly Total", WeeklyUsageTotalsByUseTypeReportShortName: "Weekly Usage Totals By Use Type", ChooseUseType: "Please choose a usage type.", ChooseFileToCompare: "Choose a File to Compare", AutoAuthEmailMonthlyHeader: "Your Monthly file dated {0:d} was automatically authorized at {1:g}", CancelDateFixedBy: "The Cancel Date will be fixed based on", PackageDetails: "Package Details", FormInvalid: "The form is not valid", CustomFieldName: "Custom Field Name", CancelReasonWithColon: "Cancel Reason:", FailedChecksum: "Failed Checksum", AllSources: "All Sources", RemoveSessionsOfClass: "Remove existing sessions of a class", TransferSettings: "Transfer Settings", GuestPassExpired: "Guest Pass Expired", BadAccountReturnsAgainstGrossInvoices: "Bad Account Returns Against Gross Invoices", CreateCustomRepAssignmentReport: "Create a Custom Rep Assignment Report", UseForBilling: "Use For Billing", AutoAuthEmailAnnualSubject: "{0:m} - Annual Billing Journal Auto-Authorization", JustCancel: "Just Cancel", BusinessTitle: "Business Title", PackageDeleted: "Package deleted succesfully", SearchFor: "Search For", KeepAnnualScheduleTransferExplained: "When transferring a client with annual fee billings, this setting will cause the configured annual fee billings on the transfer offer to be ignored and will, instead, continue the client\u0027s current annual fee billings at the new location using the charge code configured on the transfer offer\u0027s annual fees. This setting will only function if the client\u0027s new location has the same billing schedules. Otherwise, the transfer offer settings will be honored.", BookingsReports: "Bookings Reports", BusinessVatrn: "Romania: VAT Registration Number", ViewAllReps: "View All Reps", UnableToLoadClassDetails: "Unable to load class details", ValidationErrors: "Validation Error(s)", GroupFamilyRecurringBillingItems: "Group/Family Recurring Billing Items", Overwrite: "Overwrite", BillingSettings: "Billing Settings", ErrorPosting: "There was an error posting.", LiabilityAsOf: "Liability as of", AccrualBasis: "Accrual Basis", TopSpenderSingular: "Top Spender", AutoPostCollectionsPayments: "Auto-Post Member Services Payments when they are available, provided the related return is posted.", Upgrade: "Upgrade", OfferNotFoundBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but the selected offer is no longer available. Please go back to the offer select and select a new offer.", WaiveServiceFees: "Waive Returns Service Fees", UnableToTransfer_Default: "You cannot transfer at this time.", Configuration: "Configuration", HideFullyRedeemedPackages: "Hide Fully Redeemed Packages", Description2: "Description 2", AddBillingItem: "Add Billing Item", NoRedemptionsMessage: "There have been no redemptions for this purchased package.", Unposted: "Un-Posted", EditRefillGiftCards: "Edit Refill Gift Cards", EmailAnalytics: "Email Analytics", OpenEnded: "Open Ended", FieldSettings: "Field Settings", DefaultPurchaseConfirmationHeader: "You have purchased the following:", ClubClosedDeleteError: "An error occurred while trying to delete the Closed Day", MinimumTerm: "Minimum Term", EnterPromoCode: "Enter Promo Code", MinimumAbbr: "Min", CompleteAppointment: "Complete Appointment", PaymentMethodBreakdown: "Payment Method Breakdown", StartingMemberships: "Starting Memberships", TemplateNameRequirements: "Template names can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores. No other characters or spaces are allowed.", FilterDeleteSuccess: "The Filter has been successfully deleted", ClientMembershipFreezeRequestSubject: "Membership Freeze Request {0}", MethodOfPayment: "Method of payment", CannotVoidBecauseBooked: "This Transaction contains a Package that is being used to pay for a Booking and cannot be voided.", Adjustment: "Adjustment", ChangeComputerVersionConfirm: "Are you sure you would like to change this computer to use Version 2? If you do, you will no longer be able to use this computer\u0027s hardware in Version 1 of the software.", Africa: "Africa", NoReminders: "You have no reminders!", AddFee: "Add Fee", AddAll: "Add All", AddUrl: "Add a URL", AddTag: "Add Tag", AddRep: "Add Rep", Adjust: "Adjust", IncludeOnlineTransactions: "Include Online Transactions", TotalDuesAdded: "Total Dues Added", OnlineVideos: "Online Videos", AutoRefillClientEnable: "Yes! Automatically refill my card.", Accept: "Accept", Active: "Active", Action: "Action", MonthlyProcessCaveats: "These scheduled tasks will usually occur between 12:00 AM and 4:00 AM (Based on the time zone selected in Club Settings) on the date specified. The exact timing may vary.", PurchaseClub: "Purchase Club", PurchaseDate: "Purchase Date", ProspectPipelineLoss: "Disqualified", PointsForAchievementsExplained: "This number of points for your rewards program which will be given to the client when they complete the badge or challenge. Please note that the number of points shown here is only the active amount of points at the current moment. If you have set up points earning on this badge/challenge through the rewards program setup to start in the future that will not show here.", FirstMemberPricing: "First Member Pricing", InsertPOSButton: "Insert a POS Button", AmenitySelect: "Amenity Select", GrandTotalUses: "Grand Total Uses", DOBDateRequired: "Please enter the date of your date of birth", JoinReceipt: "Join Receipt", Annual: "Annual", FundsAdded: "Funds Added", Answer: "Answer", NoRuleTypes: "This Rule does not apply to any Appointment Types.", Amount: "Amount", CompleteVerification: "Complete Verification", MasterTrainer: "Master Trainer", AllDay: "All Day", AllOff: "All Off", ClearCancelationPrompt: "Are you sure you want to clear this client\u0027s cancelation?", Alerts: "Alerts", ProblemWithRequest_PleaseTryAgain: "Sorry there was a problem with your request, Please try again.", IncludedInDues: "Included in Dues", AmenityCode: "Amenity Code", UnableToUnshareDetails: "This account cannot be unshared because it is being used by the following group members", Christmas: "Christmas", AmenityTerm: "Amenity Term", NoChargeCodesForSalesCategoryOther: "There are no Charges Codes in the selected Sales Categories", FreezeStartDate: "Freeze Start Date", YourAddressInformation: "Your address information", UnableToTransfer_ER: "This client is not eligible to transfer while they are in an ER status.", August: "August", PromoAmount: "Promo Amount", RenewedDate: "Renewed Date", RunCustomReports_Desc: "Run Custom Reports", MakePayment: "Make Payment", Assign: "Assign", Unschedule: "Unschedule", OfferNotAvailableBilling: "This offer is not for Billing type clients", ViewClientMisc_Desc: "View the Miscellaneous tab on Client Edit", CollectionsPayments: "Returns Management Payments", DisplayAccSharingDet: "Display Account Sharing Details", PayrollWeekStarts: "Payroll Week Starts on", FacebookLinkTextExplained: "The custom text you want to show for the link.", CancelDateWithColon: "Cancel Date:", NumberOfDays: "Number of Days", NumberOfUses: "Number Of Uses", MaxxFitnessThemeName: "Race Car Red", CancelDelinquentClients: "Cancel Delinquent Clients", InactiveAsOfDate_Other: "Inactive as of {0:d}", ClickInsertTransactionToAdd: "Click \u0027Insert Transaction\u0027 above to add them.", AllowedResources: "Allowed Resources", TrainerAlreadyAssigned: "{0} was not added because they are already assigned to this {1}.", LockerCombination: "Locker Combination", PrintReceipt: "Print Receipt", TextMergeDuplicateOther: "{0} - Clients with a Duplicate Phone Number", ManageNoShows: "Manage No Shows", TextMerge: "Text Merge", LaunchTwinOaksAdvantage2: "Launch Twin Oaks Advantage 2.0", LockDefaultCancelDateFromCheckInSettings: "Lock the default Cancel Date From Check In.", ZipCodeFilter: "Zip/Postal Code: {0}", ViewSecureCustomFields_Desc: "View Secure Custom Fields", AGiftForYou: "A Gift For You", TextingSendNowSuccess: "Successfuly scheduled texts to be sent once immediately", MarginCodeDefinition: "ChargeCode Code", MaximumAmount: "Maximum Amount", PleaseSelectForResubmits: "Please select a Journal and Return Reasons to continue", DeferredRevenuesReportSubtext: "This report lists all pre-paid clients and calculates their pre-paid liability remaining. This report may output Paid in Full clients and Non-member clients. Only clients of those billing types with an expiration date entered on their client record will be included.", Female: "Female", EditSaleCats: "Edit Sales Categories", RemoveLocationConfirm: "Are you sure you want to remove the location from the appointment?", OptionalText: "Optional Text", DaysInFuture: "Days in the Future", EditOffers_Desc: "The ability to add, edit, or delete offers", GroupTypeChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Group Type - {1}", MassChangesScheduledMessage: "Your Changes have been submitted for processing. Please check on the status of this process on the Reminders widget on the Home tab.", NoTransactions: "There are no unposted transactions for this club.", AddClassCategory: "Add a Class Category", Filter: "Filter", Finish: "Finish", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsZipCode: "Please enter your billing zip/postal code for the one-time payments", BillingCycles: "Billing Cycle(s)", AutoFillAccount: "Auto-Fill Account", MinEnrollmentNotReached: "Not enough clients are enrolled in this {0}", UnableToDeleteGroupTypeText: "You cannot delete a group type that is in use.", Resubmits: "Resubmits", ConfirmDeleteLocation: "Are you sure you want to delete this location?", AutoAuthRequiredPrompt: "Saving this billing journal will require user to manually authorize this billing journal. Do you want to continue to save?", DuplicateContractName: "Another contract with the same name already exists at this club. Please enter a new contract name.", MonthlyAnnual: "Monthly/Annual", ViewClientMemos_Desc: "View the Memos tab on Client Edit", BillingEndDateExplained: "End Date for a billing item is the last billing date on which the item will be billed", DuplicateTransDetected: "Duplicate Transaction Detected", Footer: "Footer", ARBalance: "AR Balance", AttritionRiskReport: "Attrition Risk Report", StatementConfirmationWithAutoEmail: "Your statement emails will be sent out as soon as they are ready.", AmountAddedWithColonAndValue: "Amount Added: {0}", MaximumAbbrev: "Max", UncollectedInitiationFee: "Uncollected Initiation Fee", MonthlyAmount: "Monthly Amount", TypeMismatch: "Type Mismatch", LockerClubNumsign: "Locker Club #", AvailablePaymentOptions: "Available Payment Options", Format: "Format:", CompleteRegistration: "Complete Registration", OldTotalPayments: "Old Total Payments", PipelineReport: "Pipeline Report", ScheduledReports: "Scheduled Reports", TwilioSurveyHasTax: "Are you a business with a Tax ID? (not including a US SSN)", Freeze: "Freeze", Friday: "Friday", Frozen: "Frozen", DefaultCancelDateTo1st2MonthsOutSettings: "Cancellation requires payment in the month which you cancel, plus one additional month.", RegisterForRewardsPrompt: "Automatically register this card in the {0} program.", MemoTypeCode: "Memo Type Code", ConfirmAccountMismatch: "The Account Number and the Confirm Account Number do not match", Entertainment: "Entertainment", Future: "Future", AnnualAccountPaymentMethod: "Annual Account Payment Method", MemoTypeCodeInUse: "There is already a memo type with this code", TotalUsesOnline: "Total Uses Online", ExpiredClients: "Expired Clients", ARForm: "A/R From", ClassesFactor: "Classes", ReturnsPostingStatusCode: "Status Code on Returns Posting", FullNameFirstLastToken: "Full Name (First Last)", Bounces: "Bounces", ManualExclusionsWarning: "Note: Manual exclusions will not apply to scheduled mass changes.", AccountNumberRequired: "Please enter an Account Number.", CloudTransferMessage: "There are still documents hosted with your previous cloud storage provider(s).", APIKey: "API Key", EditGroupTypes: "Edit Group Types", YearsOldOr: "years old or younger.", BookingsStatuses: "Bookings Statuses", AddReferral: "Add Referral", VisitsFrom: "Visits From", ContainsExpiredPackage: "This offer cannot be selected because it contains expired or deleted package(s)", ReprintFiscalReceipt: "Reprint Fiscal Receipt", SelectBillingAccount: "Select Billing Account", EditTaxes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s Tax Types", ErrorUpdatingAccount: "There was an error updating the account.", StatementConfirmationWithPrint: "You will be alerted in the Reminders widget on the Home tab when your statements are ready to print.", POS_SettleCreditCards: "Settle Credit Cards", AddZipCode: "Add Zip/Postal Code", EditGiftReward_Desc: "The ability to edit the settings used for Gift and Rewards cards", LockerClubNumber: "Locker Club Number", EditClientCustomFields_Desc: "Edit Custom Fields on Client Edit", VisitType: "Visit Type", BillingProblems: "Billing Problems", CollectionsChanges: "Collections Changes", ClubTotal: "Club Total", AlreadyAMemberOf: "This client is already a member of {0}.", InClubOnly: "In-Club Only", AllowManualSigning: "Allow users to sign documents with their mouse/finger", RedeemPackage: "Redeem Package", UnableToAssign: "Unable to Assign", Partnership: "Partnership", ClientTypeAlreadyUsed: "This code is already in use by another deleted Client Type", OnlyIfFalse: "Only If False", RepTransferOutEmailSubheader: "A Client has been transferred to another location.", NoOpenShiftTransactions: "There are no transactions in this shift", CustomFields: "Custom Fields", ContractRequiresSignature: "This contract requires a signature, but the system was unable to connect to a signature capture pad. Please ensure that the correct register name is specified and that you are running the service.", EndRepAssignment: "End the Rep assignment", PleaseSelectAdditionalPricingOptions: "Please select additional pricing options", EndPartOfDuesPrompt: "Ending all Part of Dues billing items will cause this Client to become inactive with a status of No Billing.", PleaseConfirmResendEmail: "Please confirm the email below to Re-Send the e-gift card. Re-sending the gift will also generate a new Card Number and PIN. The balance and transaction history will be transferred to the new card.", CapturePadNotFoundTitle: "Capture Pad Not Found", NotAnswered: "Not Answered", RepPipeline: "Rep Pipeline", AllPIFProblems: "All PIF Problems", BillingPrepaymentsForJournal: "Billing Prepayments for this Journal", AddNewProcess: "Add New Process", Tuesday: "Tuesday", ComposeEmail: "Compose Email", MaximumFamily: "Maximum Additional Clients", RepCancelEmailHeader: "A client has canceled from the following location:", VerificationCode: "Verification Code", Gender: "Gender", TextingSettings: "Texting Settings", AlreadyVoided_Desc: "This transaction has already been voided.", EditTextingSettings: "Edit Texting Account", TrainerNotAvailable: "The trainer is not available during the time specified", ProspectPotentialReportSummary: "This report shows a breakdown of prospects by their Prospect Potential Grade.", BelowZeroAdjustmentError: "Balance adjustments resulting in a client credit balance must be Office Credits.", ClubHours: "Club Hours", MixedTransactionNotAllowed: "You cannot create a transaction that combines {0} with {1}.", GoBack: "Go Back", InventoryReport: "Inventory Report", AccountNickname: "Account Nickname", AllowOnlineCancelations: "Clients can submit a request to have their membership canceled online", UsageTypesWidget: "Use the Usage Types Widget", ReasonForReturn: "Reason for Return", ItemDescription: "Item Description", PackageUsedInOffers: "has been tied to active client offers.", ReceiptsSummary: "Receipts Summary", Groups: "Groups", PrepayBillingCancelWarning: "This client has billing items which have prepayments in place totaling {0}. If you cancel this client based on the entered cancelation date, you must issue a refund for the unused pre-payment", VirtualWorkout: "Virtual Workout", DowngradeNow: "Downgrade Now", FactorsSaved: "Factors Saved", Tomorrow: "Tomorrow", ArchivedDate: "Archived Date", SalesCategories: "Sales Categories", CompleteAppointmentWithAnySingular: "{0} had an Appointment with {1}", Pipelines: "Pipelines", WhyNecessary: "Why is this necessary?", PaymentReceipt: "Payment Receipt", RevenueFactor: "Non Dues Revenue", ReportFilterDeleted: "Report Filter Deleted", ReportAvailabilityError: "At least one club must be selected", ViewGroupContracts: "View Group Contracts", TotalPaidWithColon: "Total Paid:", BalanceTo: "Balance To", SingleEnrollmentOnly: "Single Enrollment Only", ZipCodesTopTen: "Zip Codes (Top 10)", AnniversaryFactor: "Anniversary Date", RepJoinEmailSubheader: "A new client has signed up at the following location.", PleaseEnterSubject: "Please Enter a Subject.", GenericRefund: "Generic Refund", Billing: "Billing", BillsOn: "Bills on", BillDay: "Bill Day", DeSelectSessions: "De-Select Sessions", LeaderCellPhone: "Leader Cell Phone", GenericScanner: "Generic Scanner", SalesAnalysisDetailReport: "Sales Analysis Detail Report", RequestFreeze: "Request Freeze", NoRightsHeader: "No rights assigned!", AddSalesCategory: "Add Sales Category", AddNewAppointmentType: "Add New Appointment Type", PasswordDoesntMeetRequirements: "This password does not currently meet requirements.", BookingsPaymentStatusesReport: "Bookings Payment Statuses Report", EnrollUrlTooltip: "Web address to enroll on the App", EmailReceipt: "Email Receipt", EnterCredentials: "Enter your User Name and Password:", MonthlyAccountName: "Monthly Account Name", MyTrainerPayroll: "My Trainer Payroll", LinkToBillings: "Would you like to use this new account for any of the following recurring billings?", Delete: "Delete", MonthToDateIncludes: "Month-To-Date Includes", EditPackages_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Packages", Detail: "Detail", Design: "Design", TotalExpired: "Total Expired", TotalCost: "Total Cost", PreviousBalanceWithColonAndValue: "Previous Balance: {0}", ClassCategorySaved: "Class Category Saved", TotalUses: "Total Uses", EmailSettingsRequiredWarning: "These notifications require that email settings are configured. Please ensure that ALL required settings are properly filled out.", TotalsFor: "Totals For", Trainer: "Trainer", NewValue: "New Value", ManualReturn: "Manual Return", GiftCardGenericError: "We\u0027re sorry, but we were unable to apply that Gift Card.", MonthsInPast: "Months in the Past", NPILong: "", CancelReasonVoluntary: "Voluntary (Canceled by Client)", AllowedAppointmentTypesAlert: "This package cannot be used by any Appointment Types.", PasswordHasBeenUsed: "This password has already been used and may not be used again.", SecondPersonPossessiveAdjectivePlural: "Second Person Plural Possessive Adjective", NewJoins: "New Joins", ClassCategoryInUse: "Class Category in Use", ClubClosedDeleteConfirmation: "The Closed Day has been deleted", ConfirmResubmitBody: "You are about to resubmit previously returned billing items for processing. Are you sure you would like to continue?", ATrainerIsRequired: "Please select at least one Trainer", AnnivDowngradePart2: "days prior to their anniversary date or after.", AnnivDowngradePart1: "Clients can only downgrade", TotalUsesInClub: "Total Uses In-Club", TransactionNotAllowed: "Transaction not allowed", ReturnedTimesBetweenOther: "Returned for at least {0} Billings between {1:d} and {2:d}", CanceledPerVisitClients: "Canceled Per Visit Clients", NewBalanceMustBeDifferent: "The new balance must be different than the current balance.", CurrentCostUnposted: "Current Cost (Unposted)", ManageEftReconciliation_Desc: "Manage the EFT Reconciliation Report", PasswordConfirmationCodeMessage: "The code provided is only good for your current session. If you do not receive the email, please verify that you entered your user name correctly and check your spam filter.", EventOverrideOfferRules: "A Rep overrode offer rules.", MyProfile: "My Profile", EditClassCategory: "Edit Class Category", DateOutputStringShort: "L", ContractTextLoadErrorMessage: "The contract text could not be loaded.", DuplicatePackageName: "Package Name is already in use.", StandardRenewal: "Standard Renewal", CancelWarningPart4: "Appointments which are made which are not yet paid for will not be automatically canceled.", CancelWarningPart2: "Appointments which are booked with \u0027Unlimited\u0027 package sessions will be canceled.", CancelWarningPart3: "Appointments paid using non-zero dollar packages will not be automatically canceled.", CancelWarningPart1: "Appointments paid with \u0027Future Sessions\u0027 will be canceled", TroutID: "Trout ID", PrimaryProvider: "Primary Provider", OrderedBy: "Ordered By", CommunicationError: "Communication Error", Drawer: "Drawer", NoSharedAccounts: "No Shared Accounts are being used.", AccountNumberLookup_Desc: "Lookup clients by account number.", FirstNameCannotBeLongerThan: "First Name cannot be longer than ", Authorizing: "Authorizing...", RetypedPasswordMismatch: "The retyped password does not match.", EditLocationGroups_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Location Groups", NegativePayments: "negative payments", EditCloudSettings_Desc: "Edit Cloud Settings", PosTransactionReport: "Point of Sale Transaction Report", TollFree: "Toll-Free", JoinsAndCancelsByClientTypeReport: "Joins and Cancels by Client Type Report", EventOverridePrepayment: "Overrode the booking pre-payment requirement.", MemoRepUserName: "Memo Rep Username", NumsignSessions: "# Sessions", BillingChangeForm: "Billing Change", ClassRosterReportSubHeader: "This report shows a list of clients enrolled in classes that occur during a specified date range.", TaxNotAllowed: "Tax Not Allowed", EditClientCRM: "Edit Client CRM", ProspectPotentialReport: "Prospect Potential Report", CompleteEmailWithAnySingular: "{0} emailed {1}", AddSessions: "Add Sessions", UseMyOwnAccount: "Use My Own Account", WorkoutPushTitle: "Your workout is ready!", UnableToAddCancelReasonsPF: "Addition of Cancel Reasons must be approved by Planet Fitness Corporate, and then can only be added by Twin Oaks.", MinValueError: "{0} cannot be less than {1}", FeeScheduleDeleteConflictOne: "The schedule {0} cannot be deleted because it is being used by the following offer:", GroupJoinResponsibilityConflict: "Another group leader is assigned conflicting payment responsibilities for this client. Joining this new group will reassign these to the leader of the group they are joining:", EventUpdateTransaction: "Update a POS Transaction", ServiceFeeCodeWithTaxError: "This charge code is set as the Service Fee Code. It must not be set as taxable", CurrentPostedBalance: "Current Posted Balance", FirstAnnualBillingAmount: "First Annual Billing Amount", ViewClientCRM_Desc: "View the CRM tab on Client Edit", OfferPaymentResponsibilityForDuesRequired: "Please assign leader with Payment Responsibility for Membership/Dues", ClassCount: "Class Count", EditGroupTypes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Group Types", PrevPage: "Prev Page", EmailPerformanceReportShortName: "Email Performance", Additions: "Additions", ViewClientMarketing: "View Client Marketing", BestSessionPrice: "As low as {0:c} per session", Utility: "Utility", CancelReasons: "Cancel Reasons", Previous: "Previous", UseGroupContact: "Use the same contact information as the group leader.", PrivacyPolicy: "Privacy Policy", Minute: "Minute", ReferringClientNumSign: "Referring Client #", NoRejectedByRep: "No Rejected By Rep", CannotEditFinancedPackageBilling: "Editing this transaction (other than the account to use) is not permitted. Doing so would result in the club not receiving all the funds which are due for a package which was already issued. Once modified, there is no method to manually enter a replacement transaction to properly recover and track those funds to the package in question.", ExcludeAll: "Exclude All", ExcludePOS: "Exclude POS", ContractDescription: "Contract Description", Monday: "Monday", Months: "Months", MarginMTDUnitsDefinition: "The total units charged for in the month chosen, so if they choose a past month, it’s not really \"To Date\"", MoveUp: "Move Up", ClientsInStatement: "Clients In Statement", ResourceRequired: "You must select either a trainer or a location", ClassDates: "Class Dates", StateProvinceRegionRequired: "Please enter your State/Province/Region", RenewalDate: "Renewal Date", RenewalType: "Renewal Type", RenewalTerm: "Renewal Term", UnableToFinalize: "Unable to Finalize", GeneralLedgerSummaryOnly: "GL Account Summary Only", OneTimeFeeChangesPrompt: "The following one time fees associated with this billing amount have been manually changed. Would you like to recalculate these fees based on the new price or keep your changes?", ClassComplete: "Class Complete", MustShowDateRange: "You must show at least one date range", Manual: "Manual", EditClientDocuments: "Upload Client Documents", MayDay: "", Occurred: "Occurred", Margin: "Margin", ExpiredPackages: "Expired Packages", TextAnalyticsReportShortName: "Text Analytics", EventEnteredEMailSettings: "Entered E-Mail settings for the club.", OverpaymentRequiresClient: "Overpayments are not allowed on cash sales. Please select a client if you wish to change a balance.", DateMomentUpcomingWeekWithTime: "dddd, MMMM D LT", NoAppointmentsSelected: "No Appointments Selected", InvalidRequest: "Invalid Request", SearchForSavedFilters: "Search for Saved Filters", Member: "Member", Medium: "Medium", AssignmentEffective: "Assignment Effective", BookingsChanges: "Bookings Changes", RepAppointmentConfirmationSubject: "Appointment Booking Notification", ContractInformation: "Contract Information", Effective: "Effective", Myself: "Myself", AllKnownAges: "All Known Ages", HouseChargeAmountNegative: "The House Charging Amount cannot be negative", ResponsiblePartyNumber: "Responsible Party Number", SavingsAccount: "Savings Account", PleaseSelectFrequency: "Please select a Frequency", DaysOrLessAway: "days or less away.", AttritionRiskWidget: "Attrition Risk Widget", MergeResults: "Merge Results", JoinsInClub: "Joins In Club", CancelGroupLeaderPrompt: "This Client is the Group Leader for the {0} group. In order to cancel them you must either cancel all members of the group, or disband the group.", SearchClients_Desc: "Search for clients. Includes the check-in screen", RenewNoRegisterWarning: "This workstation is not set to accept payments. You may continue to renew at this workstation, but be aware any charges due will be automatically assigned to the inserted client and be set as a balance due on their account.", AppointmentEnrollmentExceeded: "This enrollment would exceed the maximum number of clients for the {0}", OnlyCheckIn: "Only Check In", ClientTypeNoDelete: "Sorry, but this Client Type was created by the system and cannot be deleted.", EventQuickBooksExtractRun: "QuickBooks Extract Run", AllowOnlineCancelationsExplained: "This process does NOT automatically cancel the client. When a client requests a cancelation online an email will be sent to any Reps configured to receive cancelation request alerts. A Reminder will also be displayed on the Dashboard for Reps with permission to Edit Clients.", Begins: "Begins", IgnoreAgeRestrictions: "Ignore Age Restrictions", ExternalUrl: "External URL", ScheduledProcessUpdated: "Scheduled process updated", MonthEnd_Desc: "Perform a month end closing", OfferNotAvailableSellToInactiveBilling: "This offer does not support sales to inactive Billing members", Badges: "Badges", UnableToLoadCartConfirmation: "Unable to load cart confirmation", AddBillingsUtilityExplained: "This utility will allow you to find billing items that match specified criteria and add a new billing item for each match. You must export or print a report of the billing items displayed in the utility’s browse before the ‘Add Billing Items\u0027 button will be enabled. Selecting the ‘Add Billing Items\u0027 button, will create new billing items for the billing items selected. \r\nWe recommend you review the extract/report prior to adding new items.", UseTheSameAddressInfo: "Use the same address information as above ", OverridePrepayment: "Override Pre-Payment", CRMActions: "CRM Duties", PleaseEnterBillingStateForOneTimePayment: "Please select your billing state for the one-time payment.", ClientRespBalanceIs_Over60: "Over 60 Day Balance Including Payment Responsibilities is {0:c}", ClientRespBalanceIs_Over30: "Over 30 Day Balance Including Payment Responsibilities is {0:c}", ClientRespBalanceIs_Over90: "Over 90 Day Balance Including Payment Responsibilities is {0:c}", OtherPaymentOptions: "Other Payment Options", FinantialInstitutionAndBranchNumbers: "financial institution and branch number", NotYetCreated: "Not Yet Created", Booked: "Booked", DeferredSeries: "Deferred Series", ReferredBy: "Referred By", DatePosted: "Date Posted", OldTrainerName: "Old Trainer Name", GroupByReturnReason: "Group by Return Reason", SearchOnlyField: "Search Only (Select field below)", NoResubRegisterText: "This club doesn\u0027t have a resubmit register. Set it up in Billing Settings - Resubmits", MassChangeZipcode_Desc: "The ability to use the utilities to mass-change zipcodes", IndividualOrGroupInsert: "Individual or Group Insert", ConfirmDeletePackageAfter: "package?", OnlyActiveMemos: "Only Active Memos", CloseShift_Desc: "Close a shift from Point of Sale", AgeGenderPercentageExp: "The percentages in this breakdown are the percentages of that age group that belong to the specified gender", TerminalId: "Terminal ID", NoStringMatchSearchCriteria: "I\u0027m sorry, but there are no {0} that match your search criteria", ShowClassesNotAvailableOnline: "Show classes not available online", AccountUpdatesReportSummary: "This report shows updates to client accounts that were made by posting Client Portal Changes, Account Updater Changes, and Returns Management Changes.", NoBackgroundCheckIns: "You have no Background Check Ins!", MexicoTaxRegime: "Tax Regime", AddTaxRate: "Add Tax Rate", SegmentsOther: "{0} Segments", WillRedScreenNoBilling: "This client will red screen for not having billing information.", MarketingReportSubtext: "This report provides a breakdown of client\u0027s age ranges, gender ratios, program and areas of interest, answers to survey questions, and geographical locations.", GoogleTagManagerFormat: "Your Google Tag Manager ID should be in a \"GTM-XXXXXX\" or similar format", HasEmbeddedPhone: "Messages will include phone numbers", Browse: "Browse", ItemHas: "item has", LastRunTime: "Last Run Time", CoreClients: "Core Clients", UnknownGenderAbbreviation: "U", EventArchivedClient: "Archived a Client.", RequireConfirmBankAccount: "Require double-entry of Checking and Savings number in-club", CustomizeTheShoppingCartConfirmationPage: "Customize The Shopping Cart Confirmation Page", IncreaseAllSameAmount: "Increase All by the Same Amount", PackageSaleClientNumsign: "Package Sale to Client #", UseThisOffer: "Use This Offer", Thursday: "Thursday", IsExpiredOrExpiresWithinMonthsOne: "Is Expired or Expires Within {0} Month", RepsAccess: "Reps who have access to this category", AppointmentSavedOther: "Appointments Saved", ClientNoBilling: "This client has no billing information", Reminder_ChangesPostedAutomaticallyHeader: " {0} automatically posted to clients\u0027 accounts today.", ConfirmDeleteDocumentCategory: "Are you sure you want to delete this document category?", MoreUsageReportingOptionsAvailable: "More Usage reporting options are available in the Reports section of the software", SEOAndMarketing: "SEO and Marketing", CancelNotALeader: "No group leaderships. You\u0027re all good here!", ReturnsManagement: "Returns Management", RangeCanNotBeGreaterThan: "{0} range cannot be greater than {1}", PackageSalesReportByRep: "Package Sales Report by Package Sales Rep", EmailAddressesReport: "Email Addresses Report", InMemberServiceNotEditableText: "The record you have selected is currently in Member Services at Twin Oaks.{0} If you would like to edit this record please call Member Services at (800) 847-0454 and close out the return first.", SellToProspects: "Sell to Prospects", InitialPaymentNegative: "The Initial Payment cannot be negative", SurveyAnswers: "Survey Answers", ProspectPotentialWidget_Desc: "A pie chart that breaks down prospects by Prospect Potential Grade", PaymentStatuses: "Payment Statuses", EndFinancingNotPosted: "I\u0027m sorry, but this finance charge cannot be ended because it has not been posted.", PosShiftsForRegisterFilter: "POS Shifts For Register: {0}", Center: "Center", ShowNewJoins: "Show New Joins", ShowOnScheduledExplained: "This session of the class will display as canceled on the list of classes, rather than completely disappearing.", EmailAddress: "Email Address", BillingAccountAddress: "Billing Account Address", Colors: "Colors", EditLocations: "Edit Locations", CopyOf: "Copy of {0}", Attrition: "Attrition", Cancel: "Cancel", BillingPrepayLineItemDescription: "{0} Billing Prepayment", UsagePictureReportSummary: "This will be a report of usage in a date range, ordered by date time, showing basics of the usage along with the clients\u0027 pictures.", CustomFieldSecurtyReminder: "{0} is now {1}", MaximumOccupancy: "Maximum Occupancy", BiWeeklyDuesTotal: "Bi-Weekly Dues Total", SessionsWithConflicts: "Sessions with Conflicts", LocalPasswordModelTitle: "You do not have a local password for this site. Add a local password so you can log in without an external login.", Clicks: "Clicks", Client: "Client", Closed: "Closed", ClubClosedAppointmentConflict: "There are Appointments scheduled during the closed times. Are you sure you want to add this closed time?", ClubID: "Club ID", NewMemberPipelineWin: "Revenue Added", BillingAndPOS: "Billing and POS", MessagingService: "Messaging Service", HasEmbeddedLinks: "Messages will include embedded links", ReportFilterNoMerges: "No Mail Merges found for the selected filters", BiWeeklyJournal: "Bi-Weekly Billing", RegisterOverAmount: "How much was the register over?", NoComputersFound: "No Computers Found", SelectPricingPrompt: "The offer you have selected has separate pricing for the First Member and Additional Members. Which pricing option would you like to use for this join?", CancelMembershipRequest: "Cancel Membership Request", Checks: "Checks", Change: "Change", Charge: "Charge", BillingItemOwner: "Billing Item Owner", AddContract: "Add Contract", CompleteAChallenge: "Complete a Challenge", Create: "Create", Credit: "Credit", AddMemoInCheckIn: "Add Memos In Check In", Custom: "Custom", CutOff: "Cut Off", NoLocationsInAppointment: "There are no locations booked in this appointment.", VariableBilling: "Variable Billing", BillingAmount: "Billing Amount", ManageEftCollectionReport: "Manage EFT Collection Report", ClientExpiresToday: "The client\u0027s Expiration Date is today.", AchievementSalesCatType: "Earned when a client purchases {1} items in the {0} category.", OnlyCanInHouseCharge: "Only Include Clients Allowed to In-House Charge", AppointmentCreated: "Appointment Created.", ACHStatus: "Checking/Savings Status", UploadFile: "Upload a File", WorkPhone: "Work Phone", TimeToCompletion: "Time to Completion", ZipBreakdown: "Zip Code Breakdown", SearchForInvoice: "Search for Invoice", JoinsOnline: "Joins Online", ApprovedTransactionsFromTwinOaksBilling: "Approved Transactions from Twin Oaks Billing", EmailVerificationChangeWarning: "The Email Address is already verified with a different From Name. If you change the name you will have to verify again.", NameInUse: "The name is already in use.", CreatedByRepName: "Created By Rep Name", ViewClientBasicInfo_Desc: "View the Basic Info tab on Client Edit", EditBillDaySettings: "Edit Bill Day Settings", PleaseEnterCityForTheRecurriingPayments: "Please enter city for the recurring payments.", ZipCodeSelect: "Zip/Postal Code Select", BankName: "Bank Name", Session: "Session", PanamaCorElectEmi: "Sender email", CompleteEmailGiftConfirmationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received a confirmation of a gift card purchase", JoinsCancelsWidget: "Use the Joins/Cancels Widget", EditEFTJournals_Desc: "Edit EFT Journals", Advanced: "Advanced", NewPasswordRequired: "Please enter a New password", PaymentMethods: "Payment Methods", NoRewardsConfigured: "There are no rewards configured. Please use the Add button above to set up rewards.", ArchivedClientKeyTag: "This keytag is assigned to archived client number {2} {0}, {1} . Would you like to reassign the keytag to this client?", PromoCodesReportSummary: "This report shows your Promo Codes with information about their current status and activity", RecurringPaymentsRoutingNumberInvalidMessage: "The routing number for recurring payments is not valid", ClockedInMessage: "Clocked In on {0} at {1}", ScheduleAppointmentForClient: "Schedule an Appointment for Client", LinkType: "Link Type", LinkText: "Link Text", AlreadyAddedX: "{0} has already been added", CharactersUsed: "Characters Used", ClickHereSetUp: "Click here to set it up.", CCType: "Credit Card Type", AutoAuthEmailQuarterlySubject: "{0:m} - Quarterly Billing Journal Auto-Authorization", SetUpBy: "Set Up By", SearchResults: "Search Results", SelectBillingsToPrepay: "Select Billings to Prepay", ConfirmDeleteFromAddressAfter: "from address?", NameValue: "{0}: {1}", IncludedSalesCategories: "Included Sales Categories", EventGroupDisbanded: "A Rep Disbanded a Group of Clients", BusinessRegistrationNumberRequired: "Please enter your Business Registration Number", FreezeMemoExistingStart: "Was not set because an existing freeze was set to start earlier", MembershipCanceledPast: "Your membership has been canceled.", ExpirationYearRequired: "Please select the Expiration Year.", WriteCheck: "Write out a Check", PleaseEnterInitialAccCCNumber: "Please enter the credit card number on the initial account", ScheduleAppointmentForClientPrompt: "Would you like to schedule an appointment for {0} now?", POSCategory: "POS Category", CompareToAYearAgo: "Compare to a Year Ago", TextPerformanceReportSummary: "This report provides an overview of how the Text Merge messages you have sent through Twin Oaks have performed.", ConfirmationEmail: "Confirmation Email", VideoSettings: "Video Settings", Seconds: "Second(s)", ErrorPrintingReceiptText: "Error printing receipt. - ErrorLocationHelper =", SelectFromDropDown: "Select from drop down", SecondCreditCardResubs: "Second Credit Card Resubs", ProcessType: "Process Type", ChangeSignatureCaptureMethod: "Change signature capture method", NoTimeRestrictions: "There are no Time Restrictions for this Client Type", NoShowReportShortName: "No Show", RepHasNoRights: "Rep has no rights", EditClientBasicInfo: "Edit Client Basic Info", TextTemplate: "SMS Template", ManageWorkoutRequests: "Manage Workout Requests", CurrentFile: "Current File", CurrentCost: "Current Cost", AddComputer: "Add Computer", BookingsPaymentStatusesReport_Desc: "View and print the bookings payment statuses report.", OfferTags: "Offer Tags", CancelArchiveReport_Desc: "View and print the Canceled/Archived Report", OfferName: "Offer Name", OfferCode: "Offer Code", HouseCharging: "House Charging", RemoveExercisePrompt: "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from the workout?", HelpKeywordsPlaceholder: "Example: HELP, INFO", AllChangeDates: "All Change Dates", Sending: "Sending", SendNow: "Send Now", ClearCancelationOnCheckIn_Desc: "Clear Cancelation On Check In", PackageSalesByRepWithAssessment: "Package Sales by Package Sales Rep with Assessment Information", MarkAsNoShow: "Mark as No Show", NoOptInImageUrls: "You have not added any Opt-in Image URLs", MonthEndReportsMessage: "It is recommended that you run the following reports prior to closing out your month. Once you are satisfied click CLOSE MONTH above", GrossSubmitted: "Gross Submitted", CancelConfirmationPrompt: "Cancel Confirmation Prompt", SellNow: "Sell Now", GrandTotals: "Grand Totals", CompleteEmailTransferNotificationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received a notification about a client transfer", BookingEmailConfirmations: "Booking Email Confirmations", LinkToClientByID: "The client\u0027s Government ID matches the following client already in your system. Would you like to link to this client?", UnableToLoadAppointment: "Unable to Load Appointment", NoTrainer: "No Trainer", InCart: "In Cart", InClub: "In-Club", InFile: "In File", Templates: "Templates", TransferOut: "Transfer Out", TransferNow: "Transfer Now", Insert: "Insert", OnlinePackageSale: "Online Package Sale", PreferredProviderSetup: "Preferred Trainer Setup", MarginGLDefinition: "GLAccounts Name, or blank if none", ClubLongDescription: "Club #{0:d} - {1}", UnableToArchive: "Unable to Archive", DeleteSystemCancelCode: "Sorry, but this Cancel Reason was created by the system and cannot be deleted.", CopyFromQuickInsert: "Copy from Quick Insert", CannotArchive_Balance: "The Client\u0027s balance must be zero before they can be archived.", Government: "Government", OnlyOnCheckIn: "Only On Check In", AttritionRiskWidget_Desc: "A pie chart that breaks down your members by Attrition Risk", StorageSpaceUsed: "Storage Space Used", NoTrigger: "(No Trigger. Created manually.)", EnteredJoinedRenewedDateRange: "Entered/Joined/Renewed Date Range", Ignore: "Ignore", AutoAuthEmailSemiAnnualHeader: "Your Semi-Annual file dated {0:d} was automatically authorized at {1:g}", AllChangeTypes: "All Change Types", AssignVariableBilling: "Assign Variable Billing", FiscalPrinterTax: "Fiscal Printer Tax", MassChangeClientSources: "Mass Change Client Sources", FrozenRange: "This client\u0027s membership is frozen from {0:d} to {1:d}", CannotEmailStatementsExplained: "This feature requires additional services. Contact Twin Oaks Client Relations for assistance.", PleaseSelectAccountUpdate: "Please select an account to update before swiping", ScheduledReportCreatedOn: "Please find the attached {0}, created on {1}", FilterFrom: "From {0}", FilterName: "Filter Name", IsExpiredOrExpiresWithinMonthsAndBillsOne: "Is Expired or Expires Within {0} Month and is used for Billing", ManageDigitalContracts_Desc: "Manage Client Digital Contracts", NotAuthorizedViewPrivateInformation: "I\u0027m Sorry, but you are not authorized to view private protected information for this club.", EditContractPortalSettings: "Edit Contract Email and Portal Design", OutstandingPackageLiabilityReport_Desc: "View and print a report of Outstanding Package Liability", SaleToClientOnly: "Sale to Client Only", WaiveFeeNoPenalty: "Waive Fee / No Penalty", NotAvailableOnline: "Not Available Online", ProspectPotentialWidget: "Prospect Potential Widget", EventPosBillingAbort: "A Recurring Billing was not added to a client at POS", CannotDeleteRepText: "Sorry, but this system is set to track all assignments of the", MaximumApplications: "Maximum Applications", UseSessionsSingular: "1 visit will be used for this booking", OnlyClients: "Only Clients", EventDeleteScheduledReport: "A rep deleted an scheduled report", EndOfTime: "End of Time", TrainerSelect: "Select a Trainer", AccountDetails: "Account Details", DuplicatePromoCode: "There is already an active promotion with this code in this time-frame.", EventRemovedClientStatus: "A rep removed a status from a Client", RemoveLocationQuestion: "Remove Location?", ZipCodeInvalid: "Please enter a valid Zip/Postal Code", CustomDescription: "Custom Description", NPLong: "National Provider Identification", Authorized: "Authorized", PersonalBalance: "Personal Balance", EditIDTypes: "Edit ID Types", OldTotalCharges: "Old Total Charges", ClassEnrollment: "Class Enrollment", SelectRewardsGroupClubs: "Select clubs for new rewards group", ElectronicInvoiceFailedValidation: "There were validation errors trying to generate the Electronic Invoice. Please verify the Accounting Settings and Charge Code configuration.", LocationsThatDoExplanation: "This is the list of all locations in which the selected sessions of this class occur. You may select multiple Locations by clicking on them and then clicking the Select Locations button.", AddSignature: "Add Signature", HouseCharges: "House Charges", ThisWeek: "This Week", ThisYear: "This Year", RenewClientFromClub: "renew clients this club", AuthorizeJournal: "Authorize EFT Journals", AchievementApptType: "Earned when a client books the {0} appointment {1} time(s).", WeAreUnableToProcessPayment: "We\u0027re sorry, but we were unable to process your payment information. Please verify all of the information is correct and try again.", CreateCustomReport: "Create a Custom {0} Report", GiftsReport_Desc: "View and Print a report of Gift Certificates", CreateAccountOptional: "CREATE ACCOUNT (optional)", LengthPlural: "Lengths", RegisteredExternalLogins: "Registered external logins", CompletePurchase: "Complete Purchase", AddReminder: "Add Reminder", ApplyMembershipFreeze: "Apply Membership Freeze", RenewEffective: "Renew Effective {0}", UnableToDeleteAmenity: "Unable to Delete Amenity", AchievementSaveHeader: "How would you like to save?", PackageSalesByChargeCodeExportWarning: "You need to select \"Include Purchased Package Details\" to be able to export.", AllLocations: "All Locations", Communication: "Communication", LeaderMiddleInitial: "Leader Middle Initial", PleaseSelectItem_Discount: "Please select an item to discount.", EstimatedMonthlyVolumeExplained: "The estimated monthly volume on the toll-free phone number referenced in the submission. Choose the closest value and if it increases, use the value of where you expect to be in 6 months.", NotSet: "Not Set", NotBCM: "You are not a Black Card Member", OneOrMoreItemsNoLongerAvailable: "One or more of the items in your cart are no longer eligible for purchase. The following items have been removed:\u003c/br\u003e", Normal: "Normal", NoData: "No Data", TotalBalanceDue: "Total Balance Due", NoCode: "No Code", NoClientsSelected: "No Clients Selected", JoinGroup: "Join Group", NoShow: "No Show", NoReps: "No Reps", NoRisk: "No Risk", FeeBreakdown: "Fee Breakdown", ThisMonth: "This Month", ExtremelyHigh: "Extremely High", BiWeeklyPaymentOther: "{0} Bi-Weekly Payments starting {1}", PipelineRep: "Pipeline Rep", WillBeBilledOn: "will be billed on", OnlyPicturesFilter: "Only include Clients with pictures", PostedDate: "Posted Date", PaidStandardRate: "Paid Standard Rate", PerMonth: "Per-Month", FreezeMemoNoAnniversary: "Was not set because there was not a future Anniversary Date set previously", UseChangeFeeDowngradeExp: "If enabled, this feature will charge a change fee during the downgrade process. Only this fee will be charged in addition to any pro-rate. Any other One Time Payment entries on the offer selected will not be charged.", ReportXForMonth: "Scheduled Report - {0} for {1:Y}", NewRep: "New Rep", TriggeredOnClientBillingChange: "(Triggered when changing a client\u0027s billing information.)", TotalsForFormatted: "Totals for {0}:", AcceptTermsAndConditions: "You must accept the terms and conditions before submitting.", Sources: "Sources", SessionWizard: "Session Wizard", FacebookCaptionExplained: "The headline of the Facebook post.", NumberOfSessions: "Number of Sessions", PublicCompanyType: "Public", CannotAssignToMemberWithRP: "Sorry, but the selected client has a Responsible Party. Therefore they cannot be responsible for another client.", UnableToLinkToClientHeader: "Unable to Link to Client", EftReconciliationSaveError: "An error occurred while trying to save your EFT Reconciliation settings.", UploadFileCabinet: "Upload/Download File Cabinet Documents", OfferNotAvailableSellToBilling: "This offer does not support sales to Billing members", BillingFreezeCode: "Billing Freeze Code", EditLockers_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Lockers", ItemAddedToJournalAlert: "1 billing item has been added to begin on this specific billing date since you generated this file. It is recommended that you review before you authorize the billing for processing.", BillingFreezeType: "Billing Freeze Type", EmergencyContactName: "Emergency Contact Name", CancellationOptions: "Cancellation Options", PerVisit: "Per-Visit", Reminder_OfferExpiredPackage_Singular: "There is an expired package with offer(s)!", Someone: "Someone", MexicoTaxIdInvalid: "Please enter a valid Taxpayer Identification Number", PageBreakBetweenRep: "Page-break between each Rep", EditChargeCodes: "Edit Charge Codes", EditStatusCodes: "Edit Status Codes", AllRepRemindersAvail: "All Available Rep Reminders", EmailAddressRequired: "Please enter an email address", NoAppointmentsMessage: "This client does not have any appointments that match your search. Please change your search criteria and try again.", CancelationRequestSubmittedText: "Your cancelation request has been submitted.", DisableRefillConfirmation: "Are you sure that you want to disable automatic refills for this gift card?", Number: "Number", AnniversaryInDays: "The client\u0027s Anniversary Date is in {0} days.", KeytagScanning: "Keytag Scanning", TransactionNotSelected: "No Transaction Selected", DefiniteArticlePrepositionAPlural: "Definite Article + Preposition \"a\" Plural", NoAppointmentTypeLengthsMessage: "This appointment type cannot be booked for any length of time.", AccountStreet: "Account Street", WhenClientReturnsText: "When A Client Returns, Disable:", MemoRepFirstName: "Memo Rep First Name", RfcRequired: "RFC Required", ChangeSourcesUtilityExplained: "Change all clients using a chosen source to instead use a new source.", UnableToDowngrade_Balance: "This client is not eligible to downgrade as they have an outstanding balance of {0}", PanamaDirecEm: "Address of the issuing branch", CCReceiptPrompt: "Would you like to print a credit card receipt?", EditClassSetup: "Edit Class Setup", FingerprintOnFile: "Fingerprint on File", OnlyIfFilledOut: "Only If Filled Out", IndefiniteArticle: "Indefinite Article", AddQuestion: "Add Question", InactiveOnly: "Inactive Only", WorkoutRequestReminderBody: "You have workout requests to review.", ChiefExecutiveOfficer: "Chief Executive Officer", ConfirmAddSessionsContent: "Are you sure you wish to add {0} {1} of {2}?", AnnualFeeScheduleWillWrap: "Will bill the following year", UnsuccessfulLoginWithService: "Unsuccessful login with service.", ClientAlreadyWaitListed: "{0} was not added because they are already on the wait list", TestYourInternetSpeed: "Test Your Internet Speed", OnHand: "On Hand", InactiveReps: "Inactive Reps", MemberNumberV6: "Member Number", Online: "Online", PleaseEnterError: "Please enter the {0}", BalanceShouldBe: "The Balance Should Be", CampaignDescriptionRequired: "Please enter a Campaign Description", EnableClientDowngradesExp: "Selecting this will enable a downgrade option to appear for billing clients. This option will not appear to Paid in Full, Non-Members or Per-Visit clients.", WeAreUnableToProcessPayment1: "We\u0027re sorry, but there was an error processing the payment. Please try again later.", MembershipFreezeEnd: "Membership Freeze End", ARHistoryReport_Desc: "View and print the AR History Report", AvailableForPurchaseUntil: "Available for Purchase Until", TotalsForAllClubs: "Totals for All Clubs:", SecondOther: "Seconds", Office: "Office", Offers: "Offers", MonthToBill: "Month to Bill", MonthToDate: "Month-To-Date", ArchivedClients: "Archived Clients", InsertClients: "Insert Clients", UnableToDowngrade_Anniv: "This client will not be eligible to downgrade until {0}.", MedicalVol2: "Medical Vol 2", MedicalVol1: "Medical Vol 1", AllowGroupBookings: "Allow others to book me", DelinquentClientsWithBillingReturnsReportShortName: "Delinquent Clients with Billing Returns", Personal: "Personal", Unsubscribes: "Unsubscribes", NoActionsAvailableForStatus: "There are no actions available for the selected status.", MustHaveClientTypeAlert: "Membership Type Packages must have at least one allowed client type", ServiceFeeCode: "Service Fee Code", IncludeSessionsWithNoClients: "Include Sessions With No Clients", PurchaseExpiresAfter: "Purchase Expires After", PrintUsage: "Print Usage", SoleProprietor: "Sole Proprietor", DismissTooltip: "You will not see this notificaiton again.", AppointmentNotBookedOne: "1 Appointment could not be booked", ManageAccount: "Manage Account", EftDraft: "EFT Draft", ConfirmRemoveMassChange: "Are you sure you want to remove this scheduled mass change?", PayForNoShows: "Pay for No Shows", BusinessIndustryRequired: "Please select a Business Industry", BetweenFormatted: "Between {0} and {1}", StatementTotal: "Statement Total", POS_Setup: "POS Setup", OrLess: "or less", BillingSameAsMailing: "Billing address is the same as mailing address", RepKioskJoinEmailHeader: "You have a new kiosk join!", ResetPasswordHeader: "Please enter the fields as prompted to reset your password.", ZipCode: "Zip/Postal Code", WaitingForSwipeEMV: "Please insert, tap, or swipe your credit card, then follow the prompts on the card reader.", SaleAddedDate: "The date on which the transaction occurred", TextingAccountDeleteError: "An error occurred trying to close the Texting Account", AddAppointments: "Add Appointments", EmailOnlyExplained: "Send only Email statements. Clients listed who do not accept emails will not have statements generated.", Over90: "Over 90", Over30: "Over 30", Over60: "Over 60", ClientNotPaidByOthers: "This client is not paid for by any other clients", RecordAlreadyReturned: "This record has already returned.", ClickOnArrowsToTheRightOrLeftOfCalendar: "click on the arrows to the left or right of the calendar next to the", SavedOn: "Saved On", Savings: "Savings", Opened: "Opened", CopySchedulePrompt: "Copy the existing email schedule.", BillingProvinceRequired: "Please enter Billing Province", TrainerGroupName: "Trainer Group Name", ValidateEmailAddressOnEntry: "Validate Email Addresses on Entry", AppointmentCartConfirmationOther: "{0} Appointments have been added to your Cart", ClientInformationUpdate: "Client Information Update", CanceledClients: "Canceled Clients", FacebookExplained: "These settings will allow you to customize content that users can Share on Facebook after signing up for this offer online.", AllTransactions: "All Transactions", AddRepAssignment: "Add Rep Assignment", Transaction: "Transaction", WarnMeIfBadEmail: "Warn me if a client has email address marked as bad email.", UnlimitedCharging: "Allow unlimited house charging", RepAssignmentType: "Rep Assignment Type", CityState: "City, State", PleaseEnterEmergencyContact: "Please enter your emergency contact", CCExpRequired: "Please enter credit card expiration date", TrackOccupancyExplained: "With Manual Check Out, club staff will need to click on the - (minus) symbol in the software to reduce the count of people in the club. Choosing Automatic Check Out will use the check in times and the number of minutes selected to calculate how many people are in the club.", Logout: "Log out", LogOff: "Log Off", Locked: "Locked", Locker: "Locker", Lookup: "Lookup", NoCancelReason: "No Cancel Reason or Not Canceled", ClientHasFrozenBillings: "This client has a current or future Billing Freeze set for some of their active billing items.", SelectPipelineStage: "Please click a stage within the sales plan to see Clients in that stage", Canceled: "Canceled", Length: "Length", OnlyBilling: "Only Billing", AllClientsInAGroupOrNot: "All Clients in a Group or not", DaysAfterBillDay: "days after the billing day", PartOfDues: "Part Of Dues", ElectronicInitialsText: "Initialed On-Line", UnsubscribeMarketingBefore: "If you\u0027d like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails please ", DailyRevenueAndDepositReconciliationReportShortName: "Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation", PurchaseSessionsOfPlural: "Purchase {0} visits of {1}", NoReportItems: "No results returned for this report", ViewMembershipHistoryInCheckIn: "View Membership History Check In", RegisterOver: "Register Over", RecordPhoneCall: "Record Phone Call", NoBillingInformationReport_Desc: "View and print the No Billing Information Report", EditTransactions_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Client\u0027s POS Transactions or AR Payments", RegisterVerb: "Register", RegisteredTo: "Registered To", PageBreakAfterSession: "Page Break after Session", NothingToSee: " Nothing to see", ActiveAsOfDate: "Active as of {0:d}", IncompleteTransNotification: "There are incomplete transactions in the current shift.", PerYearExplained: "Based on the \u0027My Year Begins On\u0027 setting in Accounting Settings", ClientTypeGenderPercentageExp: "The percentages in this breakdown are the percentages of the specified Client Type that are in that age range.", StatementsSent: "Your statements have been sent.", AddPipeline: "Add Pipeline", MonthlyAnnualJournal: "Monthly/Annual Billing", ClientNoGiftCards: "This client does not have any registered gift cards. To register, click the Add button above.", BillingItemFilters: "Billing Item Filters", EditPostTransactionsProcess: "Edit Transaction Auto Posting", DisableRedScreenForBalance: "Disable Red Screen for AR Balance", OneClickPaymentFailure: "Sorry, your One-Click payment could not be applied. Please select a new payment method and use the cart checkout to finish your booking.", ErrorClosingShift_Detail: "An error occurred while attempting to close the shift.", RepsDistanceWeight: "Reps/Distance/Weight", AddSelectedItems: "Add Selected Items", WarnMeIfClubNoUse: "Warn me if the client hasn\u0027t used the club in ", Onboards: "Onboards", PercentOfTotal: "% of Total", EditBookings_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Appointments.", PleaseEnterFamilyMemberFirstName: "Please enter this family member\u0027s first name", RelatingToClient: "Relating to Client", RewardsCards: "{0} Cards", PipelineReportSummary: "A report that shows pipelines that are active in a given time frame", MailMergeBadHeaderOne: "1 - {0} with a Bad Email Address", MadeByRep: "Made by Rep", TwilioSurveySendUsa: "Will you be sending text messages (SMS) to people in the US?", NoPipelinesMessage: "There are no pipelines to display", PurchaseASalesCategory: "Purchase an Item in a Category", SuffixRequired: "Please enter Suffix", GetMoreInfoTooltip: "Show more information about this item or feature. This may redirect you to a different Twin Oaks website.", OnlyStandardReports: "Standard", Reminder_BillingLateBody: "Your {0:d} {1}{2}billing file is {3} day{4} late!{5}Please go to the billing tab to create and send this file.", AutomaticGiftRefillFailure: "Automatic Gift Refill Failure", UsePOS: "Use POS", UseSSL: "Use SSL", UsedCC: "Used CC", UserID: "User ID", EventOverrideAppointmentCompletionRes: "Overrode the booking completion restrictions.", UnableToRemoveFingerprintFull: "We are unable to remove the fingerprint on file at this time", CanceledClientsDefinition: "The total number of canceled clients.", InterestName: "Interest Name", SessionTime: "Session Time", AccountCreditNoClient: "You cannot give an account credit without selecting a client.", PackageActionForBillings: "If you proceed, you will need to update any affected client billings to remove the package from use in those places.", SessionDate: "Session Date", Update: "Update", BrowseArchivedClients_Desc: "View, Renew Archived Clients", Upload: "Upload", MinimumAge: "Minimum Age", WeekToDateEnd: "Week To Date End", GiftEmailsNotConfigured: "Gift email settings are not configured.", FirstCreditCardResubs: "First Credit Card Resubs", ScheduledReport: "Scheduled Report", LoveAndRomance: "Love and Romance", BadEmailTokenFormatted: "There was a problem with the {0} email content. Please remove {1} and try again.", OnlineInfoChanges: "Online Info Changes", BilledUsing: "Billed Using", DateSigned: "Date Signed", PleaseUseValidAccountType: "Please use a valid Account Type", BillDayNotSet: "Select a Bill Day", CannotRenewUpgrade: "Unable to Renew or Upgrade", ConfirmDeletion: "Confirm Deletion", AchievementApptAnyComplete: "Earned when a client completes any type of appointment {0} time(s).", ComputerLabelWithValue: "Computer: {0}", RemoveCancelSession: "Remove or Cancel Session", RewardsProgramDescription: "The Rewards Program allows you to assign points to your membership for monies spent using an enrolled gift card. These points can be redeemed for items or discounts of your choosing. This is a great way to increase your revenue and client loyalty! Call Twin Oaks today at 860.829.6000 to get more information.", AutoCloseMonth: "Auto Close my Month", ToolTipGenericRefund: "Generic Refund: To switch to Refund To Client, search for and select a client.", CurrentAmount: "Current Amount", HighInventoryReportShortName: "High Inventory", BookingsSettings: "Bookings Settings", ShowClientsExtraInfoDef: "Show client\u0027s extra info by default", NumberMonthsToFreeze: "Number of Months to Freeze", ShowOnSchedule: "Show on Schedule", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersProvince: "Please enter this family member\u0027s province", RevenueType: "Revenue Type", MailMergeGoodHeaderOne: "1 - {0} with a valid Email", PotentialSeriesBookingPayment: "Purchase \u003cstrong\u003e{0}\u003c/strong\u003e x \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e ({2} for {3:C})", GainAccessManager: "To gain access to this feature you will need to use the", InsertRenewOptions: "Insert/Renewal/Change Offer Options", DefiniteArticlePrepositionOf: "Definite Article + Preposition \"de\"", EditClubs_Desc: "Edit a Club\u0027s Information", PackageSalesByChargeCodeReport: "Package Sales By Charge Code Report", Underage: "Underage", MexicoTaxName: "Tax Legal Name", RepSalesSummaryReport_Desc: "View and export the Rep Sales Summary Report", SelectCardOnFile: "Select Card on File", NewRefillGiftCards: "New Refill Gift Cards", EarnableRewards: "Earnable Rewards", ConfirmDeleteTextingAccount: "Are you sure you want to close this Texting Account? This action cannot be undone.", WeeklyUsageTotalsByTimeSlotReportShortName: "Weekly Usage Totals By Time Slot", PromoCodesReport: "Promo Codes Report", AddressRequired: "Please enter your address", RepActivityReport_Desc: "View and print thte Rep Activity Report", WorkoutRequests: "Workout Requests", ReceiptText_InHouseCharged: "In-House Charged{0,26:F2}", ManualHouseChargingDisallowed: "This payment is less than the total price. House charging is not allowed on cash sales. Please select a client if you wish to change a balance.", OnlyUnposted: "Only Pending", SelectAccountToUpdate: "Please select the account you wish to update.", FileStatus: "File Status", UserNameMustHaveAtleast: "The user name must have at least {0} characters and no more than {1} characters", BookPackageOnPurchaseExplanation: "When purchasing a bookings package in POS (Including when paying for offer initation fees), the user will be prompted to schedule an appointment. If they elect to do so they will be brought to the Schedule Grid. NOTE: This will only work for packages that are set up for use by one of the Appointment Types configured in the Appointment Type Grid Settings.", LeaderStateProvinceRegionToken: "Leader State/Province/Region", Alternate: "Alternate", OverLimitInventoryEmail: "The following Inventory Items are over the limit set for them. Verify the count to confirm it exceeds set inventory limits.", YourAccountsOnFile: "Your accounts on file", InitialPayment: "Initial Payment", Unpaid: "Unpaid", PostalCode: "Postal Code", EnterPassword: "Please enter the Password.", SelectPaymentMethod: "Select Payment Method", UseWorkPhoneOnFile: "Use Work Phone on File", OverrideBookingRule: "Override Booking Rule", MatchingReports: "Matching Reports", SubsequentPurchases: "Subsequent Purchases", CCPrinted: "CC Printed", LocationSelect: "Select a Location", ItemName: "Item Name", AccountInGoodStandingMessage: "Your account is currently in good standing.", AbandonCartWarningOther: "You still have {0} Appointments in your Cart.", Joined: "Joined", EditExistingMailMerge: "Edit an existing Automatic Merge", DesktopReceipts: "Point of Sale Receipts", FrozenFilterBillingNoMembership: "Has at least one Active Billing Frozen, but the Membership is not Frozen", CurrentlySetTo: "Currently set to {0}", EffectiveCancelDate: "The date on which the cancellation becomes effective", EditClientFreezes_Desc: "Edit Membership Freezes", WorkoutRequestHeader: "A new workout request has been submitted.", BillingWidget: "Use the Billing Widget", WhatsThis: "What\u0027s this?", EditPostBillingProcess: "Edit Billing Auto Posting", DrawerAmountSavedToast: "Your drawer amounts have been saved.", IncompleteCartFirstEmailDescription: "Email Clients who started but haven’t completed online purchases and have been idle for at least", Resources_es: "", SelectARewardsCard: "Select a {0} Card", DebitCreditReceiptTotal: "DEBIT CARD CREDITS...{0,10}", SpecificChargeCodes: "Specific Charge Codes", PotentialSeriesCartOther: "Purchase {0} visits of {1}", UnableToAddLocation: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to add the location at this time.", UnableToSaveClientBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to save changes to the client at this time.", CurrentPassword: "Current password", NoBillingInfoDefinition: "The total number of billing type clients who are not canceled but are not set to bill.", IncludedCategories: "Included Categories", RepNameSearch: "Rep Name: {0}", FrozenFilterAll: "Membership is Frozen and Has at least one Active Billing Frozen", MarginMTDSalesDefinition: "The sum of the Amount charged for that charge code", RepOnlineJoinEmailHeader: "You have a new online join!", TimeRestrictionStartTime: "starting time for time restriction", GiftRedReceiptTotal: "GIFTS REDEEMED.......{0,10}", FriendlyNameSearch: "Friendly Name: {0}", JustCurrent: "Just the Current Ones", AccountUsedForAllBilling: "Note: This account information will be used for all recurring billing", PostDateBeforeTransactionDate: "The Post Date cannot be before the Transaction To Date", FiltersSaved: "Filters Saved!", PostedTransactions: "Posted Transactions", ManageEftCollectionReport_Desc: "Manage the EFT Collection Report", GiftCardConfirmationTextLink: "if you are having trouble please copy and paste this link into your web browser: {0}", UnableToUpdate: "Unable to Update", DashboardSignups: "Signups", BrowseSaved: "Browse Saved", ChargeDetail: "charge detail", Skipped: "Skipped", SourcesWidget: "Use the Sources Widget", CheckCredits: "Check Credits", NoOfferAlertTomorrowHeader: "All of your online offers are set to expire tomorrow!", Problems: "Problem(s)", AlreadyExistsAlert: "This {0} already exists", TimeSpan: "Time Span", ItemsAddedToCart: "{0} {1} been added to your cart", MarginMarginDefinition: "MTD Sales minus Total Cost", TimeZone: "Time Zone:", Over60BalancePersonal: "Over 60 Balance (Personal)", RoutingNumberRequired: "Please enter a Routing Number.", UnableToAddClientHeader: "Unable to Add Client", ToolTipGenericSale: "Generic Sale: To switch to Sale To Client, search for and select a client.", AutoAuthorizeRepRequired: "You must have at least one active Rep set up to receive notifications of the Auto-Authorize process.", Challenges: "Challenges", Timeline: "Timeline", LastActivity: "Last Activity", AccountChangesSubmittedText: "Your changes have been submitted please remember that changes in billing may not take effect until the next billing cycle.", InsufficientChargeLimit: "Insufficient Charge Limit", SettleCCsError: "Error attempting to schedule settle credit card batch, please try again.", ViewLockersInCheckIn: "View Lockers", TriggeredOnGroupJoin: "(Triggered when adding a client to a group with payment responsibilities.)", ErrorAuthorizing: "Error Authorizing", AreYourClassEnrollCancel: "Are you sure you want to cancel your enrollment in this class?", GiftCardRestriction_Desc: "Sorry, but this action cannot be performed when there are Gift Cards in your cart.", Alert_Underage: "Underage, Needs Parental Supervision", TheCodeOnlyGoodForCurrentSession: "The code provided is only good for your current session. Please check your spam filter if you do not receive the email.", EventChangedSessionPrice: "Changed the number of units or per visit price of a package", ClientFreezeRequestHeader: "A client has requested to freeze his or her membership at {0}.", VerificationError: "I\u0027m sorry, but we are unable to process the verification at this time.", CannotCancel_Leader: "This client is group leader for the following groups which contain other active clients. You must first select a new group leader for these groups before you may cancel this client: {0}", PreferredTrainer: "Preferred Trainer", RegisterLacksProvider: "This register is not set with a Payment Processor", ReimbursementRequiresCreditHeader: "Credit Balance Required", ACHResubs: "Checking/Savings Resubs", Statements: "Statements", PanamaRuc: "RUC of the issuer", BookingReminderField: "Send a reminder before an appointment", TextingAccountSelect: "Select a Texting Account", Prospect: "Prospect", CurrentlyHaveAnOutstandingBalOf: "You currently have an outstanding balance of", SemiAnnualCCExpDate: "Semi-Annual CC Exp Date", PurchasedPackageCartOther: "Use {0} sessions of my available {1}", SaveExerciseNewName: "Please enter a new name for the new exercise.", EftCollectionReportWeeklySubject: "EFT Collection Report for Weekly - {0} as of {1:d}", ZipPostalCode: "Zip/Postal Code", Generic: "", General: "General", WidgetInformationAsOf: "Information as of {0}. Press refresh to update.", Expiration: "Expiration", ReferringClient: "Referring Client", Singular: "Singular", SearchForOnlineImage: "Search for Online Image", Provider: "Provider", Province: "Province", BiWeeklyDuesBilled: "Bi-Weekly Dues Billed", CannotAuthorizeFuture: "Sorry, but you cannot authorize a journal more than 21 days in the future.", Recurrence: "Recurrence", KeyTag: "KeyTag", BestTimeOpened: "Best Time Opened", MergeInto: "Merge Into", TaxName: "Tax Name", TaxRate: "Tax Rate", Taxable: "Taxable", NoInterestsMessage: "There are no Areas of Interest configured. These can be set in the Program Settings area of Configuration.", TextingSettingsSaveConfirmation: "Texting Settings Saved", RepSalesSummaryReportShortName: "Rep Sales Summary", NoClientTypeDiscountsMessage: "There are no client type discounts set up for this charge code.", GovernmentIDStandard: "Standard", Reminder_IncompleteBookingBody_Singular: " {0} You can view it in the Office section under Booking Statuses.", ReportScheduleWhyNoEmail: "You cannot add additional recipients because you have selected the \"All Clubs\" filter", BillingZipCodeRequired: "Please enter Billing Zip/Postal Code", NoCategory: "No Category", UnableToClock_Details: "Sorry, but we were unable to clock you in/out. Please try again.", ClosedReasons: "Closed Reasons", OneTimePasswordInfo: "Once the rep uses the password for the first time, he or she will have to create a new password for him or herself.", UnpostedInventoryMessage: "There are {0} units sold pending POS posting.", TotalNewSalesKey: "*Total New Sales: The total of all sales transactions minus refund transactions, including sales charged in-house (payments not yet collected).", AllowCrossClubERPaymentsText: "Allow clients of other clubs to make ER Payments at this club", AverageTenure: "Average Tenure", TagName: "Tag Name", UserNameRequired: "Please enter your User Name", AmountToBill: "Amount to Bill", FilterSelections: "Filter Selections", PackageInCartBookingPaymentAdditional: "Add an additional \u003cstrong\u003e{0}\u003c/strong\u003e x \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e ({2} for {3:C})", CurpRequired: "CURP Required", AmountTooLow: "Amount too Low", NoMatchingContractsFound: "No Matching Contracts Found", SemiAnnualDuesBilled: "Semi-Annual Dues Billed", ClientPortalSettings: "Client Portal Settings", MembershipPaymentResponsibility: "Membership/Dues Payment Responsibility", OutstandingPackageLiabilityReportShortName: "Outstanding Package Liability", NoShift_Detail: "There is no open shift for this register", PaymentDetails: "Payment Details", DeleteConflict: "Delete Conflict", YearToDateHeader: "**** Year-To-Date ****", NumberOfMonths: "Number of Months", ForgotPassword: "Forgot your password?", NoOfferAlertConsequence: "New members will be unable to join online without at least one offer being available.", UnableToVerify: "Unable to Verify", SelectCampaign: "Select Campaign", SelectDateForClosingSubtext: "All posted transactions made prior to 12am on this date will be considered closed.", RequiredRepEntryType: "Require Rep selection on all sales", HighInventoryReport: "High Inventory Report", Hidden: "Hidden", LocationAlreadyAssigned: "{0} was not added because it is already assigned to this {1}.", CurrentPasswordRequired: "Please enter your Current password", EmailPreferences: "Email Preferences", ClientCCExpires_EndOfMonth: "Client\u0027s {0} credit card expires at the end of the month.", SorryCanntFindPage: "Sorry, but we can\u0027t find this page!", ReimbursementOfficeCreditReduction: "You can only reimburse this client for the part of their balance that does not come from an Office Credit.", JoinAnExistingGroup: "Join an existing Group", PleaseSelectAppointmentsTo: "Please select the appointments you would like to {0}", ReportingClubs: "Reporting Clubs", Reminder_BillingDueTodayBody: "{0}Please go to the billing tab to create and send this file.", Header: "Header", POSItem: "POS Item", LeaderFullNameFirstMiddleLastToken: "Leader Full Name (First MI Last)", NotAllowedAtClub: "This client type is not allowed to use this club.", PleaseEnterAddress: "Please enter your address", RefillWhenBalanceBelow: "Refill when balance falls to", FieldName: "Field Name", FieldType: "Field Type", UnableToNavigate: "Unable to Navigate", AutoComplete: "Auto Complete", UnableToSaveDrawerHeader: "Unable to Save Amounts", NatureThemeName: "Nature", ReturnsReportSubtext: "This report shows billing returns that have been imported into your system.", UnableSendVerification: "Unable to send verification code", EditAppointment: "Edit Appointment", Priority: "Priority", EventCreatedAppointment: "A user created an appointment", SMTPServer: "SMTP Server", BalanceWriteOff: "Balance Write-Off", Printing: "Printing", PrintAll: "Print All", FinancedPackageWillBillDespiteOtherFrozen: "If you schedule billing of any financed packages within this date range, the items will NOT be frozen and will be billed. The client must be made aware that while other billings may be frozen, these financed package charges may not be frozen.", NoTextingAccountFound: "There are no Texting Accounts that match your criteria.", PleaseEnterSaleRep: "Please Enter the Sale Rep", CannotReturnUnposted: "Only posted payment transactions can be marked as returned", ScheduledProcessDeleted: "Scheduled Process Deleted", BillingDistrictRequired: "Please enter Billing District", EditRepShifts: "Edit Rep Shifts", ClassTimePassed: "This class has already started and can no longer be joined.", ExpDateAbbr: "Exp. Date", BillInFuturePrompt: "Do you want this billing item to be automatically billed in the future?", BusinessRegistrationTypeRequired: "Please select a Business Registration ID Type", TwoSetsMinutesPerSession: "{0} or {1} minutes per session", LockerIsExpired: "Locker Is Expired", PosVoidedTransactionsReportSummary: "This report provides a detail of your Point of Sale voided transactions.", InitialCreditCards: "Initial Credit Cards", DuplicateJoinRepEmailBody: "{0} joined the club overriding the duplicate alert. Their information matched the following records", FriendlyNameRequired: "Please enter the Account Nick Name.", UpdateTimestamp: "Updated on {0:g}.", OrderSection: "Order Section", DateToStart: "Date to Start", ChangeOfAddressForm: "Change of Address Form", MemberOfferFactorDescription: "Percent of members who signed up for this offer that are still active", TotalAllClubs: "Total for All Clubs", PendingMassChangeForClub: "Pending Mass Changes for Club {0}", Reference: "Reference", LiveStreamNotStarted: "This class doesn\u0027t start until {0}. Please come back 5 minutes before the scheduled start.", PasswordMismatch: "The {1} and {0} do not match.", WhichBillingsShow: "Which Recurring Billing Items to Show", Referrals: "Referrals", EventAssignedGroupAccount: "A user assigned an existing account number to a group of clients", ClassEnrollmentExpired: "{0}\u0027s reservation window closed and was automatically removed from the class.", SeeCertainContractQuestion: "Why do I see certain contracts here", AccountRequired: "Please select an Account.", MissingBillingEmailSetting: "Please set up the Billing Journal email in Configuration - System Settings - Email Settings before turning on this feature", CancelAllGroupMembers: "Cancel All Group Members", UseReportWizard: "Use Report Wizard", StatementDateAfterToday: "The Statement Date cannot be in the future.", OnlyNonCancelled: "Only Non-Cancelled", NoBestPrice: "Please contact facility for pricing", TheResource: "The Resource", AgreeAuthorizeTermsAndConditionsBefore: "I have read and agree to the ", IncludeClientsWhoAre: "Include Clients who are", PleaseEnterBody: "Please Enter a Body.", PleaseEnterCity: "Please enter your city", DowngradeEffective: "Downgrade Effective {0}", OnlinePackageEmailHeader: "A client has purchased a package online!", PartitiveArticle: "Partitive Article", AfterFilter: "After {0}", CancelDirectApp: "Clients can cancel directly through the app", ResponsibilityGrid: "Responsibility Grid", DowngradeClients: "Downgrade Clients", ClassMaxAgeConflict: "{0} is too old to enroll in this class.", CreateMailMergeFromDocx: "Create a new Mail Merge from a Docx", RecurringPaymentsCCNumberInvalidMessage: "The credit card number for recurring payments is not valid. Please make sure that you exclude dashes and spaces.", SecurityCodeForSelectedAccInvalid: "The security code entered for the selected account is not valid. Please make sure that the code is properly entered.", EventOverrideRedemptionVerification: "Overrode a package redemption.", ClassLinkExplained: "This is the URL a client would type into their browser to find sessions of this class. This is useful for redirecting clients from other websites straight to this class.", NewBadgeEarned: "Badge Earned: {0}", NotPaid: "Not Paid", RedScreen: "Red Screen", InHouseChargeTypeAmountToken: "In-House Charge Type / Amount", PreviousActions: "Previous Actions", Telecommunications: "Telecommunications", FileTotal: "File Total", CellPhone: "Cell Phone", FieldSecurityProcessUnderway: "There is currently a process underway to change the security of this custom field. Please wait until that is complete to try and edit.", TotalClubTransactions: "Total Club Transactions", NoClients: "No Clients", AnnualPaymentStarting: "Annual Starting {0}", GroupSlashFamilyRecurringBillingItems: "Group/Family Recurring Billing Items", UseFiscalPrinterExplained: "Check this box if you want to print fiscal receipts to a specialized fiscal printer. This is in addition to standard receipt printing. Note: If taxes are to be included on the fiscal receipt you must set the Fiscal Printer Tax on the Accounting Settings page.", AppointmentReceiptHeader: "APPT FROM: {0,-12:t} TO: {1,-12:t}", UpdateAccount: "Update Account", OnAccount: "On Account", MassChangeClientType_Desc: "The ability to use the utilities to mass-change client types", CampaignDetails: "Campaign Details", CellPhoneInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid cell phone number", TermsAndConditionsAgreementText: "Please review and accept the {0} to continue. By clicking on the “Submit” button below you are agreeing to, and “electronically signing,” the below terms and conditions.", DuesAllocationDateFooter: "Total Collected from {0:d} to {1:d}", PleaseWaitWhileProcessingYourInfo: "Please wait while we process your information. Please do not hit the \"back\" button on your browser or close this window.", UnableToDeleteProviderText: "You cannot delete a Preferred Trainer who is assigned to a member.", FreezeRequestProcessed: "Your freeze request has been processed and will be in effect from {0} through {1}.", CancelReasonChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Cancel Reason- {1}", StreakWarningHeader: "Theres still time to keep your {0} streak going", IncludeClientsWithoutEmail: "Include clients without an email address", Standard: "Standard", AgeGenderBreakdown: "Age / Gender Breakdown", ShowAllAppointmentTypes: "Show All Appointment Types", BillingStartDate: "Billing Start Date", AssignedLockers: "Assigned Lockers", ExpiredNonMembers: "Expired Non-Members", CommentsRequired: "Please enter a Comment", PasswordConfirmationRequired: "Please confirm your Password", ErrorSavingOfferTag: "There was a problem saving your Offer Tag Settings. Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", PossibleDuplicateJoin: " Possible Duplicate Join", UseTheSameAddressInfoAsAbove: "Use the same address information as above", EditBookings: "Book Appointments", Starting: "Starting", OnlyClientsInAGroup: "Only Clients in a Group", DiscontinueInventoryWarning: "This change will disconnect any inventory records that exists for this charge code. Would you like to proceed?", CityStateZip: "City, State Zip", OnAccountPayments: "On-Account Payments", PurchaseConfirmationSubject: "Purchase Confirmation from {0}", PostCollPayments: "Member Services Payments", TakePicturePrompt: "Click here to take a picture", GroupReportSummary: "This report shows client groups in the system with options to see client details and shared account details.", BillingDateBased: "Billing Date based on", ProspectPotentialDetails: "Prospect Potential Details", TransactionStartedPrompt: "This transaction has already been started. Are you sure you want to close this form and abort the sale?", PleaseSelectHowYouHeardAboutUs: "Please select how you heard about us", SessionsRemainingPlural: "{0} of {1} visits are available for booking", AddGroupType: "Add Group Type", HelpMessage: "Help Message", CampaignDescriptionMinLength: "Campaign Description must be at least {0} characters", LocalServiceInformation: "Local Service Information", NoGroup: "No Group", UniqueOpens: "Unique Opens", AchievementSavePrompt: "This achievement has already been earned by members. Would you like these changes to take effect on earned achievments as well (this would be useful if you are correcting misspellings, for example), or only on future earnings?", AddRewardsGroup: "Add New Rewards Program", PenalizedReceiptHeader: "********* PENALIZED *********", NoEmail: "No Email", OfferNotAvailableTransfer: "This is not a Transfer offer", After1Year: "After 1 year", After1Week: "After 1 week", ExcludeCheckIn: "Exclude Check In", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersHomePhone: "Please enter this family member\u0027s home phone number", ProfileChangesSavedText: "The changes to your profile have been saved. Please note that your changes are not yet reflected here and may take up to 24 hours to show on your profile.", Statuses: "Statuses", IconInUsePrompt: "The icon you have selected is already in use by the following badges or challenges: {0}. Would you like to save anyway?", StateMax: "The State cannot be longer than 32 characters.", BillingStreet: "Billing Street", GroupDowngradeRadioLabel: "In Group Downgrades, Apply Change Fees to", RemoveHoursWizard: "Remove Hours Wizard", PageBreakAfterGrp: "Page break after each group", MassChangeClients: "Mass Change Clients", LastFourDigit: "Last 4", TotalClientsToCancel: "Total Clients to Cancel", NoTemplateFound: "No Templates Found", Top10ProspectsWidget: "Use the Top 10 Prospects Widget", CreateCustomBillingReport: "Create a Custom Billing Report", SelectAnOffer: "Select an Offer", OfferLinkExplained: "This is the URL a client would type into their browser to sign up for this offer. This is useful for redirecting clients from other websites straight to this offer.", PleaseSelectAMethodOfPayment: "Please select a method of payment.", ViewClientMarketing_Desc: "View the Marketing tab on Client Edit", SelectDateForClosing: "Select the date you wish to close the month for", NextBillingDate: "Next Billing Date", CollectionSuccessRecap: "Collection Success Recap", EveryWeekend: "Every weekend", EveryWeekday: "Every weekday", CanBeSetInEditScreen: "These can be set on a per-offer basis on the offers edit screen.", NoProbs: "No Problems", NoPrint: "No, Don\u0027t Print", TrainerHoursReport_Desc: "View and print the Trainer Hours Report", Last4Digits: "Last 4 Digits", DetermineAccountNeeds: "Determine Account Needs", UsageReportShortName: "Usage By Client", NoResults: "No Results", NoShift: "No current shift", NoRewards: "No Rewards Found", JournalBillDateHeading: "Bill Date: {0:MMMM dd, yyyy} - {1}", WorkoutDate: "Workout Date", CannotEndBillingInJournal: "Sorry, but I am unable to end this Billing because it has already been included in a Journal.", WeekToDateIncludes: "Week-To-Date Includes", SelectCancelationReason: "Select the Cancelation Reason (if applicable)", CancelMembershipsFromEdit: "Cancel Memberships From Edit", CancelOrder: "Cancel Order", HasExpiredPackage: "Has Expired Package(s)", ReceiptErrorDetail: "There was an issue printing this receipt.\r\nPlease try again, or contact Twin Oaks if this problem persists.", GLTransactionsReport_Desc: "View and print your GL Transactions.", DocumentCategory: "Document Category", ClientInGoodStanding: "Client is in good standing.", AddRedemption: "Add Redemption", CannotEditEarnedAchievement: "This achievement has already been earned by clients so the details may no longer be changed.", ReminderStartDate: "Reminder Start Date", EventEnteredCustomFieldValue: "A user inserted a new custom field value", SearchForClient: "Search For a Client", AccountsReceivableCode: "Accounts Receivable Code", ThankYou: "Thank You", Verbal: "Verbal", Verify: "Verify", GroupDisbandMemoBody: "Group Leader: {0} Disbanded Group: {1} on {2}.", EftReconciliationSaveConfirmation: "EFT Reconciliation settings saved", EditDocumentCategories: "Edit Document Categories", Vendor: "Vendor", TextMergeDuplicateProspectOther: "{0} - Non-Members with the same phone number as a Member", FrequencyRequired: "Please select a Frequency", InventoryReports: "Inventory Reports", UrlRequired: "Please enter the URL", TextMergeGoodHeaderOne: "1 - Client with a valid Phone Number", BookingsRuleNameTooltip: "This is what will display to the user when the rule is violated.", PublicServiceAnnouncement: "Public Service Announcement", GuestPassLink: "Guest Pass Link", ReportNumber: "Report Number", SelectBillings: "Select Billings", EditBillDays_Desc: "Edit Bill Day Settings", Visits: "Visits", DateMomentToday: "[Today], MMMM D", ViewAR: "View AR", RecentActivity: "Recent Activity", Videos: "Videos", ClassCategoryUnableToDelete: "Unable to Delete Class Category", ViewMembershipHistoryInCheckIn_Desc: "View Membership History", TwitterExplained: "These settings will allow you to customize content that users can Share on Twitter after signing up for this offer online.", EditOnAccountPayments_Desc: "Insert or Edit On Account Payments", PendingBillingAlert: "Pending Billing Records found for {0} billing date {1}. These records require attention before you will be allowed to save and authorize your billing file for this date.", CartConfirmation: "Cart Confirmation", NewTotalPayments: "New Total Payments", SalesPlanType: "Sales Plan Type", SalesPlanName: "Sales Plan Name", ReturnsBalancePayment: "Returns Balance Payment", Voided: "Voided", NoInventoryMessage: "There is no inventory history for this charge code", OrganizeByGrp: "Organize by group", CompareChanges: "Compare Changes", UnableToTransfer_RedScreen: "This client is not eligible to transfer as they have outstanding Red Screen issues.", APISecret: "API Secret", UnpaidServiceFees: "Unpaid Service Fees", EditBilling: "Edit Billing", WithoutGift: "Without Gift", HouseChargeAmountRestriction: "The House Charging Amount must be greater than 0", AddAccount: "Add Account", HowToGainAccess: "To gain access to this feature you will need the right for", TwilioBrandUnderReviewOther: "{0} of your Brands are under review.", EmailAnalyticsReportSummary: "This report provides detailed analytics on regarding mail merge emails you have sent through Twin Oaks.", TooYoungForAppointmentType: "{0} {1} is too young for this Appointment Type", NoReportFiltersFound: "No Report Filters Found", MonthEndFailureEmail: "Sorry, but we were unable to automatically close your month due to outstanding unposted transactions. Please make sure all transactions are posted and retry through the Accounting section of the software.", TaxVendor: "Tax Vendor", RepTransferOutEmailHeader: "You have a new Transfer Out.", BillingReport: "Billing Report", ConektaApiKeyRequired: "Please enter your Conekta API Key", TransactionsSubmittedCountOther: "{0:N0} Transactions Submitted", AddGTMVariable: "Add GTM Variable", Verified: "Verified", ClickOnAvailbleTimeSlots: "Click or tap on any available (\u003cspan class=\"appointmentAvalibleColorLabel\" style=\"text-transform: lowercase\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e) time slot on the right to schedule an appointment. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cspan class=\"appointmentUnavalibleColorLabel\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e time slots are unavailable.", ContactInfo: "Contact Info", ClubFilter: "Club: {0}", MemoSaveError: "There was a problem saving your memo.", ContractAvailabilityExplanation: "Only contracts for Membership Agreements or Waivers can be signed through this method. Please see the Digital Contracts Settings area in the Program Settings portion of Configuration for more information.", ReportNotAvailable: "I\u0027m sorry, but this report is temporarily unavailable.", SomeBillingsFrozen: "Some billing records are currently frozen.", ReceiptText_PackageId: " PACKAGE#: {0}", GroupView: "Group View", GroupType: "Group Type", GroupName: "Group Name", NoServiceFeeToggle: "No Service Fees can be charged for returns from {0} to {1}", GroupGrid: "Group Grid", BillingFrequency: "Billing Frequency", Groupings: "Groupings", AccountUpdatesReport: "Account Updates Report", UseForAllBilling: "Use For All Billing", SelectAppointmentType: "Select an Appointment Type", TrainerTypeNotAllowed: "The trainer cannot be booked for {0} of this type.", ReducePrintPagesToolTip: "This will avoid keeping groups together in the same page", EftCollectionSaveError: "An error occurred while trying to save your EFT Collection settings.", RepLastName: "Rep Last Name", CompleteEmailOnlineCancelationNotificationSecondPersonSingular: "You received an online client cancelation request notification", BusinessRegionRequired: "Please select a Business Region", RemainingBalance: "Remaining Balance", UnableToTransfer_Group: "This client is not eligible to transfer since they are a member of a group. You must leave all groups prior to transfering.", EnterNewPassword: "Enter New Password", StoreChangesYes: "Yes, apply to this and future billings", TextSms: "Text", EditAccounts: "Edit Accounts", JoinAgeMax: "You must be younger than {0} years of age to join.", PrintJournal: "Print Journal", PendingChangesOtherClub: "You have pending changes for a different club", NotFound: "Not Found", SwipeUpdateCreditCard: "Swipe a Credit Card to update the information for the account: ", EventLoggedOut: "A user logged out of the system", CannotPrintNoLocalService: "Please call Twin Oaks Tech Support to set up printing for this account", NotEmpty: "Not Empty", PayBalanceAtLocation: "Pay balance at Location", SingleEnrollment: "Single Enrollment", AddDepartment: "Add Department", TheClient: "the client", ClientCCExpired: "Client\u0027s {0} credit card expired {1}/{2}.", Weekly: "Weekly", EventFinancePurchaseAttempt: "An attempt was made to finance a purchase", DaysCount: "{0} Days", EditSystemCancelCode: "Sorry, but this Cancel Reason was created by the system and cannot be edited.", Wizard: "Wizard", TheCharge: "The Charge", Within: "Within", WaitListAvailableManyMany: "{0} spots left with {1} people on the wait list", NumsignOfClients: "# of Clients", UnableToRemove: "Unable to Remove", UnableToRefund: "Unable To Refund", NoRoutingNumber: "No ABA #", EditCheckIn_Desc: "Edit Check-In Settings", BadCellPhone: "Bad Cell Phone", Healthcare: "Healthcare", AClientIsNew: "A client is new if they have been a client for ", BillingFrozenOpenSummary: "{0} frozen starting {1}", ViewContract: "View Contract", GroupLeaderResponsibleMessage: "The Group Leader has a responsible party. If you would like them to be responsible for this group you will have to remove their responsible party. Would you like to remove it now?", HigherEducation: "Higher Education", ARReports: "AR Reports", UploadANewContract: "Upload a New Contract", Travel: "Travel", ClassName: "Class Name", ClassFull: "Class Full", ClassType: "Class Type", DateInputStrings: "M/D/YY|MM/DD/YY|MM-DD-YY|M-D-YY|MM/DD/YYYY|M-D-YYYY|YYYY-MM-DD|MMM D YYYY|MMMM DD YYYY|MMDDYY|MMDDYYYY|M/D/Y|M/DD/Y|M/D/YYYY|M/DD/YYYY|MDYY|MDYYYY|MDYYYY|MDDYYYY|MDDYY", SecurityAlert: "Security Alert", ErrorProcessingTransaction: "Error Processing Transaction", IncludePostedTransactions: "Include Posted Transactions", PosTransactionReportShortName: "Point of Sale Transaction", FiscalPrinterTaxExplained: "This is the tax rate that will be output on any receipts to a Fiscal Printer.", MinPromoAmountExplained: "The minimum amount of money (before tax) that must be spent to be eligible for the promotion. This amount may be subject to a verification of applicable items in this purchase", OfferSelect: "Offer Select", PromoBarcodeNotFound: "No active promotion was found with this barcode.", RemoveWallPaper: "Remove Wallpaper", EditAppointmentTypes: "Edit Appointment Types", SalesPlanWidget_Desc: "A list of Sales Plan actions to do today.", Amenities: "Amenities", ResumeBilling: "Resume Billing", MailMergeChangeClub: "Are you sure you want to change club?", NoRegisterSelected: "No Register Selected", Reminder_OfferExpiredPackage_Plural: "There are {0} expired packages with offer(s)!", DuplicateEmailOverrideCode: "If you are sure you want to create a new account, enter this code where prompted: {0}", RequiredEnglishCustomText: "This field is required for English: {0}", SettlingCCs: "Settling credit cards", RemoveLocation: "Remove Location", ReplyToAddress: "Reply To Address", PasswordContainedBannedWord: "Cannot contain the word \"password\"", GroupMembers: "Group Members", MadeOnAccountPaymentException: "Made ONAC in timeframe.", CedulaDuplicateCheck: "The Cedula field will be used to check for duplicate records", AvailableAppointmentTypes: "Available Appointment Types", GroupReport: "Group Report", SelectChangesToApply: "Select the changes to apply", DaysPrior: "Days Prior", December: "December", CashCheckDeposit: "Cash/Check Deposit", ViewLogHistory: "View Log History", DuesAllocationMonthlyDateHeader: "Monthly Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", AppointmentTypeUsedWarning: "The appointment type has been used and cannot be removed.", Tenure: "Tenure", UpdateOfferRightsRequired: "This change requires an update to an offer(s). Only reps with the Edit Offers right are allowed to make updates.", DeclineUrl: "Decline URL", GroupMembersAndResponsibility: "Group Members and Group Leader Payment Responsibility", CouldNotGetTaxTotal: "Could not get tax total", AfterHours: "After Hours", StreakWarningBody: "Theres still time to keep your {0} streak going. Complete your tasks before the clock runs out at midnight on {1}.", Ticket: "Ticket", SignUps: "Sign Ups", MassAddBilling: "Mass Add Billings", CoreExpired: "Core Expired", YouHaveNotPurchasedEnoughPackages: "You have not purchased enough packages to schedule all of the appointments. Please add additional packages.", ReadingCard: "Reading Card...", DeclineType: "Decline Type", VirtualPOSTerminalID: "Virtual POS Terminal ID", AllowInClub: "Allow In Club", ErrorLoadingJournal: "There was an error loading your Journal.", AddMemoInCheckIn_Desc: "Add Memos", LengthNotSet: "Length Not Set", NewDayOfWeek: "New Day of Week", ClientsWhoUnsubscribed: "Clients who have unsubscribed", FindAGroup: "Find a Group", VoidSale: "Void Sale", VoidDate: "Void Date", LeaderFullNameFirstLastToken: "Leader Full Name (First Last)", DOBMonthRequired: "Please enter the month of your date of birth", VerificationPasswordPrompt: "Have {0} enter their password to verifiy redemption.", EndDateRequired: "Please enter an End Date.", DelinquentClientsWithBillingReturnsReportSummary: "This report will display clients who owe an outstanding balance who have had at least one return in the time frame specified for one of the Bill Day/Frequencies selected.", ShowClosedPipelines: "Show Closed Pipelines", AnnualAmount: "Annual Amount", SearchForPackage: "Search for a Package", PleaseEnterNameOnAccount: "Please enter the name on the account", Tours1: "", Toured: "Toured", Totals: "Totals", PostedBalance: "Posted Balance", TooOld: "Too Old", ToTime: "To Time", HowtoEnableInvoices: "This setting may not be modified at the Club. Please call Twin Oaks Technical Support for assistance.", ToDate: "To Date", Modifications: "Modifications", ProspectPotential: "Prospect Potential", RejectedByRep: "Rejected By Rep", YearFilter: "Year: {0}", CompleteEmailErrorReportThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received a notification about a problem", ShowYearToDate: "Show Year-To-Date", ShowClientsWithZipCode: "Show Clients With A Home Zip Code Of", AddToJournal: "Add to Journal", ExpiredPassword: "Expired password", NoMatchingAppointmentSelected: "Sorry, but none of the appointments you have selected meet the requirements to {0}.", AllowCategoryChange: "Allow Category Change", ResourceNotAvailable: "The resource is not available during the time specified", EmailAddressStatus: "Email Address Status", CaptchaExpired: "Verification expired, check the checkbox again for a new challenge", ClientCanceledLiabilityDate: "* Client is canceled as of or prior to the liability date of this report.", RPAbbr: "Resp. Party", ClientCanceledAsOfPastReason: "This client was canceled on {0:d} with the reason being {1}", DateSent: "Date Sent", DashboardSalesBreakdown: "S.Breakdown", ByClientNumber: "By Client Number", ReorderSoon: "Reorder Soon", BusyDontLeave: "You still have operations pending. Are you sure you want to navigate away?", Over30DaysOld: "over 30 days old", ChargeNotAllowedFinancePackage: "Charge to Account is not allowed on a transaction with a financed package.", WarnMeIfNoBank: "Warn me if a client\u0027s billings are not using a Bank Account", ShoppingCartSettings: "Shopping Cart Settings", EnterRejectReason: "Please enter the reason you are rejecting this contract", LetMePickText: "Let me pick what it\u0027s paying for", AutomaticallyLoggedOutMessage: "For security reasons, you have been automatically logged out. Please login again to continue.", NoClosedMembersAtClubInfo: "This club doesn\u0027t have any closed members.", DateMomentThisYear: "MMMM D", PleaseFillOutAllFields: "Please fill out all fields", ConstitutionDay: "", WeekToDateHeader: "**** Week-To-Date ****", EventChangedClientAmenity: "Changed Client Amenities", PromoRedeem: "Promo Redeem", HideExpiredPackages: "Hide Expired Packages", IncludeInactiveReps: "Include Inactive Reps", NoPricingOptionsAvailableForThisAppointment: "I\u0027m sorry, but there are no pricing options available for this appointment. Please try again at the facility.", MexicoTaxRegimeRequired: "Please enter a Tax Regime", ResponsiblePartyWarning: "This client is currently responsible for other clients and cannot be added to the group", PostedByRep: "Posted By Rep", ReportFilterNoTextMerges: "No Text Merges found for the selected filters", SurveyQuestions: "Survey Questions", CannotEditPrepaidBilling: "Billing item was prepaid from {0} to {1}. You may not make changes to any fields other than the “Payment Method” tied to the entry.", RedScreenForABalance: "Red screen for a balance of", OnlyComplete: "Only Complete", UseAvailableSessions: "Use {0} of my available {1}", ClientChangedOnline: "Client Changed Info Online", ShowAll: "Show All", CreatedCancelDate: "The date on which the cancellation was entered", UnableToDeleteUsageType: "Unable to Delete Usage Type", CannotReverseER: "Sorry, but ER Payments cannot be reversed", CompleteEmailBookingsThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed an Appointment Reminder", UnverifiedEmailReminderHeaderMultiple: "You have {0} email addresses that must be verified!", WrongClientType: "Wrong Client Type", BankRoutingNumber: "Bank Routing Number", Backspace: "Backspace", AlreadyCanceled: "Sorry, this client was already canceled on", ClearFreezes: "Clear Freezes", ExceededWeeklyVisits: "Exceeded Weekly Maximum Visits", PrivateKey: "Private Key", TrainerPayroll_Desc: "View and print the Trainer Payroll Report.", WorkoutClientReminderHeaderMultiple: "You have {0} new workout clients!", MembershipPhoneNumber: "Phone number listed on your membership", LockerSize: "Locker Size", LockerArea: "Locker Area", DuesAllocationBiWeeklyDateHeader: "Bi-Weekly Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", PostCollChanges: "Member Services Changes", ClearRepAfterSave: "Clear the active staff members after saving changes.", First45Digits: "First 4 to 5 Digits", AutomaticallyChooseOldestCharges: "Automatically choose the oldest charges", CreateMarketingCampaignHistory: "Create a Marketing Campaign History?", XLossesOne: "1 Loss", RewardsProgramName: "Rewards Program Name", NoOfferBillingsMessage: "There are no billing items set up for this offer.", RunNow: "Run Now", CloudTermsAndConditions: "This feature gives you the ability to attach documents to client records. Reach out to your Twin Oaks Sales Associate (860.829.6000) to find out how to activate this new service.", ReceiptText_Balance: " Balance: {0:F2}", OnlineJoinReceipts: "Online Join Receipts", MembershipCanceledAsOfText: "Your membership was canceled effective ", AvailableForPurchaseStarting: "Available for Purchase Starting", includePrevPkgCount: "Include count of previous package purchases and assessment appointment information", BookingsPaymentStatusesReportShortName: "Bookings Payment Statuses", SelectProvince: "Select Province", Schedule: "Schedule", RemoveTrainerHours: "Remove Trainer Hours", ManageGiftCards_Desc: "Manage Gift Cards", ClientProfileReportSubtext: "This report provides a snapshot of your curent client base and can be used to easily see where you are getting the most revenue, or where retention efforts should be focused.", TotalUsesAllowed: "Total Uses Allowed", TransactionDateAbbr: "Trans Date", FingerprintRemoveSuccess: "Successfully removed fingerprint", AdjustmentCreated: "Adjustment Created", number_lowercase: "number", UseChangeFeeDowngrade: "Use Change Fee for downgrades.", GiftCardConfirmationTransferred: "The following gift card has been transferred to you:", PleaseEnterValidZipCodeForOneTimePayments: "Please enter a valid zip/postal code for the one-time payments", AttritionRiskGradeFactors: "Attrition Risk Grade Factors", Hashtags: "Hashtags", DifferencesInFiles: "Differences In Files", FriendlyNameMax: "The Account Nick Name cannot be longer than 32 characters.", SelectGiftType: "Select Gift Type", WaitListRemoveConfirmation: "{0} has been removed from the wait list", InvalidKeyTagCountPlural: "{0} Invalid Key Tags", BillingCityRequired: "Please enter Billing City", Connection: "Connection", LiveJournalStatusUnavailable: "Editing is currently unavailable for this billing type.", ReturnReasonFilter: "Return Reason: {0}", CancelAndClear: "Cancel and Clear Payment Methods", ExpirePackageTransDateExp: "The Transaction Date will be used as the date for any redemptions created by expiring this package. This may be important for your accounting reports, especially in the case of deferred revenue.", InvoiceNumsign: "Invoice #", RepTab: "Rep Tab", Result: "Result", Retail: "Retail", Review: "Review", CreditCardPayments: "Credit Card Payments", Reason: "Reason", DuplicateEmailMultipleClubs: "You already have an account at the clubs in this group, please visit the club.", Regenerate: "Regenerate", Redeem: "Redeem", Region: "Region", Refund: "Refund", Reject: "Reject", Remove: "Remove", Remind: "Remind", ReSend: "Re-Send", EditClientBasicInfo_Desc: "Edit the Basic Info tab on Client Edit", ManageDailyDashboardReport: "Manage Daily Dashboard Report", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsCreditCard: "Please enter your credit card number for the one-time payments", RepRightDisabled: "You do not currently have access to this right. You need to hold each right you wish to grant to this rep or you must be granted the Manage Rep Security right to perform this action. ", ViewLockers: "View Lockers", Utilities: "Utilities", CreateAccount: "Create Account", EFTReturned: "EFT Returned", WorkingPleaseWait: "Working. Please Wait.", OngoingEnrollmentOnly: "Ongoing Enrollment Only", Comparison: "Comparison", PipelineAssignedToYou: "New Pipeline assigned to you today", ClientJoinEmailHeader: "You have been registered for the following membership:", TotalTextMergeJobs: "Total Text Merge Jobs", PleaseEnterValidLink: "Please enter a valid link (eg.,", WaitlistExpirationHoursExplain: "This is the number of hours before an appointment after which no one can join the wait list, no one will be able to join the appointment from the wait list, and no one on the wait list will be emailed of a new opening.", NoCompleteForBalance: "Do not allow appointment completion for clients with a balance owed.", PreferredTrainersReportSubText: "This report displays information about the preferred trainers assigned to clients.", FreezeRequestReceived: "You have succesfully submitted a request to freeze your membership at {0}.", EditContract: "Edit Contract", OnlineFutureSessionMonthsDetail: "Months of future billing packages may be used to book appointments in the future through the Client Portal.", AutoAuthEmailLiveJournalLink: "You can make any needed updates through the \u003ca href=\"{0}\"\u003eLive Journal\u003c/a\u003e process.", AllowOnline: "Allow Online", TransactionInProgress: "There is a transaction in progress. Please complete the transaction before attempting to navigate away", Rights: "Rights", UnableToLocateMembership: "We\u0027re sorry, but we were unable to locate your membership with the information provided. Please contact your membership\u0027s primary location for more information.", RunCustomReports: "Run Custom Reports", PaidByFollowingClients: "Paid by the following clients", ConfirmAppointEmailText: "Do you want to send a confirmation email for this appointment", OfferContainsBadBillDays: "This offer contains Recurring Billing Items that are missing a Bill Day.", ItemsHaveBeenAddedToCart: " items have been added to your cart", CannotSignChangeContract: "The contract for this change needs to be signed, but this computer has no signing method set up.", ReceiptText_TotalCharged: "TOTAL CHARGED {0,28:F2}", PendingPayments: "Pending Payments", GroupBy: "Group By", EditPastAppointments_Desc: "Edit Trainer for Past Appointments.", PosOnAccountPaymentsForPriorCycleReturns: "POS on Account Pymts against Prior Cycle Returns", GroupMemberContracts: "Group Member Contracts", CustomTextSaveError: "An error occurred while trying to save your Custom Text", FreezeConfirmationPrompt: "Freeze Confirmation Prompt", Submit: "Submit", Suffix: "Suffix", Sunday: "Sunday", Survey: "Survey", PleaseEnterZipCode: "Please enter your zip/postal code", Stages: "Stages", Status: "Status", Street: "Street", Streak: "Streak", InventoryHistoryReportSummary: "This report will allow you to see the Received and Adjustment history of your Charge Codes set to use Inventory", AddFamilyMember: "Add Family Member", ConfirmDeleteScheduleHours: "Are you sure you want to delete the scheduled hours starting {0}?", RemoveFinancedBillingFromJournal: "This billing item is part of a Financed Package. If you remove it a balance of {0} will be added to the client’s account. Do you wish to continue?", TaxWithColon: "Tax:", IfJoinDateIsInPast: "If Join Date is in the past", StandardExport: "Standard Export", NoBalanceRemaining: "No Balance Remaining", SummaryByClientNumber: "Summary by Client Number", NextRun: "Next Run", FileSummary: "File Summary", ResourceBooked: "The resource has already been booked during the time specified", GoogleAnalyticsID: "Google Analytics 3 ID", OnAccountPayment_WithSubs: "On Account Payment (Personal and Subs)", ExcludeTimeRange: "Exclude Time Range", IncludeClientPackageSales: "Include Client\u0027s Package Sales Details", ResponsibleForBilling: "Responsible For Billing", GridLength: "Grid Length", ClientUpdateAlertWarning: "If you are receiving this message in error please contact your health club.", EditDigitalContracts_Desc: "Create and Edit Digital Contracts.", SymphonyExtract: "Symphony Extract", MartinLutherKingJuniorDay: "Martin Luther King Jr. Day", CanEditForGroup: "Allow me to edit others", ChangeTemplate: "Change Template", NewClub: "New Location", NewCash: "New Cash", System: "System", MonthlyJournal: "Monthly Billing", IncludeClientsWithEmail: "Include clients with an email address", DailyRevenueAndDepositReconciliationReport_Desc: "View and print the Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation Report", NoSurveyQuestionsMessage: "There are not Survey Questions currently configured. You can set them up through the Program Settings section of Configuration.", ClientSessionsReportShortName: "Scheduled Sessions by Client", ClientAlreadyEnrolledBody: "{0} was not added because they are already enrolled.", Secure: "Secure", Search: "Search", SentTo: "Sent To", SellTo: "Sell To", Select: "Select", VisaReceiptTotal: "VISA.................{0,10}", ShiftTransactions: "Transactions for Shift Opened {0}", HouseCharge: "House Charge", Source: "Source", UnlimitedBillingMustBeFree: "Recurring Billing items for Unlimited Packages cannot have a price", TextMergeBadHeaderOther: "{0} - Clients with a Bad Phone Number", PostedBalanceExplained: "The balance and transactions shown here include only those items that have been posted. If this balance differs from the one you see in POS or Check-In, or you don\u0027t see a recent transaction then there may be outstanding un-posted transactions for this client. These transactions will be found either in the Desk section under Register, or in the Office section under Transactions.", CannotPrintUpdateRequired: "An update is needed for the Print Service", AppointmentTrainerRemovedConfirmation: "Trainer {0} has been removed from the appointment.", Saving: "Saving", UnableToViewContractBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were not able to generate the requested contract at this time.", SelectAnInterest: "Please select at least one Interest.", InventoryOverLimit: "Inventory Over Limit", PricingOptions: "Pricing Options", ViewAllResults: "View All Results", ExportOptions: "Export Options", LiveJournalPostMessage: "This file is still live in the billing system. It has yet to complete the following stages: {0}. If you post now any changes made will not be reflected in your AR. Are you sure you would like to proceed?", NewClientsAssignTypeTip: "The Assigned Rep column will display the Rep\u0027s name associated with the Rep Assignment chosen here. If the client doesn\u0027t have this Rep Assignment, the field will be blank", FutureBillings: "Future Billings", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsAccName: "Please enter the name on the account for the one-time payments", UploadFileCabinet_Desc: "The ability to upload/download files to/from the File Cabinet", LocationGroupDeleted: "Location Group Deleted", AuthorizationRequired: "Authorization Required", PurchasedPackagesDetails: "Purchased Packages Details", ShowAnswerDetail: "Show Answer Detail", DailyDashboardEmailGroups: "Daily Dashboard Email Groups", OnlineJoinDuplicateCheckOverrideExplained: "This will allow online users to override the duplicate check and add a new potentially duplicate record to the database", ShowOnCheckIn: "Show on Check-In", SalesBreakdownWidget: "Use the Sales Breakdown Widget", UsePOS_Desc: "Ability to Use the POS Machine", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersZipPostalCode: "Please enter this family member\u0027s zip/postal code", RedeemPackagesOnCheckInRight: "Redeem Standard Packages from the Check In screen", SessionLength: "Session Length", SignUp: "Sign Up", Unassign: "Unassign", YouStillHaveABalanceOf: "You still have a balance of ", ShowMe: "Show Me", ShowTo: "Show To", Shifts: "Shifts", AllDates: "All Dates", ContractAmountsIncludeTax: "Include Tax On Contract Token Amounts", Shared: "Shared", AllBilling: "All Billing", ConfirmDisableScheduledStatement: "Are you sure you want to disable the scheduled statement {0}. This can be re-enabled at any time by loading the filter set and saving new schedule settings.", NewUnitPrice: "New Unit Price", EditClientTransactions_Desc: "Insert Transactions from Client Edit", MassCancelClients: "Mass Cancel Clients", MissingOldValueExplanation: "For security reasons not all previous values are stored when a change is made. The fields that are stored are: Amount, Bill Type, File Type, Bad Account", FileAlreadyPostedError: "You have already posted a file for this date. You cannot save another.", FutureEmailWithThirdPersonSingular: "{0} needs to Email {1}", ToJoinRenewal: "To Join/Renewal Date", UpgradeNow: "Upgrade Now", FinancePackage: "Finance Package", Prefix: "Prefix", CampaignType: "Campaign Type", NoOnlineImagesFound: "There are no Online Images that match your criteria.", Prompt: "Prompt", CampaignName: "Campaign Name", FromFirstBilling: "From First Billing Date", EditDigitalContracts: "Edit Digital Contracts", MyYearBeginsIn: "My Year Begins In", SignedOn: "Signed On", SignedIn: "Signed In", ReceiptPrinterUnavailable: "Receipt Printer Error", ExpiredClientsDefinition: "The total number of expired prepaid, per-visit, and non-member clients.", FollowCardReaderInstructions: "Please follow the instructions on your Payment Terminal", ClubClosed: "The club is not open during the time specified", AllClubs: "All Clubs", RedeemPackagesOnCheckIn_Desc: "Redeem Standard Packages from the Check In screen", MemoRepLastName: "Memo Rep Last Name", SwipeCreateNew: "Swipe a Credit Card to create a new account.", ConflictWaitlistFull: "The wait list for this class is full", PerDay: "Per-Day", SessionsCanBeRedeemedUntil: "Visits can be redeemed until {0}", CloudTransferClick: "Click here to transfer them.", PosTransactions: "POS Transactions", ChangesSaved: "Changes Saved", CloudTransferError: "There was an error transferring your cloud documents.", AllTypes: "All Types", NoClientMemosMessage: "This client does not currently have any memos that fit your criteria.", EnrollmentSaved: "Enrollment Saved", AfterDateFilter: "{0:d} and on", PayNow: "Pay Now", CardType: "Card Type", LookupAccountInformation: "Lookup Account Information", PromptForRecurringPackageTooltip: "This will show a prompt when buying a package in POS to add the package to recurring billing. This will also allow you to assign a contract to packages. The prompt will not show for free or unlimited packages, for canceled or archived clients, or if the client\u0027s home club isn\u0027t the club running POS.", SelectSecQuestion: "Select Security Question", TotalSessionsRemaining: "Total Sessions Remaining", CopyFromStandardSettings: "Copy From Standard Settings", ReducePrintPages: "Reduce Print Pages", ViewNextWeek: "View Next Week", EstimatedMonthlyVolume: "Estimated Monthly Volume", CancelChecksBad: "It looks like this client cannot be {0} right now.", AppointmentCancelation: "Appointment Cancelation", IncludedClients: "Included Clients", Accounts: "Accounts", TotalToCollect: "Total to Collect", PleaseEnterActiveTo: "Please Enter an Active To Date.", ManageScheduledReports: "Manage Scheduled Reports", UnableToLoadDrawerBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to load the drawer amounts at this time.", NoRepsWithKeytag: "No Reps were found with the KeyTag you scanned.", FreezeMemoExistingEnd: "Was not set because an existing freeze was set to end later", TextingSettingsEmpty: "There are no open texting accounts", Posted: "Posted", Postal: "Postal", ChargeCodeAndGLAccount: "Charge Code and GL Account", ClassEnrollmentExceeded: "The enrollment for this {0} is now full. You may join the wait list in case a spot becomes available.", Points: "Points", AllIncomplete: "All Incomplete", Plural: "Plural", Please: "Please", AvailableOffersForClients: "Available Offers For Clients", CompleteEmailReportSecondPersonSingular: "{0} were emailed a Scheduled Report", ItemNumber: "Item Number", TransferClients_Desc: "Transfer Clients", ReceiptPromptHeader: "Receipt?", AllowToAssignOnCheckIn: "Allow To Assign on Check In", RuleSaved: "Rule Saved", PIFDuesBillingDues: "PIF / Billing Dues", HidePaymentSchedule: "Hide Payment Schedule", SearchAllCustomFields: "Search All Custom Fields", DuesBilled: "Dues Billed", FutureTourWithSecondPersonSingular: "{0} need to give a Tour to {1}", TenureFactor: "Tenure", UnableToLoadAppointmentBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to load the appointment at this time.", EditTransferSettings: "Edit Transfer Settings", PleaseEnterActiveFrom: "Please Enter an Active From Date.", SurveyQuestionSaved: "Survey Question Settings Saved for Survey Question {0}!", GTMVariablesUnique: "GTM Variable Names must be unique", FromEmailInUse: "This email from address is already in use at this location.", WhatAreBadges: "Badges are something a client can earn by performing certain tasks you define (like enrolling in classes, or purchasing packages). These are a fun and simple way to increase client engagement or to drive traffic to profit centers. Once earned, badges will show up in the client\u0027s trophy case in the Client App.", EstimatedMonthlyVolumeRequired: "Please select an estimated monthly volume", TowelTrackerLateFeeChargeCode: "Towel Tracker Late Fee Charge Code", ClientUnsubscribeOne: "1 - Client has unsubscribed", VoidingAllowed: "Voiding Allowed", EditHoursFor: "Edit Scheduled Hours for {0}", ResubsAlreadyScheduled: "There is already a resubmit in progress for this club and billing date.", UnableToMove: "Unable to Move", UnableToJoin: "Unable to Join", UnableToEdit: "Unable to Edit", AddAmenity: "Add Amenity", UnableToSave: "Unable to Save", UnableToPost: "Unable To Post", MemberAndProspect: "Member \u0026 Prospect", AddRecipient: "Add Recipient", UnableToCreateRedemption: "Unable to Create Redemption", OpenShifts: "Open Shifts", Delivered: "Delivered", ReturnedOnDate: "Returned On Date", BeginningTransation: "Beginning Transation", DowngradeType: "Downgrade Type", ReturnedTimesBetweenOne: "Returned for at least {0} Billing between {1:d} and {2:d}", StreetAddress: "Street Address", Position: "Position", ExpirePackageToolTip: "Both the offer and package(s) can be edited by accessing configuration.", LimitedLiabilityCorporation: "Limited Liability Corporation", DontLink: "Don\u0027t Link", CannotRenewUpgradeDescription: "Sorry, but Clients of this type cannot be renewed or upgraded.", SelectContractOfEachType: "Select the contracts of each type that will be created when modifying clients", AreasOfInterest: "Areas of Interest", PurchasedVisits: "Purchased Visits", CloudStorageSettings: "Cloud Storage Settings", FamilyMemberAgeRangeToJoin: "This family member must be between {0} and {1} years of age to join.", Reminder_PaymentToPost_Singular: "You have a payment to post!", ExcludeOnline: "Exclude Online", ShowAllTrainers: "Show All Trainers", CheckExplanation: "check explanation", EmailSubject: "Email Subject", VirginOfGuadelupe: "", DaysRemaining: "Days Remaining", OnlineCancelationRequest: "Online Cancelation Request", TransactionPartiallyVoided: "Transaction Partially Voided", UpdateCancelReason: "Update Cancel Reason", PreferWhatsApp: "Prefer WhatsApp", DebitCardCredits: "Debit Card Credits", NoContractsMessage: "There are no contracts that match your criteria.", AppointmentDeletedConfirmation: "The Appointment has been deleted.", NonMember: "Non-Member", PasswordDoesNotMeetRequirements_TryAgain: "This password does not currently meet requirements. Please try again.", MasterCard: "MasterCard", EditZipCodes_Desc: "Edit Zip Codes.", EventEnteredGroupWideFlagValue: "A user inserted a new group wide flag value", Transportation: "Transportation", DailyScheduledProcesses: "Daily Scheduled Processes", Yellow: "Yellow", Yearly: "Yearly", AmenityDescription: "Amenity Description", ClientReferredBy: "Client Referred By", MonthlyUsageTotalsByUseTypeReport: "Monthly Usage Totals By Use Type Report", CancelPayBalance: "Client must pay any balance due when canceling", UseCollectionsNotAllowedAtClubInfo: "This report is only available if you\u0027re using Twin Oaks Returns Managment. To sign up, or for more information, please call 860.829.6000, or visit our website.", JoinOnline: "Online Join", QuickBooksFailureEmail: "Sorry, but we were unable to create your QuickBooks® extract due to outstanding unposted transactions. Please make sure all transactions are posted and retry through the Accounting section of the software.", CashSale: "Cash Sale", ViewRegisters_Desc: "View registers and POS Shift information.", CashCode: "Cash Code", FilterFromTo: "From {0} To {1}", UseCaseRequired: "Please select a Use Case", PresettlementReport: "Presettlement Report", ResourcePriorityExplanation: "The appointment type chosen has both Trainers and Locations that can be reserved. Please choose which resource is most important to you, and the Appointment Wizard will prioritize the search results based on your selection.", EnrollOfflineOnly: "Enrollment for this class is only available In-Club", BalanceWriteOffCodeExplained: "When a balance is written off, some reports will show that this Charge Code was written off instead of the actual Charge Code and Taxes that were written off.", TextAnalyticsReportSummary: "This report provides detailed analytics on Text Merge messages you have sent through Twin Oaks.", NonDuesRespExplained: "Sets responsibility for group members\u0027 billing items which are NOT marked as part of dues.", NewInvoiceNumber: "New Invoice Number", ViewPrevious: "View Previous", ProblemsInJournal: "problems found in the journal", SignupsWidget_Desc: "Displays a pie chart of the offers clients signed up for.", EFTCommissionReport_Desc: "View and print the EFT Commission Report", UsagePictureReport: "Usage With Pictures Report", MustContainAtleastOne: "Must contain at least one {0}", InvalidAccountNumber: "Please enter a valid Account Number.", AuthorizeJournal_Desc: "Authorize EFT Journals", HideCurrentlyFullClasses: "Hide classes that are currently full", AverageDues: "Average Dues", EmailAddressNotVerified: "This email address must be verfied before it can be used. Please click the button to get started.", TimeClockReport_Desc: "View and print the Time Clock Report", PostedOn: "Posted On", PostedBy: "Posted By", ErrorsInModel: "Errors in Model", AppointmentClientStatusChangeConfirmation: "{0} has been marked as {1}.", FinancialInstitutionNumberRequired: "Please enter a valid financial institution number.", PostDate: "Post Date", ReceiptGeneration: "Receipt Generation", BusinessCn: "Great Britain: Company Number", BusinessRn: "Israel: Registration Number", CancelReasonInvoluntary: "Involuntary (Canceled by Club)", MembershipTerm: "Membership Term", MembershipInfo: "Membership Info", NotAssigned: "Not Assigned", ClosedMemberStatusReportSummary: "This report lists members who have a status of \"Closed\" and are no longer being contacted by Twin Oaks Returns Management.", EventChangedUsage: "Manually Changed a Usage Record.", RecurrenceGotcha: "If the month would end before this process will occur, it will instead happen on the last day of the month. Example: A process scheduled to run on the 31st will run on the 28th of February.", DuplicateKeyTags: "Duplicate Key Tags", DateEntered: "Date Entered", FinancialTechnology: "Financial Technology", CorePrepaid: "Core Prepaid", SystemReminder: "System Reminder", ReverseInvoice: "Reverse Invoice", ConnectingToReader: "Connecting to the reader...", DuplicateEmailNotEligible: "You already have an account record at {0}. Please visit the club.", Purchased: "Purchased", EFTCommissionReportBlurb: "This report tallies and subtotals billing charges, then associates them with Primary Reps of clients in the selected EFT journal. Clients with multiple Primary Reps will award each of their Primary Reps 100% of their charges.", SelectOneOrMoreClients: "Please select at least one client", UpgradeType: "Upgrade Type", ClientReferralsReportSubHeader: "This report provides information about clients who were referred by other clients.", NotBookingsPackage: "Not Bookings Package", AnalysisType: "Analysis Type", Reminder_IncompleteBooking_Plural: "There are {0} incomplete bookings!", InsertAccounts_Desc: "The ability to insert new accounts for clients.", Responsibility: "Responsibility", InsertNoRegisterWarning: "This workstation is not set to accept payments. You may continue to insert at this workstation, but be aware any charges due will be automatically assigned to the inserted client and be set as a balance due on their account.", NewMailMerge: "New Mail Merge", DTEmpty: "DT Empty", UseProcessScheduler: "Use Process Scheduler", UnableToSaveDrawerBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to save the drawer amounts at this time.", BillingEndDate: "Billing End Date", ToolTipRefundToClient: "Refund To Client: To switch to Generic Refund, click the Clear button to the right.", DuesAllocationSemiAnnualDateHeader: "Semi-Annual Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", AllClients: "All Clients", NotCreated: "Not Created", MoreInformation: "More Information", LengthRequired: "Please select a Length.", AddWorkoutRequestQuestion: "Add a new Workout Request Question", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsCVVNumber: "Please enter a valid CVV Number for your one-time payment.", RetypePassword: "Retype Password", ClaveProdServExplanation: "Code that stands for the sold item according to the catalogue of the SAT.", PaymentsInInvoice: "Payments in this Invoice", November: "November", IncludeSummary: "Include Summary", Category: "Category", AddingComputer: "Adding Computer", SalespersonRequired: "Please Select a Salesperson", CCExpDateRequired: "Please enter your credit card expiration date.", MexicoTaxId: "Taxpayer Identification Number", DefaultAmount: "Default Amount", UserNameMustHave_NoSpecialCharacters: "The user name must have between {0} and {1} characters and may not contain special characters", MethodNotImplemented: "I\u0027m sorry, but the selected function is not currently available in Advantage Version 2.0 system.\\nPlease try again in the Advantage Version 1.0 system.", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersStreetAddress: "Please enter this family member\u0027s street address", MassCancelClients_Desc: "Mass Cancel Clients", AllowInAlternateOnlineJoins: "Allow for Alternate Accounts Online", BillingDuesAdded: "Billing Dues Added", TwilioBrandUnderReviewOne: "1 of your Brands is under review.", AddSalesPlan: "Add Sales Plan", AllClasses: "All Classes", GroupCheckInNotEligibleBody: "Sorry, but this client is not the member of any groups that allow Group Check In", EditingComputer: "Editing Computer", ShowOnlyAnswered: "Show Only Answered", Prepare: "Prepare", Prepaid: "Prepaid", Preview: "Preview", UnableToSaveClientHeader: "Unable to Save Client", LinkToClient: "The client\u0027s name matches the following clients already in your system. Would you like to link to one of these clients?", NewBalanceWithColonAndValue: "New Balance: {0}", OnRedemption: "On Redemption", NoOfferCheckBoxes: "This offer does not have any Check Boxes", CopyAnExistingContract: "Copy an existing Contract", ImportHours: "Copy Hours", AchievementSalesCatAny: "Earned when a client purchases any {0} item(s).", IncludePromoCodesThatAre: "Include Promo Codes that are", RemoveResponsibleParty: "Remove Responsible Party", Unknown: "Unknown", EndMonthToDate: "End Month-To-Date", RecurringPaymentsFinancialInstNumberInvalidMessage: "The financial institution number for recurring payments is not valid", PartOfSharedTransaction: "The billing transaction(s) for this client are part of a shared account transaction.", WhatAreStreaks: "Streaks are achievements that can be earned multiple times. Each time a client completes the defined set of activities in the time-frame they extend their streak. If they don\u0027t complete them in time, their streak comes to an end! This is a great way to keep clients involved and motivated!", Reminder_IncompleteBookingBody_Plural: "{0} You can view them in the Office section under Booking Statuses.", AssessmentAppointmentReportSubHeader: "This is a report run based on \"Assessment Appointments that occured during the specified time frame\"", TotalPromoCodes: "Total Promo Codes", ShowExpiredPackages: "Show Expired Packages", ErrorUpdatingBillingAccount: "An error occured while trying to updating your billing account.", DemonstrativeAdjective: "Demonstrative Adjective", ConfirmDeletionFormatted: "Are you sure you want to remove {0}?", Product: "Product", CompanyNumberRequired: "Company Number is required", Proceed: "Proceed", Process: "Process", Problem: "Problem", ViewUsageInCheckIn_Desc: "View Usage In Check In", Prorate: "Prorate", ClientUpdateAlertVerification: "This email has been sent to verify that you have made changes on our website.", PrepaidClients: "Prepaid Clients", EmailForNotificationsExplained: "Stay up to date on the status of this verification. We will not send any marketing emails.", Primary: "Primary", Printed: "Printed", Private: "Private", TotalCollectedVsGrossBilled: "Total Collected vs Gross Billed", ExpiredNonMember: "Expired Non-Member", AllGrades: "All Grades", PleaseEnterUserNameRecoveryFields: "Please enter the fields as prompted to recover your user name.", WhichIsMailMergeExplain: "The information displayed in the report are for the date(s) displayed below. \r\nIf the mail merge is scheduled with these filter settings, the mail merge will display information based upon these settings relative to the day it is run.", AddAction: "Add Action", StoreChangesNo: "No, apply to just this billing", NoDocumentsMessage: "No Documents Found", MembershipEmailAddress: "E-mail address on your membership", SurveyQuestion: "Survey Question", PreventCanceledClientLoginText: "Sorry, but canceled clients are not allowed to log in to this site. Please visit your club to perform any actions on your account.", UnableToDeleteShift: "There was a problem removing this Shift.", OnPayment: "On Payment", DeleteGroupConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete {0}? There are currently {1} members in this group.", EditCancellationOptions: "Edit Cancellation Options", MinAmountOnItemsExplained: "When checked this will compare the Minimum Purchase Amount against the total on the sale for applicable items. Applicable items are those you have defined in the \u0027Specific Charge Codes\u0027 or \u0027Specific Sales Categories\u0027 sections for the promotion.", FreezeChargeCodeExplanation: "Enter a code if you wish to use a special freeze code for billing freeze amounts. When not entered, freeze amounts will be charged to the billing item’s charge code", ScheduledMassChange: "Scheduled Mass Change", BadEmailClientFacing: "This email was sent to me in error", TotalCollected: "Total Collected", UpdateStatus: "Update Status", HideFullyRedeemedGifts: "Hide Fully Redeemed Gifts By Default in Office - Gift Cards", CancelOnlyInClub: "Clients can only cancel in-club", MailMergeEmailNameNote: "*Note: The document name will appear as the email subject", CurrentStatus: "Current Status", JoinInClub: "In-Club Join", CompleteEmailOnlineFreezeConfirmationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received a confirmation of their freeze request", BankNameRequired: "Please enter the Bank Name.", ClubReturnsResubToolPriorCycles: "Club Returns Resub Tool Prior Cycles", YourEmergencyContactInfo: "Your emergency contact information", OnlySkipped: "Only Skipped", Reminder_PaymentPost_Body: "This can be done in the Billing section under Payments.", DuplicateActions: "Duplicate Actions", AllAccounts: "All Accounts", EftAllocationTaxBreakdownReport: "EFT Allocation Tax Breakdown", EditClubHours_Desc: "Edit the Club\u0027s Hours", AllClubsInRewardsGroups: "All clubs that you have rights to are already in a Rewards Group", RetrieveMoney: "Retrieve Money from the Drawer", MemberInformation: "MEMBER INFORMATION", AnyBalance: "any balance", ClosingPercentageWidget_Desc: "A pie chart that breaks down pipelines by result", ItemsInCart: "Sorry, but there are already items in your cart.", CustomFieldSearch: "Custom Field Search", FileAlreadySentConfirmation: "You have already sent a file for this period. Do you want to save anyway and overwrite that file?", ARHistoryReport: "AR History Report", ClearCancel: "Clear Cancelation", ShoppingCart: "Shopping Cart", AutoRefillRegister: "Auto-Refill Register", ViewClientMembership: "View Client Membership", DefaultGroupSearchToAllClubsText: "Default Group searches to \"All Clubs\"", CantSendAllStatements: "Statements will not be sent to {0} client(s). Are you sure you want to continue?", EventChangedAccountNumber: "A user updated existing account information", PerVisitRestriction: "Per-Visit Client Type Restriction", AllNormal: "All Normal", OverrideAnyway: "I understand the risks and want to perform the override anyway.", MustNotHaveBalanceOwed: "Client must not have a balance owed", BranchOff: "Branch Off", ClassSessionCanceled: "This session of the class has been canceled and cannot be booked", RepActivityReportSummary: "This report provides a list of all activity with clients that was logged.", ChangeBillingAmount: "Change Billing Amount", ShiftAlreadyClosed: "Shift is already closed.", UseAsSaleCRM: "Use as Sale in CRM", ClubNameInUse: "This name is in use by another club in the group, please select a different name.", BrandName: "Brand Name", InsertWizard: "Insert Wizard", EditCancellationOptions_Desc: "Edit Cancellation Options", OnlyCanceled: "Only Canceled", GroupReport_Desc: "View and print a report of all groups.", ClientTypeNoEdit: "Sorry, but this Client Type was created by the system and cannot be edited.", NextPipelineStep: "Next Pipeline Step", NotYetImported: "Not yet imported", PackageSalesAnalysisReport: "Assessment Appointment - Package Sales Analysis Report", Denominations: "Denominations", CancelMembership: "Cancel Membership", AddNewStatusCode: "Add A New Status Code", ClassPosRequirement: "This workstation is not configured for Point of Sale. If any actions on classes require you to take payment, you must perform them from a POS workstation.", CompleteEmailOnlineCancelationConfirmationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received a confirmation of their cancelation request", OfferNotAvailableDowngradeDues: "This offer does not have a lower dues amount than the client\u0027s current dues amount", ClientCanceledNotification: "Client Canceled Notification", AccountTiedToBillings: "This account is tied to the following billing items:", FutureSessionBookingPaymentSessionsOne: "Use \u003cstrong\u003e1\u003c/strong\u003e Session of my \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e set to bill on {2:d}", ProspectPotentialGradeFactors: "Prospect Potential Grade Factors", Deactivated: "{0} deactivated", SearchForLocation: "Search for a Location", DoNotAllowCancelClientLoginText: "Do not allow Canceled Clients to log in to their account.", ConektaWebhookRequired: "Please enter your Conekta Webhook Signature Key", MinimumPurchaseAmount: "Minimum Purchase Amount", EditRepAssignTypes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Rep Assignment Types", CompleteTextSecondPersonSingular: "You texted {0}", TrainerBioToolTip: "This bio will display on the Client App for clients to see information about trainers when booking appointments.", ForgotPwd: "Forgot password", WhyMailFromAddress: "In order to protect recipients from malicious messages, such as spoofing and phishing messages, Google and Yahoo are introducing new email authentication requirements, so all emails must be sent from authenticated domains.", PackageSale: "Package Sale", PackageType: "Package Type", PackageName: "Package Name", PackageGrid: "Package Grid", Signature: "Signature", TimeRestrictionEndTime: "ending time for restriction", EditClientLockers: "Edit Client Lockers", AgreeAuthorizeTermsAndConditions: "By configuring the software for Auto Authorize, you agree that all configuration for Auto Authorize is completed accurately and completely, including expected minimum and maximum billing amounts for each billing frequency configured for my club; and at least one active representative that is responsible to review any email notifications sent during the Auto Authorize process. The email notifications will be sent automatically by the Twin Oaks system and will include a summary of the number of transactions submitted for billing and the total dollar amount included in the authorized transactions. The email will also include a count and dollar amount of the items submitted identified as problems. You acknowledge and agree that the amounts that are authorized are the amounts that you request Twin Oaks to draft from the specified client accounts. You also acknowledge and agree that you have full responsibility to validate the detailed Billing Journal and Problem Report for each journal Auto Authorized and you indemnify and hold Twin Oaks harmless if amounts or members are billed in error.", UpcomingActions: "Upcoming Actions", LockerExpirationDaysWarnText: "Warn me if the client\u0027s locker expiration date is", WorkoutRequestQuestionnaire: "Workout Request Questionnaire", GeneralManager: "General Manager", RepGoalsWidget_Desc: "A bar graph to show a reps progress in completing assigned goals.", PurchasedPackage: "purchased package", NoCrossBillTypeRenewalsExp: "When selected, Clients will only be presented with offers using the same billing type they currently have (Billing, Paid In Full, Per-Visit)", NoDataFoundText: "No {0} found. Please select different search criteria.", CaptureImage: "Capture Image", DeliveryNotifications: "Delivery Notifications", OverrideOfferRules: "Override Offer Rules", EnrollmentSuccessfull: "You are now enrolled in {0}.", EmailTemplateRequiredMsg: "Low Visit Email Template is required for warning greater than 0", AmountEqualOrGreaterThanZero: "Please enter an amount equal or greater than 0.", AmExCredits: "Am Ex Credits", MessagingServiceDeleteError: "An error occurred trying to delete the Messaging Service", AppointmentTypeCreated: "Appointment Type Created", PromoCodeBarcodeInUse: "This barcode is already in use by another Promo Code.", UseSessionsInCartPlural: "Use {0} visits of {1} in the cart", FeeScheduleGap: "This schedule does not cover all days of the year (Including Feb 29).", SelectDistrict: "Select District", UnableToRegisterCard: "Unable to Register Card", CannotCompleteAllPaymentStatus: "The following Clients have an issue with their current payment status:", DailyDashboardExplanation: "This report displays daily membership statistics for every club within the club group. It is generated automatically every day after midnight and is emailed to the selected recipients.", WeeklyPaymentStarting: "Weekly Starting {0}", OfferNotFoundHeader: "Offer no longer valid", UnableToRemoveHours: "Unable to Remove Hours", EmailRequired: "Please enter your Email", OfferNotAvailablePackageClientType: "This offer has Packages not allowed to be used by its Client Type", ErrorAddingClientsToWaitList: "Error Adding Clients to the Wait List", AuthCode: "Auth Code", ToggleNavigation: "Toggle navigation", ClientCancellationRequestHeader: "A client has requested to cancel his or her membership at {0}.", InvalidAccountType: "Invalid Account Type", PackageSalesReports: "Package Sales Reports", SignUpNow: "Sign Up Now", ItemsHave: "items have", DOBYearRequired: "Please enter the year of your date of birth", ConfirmDeleteNumber: "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from the daily recap numbers?", UnsubscribeMarketingMiddle: "click here", ShowMonthToDate: "Show Month-To-Date", ProspectTourFactorDescription: "The length of time since the last tour", Includes: "Includes", Included: "Included", WeeksInPast: "Weeks in the Past", FilterBefore: "up to and including {0}", IncludeEndedOffers: "Include Ended Offers", UsesPerClient: "Uses Per-Client", MarketingReportShortName: "Marketing", GroupJoinForm: "Group Join Form", BillToClientNumsign: "Bill to Client #", CardNumberMaxLength: "The Card Number cannot be longer than 16 characters", IncludeDetails: "Include Details", MastReceiptTotal: "MASTERCARD...........{0,10}", InsertTransaction: "Insert Transaction", AddPayment: "Add Payment", DigitalContracts: "Digital Contracts", ClientIsNonMember: "The Client is a Non-Member", PleaseSelectRecurringPaymentsMethodOfPayment: "Please select your method of payment for the recurring payments.", ActiveGroups: "Active Groups", GiftsRedeemed: "Gifts Redeemed", CreditCardReceipts: "Credit Card Receipts", AppointmentCancellation: "Appointment Cancellation", EditSurveyResponses: "Edit Survey Responses", AllowedPackages: "Allowed Packages", NewPostReturnsProcess: "New Automatic Returns Posting", MiddleInitialRequired: "Please enter Middle Initial", AppliedPIFCredit: "Applied PIF Credit", SelectedOptionalBilling: "Selected Optional Billing Items", GuestRegistration: "Guest Registration", AddPackage: "Add Package", CreatedByRep: "Created By Rep", ErrorProcessingPaymentRenEnterPaymentInfoOrPayAtLocation: "We\u0027re sorry, but there was an error processing the payment. You can try entering your payment information again, or you can pay your balance at the location.", AlreadyVoided: "Already Voided", IncludeDeleted: "Include Deleted", PleaseEnterValidZipCode: "Please enter a valid zip/postal code", ExpiresWithinMonthsOne: "Expires Within {0} Month", NoBillingInformationReportSummary: "This is a report of clients the system identifies as having no billing information. The report may be filtered by date entered, client type or status codes.", TransferMembership: "Transfer Membership", ActualQuantityReceived: "Actual Quantity Received", TrainerGroups: "Trainer Groups", ConfirmDeleteFeeSchedule: "Are you sure you want to delete {0}?", LengthNotSetText: "You must set the session length before you can add appointment types.", ClientTypeAnyMachine: "This Client Type can be used at all computers", MassChangeRepAssignments: "Mass Change Rep Assignments", Friday_Short: "Fri", AnniversaryToday: "The client\u0027s Anniversary Date is today.", RecurringBilling: "Recurring Billing", Recalculate: "Recalculate", CellPhoneRequired: "Please enter a Cell Phone number", ConfirmDeleteSavedFilterBefore: "Are you sure you want to delete the", ScheduleSavedOnPrepare: "The schedule changes are not fully saved until you press save on the Prepare tab.", CrossClubGroupMessageHeader: "Group from a different club", CompleteEmailOnlineJoinReceiptSecondPersonSingular: "You were emailed an Online Join Receipt", Unspecified: "Unspecified", AutoPostFreezeNoAnnual: "Do not freeze Annual Billings", UsageReportSubHeader: "This report shows Client\u0027s usage.", GroupCancelRadioLabel: "In Group Cancels, Apply Cancel Fees to", GroupTotals: "{0} Totals", ResourceConflictsPrompt: "One or more of the resources booked in sessions of this class cannot be used with this appointment type. Selecting this appointment type will remove those resources from the scheduled sessions. Are you sure you wish to select this appointment type?", ClassOneSpotLeft: "Only {0} spot left", ValidationError: "Validation Error", ClockInOrOutHeader: "Clocking In or Clocking Out?", PackageCustomDescription: "Package Description", CollectionPercentCurrentCycle: "Collection % Current Cycle", RepPipelineWidget_Desc: "The sales pipeline for the individual rep.", MonthlyPaymentAmount: "Monthly Payment Amount", DuesAmount: "Dues Amount", RefundCharges: "refund charges", IssueUpdatingAccTryAgainText: "Sorry, there was an issue updating your account. Please try again later.", ItemSales: "Item Sales", EmailSettings: "Email Settings", TrainerRequired: "Preferred Trainer is required", DateMomentAllOther: "MMMM D, YYYY", AllowGroupEdits: "Allow others to edit me", ManageShift: "Manage Shift", OnlyRedScreen: "Only Red Screen", Sunday_Short: "Sun", OfferNotAvailableBody: "The selected offer is not available to clients of this type.\\nWould you like to browse the list of available offers?", CodeFilter: "Code: {0}", RenewClients_Desc: "Renew memberships for existing clients.", ExportExcel: "Export", MemoClubName: "Memo Club Name", AllowedAppointmentTypes: "Allowed Appointment Types", UpgradeMembership: "Upgrade Membership", TurnstileIP: "Turnstile IP Address", OwnershipChangeIncomplete: "You have not yet finished changing ownership.", DecreaseBillingTooMuchError: "This amount would reduce one or more billing amounts below 0.00. Please do not decrease by more than {0}.", ZipMax: "The Zip/Postal Code cannot be longer than 16 characters.", ActionOverdue: "Action is overdue", DeleteRedemptionPrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete this redemption?", ExportFirst: "Please export before changing data", EmailFromAddresses: "Email From Addresses", AddToGift_Desc: "Add to a gift transaction", ReversalInvoiceToBeWritten: "Reversal Invoice To Be Written", PasswordResetSubject: "Twin Oaks Password Reset", EarnableReward: "Earnable Reward", UnableToRestoreSession: "Unable to Restore the Session", AchievementSaveOnlyFuture: "Only Future", ClientTypeAlreadyDiscounted: "This client type is already discounted.", WizardSearching: "Please wait while we search for your results...", CashDrawerBalances: "Cash Drawer Balances", IncludedOneTimePayments: "Included One-Time Payments", FreeWithYourMembership: "Free with your membership", SearchForClientType: "Search For Client Type", CompleteManualReturn: "Complete Manual Return", CancelDate: "Cancel Date", TrainersThatDoExplanation: "This is the list of all trainers who are instructing the selected sessions of this class. You may select multiple Trainers by clicking on them and then clicking the Select Trainers button.", ErrorProcessingTransaction_Desc: "There was an issue processing your transaction.{0}Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks if this problem persists.", AccountNumberLookup: "Account Number Lookup", CanceledOn: "This client was canceled on {0:d}", ClientEditOnly: "Client Edit Only", NewMemberResponsibilitiesExplained: "Check boxes assign payment responsibilities to the leader for all new clients added to the group. Any future changes to these responsibilities require manual updates to existing group members. Membership/Dues Billing sets the group leader as responsible for group members (sub clients). Check-in alerts for the group leader will also show on the check-in for sub clients.", AllPayments: "All Payments", TwelveMonthStartingExplained: "The 12-Month total starting membership is the average starting membership over the 12 month period.", MonthToDateSales: "MTD Sales", PrepayNoBillingConflict: "This client does not have any billings to prepay", MonthToDateStart: "Month To Date Start", TwilioSurveyHasAddress: "Is the business entity you\u0027re registering located in the US and/or Canada?", EndedAndFinancedBillingsExcluded: "Note: Any billings that have already ended, as well as any billings for financed packages will be excluded from this utility.", BankChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Bank - {1}", MassChangeClientType: "Mass Change Client Type", UpdateBilling: "Update Billing", DocumentName: "Document Name", DebitCardVoid: "Debit Card Void", DebitCardSale: "Debit Card Sale", AddNumber: "Add Daily Recap Number", CancelBreakdown: "Cancel Breakdown", CreditCardNumberRequired: "Please enter your credit card number.", BadgeNameInUse: "There is already a badge with this name.", LiveJournalChangesReport: "Live Journal Changes Report", TrainerPayrollReportSummary: "This report calculates how much your trainers should be paid for appointments in which they were booked.", EventAssignedAccount: "A user assigned an existing account to another member or group", MonthToDateUnits: "MTD Units", ShowPaymentOptions: "Show Payment Options", OnlineCartReceipts: "Online Shopping Cart Receipts", BillingAccountAddress2: "Billing Account Address 2", ConfirmUnassignFormatted: "Are you sure you want to unassign {0} from {1}?", OfferFields: "Offer Fields", SubTotalWithColon: "Subtotal:", OnlyOpenShifts: "Only Open Shifts", ErrorRecordTransactionTitle: "Error Recording Transaction", EndDateBeforeStart: "The End Date must be after the Start Date", OnlyPartOfDues: "Only Part of Dues", SourceBreakdown: "Source Breakdown", ChargeCodeCodeExists: "This code already exists at this location", PrimarySecondaryEducation: "Primary and Secondary Education", SuggestedFollow: "SuggestedFollow", SharedWith: "Shared With", NewEndTime: "New End Time", BusinessDetails: "Business Details", NewEndDate: "New End Date", OverrideReasonRequired: "Please enter the Reason for this override.", UseTypesAvailable: "Use Types Available", RawMaterials: "Raw Materials", WaitList: "Wait List", CashReceiptTotal: "CASH.................{0,10}", OfferFactor: "Offer", WhyNoRequireCompletePayment: "This is not available when automatically complete appointment during check in is enabled", DescriptionMaxLength: "The new description cannot be longer than", DelinquentClientsWithBillingReturns: "Delinquent Clients With Billing Returns", EnrollmentEndsHoursBefore: "Enrollment Ends Hours Before", DeleteLockerAreaActiveConfirm: "The {0} locker area contains active lockers. Deleting the area will delete all lockers in this area. Are you sure you want to delete this area?", ArchiveConfirmation: "Once archived this client will not show on most reports or searches. Are you sure you want to continue?", AppointmentChangeSubject: "Appointment Change Notification", LoadFiltersQuestion: "Do you want to load these filters?", JoinNow: "Join Now", TriggeredOnGroupDisband: "(Triggered when disbanding an entire client group)", WizardUnavailableAppointments: "Unavailable Appointments: {0}", RedemptionReceiptPrompt: "Print Redemption Receipt?", EventChangedEnrollment: "An appointment enrollment was changed", FinancePromotionInvalidCardType: "You can only finance charges with a credit card", WorkoutClientReminderBody: "You have been assigned a new client workout requests.", AnnualFeeScheduleEntry: "Annual Fee Schedule Entry", ClientAndClubCopy: "Client and Club Copy", TermsAndConditions: "terms and conditions", AppointmentRep: "Assessment Appointment Rep", EndMemoReason: "Reason you\u0027re ending the Memo", EditInterests: "Edit Interests", NoProblem: "No Problem", UnableSetPaymentOption: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to set the payment option.", Downgrade: "Downgrade", DeferredRevenuesReport_Desc: "Deferred Revenues Report", ChangeDate: "Change Date", ChangeType: "Change Type", ErrorClosingShift: "Error Closing Shift", Confirm: "Confirm", Contact: "Contact", NoDashesSpaces: "(no dashes or spaces)", AchievementPackageAny: "Earned when a client purchases any {0} package(s).", EventViewedAccountNumber: "A user accessed Account Number Lookup", BillDayRequired: "Please select a Bill Day.", BusinessRegion: "Business Regions of Operations", Journal: "Journal", Command: "Command", Comment: "Comment", QuickBooksFailureSubject: "Unable to Create QuickBooks® Export", Compare: "Compare", ClientTypes: "Client Types", ClassHasEnrollment: "There are clients enrolled in sessions of this class, therefore it cannot be removed.", CustomLocalization: "Custom Text", DontChangeTheseSessions: "Do not change these Sessions", InventoryChargeCode: "{0} - {1} - shows a quantity of {2} available.", ClubPipeline: "Club Pipeline", MiddleInitial: "Middle Initial", CanceledBillingClients: "Canceled Billing Clients", UsesPerClientExplained: "The number of times each client can redeem this promotion. This is only applicable if a client is selected for the sale. Generic Sales will not have a limit on the number of redemptions. That can be controlled with the Sell To Members Only option.", ConfirmAccountNumber: "Confirm Account Number", CloseShift: "Close Shift", Reminder_BillingDueHeader: "Your {0:d} {1}{2}billing file is due in {3} day{4}.", ArchiveGroupLeaderPrompt2: "This Client is the Group Leader for the {0} group. In order to archive them you must disband the group (Some sub-members in this group cannot be canceled because they are either the leader of other groups or sharing accounts with other groups).", WorkoutCategorySubtitle_Other: "{0} workouts", WhoOwnsThisBilling: "Which client is this billing for?", QuickBooksFailureEmailMissingGL: "Sorry, but we were unable to create your QuickBooks® extract due to certain Charge Codes lacking the required GL Account. Please review the attached list of Charge Codes and make any necessary changes through the software.", NotForProfit: "Not for Profit", CannotCompleteAllBalance: "The following Clients have a balance owed:", ClientSince: "Client Since", MessageFlowPrompt: "How do end-users consent to receive messages?", EditLockers: "Edit Lockers", TrainerAlreadyAssignedMessage: "The selected trainer is already assigned to this appointment type", NewMemberManagement: "New Member Management", EmailSettingsRequiredLink: "Click here to see the email settings", EndVariableBillingOnCancel: "End Variable Billing of balances on the selected cancelation date", ClientIsNew: "The Client is new.", DenyCharging: "Do not allow house charging", EventDeletedUsage: "Manually Removed a Usage Record.", StepBreakdownByRep: "Assigned Rep for Step: {0}", ClientHasRP: "This client has a Responsible Party", CancelWarningHeader: "If a client to be canceled has scheduled appointments after the specified cancelation date, if you proceed with this cancelation, some of these appointments will be canceled but not all depending on payment status.", TrainerSessionsReportShortName: "Scheduled Sessions by Trainer", NoInventoryUsesMessage: "There are no usages for this inventory.", AddLocker: "Add Locker", CreditCardExpired_Prompt: "The credit card you have entered is expired. Would you like to save anyway?", ClientEmail: "Client Email", CCSettled: "CC Settled", AddLength: "Add Length", TwinOaksPride: "We at Twin Oaks pride ourselves on our customer service and support. Remember, you can always call tech support at 800-829-2339 for assistance. Our commitment is to always have a live person answering all calls, and we constantly strive to improve response times.", BalanceDue: "Balance Due", InvalidUser: "Invalid user.", InvalidDate: "Please enter a valid {0} between {1} and {2}.", TimeClockReports: "Time Clock Reports", CanceledStatus: "Canceled Status", ClassEnrolPOSRequirement: "This workstation is not configured for Point of Sale. If any actions on this class require you to take payment, you must perform them from a POS workstation.", ReceiptSent: "Your reciept has been sent.", ChargePaymentMismatchConfirmation: "The Charge Total does not match the Payment Total. Are you sure you want to mark the transaction as finalized anyway?", ShowOnlyMyClients: "Show only my Clients", ReceiptDeny: "No Receipt", InsertTextingSettings: "Register Texting Account", NoRepsFoundWithRightAnyClub: "Your search did not match any Reps with the \"{0}\" right.", ClientGrade: "Client Grade", OptOutMessagePlaceholder: "Example: You have successfully been unsubscribed. You will not receive any more messages from this number. Reply START to resubscribe.", MemberRevenueFactorDescription: "Compare this client’s purchases to those of other clients within the last 45 days", AccTypeInvalidForAutoRefillRewardsCard: "This account is used for auto-refill rewards card. Please choose a valid credit card account type.", GainAccessNormal: "To gain access to this feature you will need to ask a manager to grant you permission to the {0} right.", UnableToAuthorizeJournal: "I\u0027m sorry, but you are not permitted to authorize billing files.", SelectMerge: "Select a Merge", AllowsCustomUserInput: "Allows Custom User Input", TotalClients: "Total Clients", ReturnAmount: "Return Amount", SelectMonth: "Please Select the Month", CustomLocalizationTitle: "Edit Custom Text - {0}", Confidential: "**CONFIDENTIAL**", Country: "Country", TotalRenewals: "Total Renewals", ResourceUnavailable: "Resource Unavailable", BillingsSharedAccount: "Billings this client\u0027s accounts pay for", ImportResults: "Import Results", SelectHours: "Select Hours", NewMemberActivityWidget: "New Member Activity Widget", StatementScheduleConfirmation: "Your statement generation has been scheduled. Twin Oaks will generate any statements matching your filters between 12 and 4 AM on the dates selected. You will be notified in the Reminders widget on the Home tab when statements are ready.", QuickInsertSettingsExplained: "Below are the settings for Client Record fields when performing a Quick Insert", September: "September", SelectOffer: "Select Offer", FamilyMemberEmailDoesNotMatch: "The email address entered for this family member does not match the one entered for verification", UnableToModifyItem: "Unable To Modify Item", UsingSharedAccount: "Using a Shared Account", ItemDeletedConfirmation: "{0} has been removed.", FreezeAmount: "Freeze Amount", DeferredRevenuesByMonthReport: "Deferred Revenues by Month Report", MassArchiveClients_Desc: "Mass Archive Clients", CannotArchive_ActiveBillings: "This client\u0027s billing information cannot be cleared because there are billings occurring between now and the selected cancelation date.", EditSurveyQuestion: "Edit Survey Question", UncheckedFirst: "Unchecked First", YourBillingInformation: "Your billing information", CannotVoidUsedGift: "This Transaction contains a Gift Card balance that has already been redeemed and cannot be voided.", InterestBreakdown: "Interest Breakdown", AllActionTypes: "All Action Types", Halloween: "Halloween", OverrideBalanceAlert: "Override Balance Alert", SelectTaxRegime: "Select Tax Regime", SelectAClub: "Select A Club", ContactPhoneNumsign: "Contact Phone #", DeferredRevenueCode: "Deferred Revenue Code", ConfirmationCodeBody: "\u003cp\u003eHere is your one-time confirmation code:\u003c/p\u003e\u003ch1\u003e{0}\u003c/h1\u003e\u003cp\u003ePlease be aware that this code will expire within 10 minutes.\u003c/p\u003e", RepPasswordChanged: "Rep password has been changed", UnableToRefund_Unposted: "The selected transaction has not been posted and therefore cannot be refunded. Please Void the transaction instead.", EmergencyContactPhone: "Emergency Contact Phone", CloseMonth: "Close Month", EditSalesPlanFriendlyRight: "Edit Sales Plan", NewTrainerName: "New Trainer Name", EnterBlankGovernmentID_Desc: "Enter Clients with no Goverment ID.", InvalidUserName: "Please enter a valid User Name.", DailyRecap: "Daily Recap", PanamaTipoRuc: "Taxpayer Type", Archived: "Archived", WallPaper: "Wallpaper", QuarterlyCCExpDate: "Quarterly CC Exp Date", EnrollInRewards: "Enroll in {0}", PosCategorySavedConfirmation: "POS Category {0} saved successfully", TransactionAlreadyVoided: "This transaction has already been voided.", Password: "Password", ClientAppointmentConfirmationSubject: "Appointment Booking Confirmation", ByChargeCode: "By Charge Code", BadClabeWarning: "This CLABE account cannot be used for membership billing. Please enter a different account number.", EditPromoCodes_Desc: "This ability to create and edit promotional codes.", OriginalUnitPrice: "Original Unit Price", FirstMonthlyBillingDate: "First Monthly Billing Date", PackageSalesByChargeCodeReportSubHeader: "This report displays the packages sold at a club location organized by the packages charge codes and sales dates.", ClientTypeCodeDuplicate: "This Client Type code already exists at this club.", ScheduledReportWeeklyConfirmation: "Attached please find the {0} for the week of {1}.", AddClient: "Add Client", CustomerProfile: "Customer Profile", LegalBusinessNameRequired: "Please enter your Legal Business Name", CopyrightNotice: "© Copyright {0} by Twin Oaks Software Development, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", RepActivityReportShortName: "Rep Activity", SortOptions: "Sort Options", ReviewAndSubmit: "Review and Submit", EditARSettings: "Edit AR Settings", SelectAppointmentAndPayWhenYouArrive: "Schedule your appointment now and pay when you arrive", EventAddedClientStatus: "A rep added a status to a Client", AnyLocation: "Any Location", StockTickerRequired: "Please enter the Stock Symbol", Override: "Override", YouHaveNeverUsedTheFacility: "You have never used the facility.", ConektaApiKey: "Conekta Private API Key", DuplicateLocker: "There is already a locker with that number.", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsSecurityCode: "Please enter the security code for the one-time payments", UsageAlerts: "Usage Alerts", SelectClubForMonthEnd: "Select a club to begin month end closing", AddCharge: "Add Charge", FreezeRequestPromptDefaultText: "Are you sure you would like to submit a request to have your membership and billing frozen?  Requests will be processed within 24 hours.", DailyClose: "Daily Close", UnexpectedError: "Unexpected Error", SelectState: "Select State...", RejectedBy: "Rejected By", AddLocation: "Add Location", NotEnrolled: "Not Enrolled", FrequencyFilter: "Frequency: {0}", StartDate: "Start Date", StartOver: "Start Over", StartTime: "Start Time", POSRepEntryType: "Rep ID Entry on the Sale and Refund Screens", PerUnit: "Per Unit", PerWeek: "Per-Week", PerYear: "Per-Year", Percent: "Percent", PreferredTrainersReportShortName: "Preferred Trainers", AverageDuesDefinition: "The average amount of the active billing records for this client that are \"Included in Dues\".", ErrorLoadingLocationsList: "I\\\u0027m sorry, but an error occurred while attempting to load the list of Locations", GooglAnalyticsIDFormat: "Your Google Analytics 3 ID should be in a \"UA-0000000-0\" or similar format", ChargingCreditOnly: "Allow house charging from credit balance only", Cancels: "Cancels", LocationGroups: "Location Groups", ViewAppointmentsInCheckIn: "View Appointments", PaymentTypesKey: "C= Cash; K = Check; G = Gift; A = American Express; D = Discover; M = MasterCard; V = Visa; H = In-House Charge; F = Financing; E = Debit, X = Mixed (Multiple Payments)", DoDowngrades_Desc: "Perform Client Downgrades", DefiniteArticlePrepositionA: "Definite Article + Preposition \"a\"", UpdateEmailsOnCheckIn_Desc: "Update client emails on Check In", EnableBreakdownAdjustmentsExplained: "Enable this option to allow reps with the \u0027Adjust Membership Breakdown\u0027 right to adjust price and/or quantity for items listed on the Membership Breakdown in the Insert/Renewal Wizards.", MemoShownOnCheckIn: "Memo Shown on Check-In", ActiveTo: "Active To", Activate: "Activate", FriendlyNameOrDescription: "Friendly Name / Description", LowVisitEmail: "Low Visit Email", ScheduleWidget_Desc: "A calendar control that provides a snapshot of the rep\u0027s appointments for the day.", AlreadyOnWaitList: "{0} is already on the wait list.", FilesPendingApproval: "Files Pending Approval", SelectTownship: "Select Township", NoPackagesButRequiresPrepayment: "Please select at least one package if you wish to require pre-payment.", UnableToChangePrice_Desc: "The Price cannot be changed for this type of item.", ScienceAndTechnology: "Science and Tech", DoNotIncludeGroupLeadersFormatted: "Do Not {0} Group Leaders", OfferNotFound: "Offer not found", DeviceID: "Device ID", InvalidInformation: "Invalid information", ReviwedSuccessfully: "Reviwed Successfully", LastReminderStart: "Last Reminder Start", CurrentPaymentMethod: "Current Payment Method", CannotDeleteRep: "Cannot Delete Rep Assignment", DatesMustBeWithin: "Dates must be within {0} days of another", OnlineAutoKeyTag: "Automatically assign a Key Tag for online joins.", CashDue: "Cash Due", TimeoutWarningLogout: "Log Out", CheckInOptions: "Check In Options", ClubPipelineWidget_Desc: "The sales pipeline for all prospects at the club.", WithoutContract: "Without Contract", ChangeClientStatuses: "Change Client Statuses", EmergencyContactRequired: "Please enter an Emergency Contact", NoContentSet: "No content has yet been created. Click \u0027Edit\u0027 to get started.", GiftCardConfirmationRedemptionInstructions: "Please visit {0} to redeem.", ComprobanteFacturaId: "Unique Identifier", Caption: "Caption", ProrateChargeCodeExplained: "When a prorate choice is made on offer setup, the charge code defined in this field will be the one used to record the monies charged/collected for prorated amount during the join process", SurveyAnalyticsReportShortName: "Survey Analytics", FinanceMonthsPrompt: "Over how many months would you like to finance this purchase?", ClientHasRPBranchOnly: "Only the client assigned Dues/Membership payment responsibility is allowed to modify this membership within the group you belong to. Do you wish to start your own individual membership outside this group?", AssignmentTypes: "Assignment Types", ThroughOxxoPay: "Through Oxxopay", ManageDailyDashboardReport_Desc: "Change the settings for the Daily Dashboard Report", SearchReps: "Search for a Rep", SearchTerm: "Search Term", ReviewContract: "Review Contract", XDaysOne: "1 day", SelectYourFiltersBelow: "Select your filters below", CannotDeleteCharge: "This charge cannot be deleted", NoAgeLimit: "No Age Limit", PrivateCompanyType: "Private", Pending: "Pending", ReCaptchaNotConfiguredProperly: "ReCaptcha has not been properly configured.", DuplicateClientsReportSummary: "This report shows possible duplicate client records.", KeyTagCleared: "KeyTag {0} has been cleared", ThisArticle: "this article", Inactive: "Inactive", MemoEndDate: "Memo End Date", RepModifiedHeader: "Rep has been modified", BillingStatusReport_Desc: "View and print the Billing Status Report", ChangeRepAssignments: "Change Rep Assignments", EditRepShifts_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Rep Shifts", DateOfBirth: "Date of Birth", EventChangedBillingItem: "Modified a recurring billing item for a client.", IsBlackCardExplanation: "This is now determined by the Planet Fitness Member Type of the Client Type.", ConfirmDeleteMemoType: "Are you sure you want to remove {0}?", EnterNewPaymentInfo: "Enter new payment information", ExpiredPasswordHeader: "Your current password has expired and must be changed", ReportAvailabiltyDesc: "Only reps with \u0027Use Report Wizard\u0027 right will have access to this report", PrintPreviewQueued: "Your Print Preview has been queued. Your preview should begin printing soon.", DeferredRevenuesMonthReport: "Deferred Revenues by Month Report", AreaCode: "Area Code", NoNeedForA2P10DLC: "You don\u0027t need to register for A2P 10DLC", ExcludeCanceledClients: "Exclude canceled clients", SellToPIFClients: "Sell to PIF Clients", DaysInAdvance: "days in advance.", CompleteEmailReportThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed a Scheduled Report", MinProrateAmount: "Minimum Prorate Amount", SearchForUsageType: "Search For Usage Type", UserNameUpdateConfirmation: "You have successfully updated the user name on your account.", PrintShiftTrans: "Print your transactions from this shift", AllOfThem: "All of Them", PersonalInformation: "Personal Information", EditClientRewards: "Edit Client Rewards", AutoRefillRegisterExplained: "This is the register to be used when processing client requests to automatically add to the balance on their gift card(s). Note: This is only applicable if you are also using the Rewards program.", AllOffers: "All Offers", EftAllocationSaveError: "An error occurred while trying to save your EFT Allocation settings.", SaveChanges: "Save Changes", SystemSettings: "System Settings", ManageEftAllocationReport_Desc: "Manage the EFT Allocation Report", MexicanIndependenceDay: "", AllVsPersonalExplained: "All displays the combined balance for the client selected plus any balance amounts for other clients which they have responsibility for (pay for). Personal displays only this client’s balance.", RightsAreRequiredFormatted: "You do not have rights to {0} at {1} {2}.", StandardDowngrade: "Standard Downgrade", WeeklyPaymentOther: "{0} Weekly Payments starting {1}", QuickBooksUnpostedError: "There are unposted transactions in the date range selected, please post those transactions before exporting.", AchievementVideoAny: "Earned when a client watches any {0} video(s).", UnableToProrate: "Unable to Prorate", RepActivityReport: "Rep Activity Report", TriggeredOnClientAccountChange: "(Triggered when changing a client\u0027s account information.)", SurveyAnalyticsReportSummary: "This report will show the surveys and the breakdown of answers, with no client information.", InvalidPackage: "{0} cannot use that method of payment for this {1}.", SingleSession: "Single Session", ViewOffers: "View Offers", RegisterLabelWithValue: "Register: {0}", SwipeOrManualInstructions: "* Please swipe your card or click on the \"MANUAL\" tab to clock in or out.", ConfirmLeaveGroup: "Are you sure you want to leave {0}?", UnknownError: "Unknown Error", ProfessionalServices: "Professional Services", UnableToPrintIE: "Due to browser incomplatibility, individual printing is not supported in Internet Explorer. Please use a different browser (Chrome, FireFox, Edge, Safari)", UnableToResetAccount: "Unable to Reset Account", OnlyPosted: "Only Posted", EnrollOneClick: "Enroll with One Click", UsageTypesWidget_Desc: "A pie chart that breaks down the different types of usage.", YearToDate: "Year to Date", QuickBooksExtractSummary: "This will extract GL transactions in a format you can use to import into QuickBooks®. Go to Accounting Settings to configure the extract.", ViewClientUsage: "View Client Usage", RetentionExplained: "Retentions: 100 - Attrition", InsertOfferTag: "Insert Offer Tag", InsertRule: "Insert Rule", CloseDateLastCloseError: "The close date must be greater than the last closed date", TimeClockAllowed: "Time Clock Allowed", InsertTour: "Insert Tour", InsertType: "Insert Type", OverpaymentsDisallowed: "This payment is more than the total price. Overpayments are not allowed through this form. Please use the On Account Payments form for that purpose.", ScheduleDateTimeInPast: "The Schedule date time cannot be in the past", ClientTypeDescDuplicate: "This Client Type description already exists at this club.", InventoryConfirmReceiptExplained: "Please make sure to count the new inventory and enter the Actual Quantity Received before confirming receipt.", OfferWizardOptions: "Offer Wizard Options", PaymentRestriction: "Payment Restriction", PrePaymentRequired: "This {0} requires pre-payment", RepReminderSaved: "Reminder Settings Saved for Reminder {0}!", AppointmentClientRemovedConfirmation: "{0} has been removed.", AchievementUsageType: "Earned when a client visits the club for {0} {1} time(s).", AnnualUsageTotalsByUseTypeReportSubtext: "This report generates a list and total number of uses per month for a twelve month period sorted by Use Type.", ReportMode: "Report Mode", ReportName: "Report Name", ReportDate: "Report Date", MaxWaitlistSize: "Maximum Wait List Size", MassCheckIn: "Mass Check In", OverLimitQuantityExplained: "Set this to email Reps subscribed to the Inventory Alert Email to be notified when inventory count is at or above this level.", AllPostDates: "All Post Dates", WaivedFee: "Waived Fee", CutOffToolTip: "The Cut Off date is the last day a client can join to be included in the selected bill date. Various Offer settings can cause the date to be different such as Annual Fee Schedules, Auto Assign bill days, and delaying the start of billing, for example.", EditTrainerGroup: "Edit Trainer Group", Billings: "Billings", AllowedRecurringPaymentMethods: "Allowed Recurring Payment Methods", Interests: "Interests", LeaderZipPostalCode: "Leader Zip/Postal Code", BillDays: "Bill Days", BillDate: "Bill Date", ConfirmNewPassword: "Confirm new password", PleaseSelectOneError: "Please select at least one {0}", BillType: "Bill Type", PleaseSelectFamilyMemberPhoneToBeContacted: "Please select which phone this family member would prefer to be contacted", InvalidPayment: "The specified payment method for {0} is invalid", SelectComputer: "Select Computer", ProspectFactors: "Prospect Factors", BalanceChange: "Balance Change", ContractConversionInfo: "\u003cstrong\u003eInfo!\u003c/strong\u003e This version 1 contract will be converted to a new version on saving. Please verify all the tokens and review your contract before saving.", PurchasedPackageBookingPaymentSessionsOther: "Use \u003cstrong\u003e{0}\u003c/strong\u003e Sessions of my available \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e", BookSelected: "Book Selected", GroupByClub: "Group By Club", EditReminders: "Edit Reminders", ContractConversionText: "Your contract is being converted to a new format. Once complete, review your contract to verify. Please note you will need to replace your tokens.", OfferNotAvailableSellToProspect: "This offer does not support sales to prospects", ViewClientPackages_Desc: "View the Packages tab on Client Edit", CannotDeactivateAppTypeWithPackage: "Cannot be deactivated because existing Packages use this Appointment Type", OnlyCreateJournalBusinessDays: "Only Auto-Create on business days", MaxDateError: "Please enter a date on or before {0}", AllowInOnlineJoins: "Allow In Online Joins", ProcessorChangeOpenShift: "Please close any open shifts for this register before changing the Payment Processor", ColorThemeSaved: "Color Theme Saved", LimitRequired: "Please specify the charging limit.", ChangeFeeChargeCode: "Change Fee Charge Code", CanceledAddOnClients: "Canceled Add-On Clients", EditIDTypes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s ID Type Codes", OldStartDate: "Old Start Date", AddOnMembers: "Add-On Members", OldStartTime: "Old Start Time", SendPasswordResetEmail: "Send Password Reset Email", AddCancelReason: "Add Cancel Reason", FilterByPipelineRep: "Filter by Pipeline Rep...", PromptPrintCCReceipt: "Would you like to print the credit card receipt?", EditGL_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s General Ledger Codes", MyRewards: "My Rewards", ViewClientMemos: "View Client Memos", Manufacturing: "Manufacturing", UnableToRemoveTransactionText: "This transaction is on the Bad Account List so it will not be billed. There is no need to remove it.", NewCloseShiftProcess: "New Shift Auto Closing", KeepasVersion1: "Keep as Version 1", WaitlistDecline: "Decline", MyReports: "My Reports", BillingStatusReport: "Billing Status Report", AddUsageType: "Add Usage Type", UnusedPackages: "Unused Packages", After3Months: "After 3 months", EditPurchasedPackages: "Edit Purchased Packages", PartialPayment: "Partial Payment", ConfirmDeletionReminderTextFormatted: "Are you sure you want to remove the Reminder {0} ?", CreateStatements: "Create Statements", PackageUsedInBoth: "has been setup as billing items and tied to active client offers.", UsageFactor: "Recent Usage", AllClubSettings: "These settings pertain to every club in the group", EventAddedTrainer: "A user added a trainer to a class/appointment", ClientCanceled: "The Client has been canceled.", CannotBeDeletedError: "This {0} is currently being used and therefore cannot be deleted", NoLocationGroups: "This location is not part of any groups.", MakeInactiveQuestion: "Make Inactive?", NetReturns: "Net Returns", DailyRecapNoNumbers: "No information is being tracked.", Document: "Document", ComputerNotEditable: "Sorry, but a computer designated for Online or Office use is not editable.", RenewClients: "Renew Clients", MembershipFreezeReason: "Membership Freeze Reason", AppointmentChange: "Appointment Change", PaymentOptionsPOSRequirement: "This Workstation is not setup for Point of Sale. You must perform this action from a POS workstation.", RepaymentMethod: "Repayment Method", ShowOnlyActive: "Show Only Active", CannotBeBeforeInvoiceDate: "The date cannot be before the original invoice date.", SessionsChanged: "Sessions Changed!", CheckedInAt: "Checked In At {0:t}", ReportDeleted: "{0} Successfully Deleted", ERIncomplete: "EFT Balance Payment Incomplete", TransactionProblem: "Transaction Problem", OnlyNotCanceled: "Only Not Canceled", DeclineUrlTooltip: "Web address to remove yourself from the waitlist on the App", TotalCollectedOutsideCurrentCycle: "Total Collected Outside Current Cycle", CancelRequestChanges: "Cancel Request Changes", CanPayAtLocationForEnrollment: "Allow the option to pay at the club on all online joins.", MerchantCopy: "Merchant Copy", ClaveUnidadExplanation: "Code that stands for the standardized unit of measure", EventChangedGroupWideFlagValue: "A user changed an existing group wide flag value", OldInvoiceNumber: "Old Invoice Number", AppointmentCartConfirmationOne: "1 Appointment has been added to your Cart", ErrorSavingRep: "There was an error while saving the rep.", NoAppointmentTypeLocationsMessage: "This appointment type cannot be booked in any location.", MembershipAgreement: "Membership Agreement", NoHoursChanged: "No hours were changed", ReviewedDate: "Reviewed Date", IncludeAssessAppDetails: "Include count of previous package purchases and assessment appointment information.", PaymentBreakdown: "Payment Breakdown", Unassigned: "Unassigned", UnableToDeleteBankText: "You cannot delete a bank that is in use.", AllowGuestRegistration: "Allow Guest Registration", PasswordTooShort: "Passwords must be at least {0} characters.", AutoAuthEmailReviewLink: "Please login to review your \u003ca href=\"{0}\"\u003eAuthorized Billing Journal\u003c/a\u003e.", InvalidNamedToken: "{0} is not a valid token", PleaseSelectAUtility: "Please select a utility from the list to get started.", AllRepTypes: "All Rep Types", SaveStatementFiltersExp: "Filters used on your statements are automatically saved each time you generate statements. If you prefer to save your filters without generating the statements please provide a unique name to help find these filters in the future.", OfferClientTypeDeleted: "This offer cannot be selected because its Client Type is deleted", BillingItemSummaryShort: "Bills {0}", TotalChanges: "Total Changes", SemiAnnualPaymentStarting: "Semi-Annual Starting {0}", LastBillingDate: "Last Billing Date", PosTransactionsReportSummary: "This report provides a detail of your Point of Sale transactions.", UseTermForAnniversaryDate: "Use the default term to set the anniversary date for billing clients when joining/renewing", QuarterlyDuesBilled: "Quarterly Dues Billed", FitRewards: "Fit Rewards", Top10ProspectsWidget_Desc: "A list of the rep\u0027s prospects with the highest potential to join.", CopyFromInsertWizard: "Copy from Insert Wizard", RepPossesive: "Rep\u0027s", AccountsReceivableReports: "AR Reports", MemoReports: "Memo Reports", AccountTypeRequired: "Please select the Account Type.", CoreBillingDefinition: "The total number of clients that are billed recurrently.", ResourcesText: "Resources", AppointmentStatuses: "Appointment Statuses", GrandTotal: "Grand Total", ConfirmVoidTitle: "Confirm Void", InvoiceTotal: "Invoice Total", TextPerformanceReportShortName: "Text Peformance", ShortNameRequired: "Please enter a Short Name", DefaultRepEntryType: "Use logged in Rep if none selected", EnterUserName: "Please enter the User Name.", WaitListEmail: "Wait List Email", DoNotIncludeSubClientsFormatted: "Do Not {0} Sub-Clients (independent of their group leader)", EventEnteredBillingItem: "Entered a new recurring billing item for a client.", OverridePrepayment_Desc: "The ability to ignore the pre-payment requirement", EFTAmountsMismatchEmailBody: "Club {0} tried to authorize its {1} billing file, but the file amounts didn\u0027t match.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eEFTJournal ID: {2}\u003cbr\u003eEFTJournal Amount: {3}\u003cbr\u003eEFTHeaders Amount: {4}\u003cbr\u003eEFTDetails Amount: {5}\u003cbr\u003e", TopSpendersReport_Desc: "Run the Top Spenders report", UserNameMustBeBetween: "(must be between {0} and {1} characters)", NoHardwareServices: "There are no Hardware Services installed for this location. If you need to connect to hardware, please contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", BillingFileDate: "Billing File Date", VerificationCodeSent: "A verification code has been sent to the email address of {0}. Have them present the code to you.", UnableToRemoveLocation: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to remove the location at this time.", Language: "Language", NoLocationTypes: "This location cannot be booked for any type of appointment.", Confirmation: "Confirmation", RedemptionVerificationExplanation: "When a Rep attempts to redeem a Package for a service that is being rendered, the Client must approve the redemption.", PerAttendee: "Per Attendee", TotalsForChargeCodeFormatted: "Totals for Charge Code {0}:", ConflictWaitlistDisabled: "The wait list has been turned off for this class", MobileQrCode: "Mobile QR Code", EnrollmentType: "Enrollment Type", FollowUpExistingCampaign: "Follow up an existing Campaign", EventChangedTrainer: "A user reassigned the trainer for a class/appointment", NoLocationHours: "This location does not have any scheduled hours.", RemoveOverride: "Remove Override", EventRemovedClientRepAssignment: "Removed Client Rep Assignment", CRMPipelineType: "CRM Pipeline Type", ClientNameSearch: "Client Name: {0}", ChargeCodeNameExists: "This name already exists at this location", MonthlyAccountPaymentMethod: "Monthly Account Payment Method", PleaseEnterCancelDate: "Please enter a Cancelation Date", PleaseEnterCancelDays: "Please enter a number of days for the cancel date between 1 and 366", UniqueClicks: "Unique Clicks", RemovedFromJournal: "Removed from Journal", Management: "Management", Wednesday: "Wednesday", VoidSale_Desc: "Void a Previously Made Sale Transaction", InactiveAppointmentType: "This Appointment Type is Inactive", PaymentMethodOnlyPartiallySucceeded: "We\u0027re sorry, the payment method you selected only partially succeeded.", FriendlyName: "Friendly Name", DuplicateUsageAlert: "This Alert Name already exists at one of the clubs selected.", PageNoLongerExists: "The page you are looking for has either moved or no longer exists.", CannotChangeSessionCountOffers: "Changing the Number of Sessions on this Package requires changing the Offers in which the Package is used, but you do not have the rights to change those Offers.", ContactTwinOaks: "For more information, please contact Twin Oaks Software tech support.", ChangesMayNotTakeEffectUntilNextBillingCycle: "*Changes in billing may not take effect until the next billing cycle.", SalesPlanRiskExplanation: "All Clients with an Attrition Risk Grade of this or higher will automatically start an Attrition Risk Pipeline", AddOrEdit: "Add or Edit", CreditCardDeposit: "Credit Card Deposit", ConfirmZeroDollarCharge: "You are entering a $0.00 transaction. Are you sure you want to record a sale for $0.00?", ClubClosedSaveConfirmation: "Closed Day Saved", ManageEftAllocationReport: "Manage EFT Allocation Report", OnlineFutureSessionMonths: "Online Future Session Months", AssessmentAppointmentReport: "Assessment Appointment Report", PleaseSelectOneOfTheAvailablePricingOptions: "Please select one of the available pricing options", DoDowngrades: "Perform Client Downgrades", ChargingUpTo: "Allow house charging up to", TransactionID: "Transaction ID", ShowPreviousLocations: "Show Previous Locations", AssignReps_Desc: "Assign Sales Reps to Clients.", FacebookPictureURLExplained: "The URL of a picture you want to appear with the post. Note, this must be a full URL (ex.", CustomerCare: "Customer Care", CustomerName: "Customer Name", ProcessNoComputersSelected: "This process will apply to all Computers", IncompleteCartFirstEmail: "Incomplete Cart First Email", RfcInvalid: "RFC Invalid", ViewDocument: "View Document", SendVirtualGift: "Send an E-Gift", Payment: "Payment", HomeClub: "Home Club", AllowTransferOut: "Allow clients to transfer out.", TimeoutWarningHeader: "Timeout Warning", InsertAction: "Insert Action", HomePage: "Home Page", RepAssignment: "Rep Assignment", OptInImageUrlExplained: "Link to an image or document that shows the opt-in workflow where your users sign up for your SMS campaign. Multiple URLs are allowed. Any URL submitted must be reachable, resolvable and of access to the public.", Jewelry: "Jewelry", CancelDateFixedPayment: "Payment in the current cycle, plus one additional month", NoOfferFeesMessage: "There are no one time payments set up for this offer.", PayRate: "Pay Rate", ConfirmResume: "Confirm Resume", AsOfDate: "As Of Date", GiftCardConfirmationPersonalMessage: "A personal message has been included:", PleaseEnterWorkPhone: "Please enter your work phone number", PleaseSelectError: "Please select the {0}", PossibleDuplicate: "Possible Duplicate", MissingPromoClubRights: "You do not have rights to Edit Promo Codes for all clubs participating in this promotion.", NoAbbreviation: "N", NoLogHistoryMessage: "There were no events logged to the system that match your criteria.", ReportRunFor: "Report Run For", InsufficientChargeLimit_Desc2: "Sorry, but the selected client has already exceeded their charging limit.", Package: "Package", GroupLeader: "Group Leader", WhatsAppRejectionReasons: "{{Newlines, tabs, or more than 4 consecutive spaces}}\r\n{{Tokens are placed in the very beginning or end of the message}}\r\n{{Tokens are placed next to each other}}\r\n{{Template is a duplicate. WhatsApp rejects templates submitted with the same wording with a different name, to prevent abuse.}}\r\n{{Template contains content violating the WhatsApp Commerce Policy or the WhatsApps Business Policy}}\r\n{{Templates appears to be related to gaming or gambling. Common words such as \"raffle\" or \"win a prize\" almost guarantee a template rejection by WhatsApp.}}\r\n{{Templates that are overly vague}}", PaymentRequired: "Payment Required", GeneralClientPortalSettings: "General Client Portal Settings", PaymentStatus: "Payment Status", AmountTendered: "Amount Tendered", ShowFileStatus: "Show File Status", FullNameFirstMiddleLastToken: "Full Name (First MI Last)", PrintDetailOrSummaryText: "Print full detail or summary report", RemindBillingFileDue: "Remind that a billing file is due", ExcludeEFTEndedBefore: "Exclude EFT Clients Whose Billings Ended Before", ApplyChangeToAllBilling: "This change will be applied to all of the client\u0027s billing records", ChangeAmount: "Change Amount", ConfirmAchievementDeletionFormatted: "Are you sure you want to remove {0}? Once removed, this achievement will not be able to be earned by members. Those members who may already have earned this achievement will still see it in their Trophy Room.", ConfirmAppointEmail: "Confirm Appointment ", NoTransactionPayments: "There are no payments in this transaction.", Reimbursement: "Credit Balance Refund", ServiceFeesRestricted: "Service Fees will not be applied to Returns from {0} to {1}", CustomTextSaveConfirmation: "Custom Text saved", ContractsFilter: "Contracts Filter", CancelFeeChargeCode: "Cancel Fee Charge Code", CannotCompleteFuture: "You cannot complete the {0} before the date of the {0}.", BirthDateRange: "Birth Date Range", PaidFor: "Paid For", Clients: "Clients", LoadError: "Load Error", SessionExpired: "I\u0027m sorry, but your session has expired", PleaseSelectState: "Please select your state", ReturnsReportShortName: "Returns", FirstPurchase: "First Purchase", HoursRemoved: "Hours Removed", PackageNotAllowed: "Package Not Allowed", RecurringPaymentsCreditCardExpired: "The credit card for the recurring payments is expired.", TimeRestrictionInfo: "These are the times when Clients with this Client Type are not allowed to use the club. If a Client tries to check in, there will be a Red Screen Alert.", UseReportWizard_Desc: "Use the Report Wizard", GroupCheckInTitle: "{0} - Group Check In", ClockIn: "Clock In", Closing: "Closing", CancelPenalized: "Cancel Penalized", RecurringBillingReport_Desc: "View and Print the Recurring Billing Report.", PleaseEnterCellPhone: "Please enter your cell phone number", SportsAndFitness: "Sports and Fitness", Classes: "Classes", ChangesWillNotBeSaved: "Changes will not be saved until the Save Button is clicked.", EmergencyContactPhoneRequired: "Please enter an Emergency Number", ClientWillBeExpiredEffective: "This client will be expired effective {0}", ResponsibleForOthers: "Responsible for other members.", EventEnteredClientRepAssignment: "Entered Client Rep Assignment", ExpirationDate: "Expiration Date", YourCurrentBalance: "Your current balance is: {0}", CardError: "Card Error", PasswordValidation: "The {0} must be at least {2} characters long.", EditClientPortalSettings_Desc: "Edit Client Portal Settings", StartDateInPast: "The Start Date cannot be in the past.", NoClientsInAppointment: "There are no clients booked in this appointment.", MonthToDateHeader: "**** Month-To-Date ****", PictureURL: "Picture URL", EmailCannotBeLongerThan: "Email cannot be longer than ", PrepaidBillings: "Prepaid Billings", PrepayBillingEndWarning_One: "Billing item is currently prepaid for 1 more billing period. If you end this billing item, you must issue a refund for the unused pre-payment:", Multiple: "Multiple", SelectClientType: "Select Client Type", CheckboxRequired: "Please check the box to continue.", POSTransactionsReport_Desc: "View and print your Point Of Sale Transactions.", PackageSalesAnalysisReportShortName: "Assessment Appointment - Package Sales Analysis", PleaseSelectItem_Prorate: "Please select an item to prorate.", SettleCreditCards: "Settle Credit Cards", EnterValidActiveFrom: "Please enter a Valid Active From Date.", SubjectMaxLength: "The Subject cannot be longer than 64 characters.", CCReaderUnavailable: "Reader Unavailable", BillingForColon: "Billing For:", EditCreateBillingProcess: "Edit Billing Auto Creation", NoShowReportSubText: "This report shows clients that did not attend their scheduled appointments.", PresettleReportFilename: "{0} Presettlement Report {1}.txt", ViewARHistoryInCheckIn: "View AR History On Check In", MarginTotalCostDefinition: "The sum of the Cost of every charge for that charge code in the month chosen", RecurrencePrompt: "Would you like this process to happen automatically on this day every month", PleaseSelectMethodOfPayment: "Please select your method of payment", ConfirmDeleteMessagingService: "Are you sure you want to delete this Messaging Service?", MassChangeClientStatuses: "Mass Change Client Statuses", UnFreezeAll: "Un-Freeze All", UnsupportedBillDay: "Unsupported Bill Day", GuestPassLinkText: "Guest Pass Link Text", Insurance: "Insurance", AmountRequired: "Please enter an Amount.", ReturnDetails: "Return Details", NumberOfProspects: "Number of Prospects", MinDateError: "Please enter a date on or after {0}", EditRecipient: "Edit Recipient", AllGroupsFormatted: "All {0} Groups", AutoCompleteAppointmentField: "Automatically complete appointment during check in", CollectionsChangesTotal: "Total Collections Changes", Political: "Political", AccountChangeLineItem: "Updated {0} to {1} from {2}", GiftCardsOnlyInClub: "Gift Cards must be purchased In-Club", NoExerciseTagsMessage: "This exercise does not have any tags. Tags make it easier to find the right exercises when creating workouts.", UseDateTime: "Use Date/Time", AppointmentLocationRemovedConfirmation: "Location {0} has been removed from the appointment.", MarketingCampaigns: "Marketing Campaigns", PrimaryPhoneType: "Primary Phone Type", NotAvailableForEditing: "Not available for editing.", OneTime_Payments_Deferred_To: "One-Time Payments Deferred to", AfterEachSession: "After each session", EditDepartments: "Edit Departments", JoinsCancels: "Joins/Cancels", CreateAndJoinGroup: "Create And Join Group", GroupCheckInNotEligibleHeader: "No Group to Check In", LocationReservations: "Location Reservations", UnableToEditUsageTypesPF: "Editing of Usage Types must be approved by Planet Fitness Corporate, and then can only be edited by Twin Oaks.", MassChangeNoDataContent: "The scheduled mass change {0} ran, but there was no matching data.", HasAppAccount: "Has App Account", PaymentPhoneInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid payment phone number", BillingFreezeStartDate: "Billing Freeze Start Date", GeneralOptions: "General Options", OverridePromptGeneric: "You do not have rights to {0}. Enter credentials to override.", AllClientsCompleted: "All Clients have been marked as having completed the {0}.", CardRetrievalAllowed: "Card Retrieval Allowed", EditSessions: "Edit Sessions", WillBePostedToAccountsOn: "Will be posted to accounts on {0}.", ClubDocuments: "Club Documents", ExcludeCreditCardUsed: "Exclude Credit Card Used", AllowedRecurringPaymentMethodsExplained: "This sets the allowed recurring payment methods that can be used when Clients join in Club or online. Please be aware that when turning off any Allowed Recurring Payment Methods, any Clients already set up with that method of payment will not be affected by the change.", PromotionEnds: "Promotion Ends", CreateStatements_Desc: "Create Statements", DefaultAppointmentTitle: "You are booked for the following appointments:", Quarterly: "Quarterly", CancelBooking: "Cancel Booking", TriggeredOnGroupCancel: "(Triggered when canceling all members of a client group)", EnrollUrl: "Enroll URL", EnrollNow: "Enroll Now!", AllPaymentStatuses: "All Payment Statuses", POS_CountDrawer: "Count the Drawer", RoutingNumberSmall: "routing number", LocationNotBookable: "Your membership does not include booking an appointment of this type/length in {0}.", EconomicActivity: "Economic Activity", IncludedBillingItems: "Included Billing Items", ResourceNotBookable: "The {0} cannot be booked", NoGoBack: "No, Go back", RepGoalsWidget: "Use the Rep Goals Widget", SurveyAnalyticsReport: "Survey Analytics Report", AccountOwner: "Account Owner", PostingScheduledMessage: "Your EFT Journal has been submitted for Posting. Please check on the status of this process on the Reminders widget on the Home tab.", AppointmentTypeGridNotConfigured: "The Appointment Type Grid has not been configured.", MonthToDateEnd: "Month To Date End", PayBalanceAtTheLocation: "Pay the balance at the location", GroupRecurringBillingItem: "Group Recurring Billing Item", EditPersonalInfo: "Edit Personal Info", AccountTypes: "Account Types", DeferredRevenue: "Deferred Revenue", UnableToCancelBooking: "I\\\u0027m sorry, but we are unable to cancel your booking at this time.", AccountToUse: "Account to use", AllRights: "All Rights", EventBillingPrepayment: "Billing Prepayment", UnpaidLengths: "Lengths Without Payment", TriggeredOnGroupChange: "(Triggered when changing payment responsibilities within a group.)", SentRequestToRetrievePassword: "You recently sent a request to reset your password for your online account at {0}. Please enter this code when prompted: {1}\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ePlease be aware that this code will expire within 10 minutes.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIf you did not request to reset your password, please contact {0} immediately.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e", ReceiptPopupBlocked: "A pop-up blocker prevented the receipt from displaying", NewMemberPipelineLoss: "Closed/Loss", AdjustBalancePostedExplained: "The Adjust Balance Utility may only adjust posted portions of a client’s balance. The amount displayed to the left is that amount. If the balance here does not match the balance on the client header, this client has unposted transactions which may need to be reviewed and posted prior to adjusting their balance", EventChangedClientMemo: "Changed Client Memo", SignatureCapturePad: "Signature Capture Pad", ScheduleMassChange: "Schedule Mass Change", MinutesPerSessionOther: "{0} minutes per session", MemberServices: "Member Services", NewSource: "New Source", InsertCharge: "Insert Charge", PaymentMethod: "Payment Method", ReportTotals: "Report Totals", StatusInEffectFrom: "This status is in effect from", DeSelectTrainers: "De-Select Trainers", OfferSignupsReportShortName: "Offer Signups", EnterDescription: "Please enter a Description.", ReturnsPostingScheduledMessage: "Your Returns have been submitted for Posting. Please check on the status of this process on the Reminders widget on the Home tab.", PostBasedOnDraftFreeze: "Use Draft Freeze Indicator settings to determine billing date.", GroupFamilyOneTimePayments: "Group/Family One Time Payments", AmountWithColonAndValue: "Amount: {0}", MemoRepFullName: "Memo Rep Full Name", CreateRecurringInvoices: "Create Recurring Invoices", ToggleIneligiblePrompt: "Don\u0027t see the offer you are looking for? Click here to show ineligible offers.", UnableToChangeBilling: "Unable to Change Billing.", ClubClosedSaveError: "An error occurred while trying to save the Closed Day", DateRange: "Date Range", ConfirmDeleteBefore: "Are you sure you want to delete the", GroupFamily: "Group/Family", RewardsCard: "Rewards Card", InventoryReport_Desc: "View and print a report of your current inventory.", SelectContract: "Select a Contract", ContractTypeDescription: "Contract Type Description", MonthlyDuesBilled: "Monthly Dues Billed", RemoveClassTrainerConfirm: "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from this session?", TrackOccupancy: "Keep track of how many people are in the club", CancelChecksGood: "Everything looks good. Click {0} to continue.", StartMonthToDate: "Start Month-To-Date", FromDateForward: "From Date Forward", ConfimDeleteVideoCategory: "Are you sure you want to remove {0}? Any videos in this category will be moved to No Category.", AllAnswersAvail: "All Available Answers", WhyOnlyVerifiedSenders: "Only email addresses that have been verified through SendGrid can be used in the Twin Oaks system. To create and verify an address, please use the Email From Addresses configuration section.", Agriculture: "Agriculture", DelinquentClientsWithBillingReturnsReport: "Delinquent Clients with Billing Returns Report", Default: "Default", EnterPaymentInformation: "Enter Payment Information", ConfirmResumeUnlinkedPayments: "You have not linked all potential orphaned payments to this sale. Are you sure you want to resume?", EmailPerformanceReportSummary: "This report provides an overview of how your Mail Merge emails you have sent through Twin Oaks have performed.", ChangeBillingAmounts: "Change Billing Amounts", EmailForNotifications: "E-mail for Notifications", SkipSecondaryVetting: "Skip Secondary Vetting", MaxLengthError: "{0} cannot be longer than {1} characters.", PackageDeactivatedValidation: "This Package has been deleted", ManuallyExcluded: "Manually Excluded", AttritionExplained: "Attrition: ((Cancelations + Expirations + Ended Billings) / Starting Memberships) * 100", WorkoutTileSubtitle_Other: "{0} views • {1:d}", Decimal: "Decimal", Incomplete: "Incomplete", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsBillingAddress: "Please enter your billing address for the one-time payments", PaymentThankYou: "PAYMENT - THANK YOU", UseOnlineExplained: "If you are using the Member Portal for online joining you can make the same offers available online as in the club! If you are not set up for online joining and would like to be please contact your sales representative at Twin Oaks.", PreviousInformation: "Previous Information", SignupsWidget: "Use the Sign-Up Widget", SkipEmail: "Skip Email", EditSeries_Desc: "Edit Purchased Packages", SearchAllCustomExplained: "This will search through all of the Active, non-Check Box custom fields that don’t contain Private Protected Information. To search for a specific Custom Field, select “Search Only” and choose the desired Custom Field.", AddToGift: "Add to Gift", AddToCart: "Add to Cart", ScheduledStatementDisabled: "The scheduled statement has been disabled.", ValidationErrorCountSingular: "1 Validation Error", CanBeRedeemedAt: "Can be redeemed at", AppointmentDateInvalid: "Please enter a valid appointment date", Deleted: "Deleted", AutoAuthorizeMustAccept: "You must read and agree to the Auto Authorize Terms and Conditions in order to use the Auto Authorize feature.", BillingDateFilter: "Billing Date: {0}", StoreChangesHeader: "Store these changes?", RepSignature: "Rep Signature", ClientCancelDate: "Client Cancel Date", ClassOnoingReceiptHeader: "CLASS: {0,-33}", SendEmailToRecipient: "Send message and gift to the recipient\u0027s Email?", PrintServiceNotReady: "Please ensure the Twin Oaks Print Service is running and connected", SaveAndClose: "Save and Close", WhyVerifyEmails: "Enhanced security features require a one-time confirmation of any Mail From email address entered in the software. This verification process will send an email to the entered address with additional required steps before emails can be sent. This can be done through the Twin Oaks system, but will require an email address with an inbox that you can access.", SelectPhoneType: "Select Phone Type", EditBillingFreezes_Desc: "Edit Billing Freeze Dates and amounts", NewPostTransactionsProcess: "New Transaction Auto Posting", AutoAssign: "Auto Assign", WorkoutCategorySubtitle_One: "{0} workout", NewCashAmount: "New Cash Amount", January: "January", EditReminder: "Edit Reminder", Details: "Details", ErrorSettingProperty: "Error setting property {0} on type {1}, See inner exception for more information.", MessagingServices: "Messaging Services", DueDateRequired: "Please enter a Due Date", TotalChecks: "Total Checks", TotalChange: "Total Change", ProblemRecordingUse: "There was a problem recording the usage.", PerSession: "Per Session", CannotCompleteAllER: "The following Clients have an ER status:", NewStatus: "New Status", YourContactInfo: "Your contact information", LowInventoryReport: "Low Inventory Report", InvalidLength: "Invalid Length", ResubmitsSettings: "Resubmits Settings", OpenEndedPIF: "Open-Ended PIF", ActiveOrFuture: "Active/Future", DragInstructions: "Drag the items around the grid to reorder the display priority.", SwipeAccounts: "Swipe Credit Cards", NewClientType: "New Client Type", LaborDay: "Labor Day", EditPastAppointments: "Edit Trainer for Past Appointments", ChargeToAccount: "Charge To Account", EftDraftDate: "The bill date of the journal", PaidInFullDues: "Paid in Full Dues", AccessDenied: "Access Denied", ReturnedForAtLeast: "Returned for at least", FilterValues: "Filter Values", NoReturnReasons: "No Return Reasons", Dashboard: "Dashboard", BillingFreezeCodeDescription: "Billing Freeze Code Description", ApplyToAll: "Apply To All", TotalJoins: "Total Joins", BirthDayMustBeInThePast_Text: "Please Enter a Birthday in the past", HourChangeConflicts: "{0} of {1} hours could not be removed because appointments are already booked during those times", NoItemSelected: "No Item Selected", SalesAnalysisReportSubHeader: "This report provides a detailed analysis of your sales.", FamilyMembersHomePhoneInvalid: "Please enter a valid home phone number for this family member", EnterExpDate: "Please enter the Expiration Date", UnableToRefund_NotFound: "The Invoice Number you specified could not be found. Please make sure you have selected the correct client and register.", EnteredJoinedRenewed: "Entered / Joined / Renewed", VirtualGiftExplained: "E-Gifts are automatically emailed to the recipient\u0027s address. No plastic required.", SourcesWidget_Desc: "Displays pie charts to show the marketing source for new leads and joins.", LockerReport: "Locker Report", KeepAnnualSchedule: "Maintain Annual Fee Day/Month on Renewal / Upgrade / Downgrade", ViewUsage: "View Usage", RPNotInGoodStandingConfirmation: "The selected Responsible Party is not in good standing. Are you sure you want to link to this membership anyway?", FirstQuarterlyBillingAmount: "First Quarterly Billing Amount", PromoCode: "Promo Code", EditSymphonyExtract: "Edit Symphony Extract", TotalHeads: "Total Heads", BookingsOptions: "Bookings Options", Promotion: "Promotion", TotalItems: "Total Items", ErrorSendingStatements: "Sorry, but we were unable to send your statements.", PleaseEnterGender: "Please enter your gender", WeeklyPaymentOne: "1 Weekly Payment starting {0}", TotalTaxes: "Total Taxes", TotalTexts: "Total Texts", EachClientInGroup: "Each Client in the Group", MaleAbbreviation: "M", NoPackagesMessage: "No packages were found that match your search criteria.", CloudProvider: "Cloud Provider", EventEnteredAccountNumber: "A user inserted a new account", WaitListCountSingle: "{0} person on the wait list", TotalPrice: "Total Price", NameRequired: "Please enter a Name.", Overridden: "Overridden by", AccountStreet2: "Account Street 2", NumberOfClientsBooked: "Number of Clients booked", SemiAnnualAccountNumber: "Semi-Annual Account Number", FilterDeleteError: "An error occurred trying to delete the Filter", NumReturnReasonsSelected: "{0} Return Reasons Selected.", RightsAreRequiredDetailsNoClub: "You do not have rights to {0}.", MemberClassesFactorDescription: "How many classes were attended in the last 60 days compared to other members", ContractSaved: "Contract Saved", StandardSale: "Standard Sale", StandardOnly: "Only Standard", Right_EditMachines: "Edit Machine Settings", IWantTo: "I want to...", RefineSearch: "Refine Search", UsePrimaryAddress: "Use the same address as the primary client.", SemiAnnualAccountName: "Semi-Annual Account Name", FullName: "Full Name", FutureCloseError: "You cannot close in the future", CRMFactors: "CRM Factors", BalanceBreakdown: "Balance Breakdown", AssAppointmentDate: "Assessment Appointment Date", TextMessage: "Text Message", BookingRuleViolation: "Booking Rule Violation", PrintStatementNoLS: "The print service must be installed to print statements", XHoursOne: "1 hour", WhereDataIs: "Where Data Is", NoPaymentOptionForSeesionLength: "There are no available payment options for this session length.", CityMax: "The City cannot be longer than 32 characters.", CRMActions_Desc: "Rep may be assigned CRM duties", IncompleteJoinHint: "Auto email will be sent to prospects who abandoned the join process. Email is estimated to start within 15 minutes of the idle time set.", ConsolidateZipCodes: "Consolidate ZipCodes", AppointmentScheduled: "Your Appointment has been scheduled.", Payments: "Payments", ReceiptText_ChangeAsAccCredit: "CHANGE AS ACCOUNT CREDIT{0,18:F2}", IncompleteJoinFirstEmailDescription: "Email prospective Clients who started but haven’t completed online joins and have been idle for at least", UnableToDeleteStatusCodeText: "This status code is currently tied to a client status and therefore cannot be deleted.", BiWeeklyAccountNumber: "Bi-Weekly Account Number", PackageSalesByChargeCodeReportShortName: "Package Sales By Charge Code", LeaderCannotLeave: "This client is the leader of {0}. A new leader will need to be assigned before this client can be removed. To do so choose \u0027View/Edit\u0027 and change the Group Leader.", EditTag: "Edit Tag", EditRep: "Edit Rep", CustomReportSetup: "Custom Report Setup", POSAllowed: "POS Allowed", PipelineReportShortName: "Pipeline", EditClasses_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Classes", BillingPrepayment: "Billing Prepayment", GoodFriday: "", StockTicker: "Company Stock Ticker Symbol", DuplicateEmailAccountAtOtherClub: "You are trying to join {0}, but you already have a record at {1}. Please click {2} to log into your account there.", ReceiptText_ClientBalance: "Client Balance: {0,26:F2}", JobPosition: "Job Position", EditHardDeclines: "Configure Hard Decline Reason", GiftCodeWithTaxError: "Unable to add Tax to this Charge Code. \\nThe Charge Code is being used as a Gift Code. ", PerVisitRestrictionToOthers: "Per-Visit Client Type cannot be modified to other billing types. Please create a new client type if necessary", BookingStatusesReportSubHeader: "This report shows a list of booking statuses in a specified date range.", ReissueGiftIncomplete: "You have not yet finished re-issuing this gift card.", MembershipBreakdownTax: "Don\u0027t include tax in the Membership Breakdown", BirthdayInvalid: "Please enter a valid birthday.", PackageSaleTotalsForClub: "Package Sale Totals For Club", TwelveMonthTotal: "12-Month Total", POSRegisters: "POS Registers", AddendumContractExplained: "In order to remain in compliance with state and local regulation you may need to add specific language and terms for some types of recurring items. Adding a contract here will cause an addendum to be added to the client\u0027s contract when they sign up.", ManageAutoRefill: "Manage Auto-Refill", StartDateRequired: "Please enter a start date.", AdditionalResponsibility: "Additional Responsibility", CheckIn: "Check In", IgnoreExpiredPackages: "Ignore Expired Packages", EditEFTJournals: "Edit EFT Journals", PhoneNumberDeleteError: "An error occurred trying to remove the Phone Number", LocationName: "Location Name", OnBillingDay: "On the billing day", SaveFilters: "Save Filters", AssociateYourProviderNameAccount: "Associate your {0} account.", CardTypeNotAccepted: "Card Type Not Accepted", FutureAndPast: "Future and Past", ErrorRetryCredentials: "Unable to save your changes. Please confirm your credentials are correct and try again.", RemoveBadAccount: "Remove from the Bad Account List", Changed: "Changed", Changes: "Changes", JobPositionRequired: "Please select a Job Position", Charges: "Charges", SettingsIncompatibleWithAutoComplete: "The following settings are incompatible with automatic appointment completion and have been disabled", WaitUntil: "Wait Until", ObligationEndsOnDate: "Obligation Ends On Date", MailMergeGoodHeader: "{0} {1} with valid Emails", AllCreditCardCredits: "All Credit Card Credits", NoPackagesFound: "No Packages Found", MemberServicesPaymentsAgainstPriorCycleReturns: "Member Services Payments against Prior Cycle Returns", AccountSummary: "Account Summary", NoItemsSelected: "No Items Selected", HaveAMembershipButNoOnlineAccount: "Have a membership at this location, but not an online account?", WarnMeIfNoEmail: "Warn me if a client does not have an email address assigned.", Receipt_InvoiceIdHeader: "Invoice# {0:00000000} {1,22}", HomePhone: "Home Phone", RepTransferInEmailSubheader: "A Client has been transferred in from another location.", ViewClientCustomFields: "View Client Custom Fields", WeeklyUsageTotalsByTimeSlotReportSubtext: "Reports the number of check-ins at the front desk for a full week. Data is separated into each hour time slot of each day", UnCancelSession: "Un-Cancel Session", After1Month: "After 1 month", visitsExclamation: "visits!", Trainers: "Trainers", YouReceivedGiftCard: "You have received a gift card.", TwilioBundleUnderReviewOne: "1 of your Trust Bundles is under review.", RepAssignments: "Rep Assignments", OfferNotAvailableTooManyMembers: "The client\u0027s group is too large for this offer", OptInImageUrlRequired: "Please add at least one URL", OnlineRequestReminderHeaderMultiple: "You have {0} online requests to post!", UpdateCancelReason_Desc: "Allows user to update cancel reason", SecurityAnswerRequired: "Please answer your security question", UsingTheCalendar: "Using the calendar", PleaseNote: "Please Note:", ReminderEndDate: "Reminder End Date", MainMenu: "Main Menu", ARBalanceReport: "AR Balances Report", PleaseWait: "Please wait...", Alert_CanceledOn: "This client was canceled on {0:d}", GiftTransferredNoEmail: "The Gift was successfully transferred, but the new owner does not have an email on file to receive the new number and PIN. Please use the \u0027Re-Send\u0027 option to enter an address and send the E-Mail.", MyDocuments: "My Documents", CrossClubGroupMessageText: "This group is from Club {0} and the client will be inserted into Club {1}. Would you like to Continue?", PleaseVerifyFamilyMembersEmailAddress: "Please verify this family member\u0027s e-mail address by re-typing it into the field", EftCollectionSaveConfirmation: "EFT Collection settings saved", MailFrom: "Mail From", HomePhoneInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid home phone number", RepMembershipCancellationConfirmationSubject: "Client Cancelation Notification", Reminder_BillingDueBody: "Your {0:d} {1}{2}billing file is due in {3} day{4}.{5}Please go to the billing tab to create and send this file.", EmptyCheckInWallpaper: "Empty CheckIn Wallpaper", BackToProfile: "Back to Profile", TimeRestricted: "Time Restricted", PhoneNumberDeleteConfirmation: "The Phone Number has been removed", InitiationSaleCancelPrompt: "This payment of initation fees has already been started. If you close before you complete the sale you may have to Void the transaction from the Register Browse.", Transmit: "Transmit", Transfer: "Transfer", DeactivateContractText: "This contract is being used by active {0}. If you deactivate it those {0} will no longer be able to use the contract.", MouseOrFinger: "Mouse / Finger", ChangeClientSources: "Change Client Sources", UnableToSaveAppointmentTypeGrid: "Unable to Save Appointment Type Grid", LastNameAbbr: "L.Name", UnitsRequired: "Please enter the number of units", PleaseSelectAState: "Please select a state.", PayLater: "Pay Later", LiveJournalAccount: "Live Journal Account", Initials: "Initials", UnableToAuthorize: "The user name and password you have entered cannot authorize this action.", PleaseEnterValidFromDate: "Please enter a valid From Date", FrozenFilterNone: "Membership isn\u0027t Frozen and No Active Billings Frozen", PaymentAmountNotZero: "Please enter a non-zero payment amount", ConfirmationCodeHeader: "Your one-time confirmation code", ViewClientHistory: "View Client History", EventUsedMassChangeUtility: "A Rep used the Mass Change Utility", NewClientsReport_Desc: "View and print the NewClientsReport", CannotAuthorizeBiWeeklyFuture: "Sorry, but you cannot authorize a Bi-Weekly journal more than 14 days in the future.", NoShiftChecksMessage: "No checks have been recorded for this shift.", ConfirmDeleteSalesPlanAfter: "sales plan?", Frequency: "Frequency", ComposeText: "Compose Text Message", PasswordChangeConfirmation: "Your password has been changed.", AutomaticGiftRefill: "Automatic Gift Refill", ClubNumbers: "Club Numbers", ClubNumsign: "Club #", ProspectAddressFactorDescription: "Compare the Zip Code to Members of the club", ErrorDeletingTrainerGroup: "There was a problem deleting your Trainer Group Settings. Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", ResetYourPassword: "Reset your password.", ClientIdLabel: "Client #", EmailMessages: "Email Messages", DueToReport_Desc: "View and print the Due-To Report", TweedThemeName: "Tweed", ReportXForWeek: "Scheduled Report - {0} for the week of {1:d}", PleaseSelectItem_Description: "Please select an item to change its description.", ContractAlreadyAssigned: "This contract is already assigned to this offer.", RepTransferInSubject: "Client Transfer In", BusinessAndContactInfo: "Business and Contact Information", AreYouSureYouWantToClose: "Are you sure you want to close?", MemoTypeDescription: "Memo Type Description", OriginalQuantity: "Original Quantity", Statement: "Statement", ScheduledAppointmentCount: "Scheduled Appointment Count", OneOfThePricesEnteredIsNotAValidAmount: "One of the prices entered is not a valid amount. Please verify that any adjusted amounts are entered properly.", EditFeeSchedules_Desc: "Edit the list of Fee Schedules.", OverrideRules: "Override Rules", TrainerHoursReportSummary: "This report shows you the hours a trainer is scheduled as available for booking.", NoClient: "No Client", ManageScheduledReports_Desc: "Edit or Delete Scheduled Reports", TransactionSavedButVoid: "Transaction saved, could not void some payments.", ReceiptText_FinancedPackages: "Bal.To Be Billed {0,25:F2}", ToggleRelativeDateFilter: "Toggle Relative Date Filter", WaitlistTemplate: "Wait List Template", NoBalance: "No Balance", EventChangedEMailSettings: "Changed E-Mail settings for the club.", AppointmentConfirmation: "Appointment Confirmation", LocationNotAvailable: "The location is not available during the time specified", AccentColor: "Accent Color", ScannerAllowed: "Scanner Allowed", NoChange: "No Change", PotentialMissingPaymentsExplained: "These credit card payments were found in the processing system and match the register, invoice, and time of this sale, but they are not linked to any payments in your system. If you select \u0027Link\u0027 these payments will be attached to this sale.", ChargeCodeOnlyRevenue: "Charge Code Only", FollowUp: "Follow Up", JoinRenewDate: "Join/Renew Date", VerificationComplete: "Verification Complete", ChangeAccount: "Change Account", EmailAddressInvalid: "Please enter a valid email address", FromJoinDate: "From Join Date", DocumentHasFilters: "This Document has filters associated with it", PayRates: "Pay Rates", DeferInitialFees: "Defer initial fees until first billing", AchievementClassAnyComplete: "Earned when a client completes any class {0} time(s).", PaymentInClub: "Payment In Club", ARBalancePersonal: "AR Balance (Personal)", CardWithColonAndValue: "Card: {0}", EditPromoCodes: "Edit Promo Codes", RecurringPaymentsBranchNumberInvalidMessage: "The branch number for recurring payments is not valid", SearchForOffer: "Search for Offer", ConfirmReceipt: "Confirm Receipt", TrainerSessionsReportSubHeader: "This report shows a list of scheduled sessions in a specified date range.", BCCSender: "BCC Sender", BillingItemSummaryBiweeklyCart: "Bills {0} starting {1} for {2}", EnterPasswordConfirmation: "Please enter the Confirmation Code that you received in your email.", DidYouMeanQuestion: "Did you mean {0}?", SignUpInformation1: "SIGN UP INFORMATION", DontCheckIn: "Don\u0027t Check In", DuesAllocationAnnualDateHeader: "Annual Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", PleaseEntreRecurringPaymentsBillingCity: "Please enter your billing city for the recurring payments", MembershipFreezeStart: "Membership Freeze Start", NoStatementsMessage: "There are no clients found that can be sent statements by the method selected. Please either change your search filters or select a different send method.", EventBeganEnteringAccountNumber: "Began entering an account number", InventoryChargeCodeItemNumber: "{0} - {1} - Item #: {2} shows a quantity of {3} available.", UseOnline: "Use Online", SelectBillingItemsToAdd: "Select Billing Items to Add ", CreateCustomLockerReport: "Create a Custom Locker Report", SelectedOptionalOneTime: "Selected Optional One Time Payments", ClassTypeWithColon: "Class Type:", ActiveFromBeforeTo: "Active From Date must be before Active To Date", InsertTransMixedPayment: "Please Insert payments on the main form", InsertNumber: "Insert Daily Recap Number", EmailOptions: "Email Options", PostEFTJournals: "Post EFT Journals", ErrorProcessingRequestTest: "We\u0027re sorry, but there was an error processing your request. Your session may have expired or this offer may no longer be available. Please try again.", ScheduleAnAppointment: "Schedule an Appointment", ScheduleEntries: "Schedule Entries", SearchForAClientToViewTransactions: "Use the client search above to find a client in this billing file.", SignUpInformation: "Sign up information", InsertWizardSettingsSavedFor: "Standard Settings Saved For ", Created: "Created", EditBookingsOptions: "Edit Bookings Options", OverrideVerification: "Override Verification", PageView: "Page View", PageSize: "Page Size", CanceledFutureTense: "Canceled", ChargeNotAllowedBillingPrepay: "Charge to Account with a Billing Prepayment is only allowed if you have a Credit Balance that will cover the total.", SelectProvinceFirst: "Select Province First", CreateCustomClientPaymentsReport: "Create a Custom Client Payments Report", CannotAuthorizeEmptyJournal: "The current journal cannot be authorized because it does not have any records.", NotSpecified: "Not Specified", CashAllowed: "Cash Allowed", OverrideAttritionRisk: "Override Attrition Risk Grade", OfferNotAvailableSellToExpiredProspect: "This offer does not support sales to expired prospects", FreezeStart: "Freeze Start", NoPhoneNumbersMessage: "There are no phone numbers assigned", InvalidStatusChange: "The status of {0} cannot be changed to {1}.", ContractAmountsIncludeTaxExplained: "All amount tokens on contracts relating to billing will include the amounts of all tax to be collected. Note that once a contract is signed the calculated amounts displayed on the saved contract will not be updated even if tax rates are changed", PaymentsStartingOnText: "{0} Payments Starting on {1}:", CRMReports: "CRM Reports", ThirdPartyLimitExceeded: "The file you are trying to upload will exceed your allotted amount. Please go through your files and delete any files you may no longer need, or contact your cloud storage provider.", ClientsToBeDowngraded: "Clients to be Downgraded", LookForMore: "Look for more", SinglePrintStatementMargins: "Please check printer margins if Statement fails to print correctly", Insecure: "Insecure", UnableToSaveAppointment: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to save the appointment at this time.", PackageCustomDescriptionToolTip: "This will display on the Client App for clients to see information about the package when making a purchase.", ErrorSavingClient: "An error occurred while attempting to save the Client.", ReturnsReport: "Returns Report", LiabilityAsOfFiscalYearEnd: "Liability as of Fiscal Year End", UnableToTransfer_Balance: "This client is not eligible to transfer as they have an outstanding balance of {0}", ErrorUpdatingBilling: "There was an error updating the billing.", CityCannotBeLongerThan: "City cannot be longer than ", HardDeclines: "Hard Declines", Display: "Display", Dismiss: "Dismiss", Disable: "Disable", AddTemplate: "Create Template", PaymentOptions: "Payment Options", Current: "Current", AllowOnCheckIn: "Allow On Check In", EditRepDepartments: "Edit Rep Departments and Rates", Reminder_MonthEndClosingToday_Header: "Your month end closing should be done today!", UnableToDeleteAppointment: "I\u0027m sorry, but we are unable to delete the Appointment at this time.", NewClientsReportShortName: "New Clients", ChangeComputerVersion: "Change Computer Version", NoMatchingResults: "No results were found that matched your search. Please change your search criteria and try again.", InsertBillings: "Insert Billings", UsageForTheWeekBeginning: "Usage For The Week Beginning", WaivedServiceFees: "Waived Service Fees", MonthsInFuture: "Months in the Future", RecentClosingPercentage: "Recent Closing Percentage", CancelThisSession: "Cancel this one Session", HighInventoryReportSummary: "This report shows the current inventory Charge Codes at or above the Over Limit Quantity", PromoMembersOnlyExplained: "This Promotion will not be available on sales where no client is selected, or where the selected client is a non-member.", PackageSaleDates: "Package Sale Dates Between", ClientSurveyAnswersReportShortName: "Survey Answers", CancelationDate: "Cancelation Date", CancelationForm: "Cancelation Form", RunTimePrompt: "At what time should this process happen", QuarterlyAccountNumber: "Quarterly Account Number", OverrideOfferRulesPromptActivePerv: "You have not used up all of your purchased sessions. Are you sure you would like to continue and use {0} anyway? No monies will be refunded.", FamilyInformation: "Family Information", OverrideBalanceAndStatusAlerts: "Override Balance and Status Alerts", CreditCardExpirationReportShortName: "Credit Card Expiration", ShowPreviousInfo: "Show Previous Information", AssignMasterAsRP: "Assign the master client as the responsible party for all group members.", EditSalesPlans: "Edit Sales Plans", EditInsertWizard_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s Insert Wizard Packages", MarketingReport_Desc: "View and print the marketing report.", PartialPaymentAmountMismatch: "The total of Payments must not exceed the total of Charges", BalanceDecrease: "Balance Decrease", OneTimeBilling: "One Time Billing", Marketing: "Marketing", CustomerInformation: "Customer Information", ProductionMessageSample: "Production Message Sample", OnlyCancelled: "Only Cancelled", LowVisitWarning: "Low Visit Warning", NoResultsMessage: "No results were found that match your search.", FinanceFreezeReason: "Unposted finance charge", UnableToEditCancelReasonsPF: "Editing of Cancel Reasons must be approved by Planet Fitness Corporate, and then can only be edited by Twin Oaks.", WholeAccountNumber: "Whole Account Number", EftAllocationReportSubject: "EFT Allocation Report for the {0} - {1} as of {2:d}", RewardsEarningRules: "Rewards Earning Rules", ReceiptText_AmountTendered: "AMOUNT TENDERED", EnterOrScanCardNumber: "Enter or scan the card number", SessionDateTime: "Session Date \u0026 Time", AutoEnableVariableOnOffers: "Automatically set up Variable Billing for new offers", AlreadyCompleted: "{0} has already completed the {1}.", AppointmentDateTime: "Appointment Date/Time", ClientsWithoutEmail: "Clients without an Email", SearchTheseTrainers: "Search these Trainers", ViewClientPackages: "View Client Packages", ARHistoryReportShortName: "AR History", ClientPortalApp: "Client Portal / App", OfferPartOfDuesBillingRequired: "A \"Billing\" offer must be created with at least one \"Included In Dues \" billing item", POS_PrintSettlementReport: "Print Presettlement Report", PayFactoRecoveryInstruction1: "Check the return code printed on the coupon. Do not reprocess the transaction if the coupon indicates \"Approved\".", PayFactoRecoveryInstruction3: "Ensure that the terminal can communicate with PayFacto (that there is no network failure).", PayFactoRecoveryInstruction2: "Make sure the pinpad cables are securely connected.", RegisterHeader: "Open Shift Transactions", DeferredRevenuesByMonthReportShortName: "Deferred Revenues by Month", ClubPossesive: "Club\u0027s", PosBillingAbortSale: "Canceled a package sale with a recurring billing", GovernmentProductCode: "Government Product Code", Appointment: "Appointment", ComputerSettings: "Computer Settings", CCAlreadyProcessedPrompt: "Some Credit Cards have already been processed for this transaction. If you close before you complete the sale you may have to Void the transaction from the Register Browse.", DeferredRevenuesMonthReport_Desc: "Deferred Revenues by Month Report", BookingVerification: "Booking Verification", AnniversaryTomorrow: "The client\u0027s Anniversary Date is tomorrow.", PaymentReceiptTotal: "ON ACCOUNT PAYMENT...{0,10}", JoinAddedDate: "The join date of the Client", AllStages: "All Steps", EmailInUse: "Email Address already in use", ValidationErrorsOnTheForm: "There were validation errors on this form. Please verify that you have filled in all fields marked with an asterisk (*).", UsageWidget_Desc: "A pie chart that breaks down usage by problem.", PosOnAccountPaymentsAgainstReturns: "POS on Account Payments against Returns", MaxValueError: "{0} cannot exceed {1}", PayForNonClasses: "Pay for Non-Classes", BalanceFilter: "Balance: {0}", UnableToFindBookingPaymentBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to retrieve the payment options for this appointment.", ChargeRedeemedReason: "This Charge is for a Package that has already been redeemed and cannot be deleted.", ActivitySinceLastStatement: "Activity Since Last Statement", ActiveClients: "Active Clients", AccessCodeRequired: "Access Code is required", ConfirmationTemplate: "Confirmation Template", CannotDegroupSharedAccountFormatted: "{0} may not be removed until their shared account is replaced on the billings for: {1}", PackageSelect: "Package Select", TopSpendersReportSubheader: "This report will show the top spenders for the selected charge codes within the specified date range.", ClientProfileReport: "Client Profile Report", FeeScheduleDeleteConflictOther: "The schedule {0} cannot be deleted because it is being used by the following offers:", AmountToBillOnFreeze: "Amount to bill while on freeze", RedUsageAlertWarning: "Red Usage Alerts will display as red on Check-In and will trigger any alert sounds, but will not prevent the client from accessing the facility via remote doors, background check-in, etc.", ComputerName: "Computer Name", BusinessAddress: "Business Address", PhysicalGiftExplained: "The traditional method. Just assign the gift card number and be on your way with a card in-hand.", RepSalesWidget: "Use the Rep Sales Widget", ProspectPotentialGrade: "Prospect Potential Grade", CancelOnlyAfterTermFromCheckInSettings: "Cancel not allowed prior to Anniversary Date From Check In.", ContactBankText: "If you cannot determine your bank\u0027s {0} , please contact your bank for assistance.", NewMember: "New Member", TransferTenureDays: "Minimum Tenure To Transfer", EditMemoTypes: "Edit Memo Types", AmountAdded: "Amount Added", ResponsiblePartyConflict: "Responsible Party Conflict", LockerWillExpireAlert: "Locker {0} will be expiring on {1}", NoPaymentsMessage: "There are currently no unposted payments matching your criteria.", EnterAName: "Enter a Name", CreditBalanceRefund: "Credit Balance Refund", PrintOnlyExplained: "Prepare printable statements for all clients listed who do not accept emails.", ManualReturnCreated: "Your manual return invoice has been created", ClientJoinEmailMobilink: "Your membership will be activated within 30 minutes of receiving this confirmation.", IncludeClientBillingType: "Include Clients With Billing Types Of", UnsignedContract: "Unsigned Contract", WaitListCountPlural: "{0} people on the wait list", AccountUpdatedText: "\u003cstrong\u003eAccounts Updated!\u003c/strong\u003e Your information was sent to the club for review and processing.", ChangePassword: "Change Password", IncludeOpenEndedPIF: "Include Open Ended PIF Clients", FirstBiWeeklyBillingDate: "First Bi-Weekly Billing Date", TriggeredOnClientFreeze: "(Triggered when freezing a client\u0027s membership or billing.)", SecQuestionAnswer: "Security Question Answer", SearchForTextingAccount: "Search for Texting Account", Collections: "Collections", RenewalDaysDetail: "Days prior to a client\u0027s expiration date that renewals will be allowed.", UnableToLoadPrice: "Unable to load price", AddNewAccount: "Add New Account", TotalAmount: "Total Amount", ReturnTrackingReport: "Return Tracking Report", ClientExpDate: "Client Expiration Date", ProgramSettings: "Program Settings", ChangeRepAssignmentsUtilityExplained: "This utility allows you to change which reps are assigned to clients. Old rep assignments will be ended.", PageBreak: "Page Break", ConfirmBeforeEmail: "Alert and Confirm before sending emails.", OneTime: "One Time", OneTimePaymentsBillingInfo: "One Time Payments Billing Information", GiftCardReady: "Your gift card is ready!", JoinDate: "Join Date", ReadAndAgreed: "I have read and agree to the", ClientClubName: "Client Club Name", DueToReport: "Due-To Report", RemoveHours: "Remove Hours", NoStagesMessage: "There are no stages to display", WhatsAppPending: "WhatsApp Pending", Unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe", EFTProblemReport: "EFT Problem Report", CreateCustomMemosReport: "Create a Custom Memos Report", ProspectPotentialReportShortName: "Prospect Potential", WorkPhoneRequired: "Please enter a Work Phone number", WorkoutRequest: "Workout Request", GovernmentUnitOfMeasure: "Government Unit of Measure", SelectCancelationDate: "Select the Cancelation Date", MonthlyUsageTotalsByUseTypeReportShortName: "Monthly Usage Totals By Use Type", AutoPostFreezeRequests: "Automatically Post Online Freeze Requests", WhatsAppRejected: "WhatsApp Rejected", AmountToAdd: "Amount to Add", NotFinalized: "Not Finalized", OfferCheckBoxesExplained: "Use this to add check boxes that must be checked for clients to join on line. Most people use this when there are Initials required on the Offer\u0027s contract.", ShowClientsWithChargeCode: "Show Clients Billing For Charge Codes", UnableToRefund_Balance: "Sorry, but you cannot refund a Balance Adjustment.", EditSessionsOfClass: "Change existing sessions of a class", RetentionRiskPipelineLoss: "Closed/Loss", EftReconciliationSubject: "EFT Reconciliation for the {0} • {1}", ReportRunTime: "Report Ran: {0:g}", OnlyPOS: "Only POS", EventEnteredClientGroupAssignment: "Entered Client Group Assignment", SampleMessageNo2Required: "Please enter a second sample message", AutoAuthEmailAnnualHeader: "Your Annual file dated {0:d} was automatically authorized at {1:g}", SubjectRequired: "Please enter a Subject", CannotVoidProcessorError: "We were unable to void the credit card payment.", UnableToUpdateAccount: "Sorry, but we were unable to update the account.", NoMidnightMailMerge: "You cannot schedule a Mail Merge to run at midnight", EditClientRewards_Desc: "Edit Rewards on Client Edit", AdditionalInformation: "Additional Information", OldLocationName: "Old Location Name", GovernmentCompanyType: "US Government", SalesPlans: "Sales Plans", OfferNotAvailableSellToExpiredPIF: "This offer does not support sales to expired Paid In Full members", PanamaUnitOfMeasure: "Unit of Measure", ModerateRisk: "Moderate Risk", SettleCCs: "Settle credit cards", VBMaxAmountExplained: "Clients will be charged the A/R balance due at the time billing is created unless this field is set to a lower dollar amount.", DefaultForClub: "Default by Club", Posting: "Posting", TransactionUnvoidable: "This transaction cannot be voided", EventDeletedID: "A user deleted a personal ID", RunTimeWindow: "The process will take place within an hour of the scheduled time", IgnoreOfferPaymentTypesOnChangeTooltip: "When checked, clients who signed up for an offer that only allowed Checking as a recurring payment method will be allowed to later change their recurring payment method to a credit card, for example.", CancelAllAppointments: "Cancel All Appointments", EditTemplates: "Edit Templates", SalesRecap: "Sales Recap", MassChangeRepAssignment: "Mass Change Rep Assignment", HasTermBeenMet: "Has Term Been Met?", FirstNameAbbr: "F.Name", ReceiptText_TotalPayment: "TOTAL PAYMENT {0,27:F2}", NoGeneralLedgerAccount: "No GL Account", OpenEndedNonMember: "Open-Ended Non-Member", EmailClosing: "Sincerely,", NonProfitCompanyType: "US Non-Profit", TotalCanceled: "Total Canceled", SuggestedFollowTextExplained: "The text you want to show the user along with the suggested follow.", Download: "Download", NoMergeClientsHeader: "No {0} in Merge", AutomaticType: "Automatic Type", DigitalContractSettings: "Digital Contract Settings", EventChangedNotificationSettings: "A user changed Rep Notifications Settings", NoOffers: "There are no offers that match your criteria", EmailsSent: "Emails Sent", RepRightDisabled_some: "You do not currently have this right at some locations. You can only grant rights you hold at a particular location, or you must be granted the Manage Rep Security right.", PackageInCartBookingPaymentSessionsOne: "Use \u003cstrong\u003e1\u003c/strong\u003e Session of the \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e in my cart", RepSelect: "Rep Select", RuleDeleted: "Rule Deleted", Interest: "Interest", Internet: "Internet", IsExpiredOrExpiresWithinMonthsAndBillsOther: "Is Expired or Expires Within {0} Months and is used for Billing", AlternatePaymentMethod: "Alternate Payment Method", AppointmentTypeRestriction: "Appointment Types are only allowed with Bookings type packages", DateRejected: "Date Rejected", IncompleteSale: "Incomplete Sale", SemiAnnualTotal: "Semi-Annual Total", PoliticalElectionCampaigns: "Political Election Campaigns", EligibleForRenewalOn: "This client is not eligible for renewal until {0}.", Exceptions: "Exceptions", MinimumAbbrev: "Min", CashSaleEqualChargesPayments: "Cash Sales must have an equal amount of Charges and Payments.", EndMemo: "End Memo", EndDate: "End Date", EndTime: "End Time", NoSchedule: "No Schedule", AutoAssignMemberRepType: "Automatically create a Rep Assignment of this type when inserting a member", MemberServicesPaymentsAgainstReturns: "Member Services Payments against Returns", PleaseUsePhoneNumberFormat: "Please use the following format: ###-###-####", LockedOneTimeExplained: "Select this so that the one time charge cannot be changed when inserting or renewing a client.", UnableToDiscount: "Unable to Discount", MailMergeNoFiltersHeader: "No filters have been included", DefiniteArticle: "Definite Article", FreezeForm: "Freeze Form", RecurringInvoicesAddlText: "Recurring Invoices: The shared account information will be removed from each member. Recurring Invoices will be added in place of no billing account information. In addition, all Variable Billing items will be disabled.", PackageSalesByChargeCodeReport_Desc: "Package Sales By Charge Code Report", FrozenFilterMembershipNoBilling: "Membership is Frozen, with No Active Billings Frozen", Reminder_ReturnToPost_Singular: "You have a return to post!", POSSummaryWidget: "Use the POS Summary Widget", UseClaveCard: "Use Clave Card", PurchasedPackageCartOne: "Use {0} session of my available {1}", PkgSaleDatesRange: "Package Sales Between", MinimumAmount: "Minimum Amount", LockedPrice: "Locked Price", FinancePackageNotAllowedCharge: "Financing a package is not allowed on a transaction with a Charge to Account.", CreateBlankMailMerge: "Create a new blank Mail Merge", SelectAccountForTransaction: "Select the account to bill this new transaction to", SecondValueGreater: "The second value must be greater than the first.", DebitCardDeposit: "Debit Card Deposit", ChangetoVersion2: "Change to Version 2", Enabled: "Enabled", RepTypes: "Rep Types", Requests: "Requests", OnlineCancelations: "Online Cancelations", Required: "Required", UsageReport: "Usage By Client Report", NoPayment: "This {0} requires pre-payment and {1} does not have a usable package.", OnAccountCode: "On Account Code", IncludeClientsWithEmailStatus: "Include Clients With Email Address Status", on: "on", At: "At", AR: "A/R", Go: "Go", By: "By", In: "in", No: "No", ID: "ID", IP: "IP", Of: "Of", Or: "Or", OK: "OK", To: "To", NotificationsPanel: "Notifications Panel", AtWhichPhoneToBeContacted: "At which phone would you prefer to be contacted?", AttritionRate: "Attrition Rate", AttritionRisk: "Attrition Risk", NoConfiguredX: "There are no {0} configured.", GenderRequired: "Please select a Gender", Entered: "Entered", NoBillType: "No Bill Type", SelectSalesperson: "Select Salesperson", ConfirmDeleteTemplate: "Are you sure you want to delete this Template?", CodeRequired: "The Code is required.", ClockedIn: "Clocked In", UseTheSameBillingInfo: "Use the same billing information as above", Right_EditShift: "Edit Rep Shift", VerificationCodeRequired: "Please enter the Verification Code", Receipt_GiftId: "Gift # {0}", AmountBillingWhileOnFreeze: "Amount billing while on freeze", ActionNotSupported: "{0} is not supported at this time.", BalanceSettings: "AR Balance Settings", PlusTax: "Plus tax", ChangesNumberOfSessions: "Changes Number of Sessions", OneTimePassword: "Create a new one-time password", WouldYouLikeToContinue: "Would you like to Continue?", MembershipExpired: "Membership Expired", ReceiptText_AmountRefunded: "AMOUNT REFUNDED", ReportDescription: "Report Description", ChooseDates: "Choose Dates", EditChargeCodes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s Charge Codes", AddStatus: "Add Status", CheckBoxes: "Check Boxes", ConfirmLeaderDeletion: "{0} is the leader of {1}. If you remove them you will need to select a new group leader. Would you like to continue?", Validating: "Validating...", FutureSessionCancelClientPrompt: "Canceling this client may cancel some future appointments for this client. To see which appointments remain scheduled please run the Scheduled Sessions Report. Do you wish to continue?", HomeSettings: "Home Settings", IncompatibleLength: "Incompatible Length", NotChecked: "Not Checked", StatusFilter: "Status: {0}", EventRemovedTrainer: "A user removed a trainer from a class/appointment", NoCampaignsMessage: "No Campaigns Found", AddFromAddress: "Add From Address", AccountUpdater: "Account Updater", LeaderCountry: "Leader Country", RepeatOn: "Repeat on", OtherLinks: "Other Links", TextingFromNumbersEmpty: "There are no Texting From Numbers", ShowingUsageFor: "Showing Usage For", IsAssignedTo: "is assigned to:", CommissionReport_Desc: "View and print the Commission Report", UnableToRemoveClientBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to remove the client at this time.", YesAbbreviation: "Y", AutoAuthEmailBiWeeklySubject: "{0:m} - Bi-Weekly Billing Journal Auto-Authorization", CompleteEmailBookingsSecondPersonSingular: "{0} were emailed an Appointment Reminder", Emailed: "Emailed", CoreBilling: "Core Billing", Packages: "Packages", ActiveAsOfToday_Other: "Active as of Today", ProspectCRM: "Prospect CRM", RequestCancelation: "Request Cancelation", ClassCategories: "Class Categories", PointOfSale: "Point of Sale", AdjustmentType: "Adjustment Type", HasPackageBilling: "Has Package Billing", LegalBusinessName: "Legal Business Name", AllItemsInSale: "All Applicable Items In Sale", BillingAccountState: "Billing Account State/Province/Region", PotentialSeriesCartOne: "Purchase {0} visit of {1}", EditCheckIn: "Edit Check-In settings", SellToClientOnlyText: "Scanned item must be sold to client", BillingAccountToUse: "Billing Account To Use", OnlineImage: "Online Image", PurchaseOrdinal: "Purchase Number", OnlineFreezeMemoSubject: "Online Freeze Request Posted - {0}", GroupLeaders: "Group Leaders", TransferInOptions: "Transfer In Options", OverrideAppointmentCompletionRestrictions_Desc: "The ability to ignore the restrictions on balance or ER status when completing an appointment", FinancialInstNumber: "Financial Inst. Number", DoNotApplyToBillingsText: "Do not apply to billings using a shared account", IfCancelDatePriorAnniversary: "If Cancel Date is prior to Anniversary Date", SalesCategoryTiedToChargeCode: "This sales category is currently tied to a charge code and therefore cannot be deleted", AssignedTrainer: "Assigned Trainer", UnableToDeleteAmenityText: "You cannot delete an amenity that is in use.", UseClubNumsign: "Use Club #", NewMemberAcivity: "New Member Activity", NewLocationExplanation: "The New Location option will remove all other locations from the selected sessions of the class and add the selected location to the selected sessions. Selecting \u0027No Change\u0027 will not make any changes to the locations of the selected sessions.", EventEnteredEMailFrom: "A user inserted an email from address", ExpiredPerVisitClients: "Expired Per Visit Clients", ToBeforeFromErrorFormatted: "The value of To {0} cannot be less than From {0}.", UsagePictureReportShortName: "Usage with Pictures", RemoveFamilyMember: "Remove Family Member", DontHaveAnAccountContinueAsANonMember: "Don\u0027t have an account or a membership at this location? Register as a Non-Member.", TotalPromoUsesExplained: "The total number of times this promotional code can be used by any client. Note that the number of uses may exceed this limit if multiple users add this promo to their online cart at or around the same time.", TurnstileQuiteMode: "Turnstile Quite Mode Enabled", RequirePrepayment: "Require Payment to Book", OnlyActivitySinceLastStatement: "Only Include Clients with Activity in the Current Period", Construction: "Construction", CancelWarningFooter: "To find out more about remaining appointments, please run the \u0027Scheduled Sessions Report\u0027 found in the Basic Reports for Bookings for clients listed on the cancelation preview report", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsCCExpDate: "Please enter credit card expiration date for the one-time payments.", RenewNoRegisterPrompt: "Client {0} - {1} has been renewed and has a balance due.\r\nIf your client is present and wishes to make payment towards this balance please go to a POS Workstation and perform an on account payment for the client towards this balance due.\r\nWould you like to print a receipt for these charges?", EditClientMembership_Desc: "Edit the Membership tab on Client Edit", EditUseTypes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s Use Type Codes", NotAvailable: "Not Available", GenerateBillingFile: "Generate a Billing File", ReturnReason: "Return Reason", TimeRestrictionSelectDay: "Please select at least one day for time restriction.", AddToWorkout: "Add To Workout", UpdateAllBillingRecords: "Update all Billing Records", MaximumAbbr: "Max", EventAssignedClientLocker: "Assigned Client Locker", TransactionsSubmittedCountOne: "{0:N0} Transaction Submitted", Reserved: "Reserved", MinParticipants: "Minimum Participants", EditPOSCategory: "Edit a POS Category", RepRequired: "You must select a Rep", TakePictureHint: "The image on the left is your preview. To take the picture, click \"CAPTURE IMAGE.\" To save the picture click \"USE THIS PICTURE.\"", XLossesOther: "{0} Losses", ArchiveUtilityExplained: "This utility will report on all clients who have a cancel date in the date range specified. It will permit the archival of those canceled clients who are not flagged and reported as an exception on the utility’s report. You must export or print a report of the clients displayed in the utility’s browse before the ‘Archive Clients’ button will be enabled. Selecting the ‘Archive Clients’ button, will process those clients marked for archival and remove all billing accounts from their client record. We recommend you review the extract/report prior to archiving the selected clients.", OnPurchase: "On Purchase", ClearPastCancelations: "Clear Past Cancelations", SpamReports: "Spam Reports", AddRecurringBillingPrompt: "Add Recurring Billing?", BookingStatusesReport_Desc: "View and print the booking statuses report.", ConfirmDeleteScheduledReportAfter: "scheduled report?", ClientBalanceIs_Over30: "Client\u0027s Personal Balance (Over 30 Day) is {0:c}", ClientBalanceIs_Over90: "Client\u0027s Personal Balance (Over 90 Day) is {0:c}", ClientBalanceIs_Over60: "Client\u0027s Personal Balance (Over 60 Day) is {0:c}", FileNotImportedError: "You have already sent a file for this period which is currently being imported into the Twin Oaks system. This process should only take a few minutes after which you can try overwriting this file again.", JoinAgeRange: "You must be between {0} and {1} years of age to join.", MissingAmount: "Missing Amount", EventChangedClientGroupAssignment: "Changed Client Group Assignment", BadAccountList: "Bad Account List", MonthEndClosing: "Month End Closing", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsRoutingNumber: "Please enter the routing number for the recurring payments", AttritionRiskDetails: "Attrition Risk Details", NotificationNonDismissable: "This notification cannot be dismissed", MailMergeLoseFilterData: "You may lose data in club specific filters", WaiveReturnFees: "Waive Return Fees", ChargeCodeBreakdown: "Charge Code Breakdown", OverrideRules_Desc: "The ability to ignore the established Booking Rules", OnlineStore: "Online Store", AppointmentNotBookedOther: "{0} Appointments could not be booked", CloseOutError_Detail: "There was an issue printing the close out.\\nPlease try again, or contact Twin Oaks if this problem persists.", NoClientsInClass: "There are no clients booked in this class.", MonthlyScheduler: "Monthly Scheduler", PromoCodeUsedUp: "There are no remaining usages of this promotion.", UnableToUpdateFormatted: "Unable to Update {0}.", Response: "Response", GiftCards: "Gift Cards", WeekToDateStart: "Week To Date Start", FullNameLastFirstMiddleToken: "Full Name (Last, First MI)", ClientReferralsReport_Desc: "View and print the Client Referrals Report", CompleteAll: "Complete All", TemplateSubmitError: "An error occurred trying to submit the template to WhatsApp", Resolved: "Resolved", ExpiredPrepaidClients: "Expired Prepaid Clients", EmailGreeting: "Hello {0},", ProspectPipelineWin: "Membership Sold", MembershipSlashDues: "Membership/Dues", BillingProcessComplete: "When the billing process is completed.", Resubmit: "Resubmit", MessageForRecipient: "Message for Recipient", MassChangeBillingAmounts_Desc: "The ability to use the utilities to mass-change billing amounts", OverrideCompletePayment_Desc: "Allows you to ignore the \"Require Payment to Complete\" setting", OrSeparator: " or ", UserNameResetEmailSentMessage: "An email has been sent to {0}. If you don\u0027t receive an email with your user name, please verify that the email entered is correct and check your spam filter.", ClosingPercentageReport_Desc: "View and print thte Closing Percentage Report", StepStatusReportSummary: "A report that shows the steps in the pipelines and their completion status", MaxNumberOfClients: "Max Number of Clients", InsertLocationGroupHeader: "Insert Location Group for Club: {0}", FullyRedeemedPackages: "Fully Redeemed Packages", OnlyWithRecurringInvoicing: "Only Include Clients with Recurring Invoicing", PackageCannotBeUsedAppointmentType: "The package \"{0}\" cannot be used with this appointment type", MultipleLockers: "Multiple lockers", AutoCheckinTime: "Automatically check in client after", OnlyClosed: "Only Closed", PackageNotAllowedBookings: "This package is not allowed for use in bookings", AutoAuthReminder: "Journal Saved. Please remember to manually authorize your billing journal prior to the deadline.", CannotDowngrade: "Cannot Downgrade", EditClientReferrals_Desc: "Edit Referrals on Client Edit", NotBookingsPackageText: "You can only add appointment types to packages with a type of Bookings.", ShowAtCheckIn: "Show at Check-In", SaveFirstPrompt: "There are unsaved changes. Would you like to save your changes before preceeding?", FreezeStatus: "Freeze Status", StatementDate: "Statement Date", StatementSent: "Your statement has been sent", CreditCardPresettlementReport: "Credit Card Presettlement Report", HoursRemovedPartialCount: "{0} of {1} Hours were removed. The following hours could not be removed:", RemoveBillingWithTermWarning: "This item has a billing amount set with a minimum term which has not been met. Edits to this billing entry may impact the client’s completion of that commitment. Do you want to continue?", IncludePaymentsDone: "Include Payments Done", BillingStatusReportShortName: "Billing Status", WeeklyUsageTotalsByTimeSlotReport: "Weekly Usage Totals By Time Slot Report", CreditCardVoidReturn: "Credit Card Void Return", UnableToLiveStream: "Unable to Stream", ReorderInventoryEmail: "The following Inventory Items are under the Reorder Threshold set for them. Verify the count and order additional product as needed.", ExpDateInvalid: "Please enter a valid Expiration Date", NewAmount: "New Amount", InsertClients_Desc: "Use the Insert Wizard to enter new clients.", SecurityCode: "Security Code", SecurityLogs: "Security Logs", PerformClientUpgrades: "Perform Client Upgrades", BookedAppointmentDate: "The date on which the appointment was booked", ReceiptText_PrevClientBalance: "Previous Client Balance: {0,17:F2}", ClientSessionsReport_Desc: "Scheduled Sessions by Client Report", ExternalCreditCardsExplained: "Credit Card payments are not processed by this register, it is only used for recording payments from external credit card readers.", ProratedAmount: "Prorated Amount", EventOverrideRules: "Overrode a Booking Rule.", AlsoPreventEntry: "Also prevent entry", AutomaticCheckOut: "Automatic Check Out", SelectClientForTransaction: "Select the client that you want to insert a transaction for", UserChoseToNotSendJournal: "The user chose to not send an email for this journal", OneTimePayments: "One Time Payments", AmountDueToday: "Amount Due Today", ProrateAmount: "Prorate Amount", BankNameMax: "The Bank Name cannot be longer than 32 characters.", InvalidPosLinkSetup: "It appears you are using a PAX reader, but your Computer is using a different payment provider. Please update the payment provider to “PAX EMV” and try again.", ClubPipelineWidget: "Club Pipeline Widget", October: "October", NoSalesCategory: "No Sales Category", NotApplicableReportField: "N/A", AppliesTo: "Applies To", IncludeClientDetails: "Include Client Details", ReturnDate: "Return Date", ReturnedOn: "Returned On", WhatsAppTemplateNotApproved: "You cannot send a message using a template that has not been approved by WhatsApp.", RejectedReason: "Rejected Reason", YearToDateStart: "Year To Date Start", AgreeContractTermsAndConditions: "I agree to the terms and conditions set in the above contract.", SaveWorkoutToLibrary: "Would you like to save this workout to your library for later use?", FreeWithSomeMembership: "Free with certain memberships", NoDefault: "No Default", EditClientMemos_Desc: "Edit Memos on Client Edit", TrainerPossesive: "Trainer\u0027s", GuestPassValidFor: "Guest Pass Valid For", ConfirmSendStatementEmails: "Are you sure you want to send emails to all clients in the statement who have valid email addresses?", EditRepAssignTypes: "Edit Rep Assignment Types", PromoCodeWrongClient: "This promotion is assigned to a different client.", GettingStarted: "Getting Started", OnlyCompleted: "Only Completed", RemovingAppointmentTypeViolatesPrepay: "This Package cannot be removed as a payment method for this Appointment Type because it fulfills a payment requirement. Another Package must be added to the Appointment Type before this one can be removed.", EditZipCodes: "Edit Zip Codes", NextRunTime: "Next Run Time", SessionsWillBeUsedForAppointmentText: "{0} will be used for this appointment", DateMomentThisYearWithTime: "MMMM D LT", SkipCall: "Skip Call", UsageWidget: "Use the Usage Problems Widget", SkipTask: "Skip Task", SkipText: "Skip Text", SkipTour: "Skip Tour", RecurringBillingReportSubText: "This report will show Recurring Billing Items and who they are billed to.", NameFilter: "Name: {0}", ApplyGift: "Apply Gift", PleaseEnterBillingCity: "Please enter your billing city", NoClientsOnWaitlist: "There are no clients on the wait list.", ErrorSavingChanges: "Error Saving Changes", ChiefFinancialOfficer: "Chief Financial Officer", ConektaWebhookKey: "Conekta Webhook Signature Key", UsageReports: "Usage Reports", TriggeredOnCancelingClient: "(Triggered when canceling a client.)", MemoSaved: "Memo Saved!", MemoTypes: "Memo Types", NotPartOfDues: "Not Part of Dues", PaysForAndByMultiple: "Pays for and Paid by Multiple Clients", TwilioCampaignUnderReviewOther: "{0} of your Campaigns are under review.", NumberOfClients: "Number of Clients", UnableToLoadReps: "Unable to load Reps", WorkoutNotGoodStanding: "We\u0027re sorry, but your membership does not meet the necessary requirements to view the online workouts.", ThisClientsOwn: "This client\u0027s own billings", PostingStatusMessage: "It is required that you take care of all unposted items before completing your month end closing. If all postings are complete press NEXT above", ClearPastCancelationErrorMaxDaysDetail: "The client has exceeded maximum number of days allowed to clear cancelation.", CancelArchiveClientsReportShortName: "Canceled-Archived Clients", OnlineJoin: "Online Join", OnlineOnly: "Online Only", EftAllocationSaveConfirmation: "EFT Allocation settings saved", OneTimePaymentsCCNumberInvalid: "Please enter a valid credit card number for the one-time payment.", BillingItemsTotalAmount: "Billing Items Total Amount", MatiDuplicateCheck: "The CURP and INE fields will be used to check for duplicate records", NonPOSRegisterOptions: "If you do not need Point of Sale functionality you can use one of the following available options:", Reminder_OfferExpiredPackage_Body: "Please remove the expired package(s) with offer(s)!. {0}This can be done in the Offer Setup page under Configuration", BillingPrepayUnfreezeAll: "This client has billing items that have been prepaid and cannot be unfrozen. Would you like to unfreeze the remaining frozen billing items?", ConfirmStatementResendAll: "Are you sure you want to re-send all statements? Emails will be sent to those with a valid email on file who have not already been sent this statement. All others will be queued to print.", XWinsOne: "1 Win", GovernmentIdInUse: "This Government ID is already in use", AnnualFeeScheduleCutoffError: "The bill date selected it too close to the Join date selected", NewCreateBillingProcess: "New Billing Auto Creation", VideoAnyClientType: "Videos in this category can be viewed by any client type.", PhoneNumberRequired: "Please enter a Phone Number", MonthlyRoutingNumber: "Monthly Routing Number", UnreadMessages: "Unread Messages", VirtualGift: "E-Gift", TerminalIdRequired: "Terminal ID is required", NumberOfBillingsAdded: "Number of Billings added", PaymentAmount: "Payment Amount", RightsAreRequired: "Rights are Required", MassChangeZipcode: "Mass Change Zipcode", BestDayOpened: "Best Day Opened", CannotResumeTransaction: "I\u0027m sorry, but this transaction cannot be resumed", CannotDegroupUsingSharedAccountFormatted: "{0} may not be removed until the following billings are updated to no longer use a shared account: {1}", IncompleteJoinFirstEmail: "Incomplete Join First Email", DailyLiability: "Daily Liability", AbortedSale: "Aborted Sale", MultipleLengths: "Multiple Lengths", ExportFirstDetail: "You must export the set of data you are changing prior to making the change.", CancelClient: "Cancel Client", SettleCreditCards_Desc: "Ability to settle credit cards", SampleMessageNo1Required: "Please enter the first sample message", ToChangeDays: "To change days, either click the calendar icon or use the arrows to the right of the \"Today\" button", AllRegisters: "All Registers", DuesAllocationQuarterlyDateHeader: "Quarterly Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", BusinessIndustry: "Business Industry", CreditCardCredits: "Credit Card Credits", PleaseFillOutSurvey: "Please take a moment to fill out the {0}", CancelUtilityExplained: "This utility will add the cancel date and cancel code specified to the client records where the client matches the search filters/criteria you have selected. It is required that you export the list of the selected clients in the browse results prior to processing the cancelations selected. We recommend that you review the extract prior to canceling the clients listed.", ClientSessionsReport: "Scheduled Sessions by Client Report", EditClientCodes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s Client Type Codes", TicketDetail: "Ticket Detail", EnterRegisterSearch: "Please select a register to search within.", AddChargeCode: "Add Charge Code", EditRepName: "Edit Rep Name", SearchClients: "Search For Clients", HoursAddedPartial: "Not all hours were added", ClientTypeAssignedToPackages: "This client type is currently associated with packages and therefore cannot be deleted. In order to delete this client type, please delete the associated packages first", UnavailableItem: "Unavailable Item", OnlyAllDay: "Only All Day", PleaseSelelectWhichPhoneToBeContacted: "Please select which phone you\u0027d prefer to be contacted", BillingPrepaymentFreezeCode: "Billing Prepayment Freeze Code", EmergencyContact: "Emergency Contact", UnableToProrate_Desc: "Prorates cannot be applied to this type of item.", TotalVisits: "Total Visits", EditBookingsOptions_Desc: "Edit the settings used in Bookings", PrepaySummary: "Prepay Summary", NameOnAccount: "Name on Account", UsageType: "Usage Type", PaymentTransactionCount: "Payment Transaction Count", AccountDeleteSharedMessage: "Members of {0} are sharing accounts used for billing therefore the group cannot be removed.", ReportSchedulePartialSuccess: "Scheduled Reports were not created for some recipients.", TermsAndConditions1: "Terms and Conditions", EmptyFullFieldValue: "This field is empty", DisbandGroupAddlText: "Disband Group: This action will separate the group into individual members", PleaseSelectInitialMethodOfPayment: "Please select an initial method of payment.", NoBillingInformationReportShortName: "No Billing Information", SwipeAtTerminal: "Swipe at Terminal", AppointmentsFor: "Appointments For", ItemNumberExplained: "Use this to store the number of the item for reference when reordering more product.", AppointmentBook: "Appointment Booked", AppointmentClub: "Appointment Club", AppointmentDate: "Appointment Date", UpgradeToPremium: "Upgrade to Premium to enable these options", AppointmentType: "Appointment Type", AppointmentTime: "Appointment Time", UseCaseDescriptionRequired: "Please enter a Use Case Description", EftCollectionReportBiWeeklySubject: "EFT Collection Report for Bi-Weekly - {0} as of {1:d}", PostJournal: "Post Journal", IncompleteScheduledAppointments: "Incomplete Scheduled Appointments", CompanyNumber: "Company Number", TwilioCampaignUnderReviewOne: "1 of your Campaigns is under review.", CardRegistered: "Card Registered", FutureTaskWithThirdPersonSingular: "{0} has an upcoming Task with {1}", TimeRange: "Time Range", InformationChanges: "Information Changes", TrainerAndLocationRequired: "You must select both a Trainer and a Location for this appointment type.", UndoChanges: "Undo Changes", TextedSecondPersonSingular: "You were texted", ShowWeekToDate: "Show Week-To-Date", EqualTo: "Equals", AnnualDuesTotal: "Annual Dues Total", OxxoPayError: "We were unable to create your account for OXXO Pay. Please try again later.", DayRequired: "Please select a Day.", TextingFromNumbers: "Texting From Numbers", RemoveTheseLocations: "Remove these Locations", ReviewedAndAccepted: "I have reviewed and accepted the", UnableToSaveSalesCat: "Unable to save Sales Category at this time", ClientAlreadyEnrolledHeader: "Client Already Added", CheckReceiptTotal: "CHECK................{0,10}", RedeemPackageUses: "Redeem Package Uses", SalesCategoryBreakdown: "Sales Category Breakdown", AnnualFeeSchedules: "Annual Fee Schedules", BusinessDaysPriorToBillDay: "business days prior to the billing day", GroupCancelMemoSubject: "Group Canceled", GreaterThan: "Greater Than", TweetText: "Tweet Text", BillingHistory: "Billing History", RelativeChangedWarning: "The evaluation of relative date filters in scheduled reports has changed. Please take a moment to verify your filters.", AllRightsInCategory: "All Rights In This Category", MapsAndNavigation: "Maps and Navigation", LiveStreamEnded: "This class ended at {0}", PanamaCorreg: "Township where the issuing branch is located", names: "names", PanamaCodUbi: "Province, district and township code", PrimaryTrainersReport: "", MinimumFamily: "Minimum Additional Clients", PleaseEnterEmailAddress: "Please enter an Email Address", CreateNewAccount: "Create New Account", WhatsAppRejectionReasonsHeader: "WhatsApp most commonly rejects templates for the following reasons, below. So be sure to avoid the following rejection reasons:", PIFNoExp: "This PIF client has no expiration", LockerReports: "Locker Reports", AutoCreateBusinessDayWarning: "Note that if you choose fewer than 5 days, weekends and holidays may still cause the file to be created up to 5 days before the bill day", PartialPaymentFailed: "Partial payment failed", LockerNumber: "Locker Number", PerWeekExplained: "Based on the \u0027My Week Begins On\u0027 setting in Accounting Settings", Shopping: "Shopping", CanBookForGroup: "Allow me to book for others", SentRequestToRetrieveUserName: "You recently sent a request to retrieve your user name for your online account at {0}.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eUser name: {1} \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIf you did not request your user name, please contact {0} immediately.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e", ApplicableClubs: "Applicable Clubs", TimeClock: "Time Clock", EditClasses: "Edit Classes", EmailAnalyticsReport_Desc: "View and print your Email Analytics.", ShowMore: "ShowMore", ShowLess: "Show Less", ShowOnly: "Show Only", ScheduleText: "Schedule Text", NoPunchCardVisitsRemaining: "No Punch-Card Visits Remaining", UpdateCreditCard: "Update a Credit Card", PleaseEnterRegion: "Please enter Region", Returned: "Returned", and: "and", End: "End", Age: "Age", Add: "Add", Any: "Any", All: "All", Day: "Day", May: "May", Bad: "Bad", NPI: "NPI", INE: "INE", New: "New", Net: "Net", Old: "Old", Low: "Low", Use: "Use", Url: "URL", Hot: "Hot", Web: "Web", Why: "Why", Tax: "Tax", Tag: "Tag", RFC: "RFC", Run: "Run", Rep: "Rep", Red: "Red", PIN: "PIN", POS: "POS", Pay: "Pay", You: "You", Yes: "Yes", TimeFrame: "Time Frame", ArchivedFutureTense: "Archived", CurrentBillingFile: "Current Billing File", DefaultOptionNewApptTypes: "Default option for new Appointment Types", AllClientTypes: "All Client Types", DefaultFreezeAmount: "Default Freeze Amount", ClearCancelationOnEdit_Desc: "Clear Cancelation On Edit.", CustomReportStdFilter: "Standard Filters", EditClients: "Edit Clients", FileAlreadyPostedMessage: "A file was already posted for this club/date. You can view it under \u0027Journals\u0027.", InvalidValidationCode: "That validation code is not correct", Ended: "Ended", Email: "Email", Empty: "Empty", Error: "Error", EnterValidDateRange: "Please enter a valid date range.", Event: "Event", ProrateTrackingCodeExplained: "Any items sold as a prorate will be recorded to and reported as this charge code instead of the charge code of the original sale item.", PleaseTryAgain: "Please try again", AddSessionsOfClass: "Add new sessions of a class", CombinedSummary: "Combined Summary", MembershipCancelationStatus: "Membership Cancelation Status", StepStatusReportShortName: "Step Status", UnableToAddClientBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to add the client at this time.", EventDeletePackage: "Removed a package from the system", MarkAsNoShowPenalize: "Mark as No Show Penalized", AmenityChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Amenity - {1}", PasswordConfirmationSent: "We\u0027ve just sent an email to {0} with a confirmation code. Please check your email now and enter the code provided.", InvalidPaymentMethod: "This method of payment is not allowed", Added: "Added", About: "About", Abort: "Abort", IncludeContactDetail: "Include Contact Detail", AllAR: "All AR", AllOn: "All On", Apply: "Apply", April: "April", False: "False", OfferNotAvailableHasContract: "This offer has a contract", Field: "Field", SelectUsageType: "Select Usage Type", Found: "Found", PleaseEnterGiftAmount: "Please enter an amount for all Gifts.", Gifts: "Gifts", MemberPortalChanges: "Member Portal Changes", Grade: "Grade", Green: "Green", Group: "Group", PromoCodes: "Promo Codes", ConfirmDeleteDailyRecapAfter: "from the daily recap numbers?", Daily: "Daily", Dates: "Dates", Debit: "Debit", DueTo: "Due To", Mixed: "Mixed", Month: "Month", March: "March", Memos: "Memos", Media: "Media", Merge: "Merge", OnlyGroups: "Only Groups", Badge: "Badge", Banks: "Banks", Batch: "Batch", Basic: "Basic", UnableToRefund_Problem: "There was a problem submitting your refund.", TurnstileOpenTime: "Turnstile Open Time in Seconds", AdjustInventory: "Adjust Inventory", ClientBalanceIs: "Client\u0027s Personal Balance is {0:c}", Color: "Color", Count: "Count", Calls: "", Close: "Close", Class: "Class", Clear: "Clear", Clubs: "Clubs", Check: "Check", PrintARHistory: "Print AR History", CCExp: "CC Exp", Processing: "Processing...", OfferTag: "Offer Tag", Icons: "Icons", Reminder_BillingLateHeader: "Your {0:d} {1}{2}billing file is {3} day{4} late!", Items: "Items", AchievementApptAny: "Earned when a client books any type of appointment {0} time(s).", AskForNewBillingInfo: "Ask for new billing information", Notes: "Notes", NoTax: "No Tax", NoRep: "No Rep", Newer: "Newer", Never: "Never", NoRepsFound: "No Reps Found", PackageExpirationValidation: "This Package has expired", OnDay: "On Day", PackageAppointmentTypeLengthMismatch: "The following Appointment Types do not support any of the Allowed Lengths of this Package:", Older: "Older", Offer: "Offer", Order: "Order", Owner: "Owner", Opens: "Opens", Other: "Other", PurchaseSessionsOfANewPackage: "Purchase {0} of a new package", GoogleTagMangerVariables: "Tag Manger Variables", Large: "Large", LogIn: "Log In", Legal: "Legal", Leads: "Leads", Leave: "Leave", PosBillingRemovedCart: "Deleted recurring billing from cart on package sale", UseSessionsInCartSingular: "Use {0} visit of {1} in the cart", FilterOptions: "Filter Options", Usage: "Usage", ReturnedReason: "Returned Reason", OneClickPayment: "One-Click Payment", UnTag: "Un-Tag", Units: "Units", Joins: "Joins", SourceRequired: "Please enter a Source", BiWeeklyAccountName: "Bi-Weekly Account Name", TextMergeOptInHeaderOne: "1 - Client has not subscribed", PanamaDV: "Ruc Issuer Verifier Digit", Hours: "Hours", Hotel: "Hotel", SourceNotSet: "Select a Source...", AlreadyGroupMemberHeader: "Already a Member", UnableToLocateKeytag: "Unable to Locate KeyTag.", ClientPortalThankYou: "Thank You", Value: "Value", Views: "Views", Video: "Video", ShoppingCartDetails: "Shopping Cart Details", Voice: "Voice", Watch: "Watch", Waive: "Waive", EditContractPortalSettings_Desc: "Edit the settings of the Contract Email and Portal Design", Weeks: "Weeks", Which: "Which", Trace: "Trace", Track: "Track", Trial: "Trial", TaxId: "Tax ID", Taxes: "Taxes", AvailableForEditing: "Available for editing.", EditClientCodes: "Edit Client Types", Theme: "Theme", Tours: "Tours", Total: "Total", Today: "Today", ClockInOrOutBody: "You last clocked in at {0}.\\nAre you clocking out for that shift, or clocking in for a new shift?", Feedback: "Feedback", Rules: "Rules", SendBillingEmail: "Email the account owners in a Billing File when it is authorized", ViewDetails: "View Details", Reply: "Reply", Reset: "Reset", Retry: "Retry", Renew: "Renew", Range: "Range", Right: "Right", Start: "Start", State: "State", Step2: "Step 2", Step1: "Step 1", Steps: "Steps", Space: "Space", Split: "Split", Score: "Score", Setup: "Setup", SetTo: "Set to", Saved: "Saved", Sales: "Sales", Small: "Small", Shown: "Shown", TurnOffWaitlist: "Turn Off Wait List", NoParticipantsMinimum: "No Participants Minimum", Promo: "Promo", Print: "Print", Price: "Price", OfferCopyNoData: "There are no {0} to worry about. Click Next to continue.", ChangesWere: "changes were", Phone: "Phone", Years: "Years", CompleteEmailBillingPrepayThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed a confirmation for prepaying a billing item", EditClientMemos: "Edit Client Memos", FullyRedeemedGifts: "Fully Redeemed Gifts", PresidentsDay: "Presidents’ Day", EventRemovedRepRight: "One user removed a right assignment from another", AddedRevenue: "Added Revenue", UnableToDeleteBank: "Unable to Delete Bank", AnyTrainer: "Any Trainer", ViewTicket: "View Ticket", EditPOSOptions_Desc: "Edit Point of Sale Options", ScheduleStatementsExplained: "Schedule your statements to generate at a later date.", ReportAvailability: "Report Availability", ProcessingPayment: "Processing your transaction. Please wait...", OptionalFilters: "Optional Filters", PleaseSelectOrExcludeMessage: "Please select or exclude fewer than {0} groups.", CustomReportNameRequired: "Report Name is required", UndoComplete: "Un-Complete Appointments", MassArchiveClients: "Mass Archive Clients", SellEffective: "Sell Effective {0}", PleaseCallMeTooltip: "Have a Twin Oaks representative call you with more information about this item or feature. This is subject to availability.", NoProvider: "No Provider", ExcludeZeroLiability: "Exclude Clients with Zero Liability", PleaseEnterBillingAddress: "Please enter your billing address", MarginReport: "Margin Report", JoinDatesRange: "Join Dates Between", SearchForRep: "Search for Rep", PleaseSelectAppointmentLength: "Please select the length of appointment you would like to book", NoTransactionsToView: "There are no transactions to view in this date range.", LocationCurrentlyHasNoOffersOnline: "This location currently has no offers available online. Please contact or visit this location to find the best deals!", PhoneNumbers: "Phone Numbers", TextingScheduleSuccess: "Successfully scheduled Text for {0}", OnlyPrintBalanceDebtors: "Only Print Debtors with Balance", DoesPOS: "Does POS", ReturnsPostingStatusCodeExp: "Use this option if you would like a Status Code to be automatically applied to Clients whenever Returns are posted to their account.", PleaseSelectType: "Please Select the Type", EditStatusCodes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Status Codes", EventChangedEMailFrom: "A user changed an email from address", PleaseSelectOptionFor: "Please Select at Least One Option for {0}", ToSeeMore: "To see more", SaveAndCopy: "Save and Copy", SessionsCreated: "Sessions Created!", RemindMonthEndClosing: "Remind that month end closing needs to be done", ChangeEmail: "Change Email", ShowDeletedClientTypes: "Show Deleted Client Types", MinimumChangeFeeAmount: "Minimum Change Fee Amount", Business: "Business", DebitCardReceiptTotal: "DEBIT CARD...........{0,10}", StepStatusReport_Desc: "View and print thte Step Status Report", SelectFrequency: "Select a Frequency", WizardAvailableAppointments: "Available {0} Appointments: {1}", FamilyMemberMustBeYoungerThan: "This family member must be younger than {0} years of age to join.", UseInPOS: "Use In POS", ChangeLockedPrices: "Change Locked Prices", AddStatusCode: "Add Status Code", RetentionRiskPipelineWin: "Closed/Win", OfferNotAvailableSellToPerVisit: "This offer does not support sales to active Per-Visit members", MinutesPerSessionOne: "1 minute per session", FreezeEnd: "Freeze End", FreezeAll: "Freeze All", SendEmailNotifications: "Send Email Notifications", RequestedAmount: "Requested Amount", AllowOnlineFreezesExplained: "When a client requests a freeze online, an email will be sent to any Reps configured to receive freeze request alerts. A reminder will also be displayed on the Dashboard for Reps with permission to Edit Clients. You can configure it to automatically process these requests, or you can manually approve the requests.", EditAOIs_Desc: "Insert or Edit the area of interest options for the club.", SurveyName: "Survey Name", MaximumAge: "Maximum Age", JournalSaved: "Journal Saved", Reviewed: "Reviewed", OfferNameOrLink: "Offer Name / Link", ConfirmAppointTypeMaxEnrollment: "There are more than {0} people enrolled in an appointment with this Appointment Type. Would you still like to save?", GiftRedemptions: "Gift Redemptions", ConfirmCustomSecure: "This custom field will now be stored securely. You will no longer be able to use it as a filter for wizard reports and you will only be able to view it in Client Edit using the View Secure Custom Fields right. The process to convert existing client values may take a few minutes. During that time, you will be unable to use or edit this field. Are you sure you want to continue?", UseTypes: "Use Types", ExpDateInPast: "The client\u0027s expiration date cannot be in the past.", LoginFailure: "Login Failure", ShowAllLocations: "Show All Locations", ChangeOffer: "Change Offer", DiscontinueInventory: "Yes, Discontinue Inventory", NoChargeCodesSoAllSales: "Sales of all Charge Codes will be included.", BillingAddress: "Billing Address", OfferContainsBadBillDaysGroup: "This offer contains Recurring Billing Items for Group Members that are missing a Bill Day.", TermTotalAmount: "Term Total Amount", PackagePurchases: "Package Purchases", WithGift: "With Gift", ContractSetupRequired: "Contract Setup is Required", IsStatusActive: "Is Status Active", TotalUsesFor: "Total Uses for", AchievementVideoType: "Earned when a client watches {1} video(s) from the {0} category.", BiWeeklyAmount: "Bi-Weekly Amount", ErrorEnrollingClients: "Error Enrolling Clients", ToggleAllFees: "Toggle All Fees", AdditionalQuantityOfSessionsWillBeUsed: "{0} of the additional sessions will be used for this appointment", EndedBillingItemsOnly: "Ended Billing Items Only", ThroughMemberServices: "Through Member Services", AmountsDoNotHaveTaxText: "*These amounts do not include any state or local taxes, nor do they include any incurred balances that may be set to automatically draft.", OfferNotAvailableSellToPIF: "This offer does not support sales to Paid In Full members", OfferNotAvailableSellToNew: "This offer does not support sales to new members", WhatTypeofGift: "What type of gift card would you like to sell?", ChangePrice: "Change Price", CancelAtHomeLocationSettings: "Cancel from Check In Screen only permitted at Home Location.", PipelineReport_Desc: "View and print the Pipeline Report", ViewShifts: "View Shifts", ShiftFor: "Shift For", LeaderPrefix: "Leader Prefix", PrintProblems: "Print Problems", SharedAccountsUsedArchiveWarning: "This client is sharing accounts with other group members for billing. When this Client is archived all of those billings will be switched to using Recurring Invoices. New Billing Information will need to be assigned to {0}.", SignedDate: "Signed Date", TotalIncomplete: "Total Incomplete", BothPostedAndPending: "Both Posted and Pending", ChristmasDay: "Christmas Day", AmountAlertSettings: "Amount Alert Settings", CustomReportFieldsRequired: "At least one report field must be selected", SubmitButtonText: "Submit Button Text", UnableToRefund_Refund: "Sorry, but you cannot refund a Refund Transaction.", ChangeTypes: "Change Types", IconInUse: "Icon In Use", GoogleTagManagerID: "Google Tag Manager ID", AllTrainersAvail: "All Available Trainers", ShowRepAndFrequency: "Show Rep and Frequency", TextAnalyticsReport: "Text Analytics Report", ShowPaymentBreakdown: "Show Payment Breakdown for Mixed Sales", ManageRecurringBilling: "Manage Recurring Billing", CannotVoidBillingPrepay: "Voiding is not allowed on Billing Prepayment transactions", AutoPostCollectionsChanges: "Auto-Post Account Changes as soon as they are available", Analytics: "Analytics", BillingsAdded: "Billings Added", Right_EditChargeCodes: "Edit Charge Codes", NoFamilyOfferContractsMessage: "There are no group member contracts assigned to this offer.", MassChangeBillingAmounts: "Mass Change Billing Amounts", FinancedPackageDescription: "Payment for Package - {0}", ClassMinAgeConflict: "{0} is not old enough to enroll in this class.", NoFlexibility: "No Flexibility", ShowDailyRevenue: "Show Daily Revenue", PastNMonths: "The Past N Months", BookingOnePaymentSessionRequired: "This booking requires 1 visit.", InvalidKeyTagCountSingular: "1 Invalid Key Tag", ChangeStatus: "Change Status", AllowedTrainers: "Allowed Trainers", PleaseLoginToContinue: "Please login to continue", BiWeeklyTotal: "Bi-Weekly Total", ClientsToBeCanceled: "Clients To Be Canceled", ConfirmFutureBillingAuthorize: "This journal is more than 14 days in the future. Are you sure you want to authorize it?", EnterZip: "Please enter a valid Zip Code", EnterTag: "Enter Tag", EnterPIN: "Enter PIN", MemberOpenBalanceReport_Desc: "View and print the Member Open Balance Report", AccountsOnFile: "Accounts on File", FingerprintScannerInstructions: "Please touch the fingerprint scanner now", AmericanExpress: "American Express", InventoryHistory: "Inventory History", AddSessionsInCartPlural: "Add an additional {0} sessions of {1} to the cart", ViewTransactionHistory: "View transaction history", RecipientInfo: "Recipient Information", ClientEligibility: "Client Eligibility", ShowPreviousInformation: "Show previous information", TotalWithColon: "Total:", EnterValidEndDate: "Please enter a valid End Date", PleaseSelectAProvince: "Please select a province.", CallsMade: "Calls Made", DebitCardVoidReturn: "Debit Card Void Return", SelectAlternateTime: "Select Alternate Time", WrongFormat: "The value is not in the correct format.", SelectDay: "Please Select the Day", SelectAll: "Select All", SelectRep: "Select Rep", PrimarySalesRep: "Primary Sales Rep", SiteNumberRequired: "Please enter your Site Number", TransferClients: "Transfer Clients out of this location", CannotDeactivateAppTypeWithFutureApps: "Cannot be deactivated with future classes or appointments", IncludeTransactionsThatAre: "Include Transactions That Are", TrainerName: "Trainer Name", EditContactInfo: "Edit Contact Info", IncompatibleLengthDetails: "One or more of the sessions of this class are a length that is not compatible with the selected appointment type.", UnableToUnshare: "Unable to Un-Share", FreezeRequestChanges: "Freeze Request Changes", InvalidImageFile: "Invalid Image File", DontHaveAnAccountContinueWithoutAccount: "Don\u0027t have an account or a membership at this location? Continue without an account.", UsesLeft: "Uses Left", BillingContract: "Billing Contract", LeaderSuffix: "Leader Suffix", UserName: "User Name", Submitted: "Submitted", Instructor: "Instructor", RecordVideoUsage: "Watching videos on the Client Portal / App should record usage of \"Virtual Class Usage\"", AppointmentWizard: "Appointment Wizard", Sessions: "Sessions", InformationCannotBeProcessed: "We\u0027re sorry, your information can no longer be processed. Please cancel your order and try again.", LastName: "Last Name", LastFour: "Last Four", NoAppointmentTypesMessage: "There are no appointment types configured.", NotLiveStream: "This session is not being live streamed", LastYear: "Last Year", LastWeek: "Last Week", POS_OpenDrawer: "Open Drawer", BankSetup: "Bank Setup", POSVoidedTransactionsReport: "POS Voided Transactions Report", InactiveSystemUsers: "Inactive System Users", InsertNewItem: "Insert a New Item", DeferFeesExplained: "Select this if you would like to charge no fees on enrollment, but instead charge them on the first billing.", UnableToLoadAppointmentTypes: "Unable to load appoinment types", LeaderStreet: "Leader Street", ElectronicSignatureText: "Signed On-Line", PrintStatementQueued: "Your statements have been queued for printing and will begin shortly. Navigating away from this page will not affect the printing process.", PeriodEndDate: "Period End date", SalesAnalysisDetailReportSubHeader: "This report provides a detail listing of the transactions for a Sales Analysis Summary based on the date range entered.", UnCancelSessionOngoingPrompt: "Are you sure you want to undo cancellation of this session?", PleaseSelectOneTimePaymentsBillingProvince: "Please select your billing province for the one-time payments", UpgradeClients: "Upgrade Clients", Address: "Address", SetCRMFactors: "Set CRM Factors", AddBank: "Add Bank", NumberOfTransactions: "Number of Transactions", AddMemo: "Add Memo", AddCall: "Add Call", ViewLockersInCheckIn_Desc: "View Lockers In Check In", AddType: "Add Type", AddTask: "Add Task", AddText: "Add Text", AddTour: "Add Tour", LiveBillingFile: "Live Billing File", AddRule: "Add Rule", WhoIsGiftCardFor: "Who is this gift card for?", UseVirtualPOS: "Use Virtual POS", NoOfferAlertNowHeader: "You have no offers available online!", AddStep: "Add Step", EffectiveStart: "Effective Start", ClockingOut: "Clocking Out", BillingsResponsibleFor: "Billings this client is responsible for.", ViewClientDocuments: "View Client Documents", SurveyPotentialAnswer: "Survey Potential Answer", ErrorEnrolling: "I\u0027m sorry, but an error ocurred while attempting to enroll you in the class", ProviderChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Preferred Trainer- {1}", AutoAuthorizeJournals: "Auto-Authorize Journals When They Are Auto-Created", DateBeforeMonthEnd: "The transaction date must be later than the last Month End Closing ({0})", DuplicateEmailNoAccountAtOtherClub: "You are trying to join {0}, but you already have a record at {1}. Please click {2} to register your account there.", UsageForTheMonthBeginning: "Usage For The Month Beginning", VideoCategories: "Video Categories", UnableToLoadClassSession: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to load the enrollment at this time.", StepStatusReport: "Step Status Report", AddNotesAboutThisContract: "Add notes about this contract", GroupLeaderOnly: "Group Leader Only", SetGoals_Desc: "Set Goals for Marketing and Sales", NewClient: "New Client", PaymentClubName: "Payment Club Name", SeeCertainContractsExplained: "Only contracts for Change of Address or Waivers can be signed through this method.{0}{1}Membership agreements can be signed when inserting or renewing a membership.{0}{1}Cancelation Forms can be signed when canceling a client.{0}{1}Freeze Forms can be signed when freezing a client\u0027s billing.{0}{1}Account change forms can be signed when modifying a client\u0027s billing information.{0}{1}Please see the Digital Contracts Settings area in the Program Settings portion of Configuration for more information.", BillingZipCode: "Billing Zip/Postal Code", PointsToAward: "Points to Award", SelectedOptions: "Selected Options", RealEstate: "Real Estate", GLAccount: "GL Account", PleaseEnterEmployer: "Please enter your employer", DueFrom: "Due From", DueDate: "Due Date", Contract: "Contract", Contains: "Contains", Continue: "Continue", NotificationHeader: "This rep should be notified of the following", CannotPrintNotInstalled: "Printing isn\u0027t currently enabled for this computer, would you like to install the Print Service?", IncludeCanceledClients: "Include Canceled Clients", OutstandingPackageLiabilityReportSubtext: "This report lists all purchased packages with unredeemed sessions and calculates the outstanding liability remaining for each as of the date entered.", MessagingServiceDeleteConfirmation: "The Messaging Service has been deleted", AchievementPackageType: "Earned when a client purchases the {0} package {1} time(s).", AccountNickNameInvalid: "Invalid Account Nickname, Please choose a different nickname.", ReportAvailabilityDesc: "", ClientTypeClubRestriction: "This client type is not allowed to use this club.", PleaseEnterInitialAccCVVNumber: "Please enter the CVV number on the initial account", EventMergedZipCodes: "A Rep merged two Zip/Postal Codes.", BillingFreezeAmount: "Billing Freeze Amount", Consumer: "Consumer", DocumentCategories: "Document Categories", NotAuthorizedOverride: "I\u0027m sorry, but you are not authorized to perform this override.", Monday_Short: "Mon", PaymentForFormatted: "Payment (For {0})", ExpiredAddOnClients: "Expired Add-On Clients", RecurringInvoiceAbbr: "Rec. Invoice", WhatsAppApproved: "WhatsApp Approved", NoBookingInPast: "I\u0027m sorry, but you are not allowed to book an appointment in the past", StandardUpgrade: "Standard Upgrade", NoOfferCode: "No Offer Code", ManageGiftCards: "Manage Gift Cards", BillingAccChangeWarningText: "Changes to your billing account may not take effect until the next billing cycle.", EditCancelCodes: "Edit Cancel Codes", NoPaymentRequired: "No Payment Required", CannotReturnReturned: "This payment was already returned", SessionsRemoved: "Sessions Removed!", VerifyAndSave: "Verify and Save", OfferNotAvailableTooFewMembers: "The client\u0027s group is not large enough for this offer", AddTrainerGroup: "Add Trainer Group", DisplayingSourcesSince: "Displaying sources for all new leads and joins since", UnableToVerifyEmail: "Sorry, but we were unable to verify your email address", KioskEnrollmentSubjectLine: "Kiosk Enrollment Notification", PointsEarned: "Points Earned", HomePhoneRequired: "Please enter a Home Phone number", AppLocation: "App Location", ProratedTo: "Prorated to", NumberOfMonthsToFinance: "Number of Months to Finance", ErrorCanceling: "There was an error canceling the client.", AddTrainerHours: "Add Trainer Hours", OfferSignupsReportSummary: "This report will provide a summary of the number of joins and renewals an offer has been used for.", BillingResubInProgressError: "Billing resubmit currently in process...", SaveAmounts: "Save Amounts", CancelExpiredClients: "Cancel Expired Clients", PurchaseAdditionalSessionOther: "Purchase an additional {0} sessions of {1}", FacebookLinkExplained: "A link you want the user\u0027s \u0027friends\u0027 to click. Traditionally this will redirect to your website or to the offer.", FrozenStarting: "This client\u0027s membership was frozen starting {0:d}", DeSelectLocations: "De-Select Locations", Account: "Account", EftCollectionReportSubject: "EFT Collection Report for the {0} - {1} as of {2:d}", NoChangesWillBeMadeToThisClient: "No changes will be made to this client", PromoCodeAppliedText: "Promo code \u003cb\u003e{0}\u003c/b\u003e has been applied to your purchase.", OccurredDate: "Occurred Date", SuggestedFollowExplained: "The Twitter account you want to suggest that your new joins follow (excluding the @).", PromoCodeLengthValidation: "Promo code must be less than {1} characters long.", FinanceNotParticipate: "This credit card\u0027s bank does not allow financing", WizardTrainersExplanation: "This is the list of all Trainers who can be booked for appointments at the given Club. You may select multiple Trainers by clicking on them and then clicking the Select Trainers button.", ClientTypeRestriction: "Client Type Not Permitted at Club", NextMonth: "Next Month", EventMonthEndClosed: "A user closed the month", RemoveThisCredentialFromAcc: "Remove this {0} credential from your account", DailyDashboardClubToolTip: "These clubs will be included in the report", FromTime: "From Time", FromDate: "From Date", FirstNameRequired: "Please enter First Name", PanamaInvoiceKey: "Secret Key", EftCollectionReport: "EFT Collection Report", CustomTextExplained: "The Custom Text will appear next to the optional item checkbox instead of the billing item name. This can be used to add marketing text. Example: \u0027Get 4 visits for only $10.00!\u0027", NoAddSessionsEnrolled: "Sessions cannot be added for this class because there are already clients enrolled and pre-payment is required.", StateRequired: "Please enter State", LastModified: "Last Modified", TotalInitialReturns: "Total Initial Returns", Actions: "Actions", ReceiptText_FinalClientBalance: "Final Client Balance: {0,20:F2}", NotificationRecipients: "Notification Recipients", CannotChangeBecausePackage: "You are not allowed to modify a charge that is a Package Sale.", Quantity: "Quantity", ProspectActivityWidget_Desc: "A bar graph chart that show the actions performed as part of Prospect Management", HoursRemovedPartial: "Not all hours were removed", BusinessRegistrationNumber: "Business Registration Number", Quarters: "Quarters", AllowOnlineFreezes: "Allow clients to make a request online to have their membership and billings frozen.", Dropped: "Dropped", SaveFirstHeader: "Would you like to save your changes first?", ViewEdit: "View / Edit", Over60Balance: "Over 60 Balance", ViewType: "View Type", ReceiptText_PromoApplied: "Promo Applied: {0}", HardDeclineExplained: "When a \u0027Hard\u0027 return reason declines, the billing items associated with the returned account will be automatically switched over to Recurring Invoices when returns are imported.", OffersWithEqualOrGreaterPartOfDues: "Only offers with an equal or greater Part of Dues amount.", EmailSettingsRequired: "Email Settings Required", OnlineRecurringEntryPrompt: "Recurring Billing Account Entry Prompt", NextBillDate: "Next Bill Date", ERStatusCannotBook: "Clients with an ER Balance cannot book Appointments", CloseoutPrinted: "Closeout Printed", ExistingSchedule: "There are already hours configured for this date range", AccountStateRegionProvince: "Account State/Region/Province", SettingDisabledOne: "The {0} setting has been disabled.", BookingsStatus: "Bookings Status", PackageTypes: "Package Types", PackageOfferInvalid: "There are Offers with Client Types no longer compatible with this Package, please add the following Client Types, or change the Offers: {0}", NotificationNonDismissableExplained: "Check this so that users of the app won\u0027t be able to hide this notification. It is advised to have very few of these notifications so as to not over load the clients\u0027 dashboard.", Commission: "Commission", FinancedPackages: "Financed Packages", FreezeRequestBillingFrozen: "The following billings were also frozen:", BillingFrozenClosedSummary: "{0} frozen from {1} – {2}", Featured: "Featured", PackagePrice: "Package Price", YoureAllSetHere: "You\u0027re all set here!", PaymentLessThanPricePrompt: "This payment is less than the total price. Are you sure you want to save this record?", ChangeBillingAmountsUtilityExplained: "This utility will allow you to find billing items that match specified criteria and change the billing amount for each match. You must export or print a report of the billing items displayed in the utility’s browse before the ‘Change Amounts\u0027 button will be enabled. Selecting the ‘Change Amounts\u0027 button, will process the amount change for each selected billing item. We recommend you review the extract/report prior to changing amounts.", RightsAreRequiredDetails: "You do not have rights to {0} at club {1}.", RepKeyTagToolTip: "A Rep\u0027s key tag is for use in Time Clock.  If you want a Rep to be able to scan at a door you need to create a client record for the Rep", ParentalSupervisionRequired: "This client is underage and needs parental supervision.", StatementScheduleExplanation: "Select the options to schedule your statements to automatically build. Once the statements are generated you will be prompted to print any that cannot be emailed. Emails will be sent out as soon as they are generated unless you elect to be alerted first.", PleaseSelectMethodOfPaymentForAllAppointments: "Please select a method of payment for all appointments.", EditAccounts_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Client\u0027s Bank or Credit Card Accounts", RuleAppliesTo: "Rule Applies To", EntryMode: "Entry Mode", SecureCustomFieldExplained: "This field contains Private Protected Information and must be stored securely. Twin Oaks will encrypt information stored in this field. You will need the View Secure Custom Fields rep right to see the information in Client Edit, and you will not be able to use this field as a filter for Custom Reports.", OfferCodeExplained: "Offer Code is a 1 to 16 Character Alphanumeric Code which can be used to pull up this or a group of offers more quickly on client insert or online join.", NonMembersDefinition: "The total number of clients that are a non-member type.", ClockingIn: "Clocking In", SearchForTrainer: "Search for a Trainer", CloseOutError: "Error Preparing Close Out", NoChargeCodesWithInventory: "There are no charge codes that use inventory.", HoursBeforeAfter: "{0} Hours before or after", AnnualFeeScheduleDeleted: "Annual Fee Schedule Deleted", Aborted: "Aborted", TriggeredOnGroupLeave: "(Triggered when removing a client from a group with payment responsibilities.)", UnableToUpdateMembershipInformation: "We\u0027re sorry, but we were unable to update your membership information. Please contact your membership\u0027s primary location for more information.", ClockedOut: "Clocked Out", Signatures: "Signatures", WebsiteGuests: "Non Members and Website Guests", ColorKey: "Color Key", UseProcessScheduler_Desc: "Use the Process Scheduler", RewardsClubRemoveConfirmation: "You are about to remove a club from this rewards group. Clients of this club will no longer be able to earn or use rewards points. If you add this club into any other rewards group (or create a new one) existing client rewards points will be carried over. Any rewards that clients have already redeemed will be valid until their current expiration date. Are you sure you want to continue?", PurchasePrice: "Purchase Price", PayForPenalizedSessions: "Pay for Penalized Sessions", SomeHoursNotChanged: "Some Hours Could Not Be Changed", AuthorizedBy: "Authorized By", UnableToPrintIndividual: "Individual Printing Not Supported", LastMemberOfGroup: "{0} is the only member of {1}. If you remove them the group will be deleted. Would you like to continue?", CannotVoidBecauseNoService: "You are unable to void credit card payments at this time.", District: "District", Journals: "Journals", NotTaxableOnly: "Not Taxable Only", PrintYesUpdate: "Update now so I can Print", WebsiteUrlRequired: "Please enter your Website URL", FirstBiWeeklyBillingAmount: "First Bi-Weekly Billing Amount", AttritionRiskReportShortName: "Attrition Risk", UnCancelPromptHeader: "Undo session cancellation", EditLocationGroups: "Edit Location Groups", MemberPortalChangesTotal: "Total Member Portal Changes", OrderCouldNotBeProcessed: "The order could not be processed", UsePrimaryContact: "Use the same contact information as the primary client.", AmenityExplained: "In order to track what membership features this client has you can specify an amenity to be assigned to any client that purchases this offer (and selects this optional charge if applicable).", ConfirmAccountRequired: "Please confirm the Account Number", WorkoutRequestAssignedHeader: "A new workout request has been assigned to you.", TextMergeOptInHeaderOther: "{0} - Clients have not subscribed", OverrideCompletion: "Override Completion", AccountUpdaterChangesTotal: "Total Account Updater Changes", BillingStreetRequired: "Please enter Billing Address", ExpiringCreditCardsToken: "Expiring / Expired Credit Cards", BasedOnOfferSettings: "Based on the Offer Settings", ReminderDescription: "Reminder Description", EnrollFingerprints: "Enroll a client\u0027s fingerprint", PleaseEnterFamilyMemberLastName: "Please enter this family member\u0027s last name", ClientID: "Client ID", ClientOf: "Client of Club", ClientAR: "Client A/R", CompleteTextPassiveSingular: "{0} was texted", Top10RisksWidget_Desc: "A list of the rep\u0027s clients that are most at risk to cancel.", EnrollmentEndedOnDate: "Enrollment Ended on {0}", EditRepTypes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Rep Types", AccountingMethod: "Accounting Method", UnableToConnect_Barcode: "Unable to connect to the barcode scanner.", StreetCannotBeLongerThan: "Street cannot be longer than ", ClientExpiresOn: "This client will be expired on {0}", DefiniteArticlePlural: "Definite Article Plural", CannotUndoMonthEnd: "I\u0027m sorry, but {0} has redeemed a visit in a month that has been closed.", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsCCExpDate: "Please enter the credit card expiration date for the recurring payments.", LocationsClassCanOccur: "Locations where this class can occur", ReverseInvoicePayment: "Reverse Invoice Payment", IncludeBalance: "Include Balance", Disabled: "Disabled", HelpMessagePlaceholder: "Example: Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg\u0026Data Rates May Apply.", SelectTipoRuc: "Select Taxpayer Type", SelectOnlineImage: "Select Online Image", ClientCheckIn: "Client Check-In", Discount: "Discount", Discover: "Discover", OneTimePaymentCCNumberInvalidMessage: "The credit card number for the one-time payments is not valid. Please make sure that you exclude dashes and spaces.", SelectTrainerGroup: "Select a Trainer Group", RemoveTrainerFromGroupConfirm: "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from this group?", CreateNewProfile: "Create a new Profile", OptOutMessage: "Opt-out Message", QuickBooksPostDate: "The Post Date cannot be after the Transaction To Date. When using a Date Range, and for scheduled reports, the Post Date will be equal to the Transaction To Date.", PleaseDoNotRespond: "Please do not respond to this email.", AllItemsIncluded: "All items will be included", FinancePackageNotAllowedClub: "\"Financed Packages\" are not permitted for clients from other club locations", AreYouSureClassSessionEnrollCancel: "Are you sure you want to cancel your enrollment in this session of the class?", ChangeClientType: "Change Client Type", NoStatus: "No Status", EventRemovedClientGroupAssignment: "Removed Client Group Assignment", AllowInHouseChargingToken: "Allow In- House Charging", NoClientSelected: "No Client Selected", CannotReturnPending: "A return has already been posted through the billing system. Please ensure all returns have been posted.", ClassRosterReport_Desc: "View and print a report of clients enrolled in classes.", WouldChangeNoSessions: "Sorry, but you have not selected any sessions. Please modify your filters before saving.", NoReferralsMessage: "This client has not referred any other clients.", ExpirationAnalysis: "Expiration Analysis", DeferredRevenuesReportShortName: "Deferred Revenues", IncludeRPClients: "Include Clients with a Responsible Party", LiveBillingDetails: "Live Billing Details", PointsForPurchasesExplained: "Points for purchases will only be awarded once the transaction is posted. Points may be earned on multiple items in the same transaction.", ClockInOut: "Clock In/Out", ReportPageCount: "Page {PageNumber} of {PageCount}", ClientVerification: "Client Verification", OverLimitQuantity: "Over Limit Quantity", CCEnteredHasExpired: "The credit card entered has expired", CloudTransferDownloadError: "Sorry, but we were unable to download some or all of your documents from your previous cloud. Please confirm your account is still active and retry from the Cloud Storage Provider Settings under Configuration.", SignContract: "Sign Contract", SendAccountOwnerEmail: "Send an email to all account owners", Alert_One: "Alert", ProblemUses: "Problem Uses", ProblemType: "Problem Type", AlertType: "Alert Type", SalesCategory: "Sales Category", UpgradeOptions: "Upgrade Options", InventoryCreated: "Inventory Created", UseForOtherBillingMessage: "This account information is used for {0} additional item{1} in the journal.", ClassCategoryDeleted: "Class Category Deleted", RetentionAttritionStatistics: "Retention/Attrition Statistics", Commands: "Commands", Comments: "Comments", FutureSessionsRedeemedConflict: "Appointments have already been completed using this billing item. You are not allowed to make the change you are requesting", VideoUrl: "Video URL", MinLengthError: "{0} must be at least {1} characters.", ValidKeyTagCountPlural: "{0} Valid Key Tags", SharedAccountHolders: "Shared Account Holders", PostReturns_Desc: "Edit and Post EFT Returns", RefundToClient: "Refund To Client", ExpirationMonthRequired: "Please select the Expiration Month.", AppointmentStatusCannotBeChangedTo: "This appointment is in a state that cannot be changed to {0}.", Computer: "Computer", CABySCodeExplained: "The 13-digit code from the Catalog of Goods and Services", CheckInInProgress: "Checking In...", NoChargeCodesMessage: "There are not charge codes that match your selection.", Complete: "Complete", ClubIdentifierWithColon: "Location:", AutoRefill: "Auto Refill", BillingPrepayAlreadyInCart: "There is already a billing prepayment in the cart", Step2Text: "Click or tap on any available (\u003cspan class=\"appointmentAvalibleColorLabel\" style=\"text-transform: lowercase\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e) time slot on the right to schedule an appointment.\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cspan class=\"appointmentUnavalibleColorLabel\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e time slots are unavailable.", MailMergeDuplicateFilter: "In Mail Merge, exclude Non-Member emails shared with members", TimeoutWarningContinue: "I\u0027m still here!", OtherCredit: "Other Credit Card", InvalidStartingDigit: "Invalid Start #", NoSource: "No Source", UseEmailOnFile: "Use Email on File", GroupResponsibilityConflictDetail: "Please note that any conflicting payment responsibilities will be reassigned to the group leader of the group that you are joining into. Any other payment responsibility will remain assigned to the current group leader.", AllUseTypes: "All Use Types", Currency: "Currency", RefundInPOS: "Refund in POS", UsageReport_Desc: "View and print the a list of usage.", OneTimePaymentDeferredText: "One-Time Payments Deferred to {0} Billing:", StartingTimeRequired: "Please enter a Starting Time", UnableToClock: "Unable to Clock In/Out", UnableToDeleteGroupType: "Unable to Delete GroupType", PleaseEnterStreetAddressForTheRecurriingPayments: "Please enter street address for the recurring payments.", ReverseCreditCardWarning: "This transaction was originally paid with a credit card. This manual reversal will NOT refund the transaction back to the card. If you wish to refund back to the credit card you must perform a refund in Point Of Sale.", GiftsReport: "Gifts Report", BusinessDuns: "USA: DUNS Number (Dun \u0026 Bradstreet)", ThisInvoice: "This Invoice", BusinessType: "Business Type", GLJournalReport_Desc: "View and print your GL Journal.", TypeFilter: "Type: {0}", DeleteTemplateWithAppointmentType: "This template is used by one or more Appointment Types. If you delete it then it will be removed from those Appointment Types. Would you like to continue?", ChangeWizard: "Mass Change", RemoveGroupConfirmation: "Removing this group will disable rewards for all of the clubs listed. Clients will no longer be able to acrue or redeem rewards points. Any rewards that clients have already redeemed will be valid until their current expiration date. If you add any of these clubs into any other rewards group (or create a new one) existing client rewards points will be carried over. Are you sure you want to continue?", OnlyIfTrue: "Only If True", DateRequired: "Please enter the Date", MassChangeBillings: "Mass Change Billings", UnableToApply: "Unable to Apply", AddressFactor: "Address", AllSalesCategoriesAllowed: "All sales categories are currently allowed.", PipelineCreated: "Pipeline Created", MonthlyPaymentOne: "1 Monthly Payment starting {0}", PleaseAnswerAllQuestions: "Please answer all of the questions", PleaseEnterValidToDate: "Please enter a valid To Date", SaleToClient: "Sale To Client", Director: "Director", IncludeSalesCategories: "Include Sales Categories", BillingPrepaymentsNoData: "There were no prepayments for this journal", AccountPaymentMethod: "Account Payment Method", ServiceUsers: "Service Users", TypeFactor: "Prospect Type", HowDidYouHearAboutUs: "How did you hear about us", BiWeeklyCCExpDate: "Bi-Weekly CC Exp Date", SecurityCodeInvalid: "The security code is not valid", PreviousBillingFile: "Previous Billing File", ClientBalance: "Client Balance", ResponsibleForMembers: "Responsible For Members", UnableToFindBookingPaymentHeader: "Unable to Retrieve Options", WaitListConfirmation: "Wait List Confirmation", PerVisitRestrictionFromOthers: "Client Type cannot be modified to Per-Visit billing type. Please create a new client type if necessary", EndFinancingAlreadyEnded: "I\u0027m sorry, but this finance charge has already been ended.", PackageInCartBookingPaymentSessionsOther: "Use \u003cstrong\u003e{0}\u003c/strong\u003e Sessions of the \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e in my cart", ExportProblems: "Export Problems", MergeConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to merge", UnableToAddTrainer: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to add the trainer at this time.", Recurring: "Recurring", ThemeSettings: "Theme Settings", TwilioIncomingOther: "There are {0} unread text messages.", ConfirmDeleteReferral: "Are you sure you want to remove this referral?", IncompleteJoinSecondEmailDescription: "Email prospective Clients who started but haven’t completed online joins for at least", PleaseSelectADepartment: "Please select a Department", UnableToPrint: "Unable to Print", ClosingPercentageReportShortName: "Closing Percentage", NoAppointmentTypeTrainersMessage: "This appointment type does not have any allowed trainers.", RedirectAddressWhenLogoIsClicked: "Redirect address for when the logo is clicked.", RefillGiftCards: "Refill Gift Cards", EarnABadge: "Earn a Badge", TypeAgeBreakdown: "Client Type / Age Breakdown", InterestCategories: "Interest Categories", PleaseSelectLength: "Please select a length", StreetRequired: "Please enter Address", DoNotBook: "Don\u0027t Book", OnlineCancelationsNotAllowedForAppointmentType: "Online cancellations not allowed for this Appointment Type", RewardsActionDuplicatePrompt: "The following actions are are already set up to award points: {0}. Would you like to update those to the new values?", PostConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to post?", MembershipBreakdown: "Membership Breakdown", ReceiptText_AccountCredit: "Account Credit{0,28:F2}", GroupCancelMemoBody: "Group Leader: {0} Canceled Group: {1} on {2}.", AmexReceiptTotal: "AMERICAN EXPRESS.....{0,10}", EditCancelCodes_Desc: "Edit Cancellations Reasons.", PayForJustClient: "Do you want to pay for just this client\u0027s outstanding balance", Denomination: "Denomination", PurchasedPackages: "Purchased Packages", OfferNotAvailablePerVisit: "This offer is not for Per-Visit type clients", MembershipCanceledFuture: "Your membership will be canceled soon.", SellToMembersOnly: "Sell To Members Only", DocumentCategoryDeleted: "Document Category Deleted", SearchForCategory: "Search For Category", GLJournalReport: "GL Journal Report", ProrateChargeCode: "Prorate Charge Code", NoGovernmentID: "No Government ID", ErrorRecordTransactionBody: "Your transaction has processed, but there was an issue recording it. You may need to void this payment manually.\r\nPlease try again, or contact Twin Oaks if this problem persists.", NeverUsed: "Never Used", CannotReversePackage: "Sorry, but Payments for Packages cannot be reversed", ExcludedChargeCodes: "Excluded Charge Codes", BookPackageOnPurchase: "Schedule appointments after purchasing a bookings package in POS", SamePhoneInfoAsPrimaryMember: "Same phone information as primary member", PayrollPeriod: "Payroll Period", RejectReason: "Reject Reason", PaidByMultiple: "Paid by Multiple Clients", Salesperson: "Salesperson", ToJoinDate: "To Join Date", EditFeeSchedules: "Edit the Fee Schedules", Gambling: "Gambling", ClientPaymentsReport: "Client Payments Report", ExcludePIFExpiredBefore: "Exclude PIF Clients Who Expired Before", FinancingContract: "Financing Contract", DailyStatsReport: "Daily Stats Report", Enrolled: "Enrolled", LocationTypeNotAllowed: "The location cannot be booked for {0} of this type.", NoAccountsOnFile: "You currently have no accounts on file.", AutomatedConfirmationHeader: "This is an automated confirmation from {0}.", ContractType: "Contract Type", StatementsHaveBeenGenerated: "Your statements have been generated.", ClientTypeChangeNotAllowed: "There are Clients with this Client Type already, so this Type cannot be changed.  Please create a new client type if necessary.", LockerSetup: "Locker Setup", ContractName: "Contract Name", GA4MeasurementID: "Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID", AccountFilters: "Account Filters", February: "February", OtherAmount: "Other Amount", GroupResponsibilityConflict: "The selected group has default payment responsibilities which may conflict with existing payment responsibilities.", TrustBundleRegistration: "Trust Bundle Registration", TapoutThemeName: "Crimson Orchard", PleaseSelectItem_Quantity: "Please select an item to update its quantity.", Expires: "Expires", Expired: "Expired", ClientWillLoseChanges: "This client has unsaved changes that will be discarded if you continue.", PleaseSelectItem_Trainer: "Please select a preferred trainer", AmountPaid: "Amount Paid", SourceFilter: "Source: {0}", ExpDate: "Exp Date", UseTermForAnniversaryDateExplained: "The system may be configured to automatically set the \"Anniversary Date\" for a billing client when they are added through the \"Insert Wizard\" or renewed through the \"Renewal Wizard\". The assignment will occur if the offer used was setup with a \"Default Term\" specified.", BuyACard: "Buy a Card", MemoType: "Memo Type", WhatsAppPaused: "WhatsApp Paused", CannotManualReturn: "Unable to Manually Return", ChallengeNameInUse: "There is already a challenge with this name.", LockerAreas: "Locker Areas", PastDaysFormatted: "Past {0} Days", UpcomingBillings: "Upcoming Billings", UnableToCancelSession: "Unable to Cancel the Session", RenewedOn: "Renewed On", NewBilling: "New Billing", RenewDate: "Renew Date", EditClientTransactions: "Insert Client Transactions", PromotionStarts: "Promotion Starts", OnlyOnline: "Only Online", Feminine: "Feminine", EditTransferSettings_Desc: "Edit Transfer Settings", WizardPosRequirement: "This workstation is not setup for Point of Sale. If these appointments will require you to take payment, you must run the wizard from a POS workstation.", TopSpendersReportExcludedCriteria: "Archived members and unposted transactions are excluded from this report.", YourEmailAddress: "Your email address", PleaseEnterFirstName: "Please enter your first name", ChargeCodeOnly: "Charge Code Only - No Summary", ChargeCodeName: "Charge Code Name", PleaseAnswer: "Please Answer", Over60DaysOld: "over 60 days old", Deliveries: "Deliveries", PendingCancelRequest: "You already have a pending cancelation request submitted on {0}.", TransactionDate: "Transaction Date", BookingsPaymentStatusesReportSubHeader: "This report shows a list of bookings payment statuses in a specified date range.", OverrideOfferRulesPrompt: "Are you sure you want to override the offer rules and use {0} anyway?", TransactionInfo: "Transaction Information", TransactionType: "Transaction Type", EmployerCity: "Employer City", TransactionsFor: "Transactions for", EmployerName: "Employer Name", ChargeReceiptTotal: "IN-HOUSE CHARGES.....{0,10}", UpdateBilling_ExistingOnly: "Please update only the recurring billing items that were attached to the prior payment method", BenitoJuarezBirthday: "", UseCalendarScrollBarToSeeMoreTimes: "To see more times, please use the scroll bar to the right of the calendar", CreateCustomClientReport: "Create a Custom Client Report", SearchTheseLocations: "Search these Locations", GiftCardPinWithColonAndValue: "PIN: {0:0000}", DisbandGroup: "Disband the Group", ObligationEndsOnExplained: "Date that the minimum term of obligation has been met. Billing will continue until Bill End date entered or membership is cancelled.", FutureCallWithSecondPersonSingular: "{0} need to Call {1}", WithNoAssApp: "With No Assessment Appointment", Exclude: "Exclude", AutoRefillNote: "Note: The automatic refill may not be processed immediately.", MustBeBetween: "{0} must be between {1} and {2}", MemberExpirationFactorDescription: "How close is this client to their expiration date", TotalPayment: "Total Payment", BalanceNoBooking: "Prevent Clients with a balance from Booking", Question: "Question", EditAccountTypeUses_Desc: "Configure How Types of Bank or Credit Card Accounts Can Be Used at a Club", PointsDescription: "Points Description", Exactly: "Exactly", OfferRequired: "Please select an Offer", OfferSignupsReport_Desc: "View and export the Offer Signups Report", CustomEndDate: "Custom end date...", DuplicateEmailHasAccount: "You already have an account record at {0}. Please click {1} to log in to that account.", ExcludeRedScreen: "Exclude Red Screen", AgeUnknown: "Age Unknown", NewClientsRepAssignmentCaption: "Choose which Rep Assignment Type should be used to display the Assigned Rep column", SurveyNeedsAnswer: "A Survey Question needs to be answered.", AssignClientStatus: "Assign Client Status", PleaseSelectRecurringPaymentsBillingProvince: "Please select your billing province for the recurring payments.", LockersGrid: "Lockers Grid", ErrorLoadingWaitListConfirmation: "Error loading Wait List Confirmation", Animals: "Animals", NoMergeClientsBody: "There are no {0} in this Merge. Please change your filters.", ContractReport: "Contract Report", NoRepSelected: "No Rep Selected", BadAccount: "Bad Account", ClientReport: "ClientReport", BillingAccountZip: "Billing Account Zip/Postal Code", DocumentCategorySaved: "Document Category Saved", AwaitingJournalPosting: "Awaiting Journal Posting", ToDateRequired: "Please enter a To Date.", AccountTypeNotSet: "Select an Account Type", EditDepartments_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Departments", Authorization: "Authorization", EditSeries: "Edit Purchased Packages", AutoAssignExplained: "When a billing item is set to \u0027Auto Assign\u0027 the billing date, the system will perform a calculation based on the Join Date/Renewal Date and determine the next available monthly billing date which has yet to be billed out.", GroupCheckInToast_Other: "{0} Clients Checked In at {1}", FormerClub: "Former Location", ChargeClassReason: "This Charge is for a Package that is being used to pay for a Class and cannot be deleted.", TransactionError: "There was an error completing your transaction.", SalesAnalysisReport_Desc: "View and print an analysis of your sales.", AccountBillingDetails: "Account Billing Details", GiftCardDescription: "Available for sale in both POS and the Client Portal these Gift Cards are a great way to bring in more revenue. Call Twin Oaks today at 860.829.6000 to get more information.", StreetMax: "The Street cannot be longer than 32 characters.", NumOneDay: "1 Day", ChargeCodeGeneralLedgerSummary: "Charge Code and GL Summary", LastNameCannotBeLongerThan: "Last Name cannot be longer than ", ShowOnlyActiveFuture: "Show Only Active or Future", ChangePleaseRenew: "If you need to change this, please Renew the Client.", CreateCustomUsageReport: "Create a Custom Usage Report", PasswordMustMatchRequirements: "Your password must match the following requirements:", ToSeeAlternatePricingOptions: "If you would like to see alternate pricing options, please remove your selected options", BillingInformation: "Billing Information", ViewClientBilling: "View Client Billing", AllowDiscover: "Allow Discover", Answers: "Answers", CancelClientContract: "Cancel Client Contract", ViewPreviousWeek: "View Previous Week", TransactionSaved: "Transaction Saved!", HasProrateCodeError: "The selected Prorate Code has a Prorate Code of its own", EventChangedClientMarketing: "Changed Client Marketing", FastReportPageCount: "Page [Page#] of [TotalPages#]", PrepayFreezeConflict: "Prepayment may not be taken due to an existing billing freeze", ReturnTrackingReportSummary: "This report is used to track clients who have returned for multiple billings in a given time period.", UnsubscribeTransactionalMiddle: "click here", MinutesPerSession: "minutes per session", PasswordVerification: "Password Verification", ScreenColor: "Screen Color", PosSummary: "POS Summary", ProspectAddedDate: "The date on which the Prospect was entered", PackageReminder: "Package Low Visit", CloudLimitExceeded: "The file you are trying to upload will exceed your allotted amount. Please go through your files and delete any files you may no longer need, or call your sales representative at Twin Oaks for more information.", BankAccount: "Bank Account", NewProcess: "New Process", GroupCheckIn: "Group Check In", EmployerState: "Employer State", CloudTransferScheduled: "Your files have been scheduled for transfer to your new cloud provider. This may take a while. We will alert you if there are any problems.", NoExternalAuthenticationServiceConfiguredMessage: "There are no external authentication services configured. See {0} for details on setting up this ASP.NET application to support logging in via external services.", ErrorSavingTransaction: "Error Saving Transaction", EditClientLockers_Desc: "Edit Assigned Lockers on Client Edit", ClientTypeUtilityExplained: "This utility will set the Client Type specified for the client records where the client matches the search filters/criteria you have selected. It is required that you export the list of the selected clients in the browse results prior to processing the Client Type changes selected. We recommend that you review the extract prior to modifying the clients listed.", GetAGuestPass: "Get a Guest Pass", EnterFileAmount: "Please enter the File Amount.", SalesAnalysisReportShortName: "Sales Analysis", PasswordResetConfirmation: "Your password has been reset.", BadAddress: "Bad Address", AnsweredStatus: "Answered Status", FreePackages: "Free Packages", StandardSettingsExplained: "Insert Settings are used on Inserts, Renewals, Upgrades, and Downgrades.", PollingAndVotingNonPolitical: "Non-Political Polling and Voting", Amenity: "Amenity", MarketingHistory: "Marketing History", EventChangedClientStatus: "A rep changed a client\u0027s status", SelectARegister: "Select a Register", PanamaNombEm: "Company Name of the issuer of the FE", UnableToDeleteClientTypesFormatted: "Deletion of Client Types must be approved by {0}, and then can only be deleted by Twin Oaks.", VerifyEmailByRetyping: "Please verify your email address by re-typing it into the field", LoadSavedTemplate: "Load a saved template", EditBanks_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Bank Information", SaleReceipts: "Sale Receipts", LessThanOrEqualTo: "Less than or equal to", ERPayments: "ER Payments", LockerExpiredAlert: "Locker {0} expired on {1}", GLTransactionsReport: "GL Transactions Report", AppointmentTypeRequired: "Please select an Appointment Type", NewReservation: "New Reservation", AddGeneralLedgerAccount: "Add GL Account", BookOneClick: "Book with One Click", MassChangeEmailContent: "The {0} will run at {1}. Please look at the report of what will be changed in Office - Cloud Storage. The report name is: {2}. If you see any issues with it or don\u0027t want it to run, you can cancel it from the list of Pending Mass Changes in the club software under Utilities - Mass Change.", SendReceipt: "Send Receipt", ToDateBeforeFromDate: "The To Date cannot be before the From Date.", ReorderThreshold: "Reorder Threshold", PerVisitMembershipPackageRestriction: "Membership type packages can be bought only by per-visit client types", TotalAllTransactions: "Total All Transactions", PreferredTrainers: "Preferred Trainers", NumberSaved: "Daily Recap Number Saved", ChargeCodeCannotBeTaxable: "The selected charge code is not valid for this usage. The charge code must not be set as taxable", CannotCompleteAllPaymentStatusHeader: "Could not Complete All", TransactionsFrom: "Transactions From", OnlyManual: "Only Manual", LoadingDashboard: "Loading your dashboard...", ContactAndPaymentInfo: "Contact and Payment Info", GroupSlashFamily: "Group/Family", NoRegisterText: "", CABySCode: "CAByS Code", IncreaseAmountsBy: "Increase Amounts By", TenureAssignedRep: "Tenure / Assigned Rep", CustomerRelationshipManagement: "Customer Relationship Management", ClientContracts: "Client Contracts", OnlyPackageBilling: "Only Package Billing", UnableToChangeTrainer: "Unable to Change the Trainer", AllUseTypesAvail: "All use types can be used at this computer", PleaseSelectOneTimePaymentsBillingDistrict: "Please select your billing district for the one-time payments", PleaseCallMe: "Please call me about this", ChargeAppointmentReason: "This Charge is for a Package that is being used to pay for an Appointment and cannot be deleted.", StandardBrand: "Standard Brand", ConfirmDeleteClubClosed: "Are you sure you want to delete this Closed Day?", ValidTo: "Valid To", Allowed: "Allowed", NPIRequired: "Trainer NPI is required", AllHard: "All Hard", AllUses: "All Uses", AllTime: "All Time", AllReps: "All Reps", AppointmentSummary: "Appointment Summary", UnknownConflict: "The {0} is not available", Purchase: "Purchase", PackageUsedInBillings: "has been setup as billing items.", FromAddressInUseDeleteError: "This From Address is being used in the software and cannot be deleted.", ConfirmDeletionText: "Are you sure you want to delete this item", CancelMembershipFromCheckIn: "Cancel Membership From Check In", DisplayTotalsByClientType: "Display Totals by Client Type", MerchantNumber: "Merchant Number", ClientPortal: "Client-Portal", BillingItemDetails: "Billing Item Details", OfferClientType: "Offer Client Type", TollFreeVerification: "Messaging Toll-Free Verification", ItemsAddedToJournalAlertFinance: "{0} billing items have been added to begin on this specific billing date since you generated this file. Financed Package billings must be added before you can authorize the billing for processing.", NewTrainerExplanation: "The New Trainer option will remove all other trainers from the selected sessions of the class and add the selected trainer to the selected sessions. Selecting \u0027No Change\u0027 will not make any changes to the trainers of the selected sessions.", FromAddress: "From Address", AddRepAssignmentType: "Add Rep Assignment Type", PaymentResponsibilitiesExplained: "These settings allow you to set up both membership and payment responsibilities for the group leader for the other members of the group. NOTE: When Membership/Dues Billing is selected, this sets the group leader as responsible for memberships of other members of the group (sub clients). Any check-in alerts for the group leader will also show as alerts on the check-in screen for sub clients. If the group leader\u0027s billing has ended or their membership is terminated, the system will effectively treat the sub client as terminated as well.", AnniversaryDate: "Anniversary Date", OfferCopyTabHeaderOffers: "The following {0} are used in the original Club\u0027s offers. Select what action you would like to take for each", CancelationThreshold: "Cancelation Threshold", CancelClients: "Cancel Clients", LeaderFullNameLastFirstMiddleToken: "Leader Full Name (Last, First MI)", CardTypeValidationError: "{0} is not an allowed payment method. The following are accepted: {1}", VerifyEmail: "Verify E-mail", FreezeRequestSubmittedText: "Your freeze request has been submitted.", CloseTime: "Close Time", CloseDate: "Close Date", OpenDrawerCode: "Open Drawer Code", OnlyIncomplete: "Only Incomplete", Notifications: "Notifications", BillingChargeCode: "Billing Charge Code", GiftPurchased: "Gift Purchased", MerchantKey: "Merchant Key", AndSeparator: " and ", CheckInSettings: "Check In Settings", SystemCodes: "System Codes", UnknownGender: "Not Specified", BeforeCloseShift: "Before you can close the shift please complete the following", AlertNoTextEntered: "You have not entered any text", DocumentNameSearch: "Document Name: {0}", ApplyBillingFreezes: "Apply Billing Freeze(s)", BookingSummary: "Booking Summary", Birthday: "Birthday", ChangeRejected: "Change Rejected", ViewClientDocuments_Desc: "View the Documents tab on Client Edit", ZeroDollarPaymentError: "Sorry, but there is a method of payment with no value. Please remove it, or assign it a value before continuing.", StoreChangesPrompt: "Do you want to change just this one billing, or save these changes to the client\u0027s billing information? This will affect any subsequent billings.", POS_ReprintReceipt: "Reprint Receipt", MonthlyUsageTotalsByUseTypeReportSubtext: "This Report generates a list and total number of uses during a month beginning on the date specified broken down by use type.", PendingChangesWarningText: "You currently have pending changes to your profile that are not currently reflected here. Please confirm any pending changes with your club before making any further changes.", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersWorkPhone: "Please enter this family member\u0027s work phone number", ClientTypeAssignedToOffers: "This client type has been assigned to offers and therefore cannot be deleted. In order to preserve an accurate history of client joins you will not be able to remove this type at any point", UnFreezeBillingsToo: "Un-Freeze Billings Too?", ViewMobileDashboard: "View Mobile Dashboard", CheckingAccount: "Checking Account", Reminder_PostingOfInvoices: "Posting of Recurring Invoices for {0} - Submitted {1:g} - Current State: {2}", FreezeRequest: "Freeze Request", MessageFlowRequired: "Please describe how users give consent to receive messages", EmailOnly: "Email Only", UnableToAuthorizeOverride: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to authorize your override request at this time.", EmailSent: "Email Sent!", EmailType: "Email Type", EmailText: "Email Text", Settings: "Settings", NotConnectedToHardware: "You are not currently connected to a local hardware service.", AddClientSource: "Add Client Source", CurrentlyHaveAnAccCreditOf: "You currently have an account credit of", PanamaItemCode: "Item Code", PackageFilter: "Package: {0}", UseTextMerge: "Use Text Merge", DateCreated: "Date Created", ViewAccountNumbers: "View Account Numbers", IsPartOfDues: "Is Part of Dues", SetGoals: "Set Goals", OfferNotAvailableWrongGender: "This client is not the right gender for this offer.", AddClosedDay: "Add Closed Day", SelectTransferClub: "Select the club to transfer into", ErrorSavingComputer: "There was a problem saving your Computer Settings. Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", SetColorTheme_Desc: "Set the color theme to be used throughout the club/group.", ClientWithCustomFieldOnly: "Only include clients with this custom field", FemaleAbbreviation: "F", GroupNotFoundMessage: "Clients that match the search but not in any group are:", PromptForReceipt: "Prompt For Client Receipt", SecondOne: "Second", Secondary: "Secondary", CreateEFT: "Create EFT", CreateNew: "Create New", CreatedBy: "Created By", FeeScheduleSaved: "Annual Fee Schedule Saved", RejectedByRepName: "Rejected By Rep Name", NoRecentClosing: "There are no Recent Closings to display", RedeemPackagesOnCheckIn: "Redeem Packages from Check In", EditVideoSettings_Desc: "Edit Video Settings", PackageCreated: "Package Created", TextMergeDuplicateOne: "1 - Client with a Duplicate Phone Number", InHouseCharging: "In-House Charging", MemberServicesReport: "Member Services Report", PaymentEmailAddressInvalid: "Please enter a valid payment email address", RedeemNow: "Redeem Now", OffersUsingThisPackage: "Offers using this Package", SelectTrainers: "Select Trainers", FutureSessionMonths: "Future Session Months", PleaseEnterValidExpirationDate: "Please enter a valid expiration date", DontWaive: "Don\u0027t Waive", TemplateName: "Template Name", NotScheduled: "Not Scheduled", UsaAndCanada: "USA and Canada", SaveScheduledReportHeader: "Confirm Save", Reminder_PostingOfReturnsStatus: "Posting of Returns - Submitted {0:g} - Current State: {1}", CheckDashIn: "Check-In", CancelDateBeforeMEC: "The Cancel Date cannot be prior to the last Month End Closing.", NewYearsDay: "New Year’s Day", PanamaProv: "Province where the billing point is located", QuickBooks: "QuickBooks®", SelectABillDay: "Select a Bill Day", ConfirmChanges: "Confirm Changes", ReCaptchaVerificationFailText: "Verification has not been provided. Please check the reCaptcha checkbox.", DateMomentAllOtherWithTime: "MMMM D, YYYY LT", CancelationStats: "Cancelation Statistics", SentByClub: "Sent By Club", RepeatEvery: "Repeat every", MonthEndFailureSubject: "Unable to Close Month", DuesAllocationOtherDateHeader: "Dues Allocation for the {0:d} to {1:d} Billing Cycle", AutoAuthEmailProblemCountOther: "There were {0:N0} problems in the authorized file.", DoUpgrades_Desc: "Perform Client Upgrades", Received: "Received", OffersMustBeChangedBecausePackage: "Since you have changed the number of sessions granted by this Package, the prices on the following Offers must be updated as well.", PackageClientTypeInvalid: "The following packages are not compatible with the {0} Client Type: {1}. Please pick another package, edit the package, or change the Client Type.", UseCellPhoneOnFile: "Use Cell Phone on File", IsAlreadyProrateError: "This Charge Code is already a prorate code for another Charge Code, so can\u0027t have a Prorate Code", EventRemovedAccountAssignemnt: "A user removed an account assignment from a client", RegisterIsResubmitProcess: "This register is being used for Resumbits, and the Payment Processor cannot be removed", DailyRevenueAndDepositReconciliationReport: "Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation Report", TimeClockReportSummary: "This report shows you the hours reps worked broken down by day.", ShowAvailableOnline: "Show Available Online", NewEmailRequired: "A new Email Address is required", FromAddressSaved: "From Address Saved", PasswordRequireNonLetterOrDigit: "Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.", CanceledNonMembers: "Canceled Non-Members", ZipCodeRequired: "Please enter Zip/Postal Code", FastMovingConsumerGoods: "Fast Moving Consumer Goods", SessionsOnOrAfter: "Sessions on or after", CustomReportCustomFieldFilters: "Custom Field Filters", RepPipelineWidget: "Rep Pipeline Widget", SemiAnnualAccountPaymentMethod: "Semi-Annual Account Payment Method", Preparing: "Preparing", EventEnteredStringFieldValue: "A user inserted a new string field value", EmailAndPrintExplained: "Statements will be emailed to the clients that accept emails. All other statements will be prepared for printing.", ReimbursementAmount: "Refund Amount", OutstandingPackageLiabilityReport: "Outstanding Package Liability Report", PostedSuccessfully: "Posted Successfully", ProspectPotentialReport_Desc: "View and print thte Prospect Potential Report", JoinIntoGroups: "Join Into Existing Groups", GetERError: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to locate the transacations from the EFT Journal.", NoCompleteForBalanceShort: "prevent completion with a balance", ViewingBillingFor: "Now Viewing Billing For", IncludeDeletedClientTypes: "Include Deleted Client Types", ChangeStatusesUtilityExplained: "Change all instances of the chosen client statuses to new client statuses.", ClientNumber: "Client Number", PrintCCBatch: "Print your credit card transactions (Optional)", ToolTipSaleToClient: "Sale To Client: To switch to Generic Sale, click the Clear button to the right.", ClientVerificationRequired: "{0} must provide verification before redemption can occur. Please select a verification method.", Over30BalancePersonal: "Over 30 Balance (Personal)", PrintCategorySummary: "Print Category Summary Only", ComprobanteUuid: "Fiscal Invoice Number", EmergencyPhoneNumberInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid emergency phone number", AutoAuthEmailProblemLink: "Please login to review the \u003ca href=\"{0}\"\u003eProblems\u003c/a\u003e", SellClients_Desc: "Sell existing prospects into memberships.", PerVisitRemainingAlertOther: "Per-Visit Client - Only {0} sessions are remaining", SearchForGroupPrompt: "Enter a group name or client to search", POSTransactionsReport: "POS Transactions Report", AppointmentTypeEnrollmentExceeded: "This appointment type cannot have more than {0} clients.", CloudTransferUploadError: "Sorry, but we were unable to upload some or all of your documents to your new cloud. Please confirm that you account credentials are correct and that you have sufficient space remaining, then retry from the Cloud Storage Provider Settings under Configuration.", RunOnce: "Run Once", ReimbursementOfficeCreditBody: "Sorry, but this Client\u0027s credit balance is from an Office Credit. Office Credits are not eligible for reimbursement.", SharedAccounts: "Shared Accounts", SharedAccountsUsedCancelWarning: "This client is sharing accounts with other group members for billing. When this Client is canceled all of those billings will be switched to using Recurring Invoices. New Billing Information will need to be assigned to {0}.", ChargeFullyPaidBy: "This charge is fully paid by", SearchForClients: "Search For Clients", EnrolledFromWaitList: "{0} has been enrolled from the wait list", DebitCard: "Debit Card", ViewMobileDashboard_Desc: "Allows access to the mobile dashboard.", CompleteEmailAccountRecoveryThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed an account recovery message", TicketNumber: "Ticket Number", CheckInTakePictureHint: "Click on the blank/client picture to add/update the client picture.", ClaimTax: "Claim Tax", TopSpendersReport: "Top Spender Report", ImportRep: "Import Rep", ConnectionLost: "Connection Lost", TotalNewSales: "Total New Sales", FutureEmailWithSecondPersonSingular: "{0} need to Email {1}", BillingFiles: "Billing Files", CancelPayProrate: "Client must pay a prorated amount up front for any billings before the cancel date", SetColorTheme: "Set Color Theme", IncludePkgSaleDetails: "Include Client\u0027s Package Sales Details", BillingItems: "Billing Items", CartEmpty_Refund: "Please select the items that you wish to refund.", Presently: "Presently", ExceededMonthlyVisits: "Exceeded Monthly Maximum Visits", UpdateBilling_Hardware: "Updating of billing information from this screen requires a local hardware service with a Credit Card Reader.", AppointmentTypeLength: "Appointment Type Length", UnableToDeleteProvider: "Unable to Delete Preferred Trainer", CreditCardNoRefund: "I\u0027m sorry, but your credit card processor does not support refunds.", CRMPipelineIdleDays: "CRM Pipeline Idle Days", CancelReason: "Cancel Reason", UnableToAddHours: "Unable to Add Hours", WillBeEnded: "Will Be Ended", PaymentInformation: "Payment Information", NotEnrolledRewards: "You are not yet enrolled in the Rewards Program. To get started earning rewards simply purchase or register a gift card.", ShowResponsibilityBreakdown: "Show Responsibility Breakdown", Reminder_ChangesPostedAutomaticallyBody: "Changes were automatically posted. You can view these on the Posted Changes Report", EFTAmountMismatchEmailSubject: "Authorization Amount Error - Club {0}", TimeRequired: "Please enter the Time", EditCloseShiftProcess: "Edit Shift Auto Closing", EditMachines_Desc: "Edit Machine Settings", SearchResult: "Search Result", NoEmailAddress: "No Email Address", FutureCallWithThirdPersonSingular: "{0} needs to Call {1}", MinOneTimePaymentAmount: "Minimum One Time Payment Amount", Prospects: "Prospects", UnableToDeleteLockedBillingItemMessage: "Sorry, but this item is locked and cannot be Edited or Deleted.", AddAppointment: "Add Appointment", BadHomePhone: "Bad Home Phone", RegisterNow: "Register Now", MemberInformationWithColon: "Member Information:", PackageSalesByChargeCodeContactDetailsReport: "Package Sales By Charge Code Report with Contact Details", NoClientAmenitiesMessage: "This client does not have any assigned Amenities.", TextingSettingsSaveError: "An error occurred while trying to save the Texting Settings", NoAppointmentTypePackagesMessage: "This appointment type will not accept any package as payment.", CannotMonthEndUnposted: "All transactions for the period being closed must be posted before month end may be performed.", PostingFailure: "Unable to post transactions", StatusCodeChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Status Code - {1}", OverrideStatusAlert: "Override Status Alert", NetAmount: "Net Amount", BillingStart: "Billing Start", AutoAuthDisabledSubject: "Journal Auto Authorization Disabled", ErrorVoiding: "Error Voiding Transaction", PackageItemsOnly: "Package Items Only", Version: "Version", CompareToLastMonth: "Compare to Last Month", WaitListAvailableManyOne: "{0} spots left with 1 person on the wait list", CompleteEmailOnlineJoinReceiptThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed an Online Join Receipt", Ordered: "Ordered", OrderBy: "Order By", TypeRequired: "Please select a Type.", CompleteTourWithRep: "{0} gave a Tour to {1}", BillingTotal: "Billing Total", IgnoreOfferPaymentTypesOnChange: "Allow Clients to change Recurring Payment Methods to those not allowed on the offer they used to join", RedemptionVerificationField: "Client must verify Package Redemptions", UseGiftOnFile: "Use a Gift on File", ManualCheckOut: "Manual Check Out", UnverifiedEmailReminderHeaderSingle: "You have an email address that must be verified!", AssignmentRemoved: "Assignment Removed", SavedStatementFilters: "Saved Statement Filters", PageNotFound: "Page Not Found", SessionCountUnlimited: "Unlimited Sessions", ClientExpiresInDays: "The client\u0027s Expiration Date is in {0} days.", ZipCodes: "Zip/Postal Codes", RecurringInvoices: "Recurring Invoices", Excluded: "Excluded", SegmentsOne: "1 Segment", ResponsibilityBreakdown: "Responsibility Breakdown", ChargeFirstMonthAtEnroll: "Charge first billing amount at enrollment", RequireAdditionalAccount: "Require Additional Account", VirtualPOSTerminalIDRequired: "Virtual POS Terminal ID is Required", PaidInFull: "Paid In Full", RemovePartOfDuesPrompt: "Removing the Part of Dues option from all active billings will cause this Client to become inactive with a status of no billing.", TotalsForClientFormatted: "Totals for Client {0}:", DateMomentYesterdayWithTime: "[Yesterday], MMMM D LT", ChangeDue: "Change Due", ChangeWas: "1 change was", ExpiredStatus: "Expired Status", IncompleteTransactionExplained: "Incomplete transactions can occur if a Rep navigates away from Point of Sale or closes the browser before completing the sale process. These transactions must be either Finalized or Voided before they can be posted.", XWeeksOther: "{0} weeks", MonthlyScheduledProcesses: "Monthly Scheduled Processes", AddTextingFromNumber: "Add Texting From Number", DownloadQRCode: "Download QR Code", PleaseSelectFinanceMonths: "Please select the number of months to finance", ApplyChangesToAllAppointmentTypes: "Apply these changes to all current Appointment Types.", LastUseDate: "Last Use Date", OfferNotAvailableUpgradeDues: "This offer does not have a higher dues amount than the client\u0027s current dues amount", CompleteEmailOnlineFreezeNotificationSecondPersonSingular: "You received an online client freeze request notification", Technology: "Technology", EditClubHours: "Edit Club Hours", UseAnAccOnFile: "Use an account on file", PleaseEnterPromptedFieldsForOnlineAccount: "Please enter the fields as prompted to create an online account for your membership.", ReportRunAt: "Report Run At", SurveyReport: "Survey Reports", ReportSaved: "{0} Sucessfully Saved", ViewTransactions: "View Transactions", ReportSetup: "Report Setup", DateMomentTomorrowWithTime: "[Tomorrow], MMMM D LT", ReportTypes: "Report Types", ReportTotal: "Report Total", CompleteEmailAccountRecoverySecondPersonSingular: "You were emailed an account recovery message", ExcludeEndedBillings: "Exclude Ended Billings", TryAgain: "Try Again", VariableBillingShould: "Variable Billing Should", PresettlementToReceiptPrinter: "Print CC Presettlement to Receipt Printer", DeleteRedemptionBooking: "If you do so the corresponding appointment will be un-completed.", NumTrans: "# Trans", NoFilterFound: "No Filters Found", EftAllocationExplanation: "This report summarizes payments against billing activity for the current and prior billing cycles. It is generated automatically every day after midnight and emailed to the selected recipients.", ExpiredNoBooking: "Prevent Expired Clients from Booking", UnredeemedGiftBalance: "Unredeemed Gift Card Balance", CommissionReportSubtext: "This report shows staff members with assignments of the selected types tied to clients. Detail output is based on the client’s home location. Report may be run for a date range checked against the client join date, renewal date or assignment effective date. The report will display each staff member with detail of the clients matching the criteria including the commission amount. Information for each staff member will be grouped by assignment type.", UnableVoidPayments: "We were unable to void the requested payments.", FieldPlacement: "Field Placement", FirstName: "First Name", AddWorkout: "Add a Workout", Locations: "Locations", LeaderWorkPhone: "Leader Work Phone", ReferAFriend: "Refer a Friend", TooOldForAppointmentType: "{0} {1} is too old for this AppointmentType", HighRisk: "High Risk", AvailableOptions: "Available Options", TheClientWillBeCheckedIn: "This client will be checked-in in", BillingAddedDate: "The date on which the Billing was added", ChargeTaxChangedWarning: "The tax rate for this charge code has changed. Any changes made will evaluate with the current tax rates.", PercentRate: "Percent Rate", YesPrint: "Yes, Print", PercentUsed: "Percent Used", EnterNewTransaction: "Enter a New Transaction", SelectDepartment: "Select Department", WorkoutRequestReminderHeaderSingle: "You have a workout request to review!", AwaitingResponse: "Awaiting Response", EditWorkoutRequestQuestion: "Edit a new Workout Request Question", CustomTextRequireV2: "Custom Text can only be used with the new Twin Oaks Advantage Member App. Reach out to your Twin Oaks Sales Associate (860.829.6000) to find out how to activate this new service.", PostCollChanges_Desc: "Manage and Post changes from Member Services", UpdateAnniversaryDowngrade: "Update Anniversary Date when a downgrade is performed", ApplyRewardsToTaxes: "Apply rewards to Taxes", MemberOpenBalanceReportSummary: "This report lists members with outstanding balances. The Remaining Balance includes Partial Payments and Service Charges.", TrainerBio: "Trainer Bio", CompleteEmailOnlineShoppingReceiptThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed an Online Shopping Cart Receipt", OtherRespExplained: "Sets responsibility for group members\u0027 other charges originating from other sources than recurring billing.", GroupChangeForm: "Group Change Form", AddAppointmentType: "Add Appointment Type", ChallengeCompletedDetail: "Congratulations! You have completed {0}.", ChangeDetails: "Change Details", AllClientsReport: "All Clients Report", OverrideCompletePayment: "Override Payment Requirement", CancelationWindow: "Cancelation Window", MemorialDay: "Memorial Day", UnableToLoadLengths: "Unable to load lengths", COMPort: "COM Port", SentEmailWithConfirmationCode: "We\u0027ve just sent you an email with a confirmation code. Please check your email now and enter the code provided.", VeryHighRisk: "Very High Risk", Redeemed: "Redeemed", ApplyFreeze: "Apply Freeze", Registered: "Registered", YourShoppingCart: "Your Shopping Cart", SearchReportFilters: "Search Report Filters", Percentage: "Percentage", ShowSummaryOnly: "Show Summary Only", BuyOutFeesChargeCode: "Buyout Fees Charge Code", Questions: "Questions", ClientSource: "Client Source", ErrorLoadingHours: "Error loading hours", OnlyProblems: "Only Problems", Reminders: "Reminders", UnableToLinkToClientBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to link to this client.", Automated: "Automated", Automatic: "Automatic", Scheduled: "Scheduled", Scheduler: "Scheduler", TextPerformanceReport: "Text Peformance Report", UsageSingular: "Usage", Generate: "Generate", InsertLocationHeader: "Insert Location for Club: {0}", BillingIsStopped: "Billing is Stopped", ErrorLoadingGroup: "Sorry, there was an error loading the group information.", DidNotLoginText: "I\u0027m sorry, but you did not log in", CannotAssignToNonMember: "Sorry, but you cannot assign a Non-Member as a Responsible Party.", TrainerHoursReport: "Trainer Hours Report", LegalText: "Legal Text", EmergencyName: "Emergency Name", EmergencyInfo: "Emergency Info", IdentityStatus: "Identity Status", IncludeSharedAccountsFormatted: "{0} Shared Account Holders (any members using their accounts for active billings will also be {1})", ReplaceWith: "Replace With", NewBalance: "New Balance", PrintCloseOut_Desc: "Ability to print the close out report", IncompleteOrAbortedExplained: "Some transactions were either not completed or were aborted by the Rep. Incomplete transactions can occur if a Rep navigates away from Point of Sale before completing the sale process.", ActiveOnly: "Active Only", POSSummaryWidget_Desc: "A summary of all payments taken.", ActiveFrom: "Active From", ActiveReps: "Active Reps", ClientSelect: "Select a client", NoBillingInfo: "No Billing Info", AddHoursWizard: "Add Hours Wizard", FromBackOfCard: "From Back of Card", AllProblems: "All Problems", ClientDoesntPayForOthers: "This client does not pay for any other clients", NewSymphonyExtract: "New Symphony Extract", AllCategories: "All Categories", ClientPaymentsReportShortName: "Client Payments", PostedByRepUsername: "Posted By Rep Username", SetPasswordForm: "Set Password Form", PeopleCheckedInOther: "{0} people have been checked in", ShowTotalsByClient: "Show Totals by Client", ARChange: "A/R Change", AddVariableBilling: "Add Variable Billing", RepsSettings: "Reps Settings", ForgotUserName: "Forgot user name", AmountDueAtLocation: "Amount due at location", ShowHistoryFor: "Show History For", CompleteEmailNoRep: "{0} was emailed as part of a Scheduled Mail Merge", FilterByLocation: "Filter By Location", ViewClientHistory_Desc: "View the History tab on Client Edit", DeleteCustomReportText: "This will remove report {0}. This action cannot be undone.", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsAccName: "Please enter the name on the account for the recurring payments.", ExpDateRequired: "Please enter an Expiration Date", PasswordResetNotFound: "Your information could not be located. Please make sure the above information is correct and try again.", OnlyShowActiveRepAssignments: "Only Show Active Rep Assignments", OneTimePaymentDetails: "One Time Payment Details", TimeSlotsAreUnavailable: "time slots are unavailable.", Over90DaysOld: "over 90 days old", NoClientWorkoutRequestSurvey: "This client has not yet filled out a workout request survey", SiteNumber: "Site Number", MakeEFTPayment: "Make EFT Payment", AddGroupMember: "Add Group Member", FreezeRequestWarning: "If you did not submit this request, please contact {0}.", ClientStatus: "Client Status", ViewARRightsRequired: "You do not have rights to View Client AR.", BillingsFrozen: "Billing(s) Frozen", ClientTypeBreakdown: "Client Type Breakdown", ClientSurvey: "Client Survey", PIFDuesNegative: "The Paid In Full Dues cannot be negative", EmailAndPrint: "Email and Print", BalanceAdjustment: "Balance Adjustment", EnableRewards: "Enable Rewards", Register: "Register", ApproveEFTTerms: "By authorizing this billing file you agree that you have verified the correctness of all billing details and amounts. You also agree that you have viewed the problem report and fixed all issues to your satisfaction. The amounts that you are authorizing are the amounts that you request Twin Oaks to draft from the specified client accounts.", SettlementScheduled: "Settlement Submitted", SalesAnalysisReport: "Sales Analysis Report", PayingForClientIDReceiptHeader: "Paying For Client ID: {0,-18}", ClearClientAfterSave: "Clear the active client after saving changes.", ClearClientAfterSale: "Clear the active client after POS transactions", MyWeekBeginsOn: "My Week Begins On", ClientTypeNotAllowedToPurchasePackage: "I\u0027m sorry, but your client type is not allowed to purchase this package", PosSettings: "POS Settings", PleaseEnterOneTimePaymentsBillingCity: "Please enter your billing city for the one-time payments", EventGeneratedReport: "Generated a Report", CityFilter: "City: {0}", ShowAppointmentAlertField: "Show appointment alert during check in", AppointmentTypeNotAllowedForLocation: "The Appointment Type is not allowed for this location", NextBillingAmount: "Next Billing Amount", ViewClientBilling_Desc: "View the Billing section on Client Edit", UseFiscalPrinter: "Use Fiscal Printer", ChargeCode: "Charge Code", StatementDateBeforeMEC: "The Statement Date cannot be prior to the last Month End Closing.", UseThisPicture: "Use This Picture", PleaseLoginNow: "Please login now!", RegistrationNotStarted: "Registration Not Yet Started", ChargeToAccountAllowed: "Charge to Account Allowed", PrintAllExplained: "Prepare printable statements for all clients listed.", GreaterThanOrEqualError: "{0} must be greater than or equal to {1}.", UnsentBillingFile: "Unsent Billing File", InProgress: "In Progress", ResponsiblePartyExplained: "The \u0027responsible party\u0027 is the client whose membership controls this client\u0027s membership. This would traditionally be used to set up a parent-child relationship where the parent\u0027s account is responsible for the full membership payment. Any check-in alerts for the responsible party will also show as alerts on the check-in screen for this client. Therefore if the responsible party\u0027s billing has ended or their membership is terminated, the system will effectively treat this \u0027sub\u0027 client as terminated as well.", WhereIsTheText: "Where is the {0}?", AddUseType: "Add Use Type", ConsistentTimeTrainer: "", EditLocation: "Edit Location", ViewClientAccounts: "View Client Accounts", ClickHere: "click here", Uploading: "Uploading...", NoCompleteForERShort: "prevent completion with an ER status", CancelOnlyAfterTermFromCheckIn: "Sorry, but this client has not yet completed their term (anniversary date not reached yet). Cancel is not allowed until {0}", Cancellations: "Cancellations", EditRepTypes: "Edit Rep Types", SingleLocker: "A single locker", ManageWorkoutRequests_Desc: "Manage Workout Requests.", BrowseArchivedClients: "Browse Archived Clients", GroupDisbandMemoSubject: "Group Disbanded", ViewBillingHistory: "View billing history", AnnualRoutingNumber: "Annual Routing Number", PayResponsibilitiesWillBeRemoved: "The following Payment Responsibilities will be removed: {0}. ", OverLimitSubject: "Inventory Over Limit", GetMoreInfo: "Get more info", EftReconciliation: "EFT Reconciliation", OfferNotAvailableJoinGroup: "This offer does not support joining existing groups", Avatars: "Avatars", PrefixRequired: "Please enter Prefix", IncludeDateOfBirth: "Include Date of Birth", NoHoursChangedConflicts: "No hours were changed due to the following conflicts", ClubHoursSaved: "Club Hours Saved", PackageActionForOffers: "If you proceed, you will need to update any affected offers to remove the package from use in those places.", Saturday_Short: "Sat", UnableToUpdateNote: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to update the Note.", PleaseEnterBillingZipCode: "Please enter your billing zipcode", GuestPassOffer: "Guest Pass Offer", RepSalesWidget_Desc: "A bar graph that compares sales for your reps.", UseCancelationThreshold: "Enable a Cancelation Threshold", CampaignDescription: "Campaign Description", Expirations: "Expirations", PleaseSelectRecurringPaymentsBillingState: "Please select your billing state for the recurring payments.", ShowClientsWithClientType: "Show Clients With A Client Type Of", OverrideAppointmentCompletionRestrictions: "Override Appointment Completion Restrictions", AverageTenureDefinition: "The average tenure of Core clients for the client type.", ActiveBillings: "Active Billings", SelectPricing: "Select Pricing", CannotReverseReversal: "Sorry, but Reversal Invoices cannot be reversed", DuplicateUseTypeName: "This description is already in use by another active Usage Type.", TypeOfAppointment: "Type of Appointment", ClearAll: "Clear All", LowVolumeBrand: "Low Volume Brand", OrMoreWhichIs: "or more which is:", VerifiedEmails: "Verified Emails", EmailSettingsRequiredAlert: "This setting requires an email to be configured.", ExpiresWithinMonthsAndBillsOne: "Expires Within {0} Month and is used for Billing", ApplyServiceFee: "Apply Service Fee", ViewUsageInCheckIn: "View Usage", AddGiftFundsExplained: "This will add the specified amount to the gift using an Office Credit.", ClubNoAppointmentsMessage: "No appointments were found matching your search criteria. Please change your filters and try again.", PerformInventoryCount: "Perform Inventory Count", ExcludeOnCheckIn: "Exclude On Check In", ReceiptGenerationRequired: "Receipt Generation must be enabled when you are enabling Credit Card Payments through {0}", HideExtraInfo: "Hide Extra Info", OfferTagSaved: "Offer Tag Settings Saved for Offer Tag {0}!", PaymentNotAllowedError: "Payment not allowed at this time", ClientUses: "Client Uses", ClientType: "Client Type", ClientName: "Client Name", ExcludeEndedRepAssignments: "Exclude Ended Rep Assignments", ClientSort: "Client Sort", ClientEdit: "Client Edit", ClientClub: "Client Club", SaveAndReactivate: "Save and Reactivate", UnableToRefund_EFT: "Sorry, but you cannot refund an EFT Transaction.", UnableToRefund_Any: "Sorry, but none of the charges on this invoice are refundable.", UnableToRefund_All: "Not all charges in this transaction can be refunded. The ones that can be refunded have been added to your cart.", Overall: "Overall", FirstAnnualBillingDate: "First Annual Billing Date", SubscriptionKey: "Subscription Key", BranchNumber: "Branch Number", BillingDetails: "Billing Details", ClientNotActive: "This client is NOT ACTIVE", LinkTransExplained: "Link this processed transaction to this sale.", RecentVisits: "Recent Visits", Security: "Security", Sections: "Sections", GuestHasUsedAllVisits: "Guest Has Used All Visits", TextingFilterSelect: "Filter Select", PanamaSucEm: "Code of the branch from where the invoice", StatusCodeRequired: "Please select a Status Code", PanamaTfnEm: "Contact telephone number of the issuing branch", PaymentInfoEnteredInvalid: "The payment information entered below is not valid, please look over the fields and try again.", ErrorProcessingRequest: "An error occurred while processing your request.", TextingTemplateSelect: "Select a Message Template", BillingTypeChangeRestriction: "Billing Type Change Restriction", BeginDate: "Begin Date", ReferredClient: "Referred Client", ViewSecureCustomFields: "View Secure Custom Fields", TimeRestrictionsEndTimeBeforeStartTimeMidnight: "The To Time cannot be before or equal to the From Time. If you\u0027re trying to go to the end of the day, have this record go to 11:59:59pm.", SubtotalsFor: "Subtotals For {0}:", BalanceDifferentFromCurrent: "Please enter an amount that is different than the current balance.", CartEmpty_Wizard: "There are no appointments in your cart. Please book more appointments.", NoTransactionCharges: "There are no charges in this transaction.", CancelDateFixedDays: "A fixed number of days in the future", Virtual: "Virtual", TransferredBillingsAlert: "Some of the billings in this journal belong to clients who have transferred out of this location. Please re-create the journal before authorizing.", BalanceIncludeUnposted: "AR Balances include unposted transactions", HaveAnAccQuestionMark: "Have an account?", IncludeActiveOrInactiveClients: "Include Active Or Inactive Clients", MinimumBillingTerm: "Minimum Billing Term", NoPostedByRep: "No Posted By Rep", ScheduleGridLoadDefault: "When the Schedule Grid loads it should default to", BillingPrepaymentOtherClient: "Billing Prepayment ({0})", UseSessionsInMyCart: "Use {0} sessions of the {1} in my cart", Reminder_Resubmits: "Resubmit of Billing for {0} - Submitted {1:g} - Current State: {2}", PrintGiftCard: "Print Gift Card", PosShiftStatus: "POS Shift Status", AfterCertainBillingCycles: "After a Certain Number of Billing Cycles", FutureSessionCartOne: "Use {0} session of my {1} set to bill on {2}", MyAccount: "My Account", OnlineNotification: "Online Notification", RemoveRedemption: "Remove Redemption", RegisterNotFoundText: "I\u0027m sorry, but machine {0} was not found at club {1}.", HardDeclineReturn: "Hard Decline Return", AddAllowedPackage: "Add Allowed Package", UpdateSignature: "Update Signature", PromptForRecurringPackage: "When selling a package, ask to add it to recurring billing", CommissionReport: "Commission Report", TopSpendersReportShortName: "Top Spenders", ChangedOnNextScreen: "This can be changed on the next screen", Modified: "Modified", AccountUseByClients_Delete: "This account cannot be deleted because it is used by the following clients:", GroupReportShortName: "Group", NewTextMerge: "New Text Merge", ReceiptText_GiftUsed: "Gift Used: {0}", MarketingActiveExplained: "Excludes Canceled or Expired clients on applicable sections", ErrorAuthorizingMessage: "Sorry, but there was an issue authorizing your file, please call Twin Oaks for assistance.", NoAccountNumber: "No Account #", OptInTypeRequired: "Please select an Opt-In Type", PanamaDistr: "District where the billing point is located", UnableToChangeHours: "Unable to Change Hours", ViaText: "Via Text", EditAmenities: "Edit Amenities", EndMemosOnCheckIn_Desc: "End Memos on the Check In screen", ClientSources: "Client Sources", Thursday_Short: "Thu", BrandVertical: "Business Vertical", UnCancelSessionSinglePrompt: "Are you sure you want to undo cancellation of this session? NOTE: Any clients that were enrolled before cancellation will not be enrolled in the restored session.", PhoneNumberInvalid: "Please enter a valid phone number.", PackageRedeemed: "{0} has already redeemed a package for this {1}.", ShowClientsWithAccountType: "Show Clients Billing With An Account Type Of", ShowClientsWhoJoined: "Show Clients Who Joined", OptInImageUrls: "Opt-in Image URLs", AutoAssignProspectRepType: "Automatically create a Rep Assignment of this type when inserting a prospect", ClientRespBalanceIs: "Balance Including Payment Responsibilities is {0:c}", ActiveBillingItemsOnly: "Active or Future Billing Items Only", Authentication: "Authentication", EditTrainerGroups: "Edit Trainer Groups", EndBeforeTermWarning: "The minimum term on this billing has not been met {0}. Do you want to continue?”.", ReferralLinkText: "Referral Link Text", SupportApplication: "Support Application", ClientAgeConflict: "Client Age Conflict", OfferNotAvailableNonMember: "This offer is not for Non-Members", DailyRecapReport: "Daily Recap Report", CartNotEmpty: "Please finish the sale before processing any EFT balance Payments.", ErrorSavingSurveyQuestion: "There was a problem saving your Survey Question Settings. Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", CancelWizard: "Cancel Wizard", MasterCardCredits: "MasterCard Credits", AssessAppFilters: "Assessment Appointment Filters", DailyRecap_Desc: "Configure and view the Daily Recap", TotalsForClubFormatted: "Totals for Club {0}:", OnlyActiveBillings: "Only Show Active or Future Billings", ClientFor: "Client For", CCCReceiptTotal: "CREDIT CARD CREDITS..{0,10}", BookedAppointments: "Booked Appointments", LastTourText: "{0} by {1}", OnlyPosRegisters: "Only POS Registers", ReceiptText_SubTotal: "SUBTOTAL", AcceptProblems: "Please accept the Problems.", UserNameOrPasswordIncorrect: "The user name or password provided is incorrect.", Redemption: "Redemption", AddPromotion: "Add Promotion", BilledFor: "Billed For", EMVCanceledByClient: "Canceled By Client", EnterValidCardNumber: "Please enter a valid Credit Card", WebClientCode: "Web Client Code", UnableToChangePrice: "Unable to Change Price", UnlimitedSessions: "Unlimited Sessions", CreatedByRepFullName: "Created By Rep Full Name", Reminder_BillingDueTodayHeader: "Your {0:d} {1}{2}billing file is due today!", TotalOutstandingWithColon: "Total Outstanding:", IncompleteClosedTransNotification: "There are incomplete close-shifted transactions.", GroupMembersRequired: "Please select at least one member for this group.", EROnlyAtHomeClubError: "ER Payment only allowed at home club", BillingClients: "Billing Clients", NoReceipts: "No Receipts", CreditCode: "Credit Code", CreditCard: "Credit Card", CreditSale: "Credit Sale", PaperForm: "Paper Form", EditPipeline: "Edit Pipeline", EventOverrideCompletePayment: "Overrode payment required to complete booking", Reminder_PostingOfEFT: "Posting of EFT for {0} - Submitted {1:g} - Current State: {2}", PrintDatePrompt: "Select the dates to be printed", Over90Balance: "Over 90 Balance", PaymentProblem: "Payment Problem", AccountFreezes: "Account Freezes", LogTypeFilter: "Log Type: {0}", RenewalOnline: "Online Renewal", EditAction: "Edit Action", CloudStorageProvider: "Cloud Storage Provider", ErrorSavingTrainerGroup: "There was a problem saving your Trainer Group Settings. Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", ZipCodeUtilityExplained: "This utility will set the Zip Code specified for the client records where the client matches the search filters/criteria you have selected. It is required that you export the list of the selected clients in the browse results prior to processing the cancelations selected. We recommend that you review the extract prior to modifying the clients listed.", Options: "Options", OfferNotAvailablePerVisitNoBillingPIF: "Billing and PIF clients can’t change to Per-Visit clients", NoSystemNotifications: "You have no system notifications", TwilioReviewTakesForever: "This is being reviewed by a third party, and could take days or weeks to complete.", ConfirmCancelBody: "Changes will not be saved. Continue?", OilAndGas: "Oil and Gas", ClientChangeConfirmation: "This client has unsaved changes that must be saved before proceeding. Do you want to save changes now?", CancelAndArchive: "Cancel and Archive", CancelRenewThresholdDetail: "Days following a client\u0027s cancelation date that they will be eligible to renew.", ClassSessions: "Class Sessions", AddRepType: "Add Rep Type", GoToCart: "Go To Cart", AutoRefillPartialSuccessMessage: "The automatic refill of your gift card partially succeeded. Please update your automatic refill settings and/or account information to ensure that there are sufficient funds in the future.", UserIdNotFound: "UserId not found.", AVSResponse: "AVS Response", ERNoBooking: "Prevent Clients with an ER Status from Booking", EditNumber: "Edit Daily Recap Number", CancelMembershipsFromEdit_Desc: "From the Membership tab on Edit, have the right to cancel memberships.", ClearPastCancelationErrorMaxDays: "Clear Past Cancelation Max. Days Exceeded", AppointmentMaxAgeConflict: "{0} is too old to book this appointment.", GovernmentUnitOfMeasureInvalid: "Please enter a valid Government Unit of Measure", OverrideRedemptionVerification_Desc: "The ability to bypass the Client Redemption Verification process", SaveCopy: "Save a Copy", FreeEmailPrompt: "Please use your own domain (ex. @{0}) as the \"Mail From\" email address. Emails from free email suppliers (gmail, yahoo, hotmail) will be blocked by email servers to prevent sending of malicious email content.", ConfirmationRequired: "Confirmation Required", YesCloseAbort: "Yes, Close and Abort", Interested: "Interested", ClientInformation: "Client Information", Exercise: "Exercise", EmailAddressesReportShortName: "Email Addresses", EmailVerification: "Email Verification", AdditionsMadeToClassWaitList: "The following additions have been made to the class wait list", NoAccountSelected: "No Account Selected", BeforeCloseShiftRecommended: "Before closing your shift it is recommended that you do the following", BillingFor: "Billing For", BillingEnd: "Billing End", EnterANumber: "Enter a Number", ShowExtraInfo: "Show Extra Info", DeleteLockerAreaConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete area {0} ?", ClassRosterReport: "Class Roster Report", MemberPortal: "Member Portal", PayForClasses: "Pay for Classes", OpenRegisters: "Open Registers", Annually: "Annually", TextedThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was texted", NoMemosMessage: "There are no memos that match your criteria.", ToBeAssigned: "To Be Assigned", EditPackage: "Edit Package", ReIssueGiftCard: "Re-Issue Gift Card", AdjustBalance_Desc: "Allows user to adjust client balance", Library: "Library", OfferChargeEndDateNotAllowed: "Please select the billing freqeuncy and date. End dates cannot be set for charges using Fee Schedules or Auto-Assigning bill dates.", UnverifiedEmailReminderBody: "You have email addresses that must be verified before those emails can be used to send through the software.", TweetTextPlusHashtag: "Tweet Text plus Hashtags", CoOperative: "Co-operative", OnlyPartiallyCompleted: "Only Partially Completed", AddInitials: "Add Initials", TriggeredOnClientSignUp: "(Triggered when creating or renewing clients.)", PaymentResponsibility: "Payment Responsibility", PromoCodesReportShortName: "Promo Codes", RegistrationDatePassed: "Registration Date Passed", BiWeeklyRoutingNumber: "Bi-Weekly Routing Number", NoTransferERStatus: "Do not allow transfers if the client is in an ER status.", NoOfferTagsMessage: "This offer does not have any offer tags.", DuplicateOfferName: "There is already an offer with this name active for the same time period.", NoOptionSelected: "No option selected!", IdleLogoutTime: "Idle Logout Time (Minutes)", NoTrainersFound: "There are no Trainers who match your criteria.", QuarterlyRoutingNumber: "Quarterly Routing Number", Reminder_MonthEndClosing_Header: "Your month end closing should be done in {0} day{1}.", NotificationTime: "Notification Time", ChargesForOthers: "There are charges for other clients in this transaction.", AreYouSureFreezeMembershipRequest: "Are you sure you would like to submit a request have your membership and billing frozen?", EditPayment: "Edit Payment", NoRepAssignmentsMessage: "This client does not currently have any representatives assigned.", RewardsPointsRedeemed: "{0} {1} Redeemed!", NewUserText: "You need to set a password to enable this rep to login. Would you like to set the password now?", ProspectManagementActivity: "Prospect Management Activity", YourPersonalInfo: "Your personal information", AllOfferTagsAvail: "All Available Offer Tags", Authorize: "Authorize", BalanceDecreaseCharges: "balance decrease charges", AddRemoveClubs: "Add/Remove Clubs", ClientLastName: "Client Last Name", UndoCompleDespiteMonthEnd: "This item was already included in a month-end closing on {0} date.", AutoRefillSuccessMessage: "The automatic refill of your gift card was successful.", RegisterFreeForOnlinePortalAccess: "Register for online portal access for free!", PartialPaymentBillingInformation: "Partial Payment Billing Information", TransferNoAnnualMatch: "The billing dates for the annual fees on this membership are not compatible with the new location\u0027s billing schedules. The annual fee dates on the offer will be used. Would you like to continue?", Challenge: "Challenge", ContractAssignments: "Contract Assignments", IncludeNoRepAssignment: "Include Clients with no Rep Assignment", YouHaveNoUnredeemedPackages: "You have no unredeemed packages.", ChangeOwnership: "Change Ownership", EventChangedAppointment: "A user updated an existing appointment", ClockedOutTime: "Clocked-Out Time", RemoveBilling: "Remove Billing", EnterDateRange: "Please enter a date range.", TransactionPartiallyVoidedWithInvoice: "The Transaction was only Partially Voided. The payments that could not be voided have been moved to a new On Account Payment transaction.", UserNameMinLength: "The user name must be between {2} and {1} characters long and may not contain any special characters.", CompleteEmailErrorReportSecondPersonSingular: "You received a notification about a problem", CreditCardExpirationMonth: "Credit Card Expiration Month", WhoOwnsThisAccount: "Which client does this account belong to?", LockedOut: "Locked out", WorkoutRequestReminderHeaderMultiple: "You have {0} workout requests to review!", NoCreatedByRep: "No Created By Rep", BillingStatusReportSubtext: "This report is used to determine the billing status of clients in your system. It can be filtered to find specific billing problems to help narrow down and clean up your problem clients. It can also be filtered to find specific clients.", Minimum: "Minimum", EnterCardNumber: "Please enter a Card Number", Minutes: "minutes", EditGeneral: "Edit {0}", EditOffers: "Edit Offers", MyPipelines: "My Pipelines", NoInvoicesOnVariableBilling: "Recurring Invoices are not permitted on transactions that include Variable Billing.", OptionalExplained: "Select this so that the charge is not added by default when signing up, but must be selected.", ActionsOnAllSelected: "Actions to perform on all selected items.", ErrorFetchingTrans: "Error fetching transactions, Please try again.", Missing: "Missing", AllowedAmounts: "Allowed Amounts", GroupLeaveForm: "Group Leave Form", NewBadgeEarnedDetail: "Congratulations! You earned {0}.", ShowMoreLocations: "Show More Locations", RedeemPackageReceiptHeader: " REDEEM PACKAGE: {0}", RewardsDoStackExplained: "Multiple rewards can be earned for the same action. For Example: If you are awarding 10 points for purchase of a product, and the user pays for it with an enrolled gift card, they will get the 10 points PLUS 1 point per dollar spent.", ClientFilter: "Client: {0}", BothPostedAndUnposted: "Both Posted and Un-Posted", DecreaseAllSameAmount: "Decrease All by the Same Amount", EnteredDate: "Entered Date", Archive: "Archive", UsageAlert: "Usage Alert", RedeemSeries_Desc: "Redeem Package Uses", ReportKey: "Key:", UnableToUploadImageFile: "We are unable to upload your image file at this time.", TrainerGroupSaved: "Trainer Group Settings Saved for Trainer Group {0}!", WizardLocationsExplanation: "This is the list of all Locations that can be booked for appointments at the given Club. You may select multiple Locations by clicking on them and then clicking the Select Locations button.", Automotive: "Automotive", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsAccNumber: "Please enter the account number for the recurring payments", SwipeCardWhenever: "Swipe a Credit Card at any time.", SettingDisabledMultiple: "Some settings have been disabled.", UseGroupAddress: "Use the same address as the group leader.", HideClosedPipelines: "Hide Closed Pipelines", Redemptions: "Redemptions", ClientBirthdayToday: "Today is the client\u0027s birthday!", PortNumber: "Port Number", EventChangedStringFieldValue: "A user changed an existing string field value", Reminder_MassChangeStatus: "Mass {0} - Submitted {1:g} - Current State: {2}", SendMethods: "Send Methods", TwilioAccountsUnderReviewOther: "{0} of your Customer Profiles are under review.", AppointmentConfirmationSubject: "Appointment Scheduled Confirmation from {0}", RenewalInClub: "In-Club Renewal", ReorderThresholdExplained: "Set this to email Reps subscribed to the Inventory Alert Email to be notified when inventory count is at or below this level.", PleaseEnterValidSecurityCode: "Please enter a valid security code", UsageTypes: "Usage Types", FrozenFilterMembership: "Membership is Frozen", EnterDate: "Enter Date", SelectLocationToViewOffers: "To view offers please select one of the locations on the sidebar", EnterTime: "Enter Time", EnterText: "Enter Text", InventoryHistoryReport: "Inventory History Report", PackageSalesReportByRepSubHeader: "This report shows package sales information by the selected rep who sold the package for the specified date range or other filters.", Rejected: "Rejected", ReportNeedPremiumMail: "You must be signed up for Premium Mail Merge to run this report. Please call the Sales Department for information on pricing.", RemovingYourReservation: "Removing your reservation. Please do not hit the \\\"back\\\" button on your browser or close this window.", MiddleInitialAbbr: "MI", TrainerPayroll: "Trainer Payroll", ExpiredPIFs: "Expired PIFs", AnniversaryExpiration: "Anniv. / Exp.", SelectClockInDepartment: "Which department are you Clocking-In to?", MultipleUseTypes: "Multiple Use Types", UpdateAccountInformation: "Update Account Information", FutureAppointmentWithThirdPersonSingular: "{0} has an upcoming Appointment with {1}", VerifyEmailEnterNameAndAddress: "Please enter both the From Address and From Name to verify.", HowToGainAccessToX: "To gain access to this feature you will need the right for: {0}.", ShowPaymentSchedule: "Show Payment Schedule", DoUpgrades: "Perform Client Upgrades", ToFirstBilling: "To First Billing Date", LeaderPrimaryPhoneType: "Leader Primary Phone Type", NoTransferOffersConfigured: "There are no Transfer Offers configured. Clients will be unable to transfer into this club.", OptOutKeywords: "Opt-out Keywords", CardNumberExistsError: "Sorry, but this card number already exists.", EnrollClient: "Enroll Client", EmailRecipientRequired: "Please enter the email address to which the message should be sent", TrainerInactive: "The trainer is no longer an active trainer.", EventEnteredClientMemo: "Entered Memo for Client", ChooseThisClub: "Choose This Club", SalesCategoryAndChargeCode: "Sales Category / Charge Code", AnnualUsageTotalsByUseTypeReportShortName: "Annual Usage Totals By Use Type", EFTCommissionReport: "EFT Commission Report", RepTransferInEmailHeader: "You have a new Transfer!", AllowedMachines: "Allowed Computers", DaysPriorToBillDay: "days prior to the billing day", DetecnoLicenseRequired: "Please enter a License", ChangeBalance: "Change Balance", ReassignBeforeRemoval: "Please reassign those billing accounts before removing.", Removals: "Removals", Removing: "Removing...", EditUsageAlerts: "Edit Usage Alerts", PromoMinAmountError: "You have not reached the minimum dollar amount required to use this promo code.", MarginReportSummary: "This report shows how much margin you have made from your Charge Codes set up for inventory.", IncludeAccountSharingBreakdown: "Include Account Sharing Breakdown", FreezeEndDate: "Freeze End Date", Reminder: "Reminder", EmailedSecondPersonSingular: "You were emailed", ProspectTenureFactorDescription: "The length of time they have been a prospect", NotAllAppointmentsHaveMethodOfPaymentSelected: "Not all appointments have a method of payment selected. Please make sure you select one for all appointments before proceeding to checkout.", MissingMailSettingDetail: "An email of type {0} could not be sent because settings are not configured for {1} emails", MustSelectAccountsForBillings: "Please select an Account for all Billings", WarnMeIfExp: "Warn me the client\u0027s expiration date is ", TwitterLengthExplained: "Note: Twitter may reformat your hashtags, so it is recommended that you stay well under the 140 character total.", EnterInvoiceSearch: "Please enter an Invoice Number to search for.", RedeemSeries: "Redeem Packages", NoProrateCodeSelfReference: "The prorate code may not be the same as the charge code.", WorkPhoneInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid work phone number", MonthlyAccountNumber: "Monthly Account Number", PrepayBalanceConflict: "Pre-payment of billing requires the client had paid all prior outstanding balances in full. Please complete a transaction paying off the balance due before initiating a billing prepayment transaction.", AccountUnlocked: "The account has been unlocked", OnAccountNotListed: "† On Account Payments are not listed with a dollar amount in the \u0027Total New Sales Column\u0027 as this column is designed to total items and services purchased today. On Account Payments apply to items and services previously purchased.", OnlySharedAccounts: "Only Shared Accounts", UnsubscribeTransactionalBefore: "If you believe you received this message in error, please ", RedemptionSaved: "Redemption Saved", SelectEarlyCancelFeeOption: "Please select an early cancelation fee option", NewLocation: "New Location", RedemptionDate: "Redemption Date", EmailValidationFailed: "We couldn\u0027t verify your email address, please enter a different one.", FutureSessionCancelPrompt: "This action will result in cancelling scheduled/confirmed future sessions for this member. Do you want to continue or cancel this action?", NoSearchCriteria: "No Search Criteria", Approve: "Approve", AnnualFeeScheduleCutoffWarning: "The bill date selected will cause members to miss the first billing, so these billings will start one year later. Would you like to continue?", ViewLogHistory_Desc: "View the system log history of changes to your data.", EFTCommissionReportShortName: "EFT Commission", ClosingPercentage: "Closing Percentage", AccountingSettings: "Accounting Settings", Monthly: "Monthly", LaunchingApplication: "The Launching Application can be found on your desktop.", OptInMessage: "Opt-in Message", AdjustmentsToSubmittedTransactions: "Adjustments to submitted transactions", Characters: "characters", GovernmentId: "Government ID", PanamaCertificatePassword: "Certificate Password", ShowFullyRedeemedPackages: "Show Fully Redeemed Packages", SessionCountPlural: "{0} Sessions", PkgSaleToClient: "Package sale to Client #", IncludedChargeCodes: "Included Charge Codes", NumOneMonth: "1 Month", LowInventoryReportSummary: "This report shows the current inventory Charge Codes at or below the Reorder Threshold", PromoCodeNotFound: "No matching active promotion was found.", IncludeGroupLeadersFormatted: "{0} Group Leaders (any Sub-Members will also be {1})", EnterPasswordConfirmationSubtext: "The code provided is only good for 10 minutes.", RecipientInformation: "Recipient Information", ProspectUsageFactorDescription: "Compare the prospect’s usage in the last 45 days to that of other prospects", ViewConnectedGroups_Desc: "View Connected Groups In Check In", NoClientStatusesMessage: "This client does not have any Status warnings.", MexicoTaxNameExplanation: "Your company\u0027s name as it will appear on the digital invoice", OfferNotAvailableWrongAge: "This client is not the right age for this offer.", ViewClientBasicInfo: "View Client Basic Info", UseCustomFieldSearch: "Use Custom Field Search", NoDiscount: "No Discount", Reminder_PaymentToPost_Plural: "You have {0} payments to post!", SelectSessions: "Select Sessions", GrammaticalGender: "Grammatical Gender", StartingAmount: "Starting Amount", RemoveClientQuestion: "Remove Client?", ContractReports: "Contract Reports", PleaseEnterNewPaymentMethodToPayRemainder: "Please enter a new payment method to pay the remainder.", RetentionRate: "Retention Rate", PreferredTrainersReport: "Preferred Trainers Report", IneInvalid: "INE Invalid", CompleteTextThirdPersonSingular: "{0} texted {1}", NoUsageMessage: "This client does not have any Usage History that matches your search.", HiddenOfferExplained: "If an offer is hidden when a potential client visits your site they will not see the offer unless they type in the direct link specified on the offer setup form. This is useful for limited promotional offers.", TrainerNotBookable: "Your membership does not include booking an appointment of this type/length with {0}.", EditTour: "Edit Tour", EditText: "Edit Text", EditTask: "Edit Task", EditReps: "Edit Reps", EditRule: "Edit Rule", EditStep: "Edit Step", NonMembers: "Non-Members", PeopleCheckedInOne: "{0} person has been checked in", EditAOIs: "Edit Areas of Interest", CancellationEmail: "Cancellation Email", EditCall: "Edit Call", CreditCardStatus: "Credit Card Status", InsertNoRegisterPrompt: "Client {0} - {1} has been inserted and has a balance due.\r\nIf your client is present and wishes to make payment towards this balance please go to a POS Workstation and perform an on account payment for the client towards this balance due.\r\nWould you like to print a receipt for these charges?", Generated: "Generated", ClientExpiresTomorrow: "The client\u0027s Expiration Date is tomorrow.", SalesPlanSaved: "Sales Plan Saved", OnlineAccount: "Online Account", TransferToRoster: "Transfer to Roster", WaiveServiceFees_Desc: "Waive Return Service Fees in POS.", OldDescription: "Old Description", UserMadeNoChanges: "User did not update anything and clicked OK", OfferNotAvailableInvalidBillDay: "This offer cannot be selected because a billing has an invalid bill date", DateOfBirthAge: "Date of Birth / Age", DailyLiabilityRounding: "** Daily Liability is printed rounded to 4 decimal places and calculated to 8 decimal places.", SqlDateError: "Please enter a valid {0} between 01/01/1753 and 12/31/9999.", Religion: "Religion", PhoneType: "Phone Type", GroupSlashFamilyMember: "Group/Family Member", ReorderOffers: "Reorder Offers", MembershipHistory: "Membership History", ClientSurveyAnswersReport: "Client Survey Answers Report", ClientTypeCode: "Client Type Code", ClientTypeAbbr: "CType", ClientTypeName: "Client Type Name", PleaseSelectBillingProvinceForOneTimePayment: "Please select your billing province for the one-time payment.", EditCustomFields_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Custom Fields", NoRegister: "No Register", BookingStatusesReportShortName: "Booking Statuses", SuggestedFollowText: "Suggested Follow Text", ActionType: "Action Type", UseSessionsPlural: "{0} visits will be used for this booking", Remaining: "Remaining", ClientSettings: "Client Settings", EventChangedClientRepAssignment: "Changed Client Rep Assignment", InClubNow: "In Club", UnableToEditCrossClubBilling: "You cannot edit a billing from another location. This ended billing is likely the result of a club-transfer and exists for historical purposes only.", PleaseSelectItem_Price: "Please select an item to change its price.", RegisterButtonCP: "Register", YourBookingHasBeenCanceled: "Your booking has been canceled.", ExcludeDateRange: "Exclude Date Range", LeaderCity: "Leader City", DateOutputStringLong: "LL", QuickBooksMissingGLError: "There are transactions in the date range selected with Charge Codes that don’t have GL accounts assigned. Please ensure all charge codes have GL Accounts assigned for the selected club before exporting. The list of Charge Codes has been saved to Office - Cloud Storage.", PartialAccountNumber: "Partial Account Number", UnableToDiscount_Desc: "Discounts cannot be applied to this type of item.", ConfirmationCode: "Confirmation Code", AnniversaryYesterday: "The client\u0027s Anniversary Date was yesterday.", CreatePackage: "Create Package", SelectRepaymentMethod: "Please select the method of repayment.", OneHourBeforeAfter: "1 Hour before or after", Excepion_CouldNotFind: "Could not find {0}", CreditCardRefund: "Credit Card Refund", CreditCardResubs: "Credit Card Resubs", CreditCardReturn: "Credit Card Return", MemberAnniversaryFactorDescription: "How soon is the client’s anniversary date", UpdateEmailsOnCheckIn: "Update emails On Check In", InventoryReportSubtext: "This report shows the current on-hand inventory for charge codes.", SignupCaptchaExpired: "Verification expired. Please check the reCaptcha checkbox again.", OverrideOfferRulesPromptPervNoBillingPIF: "Billing and PIF client’s can’t change to Per-Visit clients. Are you sure you would like to continue and use {0} anyway? No credits will be applied.", TaxTotal: "Tax Total", DueToFromCode: "Due To/From Code", CreditCardExpiration: "Credit Card Exp.", ClientNameWithColon: "Client Name:", WorkoutTileSubtitle_One: "{0} view • {1:d}", UnableToClearAccountInfo: "Unable to clear account information", ChangeStatusTo: "Mark as {0}", TaxRates: "Tax Rates", EventEnteredFlagValue: "A user inserted a new flag value", UnableToDowngrade_Default: "You cannot downgrade at this time.", ReturnTrackingReport_Desc: "View and Print the Return Tracking Report.", SaleToClientOnlyChargeCodeExplanation: "Choosing this option will restrict this charge code so it can only be sold if a Client is brought up in POS. You will not see this Charge Code in POS for Generic Sales.", FileDate: "File Date", AllowedAlternatePaymentMethods: "Allowed Alternate Payment Methods", PaidByCreditBalance: "Paid by Credit Balance", ClosingPercentageReportSummary: "A report that shows how far clients progress through the sales plans and their overall success rates", FileSize: "File Size", MemberAgeFactorDescription: "How many active members are there in the client’s age bracket", InvalidToken: "Invalid token.", BalanceAsOf: "Balance As Of", SelectBillDay: "Select Bill Day", NumberOfHours: "Number of hours", TopSpenderPlural: "Top Spenders", EventEditPastAppointments: "A user overrode the past appointment trainer change restriction.", IncompleteCartHint: "Auto email will be sent to clients who abandoned the cart process. Email is estimated to start within 15 minutes of the idle time set.", NotSharedMessage: "This account is not shared with any groups for billing.", EditTransactions: "Edit Transactions", ClubAllowsOnAccChanrge: "Club allows on account charge", GroupCancelForm: "Group Cancel Form", ResponsibleForSelf: "This client is responsible for themselves.", Voiding: "Voiding", VoidRep: "Void Rep", DowngradeMembership: "Downgrade Membership", PurchasedPackageBookingPaymentSessionsOne: "Use \u003cstrong\u003e1\u003c/strong\u003e Session of my available \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e", JournalConflict: "Journal Conflict", CreateJournal_Desc: "Use the manual EFT creation", OneTimePaymentSecurityCodeInvalid: "The security code for the one-time payments is not valid", OnlineAppRoles: "Online / App Roles", ChooseTransactionType: "Choose the Transaction Type", RewardsAccount: "{0} Account", RepMembershipCancellationRequestSubject: "Cancelation Request - {0} - {1}", ResetEmailSent: "The password reset email has been sent to the email on file. The code to reset will be valid for 10 minutes", PrintYesInstall: "Yes, install so I can print", UseCaseDescription: "Use Case Description", StartTimeRequired: "Please enter a Start Time.", AlertOnSeriesRedeemAmount: "Alert before redeeming a series if a client has a balance over", ShowCancellations: "Show Cancelations", OnASpecificDate: "On a Specific Date", SignUpDate: "Sign-Up Date", FilterTo: "To {0}", ParentSignatureReminder: "Be sure to have a parent or guardian sign the contract.", OneTimePaymentRoutiingNumberInvalid: "The routing number for the one-time payments is not valid", CopyFrom: "Copy From", PackageDeactivatedWarning: "This Package is no longer sold", EnableClientDowngrades: "Enable Client Downgrades", EventChangedClient: "Changed information related to the client.", CodeIncorrect_CopyFromMail: "Sorry, but the code entered is not correct. Please try copying the code directly from the email and pasting it into the entry field.", ShowIneligible: "Show Ineligible", PurchaseAPackage: "Purchase a Package", SearchForChargeCode: "Search for a Charge Code", BillingFreezeReason: "Billing Freeze Reason", BookingMultiplePaymentSessionsRequired: "This booking requires {0} visits.", TextingAccountDeleteConfirmation: "Your Texting Account has been closed", NumberOfWeeks: "Number of Weeks", EditRules_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Booking Rules.", OnlyProbs: "Only Problems", IncompleteJoinSecondEmail: "Incomplete Join Second Email", ConfirmVoidBody: "Are you sure you want to void this transaction? This process cannot be undone.", ExpirePackagePrompt: "Are you sure you want to expire this package?", PasswordResetBody: "\u003cp\u003e{0},\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003ePlease reset your password by clicking \u003ca href=\"{1}\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you did not request a password reset, please call the Twin Oaks tech support team as soon as possible. Please do not respond to this email.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eRegards,\u003cbr/\u003eThe Twin Oaks Software Development Team\u003c/p\u003e", PromptPrintReceipt: "Would you like to print a receipt for this transaction?", PasswordResetSent: "Please check your email to reset your password.", TotalStorageSpace: "Total Storage Space", UnsubscribeTextAlignment: "Unsubscribe Text Alignment", Transactions: "Transactions", MembershipInformation: "Membership Information", NumberOfTours: "Number of Tours", UseADifferentAccount: "Use a different account", VisaCredits: "Visa Credits", PointsForChallenge: "Number of {0} {1} completing this Challenge will award", AppointmentDates: "Appointment Dates", OnlineJoinDuplicateCheckExplained: "When selected, the system will validate the new entry on the join page against existing records in the club database. It will use at least First Name, Last Name, and Email for this comparison. If Phone Number or Date Of Birth are filled out, those will also be used. All of the fields must match another record for it to be considered a duplicate join.", MoreFilters: "More Filters", DefaultPaymentForJoinsExplained: "This will default the selection for what type of account the user will enter for recurring billing when joining online, when both options are available on the offer. The user will still be able to pick the other option.", ConfirmDeleteRule: "Are you sure you want to delete the {0} rule?", OfferMaxFamilyExceeded: "The maximum number of group members allowed for this offer is {0}.", PleaseWaitCheckMembership: "Please wait while we check your membership...", FreezeMembership: "Freeze Membership", UpdateAnniversaryDowngradeExp: "If not enabled, if the client currently has an anniversary date, it will NOT be modified by the downgrade process. If enabled, the date would be modified ONLY if the billing offer has a term from which to compute a new anniversary date.", PrepayBilling: "Prepay Billing", ClientReports: "Client Reports", CancelationAnalysis: "Cancelation Analysis", MyAddress: "My Address", SelectGovernmentTaxCode: "Select Government Tax Code", SemiAnnualRoutingNumber: "Semi-Annual Routing Number", CouldNotGetSubTotal: "Could not get subtotal", WillCreate: "Will Create", AutoRefillFailureMessage: "The automatic refill of your gift card was unsuccessful. Please update your automatic refill settings and/or account information.", CustomThankYouPage: "Customize The \u0027Thank You\u0027 Page", PurchaseSection: "Purchase Section", CompleteEmailInfoUpdateConfirmationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received a confirmation of the changes to their profile", ChangeLockedPrices_Desc: "Allows user to prorate, discount, and change prices of items in POS even if the price is locked.", GLAccountOnly: "GL Account Only", DowngradesOnlyAtHome: "Permit downgrade only at home club.", DetailsLongerThenMax: "The details cannot be longer than {0} characters.", ResubsScheduledMessage: "Your Resubmits have been submitted for Posting. Please check on the status of this process on the Reminders widget on the Home tab.", GiftCardSettings: "Gift Card Settings", BillingAccountCity: "Billing Account City", EditCharge: "Edit Charge", CongratulationsMessage: "Congratulations Message", CopyContract: "Copy Contract", CreditCardExpReportSubtext: "This report lists all clients with an expired credit card as of a specific data range.", NewStartTime: "New Start Time", MonthlyDuesTotal: "Monthly Dues Total", NewStartDate: "New Start Date", GovernmentTaxCode: "Government Tax Code", SiteNumberInvalid: "Please enter a valid Site Number", AppointmentSaved: "Appointment Saved", AnnualFeeSchedule: "Annual Fee Schedule", Discounts: "Discounts", EnterPromotionalCode: "Enter Promotional Code", BalanceIncludeResponsibility: "AR Balances include Responsibilities", CorePrepaidDefinition: "The total number of clients that are prepaid.", UnredeemedPackages: "Unredeemed Packages", AppointmentTypes: "Appointment Types", WillChange: "Will Change", AllGroupTypes: "All Group Types", CreateJournal: "Create Journal", AllClientsNotCompleted: "All Clients could not be marked as completed for this {0}.", LessThan: "Less Than", EnterNewGiftNumsign: "Enter New Gift #", ScanABarcode: "Scan a Barcode", RegisterUnderAmount: "How much was the register under?", ShowAllClients: "Show all Clients", AddCheckBox: "Add Check Box", AddBillings: "Add Billings", PackageSalesReportByPackageSalesRep: "Package Sales by Package Sales Rep", SaveForLater: "Save For Later", CreateBillingProcess: "Create a Billing File", Approved: "Approved", OnlyOther: "Only Other", Renewals: "Renewals", NetReturnPercent: "Net Return %", RenewNow: "Renew Now", RecipientEmail: "Recipient Email", RemoveTrainerQuestion: "Remove Trainer?", TrustUser: "Trust User", ClassRemoved: "Class Removed", ErrorLoadingTrainersList: "I\\\u0027m sorry, but an error occurred while attempting to load the list of Trainers", EnrollmentStartsOnDate: "Enrollment Starts on {0}", AllowedClientTypesAlert: "This package can be purchased by any Client Type.", NotEnrolledRewardsNoGift: "You are not yet enrolled in the {0} Program. To get started earning simply enroll now!", ChargeCodeSelect: "Charge Code Select", YesSave: "Yes, save", ExcludeRequired: "Exclude Required", FinancePackagesExplained: "Enable this option if you wish to permit billing clients to pay for a part of a package up front at the register and then schedule recurring billing payments to pay off the balance for the package.", FamilyMemberMustBeAtleastOfAge: "This family member must be at least {0} years of age to join.", CanPayAtLocationOnEnrollment: "", LocationDeleted: "Location Deleted", ActiveSystemUsers: "Active System Users", LeaderFirstName: "Leader First Name", PotentialMissingPayments: "Potential Missing Payments", CategorySelect: "Category Select", ClassEnroll: "Class Enroll", WithContract: "With Contract", EnterANewAddress: "Enter a new address", CancelAtHomeClubOnlyFromCheckIn: "Sorry, but you must process your cancellation by visiting your home club location, {0} in {1}", NoOffersForCode: "Code entered is not currently active on any offers", PasswordResetWrongAnswer: "The answer does not match the one you have on file. Please verify your answer is correct and try again.", LoginUsingYour: "Log in using your {0} account", TimeClockReportShortName: "Time Clock", ContinueShopping: "Continue Shopping", RunTimeRequired: "Please enter the time at which you would like this process to start", LockedOutExplanation: "This account has been locked out for 30 minutes due to too many failed log in attempts. To unlock your account please use the Forgot Password link, have a manager change your password, or wait 30 minutes.", SearchForAccount: "Search for Account", AsOfFormatted: "{0} as of {1}", InitiationTotal: "Initiation Total", TimeoutWarningLoginText: "For security purposes your session has ended.", DetailedClientBillingInfo: "Detailed Client Billing Information", AutoAuthEmailWeeklySubject: "{0:m} - Weekly Billing Journal Auto-Authorization", DoNotAllowExpiredClientLoginText: "Do not allow Expired Clients to log in to their account.", Financed: "Financed", FinalXml: "XML file signed and stamped", Finalize: "Finalize", ClassSpotsLeft: "{0} spots left", IncompleteOrAbortedTransactions: "Incomplete or Aborted Transactions", PleaseSetServiceFeeAmount: "Please set a Service Fee Amount in Accounting Settings before toggling a service fee on returns", NoLocation: "No Location", NoOfferContractsMessage: "There are no contracts assigned to this offer.", AppointmentReminderPushTitle: "Appointment Reminder", MemosReport_Desc: "View and print the Memos Report", Saturday: "Saturday", PackageClubRightsAreRequired: "You do not have rights to {0} for Club {1} Packages", Department: "Department", FrozenBillingsGrid: "Frozen Billings Grid", TwitterHashtagsExplained: "Any hashtags you want to include in the tweet (comma separated).", TryingToCheckOutText: "Trying to checkout - This location does not allow Member Portal access and does not have a non-member-type", AnnualAccountName: "Annual Account Name", OrTotalOutstanding: "or the total outstanding balance", EmailPerformanceReport: "Email Performance Report", AccountUpdaterChanges: "Account Updater Changes", ClientActive: "Client Active", UpdatingYourBillingAccWillChangeText: "**Updating your billing account will change the account used for all reoccuring EFT billing.", PleaseEnterCCExpYear: "Please enter year for the credit card expiration date", FinishER: "Sorry, but you must finish your EFT Balance Payment before beginning another sale.", Combination: "Combination", SellMembership: "Sell Membership", ClearClientAfterCheckIn: "Clear the active client after check-in.", ClientsToBeUpgraded: "Clients to be Upgraded", CrmPipelineRep: "CRM Pipeline Rep", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersState: "Please enter this family member\u0027s state", GoalsSummaryWidget: "Use the Goals Summary Widget", ProductionMessageSampleExplained: "Refers to the production level sample message(s) that the end-business will be sending to the end-user/mobile handset.\r\n\r\nApproved Examples: \"Thank you for being a loyal customer of John’s Coffee Shop. Enjoy 10% off your next purchase. Reply STOP to opt out.\"\r\n\r\nThis should be a sample message of the content that the end-user/mobile handset will be receiving in the SMS.\r\n\r\nRejected Examples: “Your appointment is today at 10:00 AM”.\r\n\r\nThe sample message content should match the use case provided i.e., Marketing.", OnlyWithResponsibility: "Only Include Clients who have some Responsiblity for themselves or others", ViewClientAR: "View Client AR", NoTransferOffers: "There are no eligible transfer offers.", NumSessions: "Number of Sessions", LowInventoryReportShortName: "Low Inventory", UseHomePhoneOnFile: "Use Home Phone on File", Recipient: "Recipient", EditAmenities_Desc: "Edit the list of Amenities that are offered.", AttritionRiskReport_Desc: "View and print thte Attrition Risk Report", AchievementClassAny: "Earned when a client enrolls in any class {0} time(s).", MissingRep: "Missing Rep", CollChangeReminderBody: "You have account changes to post!{0}This can be done in the Billing section under Changes.", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsNameOnAccount: "Please enter the Name On Account for the recurring payments", SelectNewSecQuestion: "Select a new security question", ReceiptError: "Error Preparing Receipt", EftAllocationReport: "EFT Allocation Report", EftResubPayment: "EFT Balance Payment", FutureUnbookedAppointmentWithThirdPersonSingular: "{0} needs to schedule an Appointment with {1}", InsufficientPayments: "Insufficient Payments", ErrorFetchingRep: "An error has occured while fetching your rep", ClientHasDeletedClientType: "This Client has a deleted Client Type", AddRecurringBillingMessage: "Would you like to add a recurring billing for this package?", NoClientsFound: "No Clients Found", PleaseSelectProvince: "Please select your province", WeeksInFuture: "Weeks in the Future", TwilioBundleUnderReviewOther: "{0} of your Trust Bundles are under review.", DocumentCategoryAllRepsAccess: "All reps can access documents in this category", PaidByFormatted: "Paid by {0} - {1} ({2})", NoAgeMinimum: "No Age Minimum", PerformClientDowngrades: "Perform Client Downgrades", BillingItemSummaryWeeklyCart: "Bills Weekly starting {0} for {1}", FamilyMembersWorkPhoneInvalid: "Please enter a valid work phone number for this family member", ClientJoinEmailProof: "Be prepared to present this email or a printed copy of your contract on your first visit.", AutomationOptions: "Automation Options", OnlineEnrollmentSubjectLine: "Online Enrollment Notification", RemoveTheseTrainers: "Remove these Trainers", SaleTypesKey: "SAL = Cash Sale; PMT = Payment; PKG = Package Sale; REF = Refund; GFT = Gift Sale; BPP = Billing Prepayment, ADJ = Balance Adjustment", AssignedRep: "Assigned Rep", NoTransferRedScreen: "Do not allow transfers if the client has any OTHER Red Screen alerts", ClientClubNumsign: "Client Club #", ValidationErrorCountPlural: "{0} Validation Errors", AgreeAuthorizeTermsAndConditionsLink: "Terms and Conditions", PleaseSelectAllowedAppointmentType: "Please select at least one Allowed Appointment Type for this location", SalesPlanTypeFilter: "Sales Plan Type: {0}", ViewClientRewards: "View Client Rewards", OfferMinFamilyNotMet: "The minimum number of group members required for this offer is {0}.", UnableToDeleteCancelReason: "Unable to delete Cancel Reason", AchievementSaveAll: "Earned Too", QuickInsert: "Quick Insert", AttritionNetExplained: "Net membership gain and Attrition do not factor in Renewals or changes between paying membership categories such as upgrades or downgrades.", AgreeTermsAndConditions: "Please agree to the Terms and Conditions.", PanamaCertificateFileName: "Certificate", UpgradeEffective: "Upgrade Effective {0}", RepAssignmentTypes: "Rep Assignment Types", TransactionAmount: "Transaction Amount", ClientUpdateAlertHeader: "You have submitted a request to update the following:", OpenTransactions: "Open Transactions", SurveySpecify: "Please Specify your Survey Answer.", CannotAssignToSelf: "Sorry, but you cannot assign a client to themselves in this manner.", ScheduleReportX: "Schedule Report - {0}", TransactionAmountAbbr: "TRX AMT", ExtremelyLow: "Extremely Low", BillingJournal: "Billing Journal", OnlineEnrollmentConfirmationSubject: "Online Enrollment Confirmation from {0}", ReceiptForPrompt: "Would you like to print a receipt for {0}?", ChargePaymentFinalizeError: "Generic Sales (Those not made to a specific Client) cannot be finalized unless the Charge and Payment totals match.", AppointmentSection: "Appointment Section", AppointmentsFactor: "Appointments", ReceiptText_ChangeDue: "CHANGE DUE {0,27:F2}", YearToDateIncludes: "Year-To-Date Includes", TrainerSessionsReport: "Scheduled Sessions by Trainer Report", TrustBundle: "Trust Bundle", CardioExpressThemeName: "Tangerine", EmailPreferencesUpdated: "Your email preferences have been updated.", EventExportedInsecureResubs: "A user exported Resbumits with full account information", Cancelations: "Cancelations", ContinuousJoinDate: "PF Join Date", OnAccountPayment: "On Account Payment", ViewOffersByBillDay: "View Offers by Bill Day", EditAnExistingContract: "Edit an existing Contract", WhenTakingPaymentText: "When Taking A Payment", MatchingClients: "Matching Clients", SubmitOrder: "Submit Order", DuplicateClientsReport: "Duplicate Clients Report", MonthlyPaymentOther: "{0} Monthly Payments starting {1}", PleaseVerifyEnteredAmount: "Please verify entered amount", OfferSetup: "Offer Setup", NameOnAccountRequired: "Please enter the name on the account.", FullNameLastFirstMI: "Full Name Last First MI", SessionsRemainingSingular: "1 of 1 visit is available for booking", GreaterThanOrEqualTo: "Greater than or equal to", DontArchive: "Don\u0027t Archive", BalanceCannotBook: "Clients with a balance cannot book Appointments", DeleteTemplateWithScheduledMail: "This template is used by one or more scheduled mail merges. If you delete it then those will be removed as well. Would you like to continue?", UnableToDeleteLockedBillingItem: "Unable to Edit or Delete Billing Item", TypesShown: "Types Shown", FrozenFilterBilling: "Has at least one Active Billing Frozen", ReIssueGiftExplained: "Enter or Scan a Gift Card to issue a replacement Physical Gift Card for this Gift. This will change the Gift Number and will remove any PIN. The balance and transaction history will be transferred to the new card.", CoreTotalDefinition: "The sum of Core Billing and Core Prepaid.", LastNameWithColon: "Last Name:", QuarterlyJournal: "Quarterly Billing", PreviousStatements: "Previous Statements", ReminderTemplate: "Reminder Template", EditClientReferrals: "Edit Client Referrals", TotalClientsToArchive: "Total Clients to Archive", AllBillingProblems: "All Billing Problems", TestConfiguration: "Test Configuration", ErrorVoiding_Desc: "An error occurred while retrieving information required to void the transaction.", DuesAllocationInvoiceHeader: "Gross Invoices for the {0:d} Billing Cycle", MonthsOfFinancingOther: "{0} month financing", AppointmentReceipt: "Appointment Receipt", ExistingRecordsFound: "Existing records were found that match the infomation you have entered.", RemoveSessions: "Remove Sessions", SubclientDoorAccessSetting: "Don\u0027t allow remote door access for group members if their responsible party has an outstanding payment", RequestedItemNotInCart: "Requested item is not in cart", AddCustomField: "Add Custom Field", SelectCard: "Select Card", SelectYear: "Please Select the Year", MyTimeSheet: "My Time Sheet", ClientTypeIsDeleted: "Client Type is deleted and it must be changed", ManageFormatted: "Manage {0}", NoVisitsToViewInThisDateRange: "There are no visits to view in this date range.", EventOverrideNoGovernmentID: "A rep overrode the Government ID Requirement", PostBillingProcess: "Post a Billing File", CustomFieldsRequireExplained: "Set each defined custom field as being shown and/or required by accessing Custom Fields through the Version 1.0 Configuration entry for Clients – Custom Fields.", WorkoutClientReminderHeaderSingle: "You have a new workout client!", OnlinePaymentReceipts: "Online Balance Payment Receipts", EventFinancePurchaseResult: "The response from a finance purchase attempt", DuplicateNonMemberEmailsOne: "1 - Non-Member with the same email as a member", EditSession: "Edit Session", EndTimeBeforeStart: "The End Time must be after the Start Time", OfferRemoved: "Offer Removed", MasterTrainer_Desc: "Modify scheduled hours and appointments that are not your own.", AnniversaryDateByBillDate: "Calculate the anniversary date based on the billing start date (instead of the join/renew date).", AllIncludingResponsibilities: "All (Including Payment Responsibilities)", CardReadFailed: "Card Read Failed. Please swipe again.", SelectCategoryPrompt: "Select a Category...", ReceiptPrompt: "Would you like to produce a receipt?", OnlineRequestReminderBody: "You have online requests to post!{0}This can be done in the Billing section under Changes.", PasswordRequireUpper: "Passwords must have at least one uppercase (\u0027A\u0027-\u0027Z\u0027).", RunForGenericSale: "Run For Generic Sales", DisableAutoRefill: "Disable Auto-Refill", FranchiseFeesChargeCode: "Franchise Fees Charge Code", AccountUpdatesReportShortName: "Account Updates", ShowRenewals: "Show Renewals", RepName: "Rep Name", RepType: "Rep Type", Repeats: "Repeats", Reports: "Reports", Reprint: "Reprint", ViewChanges: "View Changes", Resolve: "Resolve", FamilyAddOns: "Family Add-ons", Results: "Results", NoRecipients: "No Recipients", IncludeDeletedTypes: "Include Deleted Types", EditClientPortalSettings: "Edit Client Portal Settings", TimeToCompletionRequired: "Please enter Time to Completion", FamilyAdditionFirstLast: "Family Addition {0} {1}", WeeklyDuesBilled: "Weekly Dues Billed", DayFeesChargeCode: "Day Fees Charge Code", ArchiveClients: "Archive Clients", TemplateHasInvalidToken_One: "This template contains an invalid token", Returns: "Returns", ReportFieldBalanceChanges: "The report tokens for AR Balances have been simplified, however you can no longer display both Personal and Responsible Balances at the same time.", Rewards: "Rewards", ClosedPipelines: "Closed Pipelines", EmployerRequired: "Please enter an Employer", TemplateDeleteError: "An error occurred trying to delete the Template", Maximum: "Maximum", MonthEnd: "Month End", PayrollRate: "Payroll Rate", UseMailMerge: "Use Mail Merge", QuarterlyTotal: "Quarterly Total", PasswordResetConfirmationHeader: "Password reset confirmation", AnnualJournal: "Annual Billing", PasswordRequireDigit: "Passwords must have at least one digit (\u00270\u0027-\u00279\u0027).", CancelRequestChangesTotal: "Total Cancel Request Changes", EditAllExplained: "This edit tool allows you to apply the changes made to all clients associated with this group. The edit options on the individual client lines will only apply changes to that selected client.", OverrideOfferRules_Desc: "Override Offer Rules when renewing or upgrading clients.", RequireCompletePayment: "Require Payment to Complete", SentDate: "Sent Date", Receipt: "Receipt", Recover: "Recover", AccountCountry: "Account Country", PleaseEnterHomePhone: "Please enter your home phone number", CashBasis: "Cash Basis", StaffMustReauthenticate: "Staff must re-authenticate to use restricted Point of Sale functions.", NoRecentPipelineActivity: "Pipeline has had no activity for 14 days", MemberTenureFactorDescription: "The length of time they have been a member", Regular: "Regular", ExcludePackageBillings: "Exclude Package Billings", StateFilter: "State: {0}", PasswordRequireLower: "Passwords must have at least one lowercase (\u0027a\u0027-\u0027z\u0027).", Matches: "Matches", MaxFamilyMembersToThisOffer: "You can add up to {0} family members to this offer!", MaximumEnrollmentAbbr: "Max Enroll", EmergencyPhone: "Emergency Phone", DrawerAllowed: "Drawer Allowed", NothingDueToday: "Nothing Due Today", BusinessTitleRequired: "Please enter a Business Title", ThemeName: "Theme Name", ClientArchived: "Client Archived", TiedToAlert: "This {0} is currently tied to a {1} and therefore cannot be deleted", CashCredits: "Cash Credits", EventMembershipBreakdownChanges: "Membership Breakdown Changes", DeferRevenueOnPackagesByDefault: "Defer Revenue On Packages By Default", NotIncluded: "Not Included", BillingToOtherAccounts: "This client has recurring billing items set to be charged to other accounts. Do you want to update all billings to use this new account?", Removed: "Removed", MemoClubNumsign: "Memo club #", UseCaseDescriptionExplained: "The explanation on how messaging is used on this toll-free phone number by the business or organization. The more detailed information you provide for the use case/summary the better.\r\n\r\nApproved Examples: This number is used to send out promotional offers and coupons to the customers of for example the John’s Coffee Shop\r\n\r\nRejected Examples: Marketing\r\n\r\nThe rejected example message doesn\u0027t specify for what type of marketing the number is used for or what will the end-user/mobile handset be receiving from the end-user business.", StatementSubject: "Statement", Reorder: "Reorder", Renewed: "Renewed", JoinsCancellations: "Joins / Cancelations", BalanceWriteOffCodeExplainedUSOnly: "This includes adjustments coming from Member Services.", AlreadyReversed: "Already Reversed", MessageForRecipientSubText: "This note will be sent to the recipient\u0027s email provided above", VeteransDay: "Veterans Day", RepAssigmentTypes: "Rep Assignment Types", SelectActionToTake: "Select the action(s) you would like to take", PageBreakAfterTrainer: "Page break after Trainer", ShowMonthToDateRevenue: "Show Month-To-Date Revenue", ActiveBillingTotal: "Active Billing Total", RPNumsignGroupName: "Resp Party # / Group Name", ExcludePackageBilling: "Exclude Package Billing", OtherInitialReturnsAgainstGrossInvoices: "Other Initial Returns Against Gross Invoices", SaveAsDefaultView: "Save as Default View", StatementLinkText: "Click here to log in and view your full statement.", FutureSessionMonthsDetail: "Months of future billing packages may be used to book appointments in the future In-Club.", SelectTransactionType: "Select a Transaction Type", MassChangeAlreadyScheduled: "There is already a Mass Change of this type scheduled for this club. Please wait for that process to complete before creating a new one.", TakeAPicture: "Take A Picture", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsCreditCardNumber: "Please enter your credit card number for the recurring payments", UsageForTheYearBeginning: "Usage For The Year Beginning", NameOnAccountInvalid: "The name on the account is not valid", HasBalanceRemaining: "Has Balance Remaining", MembershipFreezeEndDate: "Membership Freeze End Date", AmountHighAndLow: "Amounts too High and Low", InvalidImageFileDetails: "The file you have uploaded is not a valid image file. Please upload a valid image file.", CreditCardExpired: "Credit Card Expired", DiscardWorkoutPrompt: "Would you like to discard all of your current changes, or load all exercises from this workout into your current workout?", PaymentStatusFilter: "Payment Status: {0}", PointsForBadge: "Number of {0} {1} earning this Badge will award", RefundTransaction: "Refund Transaction", CreditCards: "Credit Cards", BeforeFilter: "Before {0}", MemberOpenBalanceReportShortName: "Member Open Balance", UnableToDowngrade: "Unable to Downgrade", PrivateKeyRequired: "Private Key is required", EditClientGroups_Desc: "Edit Groups on Client Edit", UnableToDeleteLocation: "You cannot delete a location that has been booked.", LogType: "Log Type", UndoCompleteBase: "If you continue with reversing the \u0027complete\u0027 status, you may affect previous accounting, bookings, and payroll reports.", NextReminderStart: "Next Reminder Start", LinkByAddress: "Use address to link on the Insert Wizard.", Lockers: "Lockers", EditBillDays: "Edit Bill Day Settings", EffectiveTo: "Effective To", AttritionRiskGrade: "Attrition Risk Grade", EditBillings: "Edit Billings", EditTrainerGroups_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Trainer Groups", HourlyRate: "Hourly Pay Rate", AllowedClientTypes: "Allowed Client Types", PasswordRequirements: "Your password must match the following requirements", BeginningOfTime: "Beginning of Time", AccountChangeForm: "Account Change Form", ChangePasswordHeader: "Enter your password information", DuplicateTransDetectedBody: "There is an existing unfinished transaction that could be a duplicate for this sale. Would you like to review it before proceeding?", LastEnroll: "Last Enroll", CompleteCallWithAnySingular: "{0} had a Call with {1}", IncludeBillingFrequencies: "Include Billing Frequencies", ChangeQuantity: "Change Quantity", ARBalancesReport: "AR Balances Report", AllComputers: "All Computers", AnnualFeeScheduleCutoffWarningHeader: "Billing Date Cutoff Warning", LowVisitNotification: "Low Visit Notification", OpenTheCalendar: "Open The Calendar", Over30Balance: "Over 30 Balance", IncludeSessionsWithoutEnrolledClients: "Include sessions without any enrolled clients", ThePayment: "The Payment", Loading: "Loading", ProblemsWithForm: "There were problems with the form. Please correct the errors and try again.", DefaultReceiptGeneration: "Default Receipt Generation", PostingComplete: "Posting Complete", EventClearCancel: "Cleared the cancelation date for the client.", WaitListAvailableOneOne: "{0} spot left with {0} person on the wait list", MemberAuthorization: "Member Authorization", UnableDeletePackage: "Unable to delete Package", ActiveAsOfDate_Other: "Active as of {0:d}", ApplyPromosToTax: "Apply Promo Codes to Tax ", UseFutureSessions: "Use {0} of my future {1} set to bill on {2}", WouldCreateNoSessions: "Sorry, but your current settings would not create any sessions. Please modify your settings before saving.", DetecnoLicenseExplanation: "Mandatory license provided by Detecno which corresponds to the company issuing invoices", PostTransaction: "Post Transaction", LogHistory: "Log History", AdjustMembershipBreakdown_Desc: "Adjust amounts and quantities on the membership breakdown", NotArchived: "Not Archived", UnableToChangeStatusBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to change the status of the client at this time.", AllClientsReport_Desc: "View and print the All Clients Report", LockedOutClient: "This account has been locked out for 30 minutes due to too many failed log in attempts", LowRisk: "Low Risk", PaymentMayBeAsLowAs: "Payment may be as low as {0} per session", PurchaseDet: "Purchase Detail", PurchasedBy: "Purchased By", PostDatePrompt: "Select the dates to be posted", ProrateExplained: "Select this if you would like to charge a prorate for the time until the first billing date of this item.", BillingFreezeContract: "Billing Freeze Contract", ManageRepSecurity_Desc: "The ability to assign any Rep Right to any Rep", CustomField: "Custom Field", AddInterest: "Add Interest", ReceiptText_ClientAuthorization: "CLIENT AUTHORIZATION", BillingPrepayConfirmation: "Billing Prepay Confirmation", RightsInClientCategory: "rights in the Clients Category", ScheduledHoursDeleted: "Scheduled Hours Deleted", MailMergeNoFiltersBody: "Are you sure you would like to send this email to everyone in your club(s)?", EditMachines: "Edit Machine Settings", AddSchedule: "Add Schedule", SaleCharges: "sale charges", OneTimeSends: "One Time Sends", NoPOSCategory: "No POS Category", DueToBreakdown: "Due To/From Breakdown", DailyRecapRequires: "The Daily Recap requires the historical reporting capabilities offered by the Twin Oaks Data Warehouse. As a result, some of the information presented will not be accurate for dates before it was enabled. Use of the Data Warehouse may be subject to additional fees.", PleaseCallConfirmed: "Thanks. A Twin Oaks representative will call you at their earliest convenience.", EnrollmentSucceded: "You have been successfully enrolled in this class.", ReceiptText_TotalSale: "TOTAL SALE", CannotScheduleReportNoFromAddress: "Reports cannot be scheduled at this time because there are no Email From Addresses configured, and you do not have permission to add one. Please contact a Manager before attempting to continue.", MailMergeNoHeaderOne: "1 - {0} without an email", MonthIsClosed: "Your Month is now Closed", Prepayment: "Prepayment", EligibleForDowngradeOn: "This client is not eligible to downgrade until {0}.", WhatsAppTemplate: "WhatsApp Template", NewAppointment: "New Appointment", RequiredSpanishCustomText: "This field is required for Spanish: {0}", TextMergeNoHeaderOther: "{0} - Clients with No Phone Number", RequiredNamedToken: "The token {0} is required", NoJournalsMessage: "There are no Billing Files that match your search.", SessionsNext30Days: "Sessions (Next 30 Days)", NewWorkoutRequest: "New Workout Request", EventLoggedIn: "A user authenticated and accessed the system", BalanceIncrease: "Balance Increase", TotalRecords: "Total Records", GiftTransferUnposted: "There are unposted transactions charged to this gift. These transactions will need to be posted before the gift can be transferred.", DecreaseAmountsBy: "Decrease Amounts By", ItemHasBeenAddedToCart: "1 item has been added to your cart", RejectedDate: "Rejected Date", Financial: "Financial", Financing: "Financing", ClientProfileReportShortName: "Client Profile", CancellationRequestReceived: "You have succesfully submitted a request to cancel your membership at {0}.", Finalized: "Finalized", FileLimitExceeded: "This file exceeds the maximum file size of {0}.", InvalidPerSessionPrice: "The per session price must only go out to 2 decimal places", PostCollPayments_Desc: "Manage and Post payments from Member Services", SubmitWhatsApp: "Submit Template to WhatsApp for approval", DigitalContract: "Digital-Contracts", TrainerGroup: "Trainer Group", EventChangedCloudSettings: "A rep modified the cloud storage settings", OfferNotAvailablePIF: "This offer is not for Paid In Full type clients", VoidReceiptTotal: "VOID.................{0,10}", MyMonthBeginsOnDay: "My Month Begins On Day", GroupOneTimePayment: "Group One Time Payment", EventEnteredClient: "Entered a new client.", AutoAuthDisabledBody: "Due to your recent cancelation with Twin Oaks, we have disabled the auto approver feature in your software to avoid any unintended billings. Any files you wish to process will need to be manually authorized.", ExcludePosRegisters: "Exclude POS Registers", OnlyNonCancelledNextBilling: "Only Non-Cancelled (as of next billing)", CardNumber: "Card Number", ExpiredCannotBook: "Expired clients cannot book Appointments", FacebookEvents: "Facebook Events", OnlyShowActiveReferrals: "Only Show Active Referrals", IsResponsiblePartyFor: "{0} is the Responsible Party for this client.", EditPayrollRate: "Edit Payroll Rate", StatusCodes: "Status Codes", ContractRejected: "Contract Rejected", CCNumberInvalidRemoveDashesSpaces: "The credit card number is not valid. Please make sure that you exclude dashes and spaces.", LocationGroupSaved: "Location Group Saved", EMVCanceledByClient_Desc: "The client canceled the sale in the terminal", StatusAlert: "Status: {0} - {1}", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersCellPhone: "Please enter this family member\u0027s cell phone number", IneRequired: "INE Required", AddAllSelectedAppointments: "Add all selected Appointments", CorpGroup: "Corp. Group", Transfer_AppointmentPrompt: "This client has future appointments at their current location. Are you sure you want to transfer?", PostedByRepName: "Posted By Rep Name", FinancedPackageNoAccounts: "This client is not currently setup with a billing payment method and \"Financed Packages\" cannot currently be setup for this client", AllClientsReportShortName: "All Clients", YesLoadFilters: "Yes, Load filters", ConnectedGroups: "Connected Groups", AccountNameRequired: "Please enter the Name on Account.", PackageSaleDate: "Package Sale Date", PastNWeeks: "The Past N Weeks", UpdateBilling_All: "Please update all recurring billing items with this new payment method", IgnorePaidReturns: "Ignore Returns That Have Been Paid", DefaultThemeName: "Cerulean", ReceiptConfirmEmail: "Yes Email", ClientsToBeTransferred: "Clients to be Transferred.", DateMomentYesterday: "[Yesterday], MMMM D", TemplateSaveConfirmation: "Template saved", ClockInFutureError: "Clocked In cannot be in the future", SelectBalance: "Select Balance to Pay", CustomFieldRequired: "Please enter {0}", MaundyThursday: "", AutoAuthEmailQuarterlyHeader: "Your Quarterly file dated {0:d} was automatically authorized at {1:g}", ERPaymentAlreadyProcessed: "This client has already been removed from your billing journal as part of the ER payment processes. If you do not complete the payment this client will be left with an outstanding balance in the Twin Oaks Advantage system. ", PageBreakAfter: "Page Break After", CanceledCannotBook: "Canceled clients cannot book Appointments", TotalCollectedVsGrossBilledPercent: "Total Collected vs Gross Billed %", EventTransferredClient: "A Rep Transferred a Client between Clubs", POSVoidedTransactionsReport_Desc: "View and print your Point Of Sale Voided Transactions.", SwipeAccounts_Desc: "The ability to swipe credit cards when updating or inserting clients.", BookingRemoveConfirm: "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from the {1}?", UnableToProcessBillingInfo: "We\u0027re sorry, but we could not process the billing information given. Please verify the given information, or try entering another billing option.", ErrorRetrievingData: "Error Retrieving Data", OneTimePayment: "One Time Payment", PageBreakOnRep: "Page Break on Rep", WeeklyUsageTotalsByUseTypeReportSubtext: "Reports the total number of usages for each day of a full week sorted by Use Type", TourFactor: "Tour", ClientWithColon: "Client:", MergeTokens: "Merge Tokens", CopyResults: "Copy Results", ReSendGiftIncomplete: "You have not yet finished re-sending this gift card.", PurchaseSessionsOfSingular: "Purchase 1 visit of {0}", Fashion: "Fashion", SaveAnyway: "Save Anyway", PendingOrders: "Pending Orders", PostEFTJournals_Desc: "The ability to Post EFT Journals", MailMergeDuplicateFilterExplained: "When running an email merge, the Non-Members who have an email address matching a member will not be included.", QuarterlyDuesTotal: "Quarterly Dues Total", UnFreezeBillingsToo_Detail: "This client has one or more billing items currently on freeze or pending freeze. Would you like to end those freezes as well?", DuplicateNonMemberEmails: "{0} - Non-Members with the same email as a member", LeaderLastName: "Leader Last Name", DeferredRevenueAndLiabilityReports: "Deferred Revenue And Liability Reports", ShowUnderAgeAlert: "Show under age alert when inserting clients", CCExpDate: "Credit Card Expiration Date", CanceledNoBooking: "Prevent Canceled Clients from Booking", CCExpired: "The credit card is expired", ReceiptConfirmPrint: "Yes Print", WeeklyJournal: "Weekly Billing", NewClientsReportSubtext: "This report shows clients with join dates in the range specified. Other filters for client types and source, may also be applied. If a join date range is not specified, all clients, with and without a join date will be included on the report.", FutureSessionBookingPaymentSessionsOther: "Use \u003cstrong\u003e{0}\u003c/strong\u003e Sessions of my \u003cstrong class=\"primaryFontColor\"\u003e{1}\u003c/strong\u003e set to bill on {2:d}", Street2Max: "The Street 2 cannot be longer than 32 characters.", Checking: "Checking", CheckBox: "Check Box", CheckOut: "Check-out", CheckIns: "Check Ins", DeactivateContractTextAssignment: "This contract is currently assigned as your {0}. If you deactivate it your {0} will no longer be assigned.", SaveOrOverwriteWorkout: "Would you like to either overwrite the saved workout {0} in your library, or save this as a new workout to your library for later use?", StateProvinceRegionToken: "State/Province/Region", Members: "Members", AmountDue: "Amount Due", AlreadyWaiting: "{0} is already on the wait list", HereAreYourLast: "Here are your last", PleaseDoNotRespondLong: "This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming emails. Please do not respond to this email.", RegisterMemberPortal1: "This register is reserved for Member Portal transactions. ", RegisterMemberPortal2: "This register may not be used as a register for this software, nor can this register be deleted.", NoAmountsSpecified: "No Amounts Specified", RecurringInvoiceStatus: "Recurring Invoice Status", DuesCollectionInvoiceHeader: "Gross Amounts Submitted for the {0:d} Billing Cycle", FlexibilityExplanation: "The Appointment Wizard will always try to match the time selected. If an exact match is not available, then this setting allows you to tell the Appointment Wizard your range of flexibility (the range of hours from original requested time plus and minus the number of hours chosen).", AllowedMachinesMeaning: "Client Type can check in at these computers", EndFinancingNotAllowed: "I\u0027m sorry, but you do not have permission to Edit Billings.", OfferTermItemTermWarning: "This offer is configured with a closed ended term. Billing items added with a term will have their term overridden by the term of the offer.", CCNumberRequired: "Please enter the credit card number", AnyClientType: "Any Client Type", RearrangeSectionsExercises: "Reorder Sections and Exercises", NoBalanceRemainingToPay_Desc: "This type of payment cannot be added because there is no balance remaining to pay.", ElectronicInvoiceUnavailable: "Electronic Invoice Unavailable", SystemReminderSettings: "System Reminder Settings", RecurringInvoice: "Recurring Invoice", EnteredDateToolTip: "“Entered” date is the date recorded on the client record when the record is first saved for that client. This is not the same as “Joined” date as that is the date a client becomes a member of the facility. Only “members” are assigned a join date. All clients including non-member clients will have an “Entered” date.", EnterBlankGovernmentID: "Enter Clients with no Government ID", NewTrainer: "New Trainer", SaleToClientOnlyCategoryExplanation: "Choosing this option will restrict this POS Category so it can only be seen if a Client is selected for the sale in POS. You will not see this category in POS for Generic Sales.", AutoPostJournals: "Auto-Post Journals", MailFromAddress: "Mail From Address", EditCustomReports_Desc: "Add, Edit, and Remove Custom Reports", MerchantNumberRequired: "Merchant Number is required", IncludeClients: "Include Clients", CreateCustomContractReport: "Create a Custom Contract Report", SelectZipForMerge: "Select the Zip/Postal Code to merge into", ScheduledAppointments: "Scheduled Appointments", EventAccessedRegisterSetting: "Accessed the register settings", AfterEachTrainer: "After each trainer", UseCustomFieldSearch_Desc: "Use the Custom Field Search on Client Edit", CardOnFile: "Card on File", DelinquentRecovery: "Delinquent Recovery", EnableBillingPrepayment: "Enable Billing Prepayment", OptInMessagePlaceholder: "Example: You have successfully been re-subscribed to messages from this number. Reply HELP for help. Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg\u0026Data Rates May Apply.", EditClientFreezes: "Edit Client Freezes", ConfirmDeletionTextFormatted: "Are you sure you want to remove the {0} {1}?", NoOfferAlertSoonHeader: "All of your online offers are set to expire in the next three days!", WithAssApp: "With an Assessment Appointment", RenameThisAccount: "Do you want to rename this account? If so, enter the name below:", CancelationTemplate: "Cancelation Template", NoLockers: "This client does not have any lockers assigned. You can assign lockers on the Misc tab of the Client Edit screen.", BalanceIncreaseCharges: "balance increase charges", ServiceFeeAmount: "Service Fee Amount", EftAllocationSummary: "EFT Allocation Summary", WrongFileAmount: "The entered amount is different than the file amount.", UsageByTimeReport: "Usage By Time Report", ConfigureHardDeclineReasons_Desc: "Configure which Return Reasons are Hard Declines and shouldn’t bill again", AccountExpiresShortly: "You have an account that is set to expire shortly. Please take a moment to update your information.", InventoryReportShortName: "Inventory", PaysForMultiple: "Pays for Multiple Clients", CreateCustomChargeCodesReport: "Create a Custom Charge Codes Report", PostingNotComplete: "Posting Not Complete", OnlyCustomReports: "Custom", MarketingSettings: "Marketing Settings", NewQuantity: "New Quantity", TheCartIsEmpty: "The cart is empty.", Yesterday: "Yesterday", UnselectAll: "Unselect All", TestClubToken: "Test Club", EditPostReturnsProcess: "Edit Automatic Returns Posting", ViewEntireVisitHistory: "View entire visit history", FeatureNotAvailable: "Feature Not Available", AddNewExercise: "Add a New Exercise", Unlimited: "Unlimited", SubmittingVerification: "Submitting Verification", Accounting: "Accounting", CCNumberInvalid: "The credit card number is not valid", PostingAlreadyScheduled: "There is already a posting scheduled for this {0}.", NoLockersMessage: "This client does not have any assigned lockers", OfferPartOfDuesPifRequired: "A \"Paid in Full\" offer must be created with at least one \"Included In PIF Dues\" one time payment. To create an offer with NO one time payment, add a Part Of Dues Fee with a 100% discount.", NoRewardsDetail: "Sorry, but there are no rewards available at this time.", DaysBeforeRequired: "Please enter a number of Days in Advance", AppointmentComplete: "Appointment Complete", Message: "Message", MonthlyPaymentStarting: "Monthly Starting {0}", AssignVariableBillingExplained: "Variable Billing will be assigned the same start billing date as the first non-annual recurring billing item on this offer. If part of dues recurring items are defined, the dates on those are used. If no (non-annual) recurring billing items are set on an offer but variable billing is checked to be added, the date will be assigned as the next available monthly billing date. If your location is setup for only bi-weekly recurring billing, the next available bi-weekly date will be selected.", EditProcess: "Edit Process", MemberLocationWithColon: "Member Location:", CancelOrderPrompt: "Canceling this inventory order will only remove the pending order from the Twin Oaks inventory system. Please make sure to also cancel the order with the vendor.", PerVisitClients: "Per Visit Clients", MinBillingAmount: "Minimum Billing Amount", BrandRegisterHint: "We\u0027ll register the brand on your behalf with The Campaign Registry (TCR), the third party that handles this process for all carriers.", WaitListAddConfirmation: "{0} has been added to to the wait list", NoGroupsFound: "There are no groups that match", RecurringBillingInfo: "Recurring Billing Information", RecurringBillingItem: "Recurring Billing Item", MonthlyCCExpDate: "Monthly CC Exp Date", TextMergeGoodHeaderOther: "{0} - Clients with a valid Phone Number", EditAddress: "Edit Address", WaitlistEmailSubject: "Wait List Notification", Retention: "Retention", Top10RisksWidget: "Use the Top 10 Risks Widget", UnitPrice: "Unit Price", JoinAnalysisFor: "Join Analysis for", Anniversary: "Anniversary", FreezePendingAbbr: "Pend-Frz", TemplateSubmitSuccess: "The template has been submitted to WhatsApp for review", PosBillingAbortEntry: "Canceled adding recurring billing on package sale", NewMemberActivityWidget_Desc: "A bar graph chart that show the actions performed as part of New Member Management", FailureReason: "Failure Reason", IncludePostedTransactionsOnly: "Include Posted Transactions Only", NotApplicable: "Not Applicable", ClientUnsubscribeOther: "{0} - Clients have unsubscribed", AutomaticTransactions: "Automatic Transactions", PositivePayments: "positive payments", WorkoutNotificationTime: "Workout Notification Time", Receipt_Reprint: "REPRINT--REPRINT--REPRINT", IncludedCategoriesExplained: "Only Charge Codes or Packages that have one of these Sales Categories assigned will be allowed to be set up as Billing items for this billing date.", LastInventoryCount: "On-Hand Count confirmed on {0} by {1}.", NewClientsReport: "New Clients Report", ShowDetails: "Show Details", ConsistentTimeWizard: "Include closest available, same time for every session, for selected dates", ClockedInTime: "Clocked-In Time", AnnualTotal: "Annual Total", InventoryCountExplained: "Please count your inventory for {0}. Once you are done, please enter the Actual Count below and press save. If your count is below the listed on-hand then an inventory adjustment will be created for the difference. If it is above the on-hand then new inventory will be receieved for the difference with a cost of 0. Once the count is completed, you will no longer receive over-limit inventory alerts until you change the over limit quantity on the charge code or receive new units of inventory. The current On-Hand is {1}.", MinimumPackageTermExplained: "If this package is used to create a recurring billing item, the Minimum Billing Term is the number of times that item must be billed before the Client\u0027s obligation is met. Note that this will NOT automatically set a Billing End Date, but will warn if you attempt to end a billing prior to the obligation being met.", SelectUseType: "Select Check-In Type", ClubName: "Club Name", ClubInfo: "Club Info", ARHistory: "AR History", InitialACH: "Initial Checking/Savings", NoTimelineActions: "There are no actions to display", SalesRevenue: "Sales Revenue", FromDateRequired: "Please enter a From Date.", AccountUpdatesReport_Desc: "View and print updates to client accounts that were made by posting Client Portal Changes, Account Updater Changes, and Collections Changes.", OverrideRedemptionVerification: "Override Redemption Verification", TransactionDetails: "Transaction Details", TextMergeBadHeaderOne: "1 - Client with a Bad Phone Number", HumanResources: "Human Resources", POSOptions: "POS Options", DiscountPerCent: "Discount {0:P0}", CustomerRelationshipManagementAbbr: "CRM", CancelFeeAmount: "Cancel Fee Amount", LocationSaved: "Location Saved", AllBillingItems: "All Billing Items", NoneExternalPaymentProvider: "None/External", AsideTitle: "Aside Title", EmailVerificationWarning: "Your email address is not yet verfied. To send through the software please complete the verification process.", PendingChanges: "Pending Changes", CanBeUsedFor: "Can Be Used For", UsageTypeChangeSuccess: "Sucessfully {0} Usage Type - {1}", PrintCloseOut: "Print Close Out", EmailInvalid: "Please enter a valid Email", NoteRequired: "Please enter a Note", LocationHours: "Location Hours", UserNameNotAvailableText: "Sorry, but that username is not available.", RenewClientNotImplemented: "I\u0027m sorry, but the ability to Renew a Client is not currently available in Advantage Version 2.0 system.\\nPlease try again in the Advantage Version 1.0 system.", NeedsAttention: "Needs Attention", PromoCodeApplicationWithColon: "Promo ({0}):", PerVisitClientsDefinition: "The total number of clients that are Per Visit.", FutureTaskWithSecondPersonSingular: "{0} have an upcoming Task with {1}", AddGeneral: "Add {0}", IncludeClientEmail: "Include Client Email Address", Appointments: "Appointments", EditPartOfDuesBillingWarning: "Removing the \"Part of Dues\" option from all active billings will cause this Client to become inactive.", MonthToMonthAfterTerm: "Month-to-Month after Term", UnableToTransfer_Tenure: "This client is not eligible to transfer as they have not been a client for the required {0} days.", TrainersThatCanExplanation: "This is the list of all trainers who are allowed to instruct classes of this appointment type. You may select multiple Trainers by clicking on them and then clicking the Select Trainers button.", CompleteEmailOnlineFreezeNotificationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received an online client freeze request notification", DailyDashboardEmailGroup: "Daily Dashboard Email Group", OfferCodeFilterExplanation: "When an Offer Code, from Offer Setup, is entered, the report will only include clients who joined an offer assigned to that Offer Code.", Engineering: "Engineering", IndependenceDay: "Independence Day", NewSchedulerConversion: "We have switched our Monthly Scheduler to a new, simpler method. Your old settings have been converted to the new format. Please take a moment to make sure everything is correct before pressing Save.", LockerAreaDescription: "Locker Area Description", EditGiftReward: "Edit Gift/Reward Settings", AlternateAccountGrid: "Alternate Account Grid", DontCancel: "Don\u0027t Cancel", ActivateNow: "Activate Now", FinancialInstitutionNumberInvalid: "The financial institution number is not valid", RenameAccount: "Rename Account", LocationsShown: "Locations Shown", PackageSalesReportByRepShortName: "Package Sales by Package Sales Rep", MemoEndedOnCheckIn: "Memo Canceled by {0} with the reason of", AllowedClubUsage: "Allowed Club Usage", DateSlashTime: "Date/Time", DowngradeOptions: "Downgrade Options", WhichIsReportExplain: "The information displayed in the report are for the date(s) displayed below. \r\nIf the report is scheduled with these filter settings, the report will display information based upon these settings relative to the day it is run.", BillingItemSummaryBiWeekly: "Bills Bi-Weekly Starting {0}", AssignmentType: "Assignment Type", VerificationLinkExpired: "The verification link is expired. Please start the verification process again.", RefundTransaction_Desc: "Ability to give refund to a Client", EditClientMembership: "Edit Client Membership", ViewClientMisc: "View Client Miscellaneous", ExpirePackage: "Expire Package", ValidKeyTagCountSingular: "1 Valid Key Tag", IncludeClientTypes: "Include Client Types", AllowMasterCard: "Allow MasterCard", TransactionIdAbbr: "Trans ID", JoinsCancelsWidget_Desc: "A line graph that compares new joins to cancellations.", FinancePromotionInvalidOther: "This credit card\u0027s bank doesn\u0027t allow financing for {0} months, please select another term or use another card", Departments: "Departments", EventCreatedEFTJournal: "A user created a billing journal", KeepAnnualScheduleExplained: "Enable option to maintain the original annual bill day and month during a renewal, upgrade or downgrade. Only applies when a single annual billing item is setup on an offer and client. Does not apply when multiple annual items are active on offers or clients.", PrepayBillingNotAllowed: "Prepayment of billing is not allowed at this client\u0027s club", UserNameInUse: "User Name already in use", WorkoutSentWarning: "This workout has already been sent to the client, so most things can no longer be edited.", AddCategory: "Add Category", AvailableRewards: "Available Rewards", InactiveClients: "Inactive Clients", GeneralLedgerAccounts: "GL Accounts", ViewFullFieldValue: "View Full Field Value", EmailedThirdPersonSingular: "{0} was emailed", ShiftClosed: "Your shift has been closed successfully", OnlyClientsNotInAGroup: "Only Clients Not in a Group", PrimaryClient: "Primary Client", CheckInSelected: "Check In Selected", AddSharedAccount: "Add Shared Account", TimeoutWarningText: "We noticed that your current session hasn\u0027t been active in a while. For security purposes we\u0027ll end your session and log you out if you do not respond within the remaining time:", ReceiptText_AllSalesFinal: "ALL SALES FINAL", TrainerHomeClub: "Trainer Home Club", SummaryByChargeCode: "Summary by Charge Code", EFTTransactions: "EFT Transactions", NoRecentActivity: "There is no Recent Activity to display", EditSalesPlan: "Edit Sales Plan", DistrictRequired: "Please enter District", IncludeMessageOnGift: "Include message on gift card", GainAccessManagerPart2: "and grant yourself permission to the {0} right", ReorderLessThanOverLimit: "Reorder Threshold should be lower than Over Limit Quantity", AutoAuthEmailMonthlySubject: "{0:m} - Monthly Billing Journal Auto-Authorization", ScheduledReportMonthlyConfirmation: "Attached please find the {0} for the month of {1}.", CCExpirationToDate: "Credit Card Expiration To Date", UpdateInitials: "Update Initials", BookMore: "Book More", ChallengeCompleted: "{0} Completed!", WhoIsResponsible: "Which client is responsible for this client?", RecordType: "Record Type", ClientTypeAssignedToClients: "This client type is currently assigned to clients and therefore cannot be deleted", RecordTour: "Record Tour", UserNameOrPassIncorrect: "User Name or Password is incorrect.", DoNotApplyToBillingsToolTipText: "If the account owner isn’t in the billing file, don’t charge a service fee for clients using the account", Bookings: "Bookings", AmtsHighAndLow: "Amts High \u0026 Low", TemplateNameRequired: "Please enter a Template Name", NoChangeWithFinancedPackage: "You cannot get change from a transaction with a Financed Package", PickSessions: "Pick Sessions", OpenCashDrawer: "Open Cash Drawer", AllClientsReportSubText: "A report with detailed information on all clients currently in the system. This can be filtered to get a specific sub-set of clients.", Reminder_ReturnToPost_Plural: "You have {0} returns to post!", AlreadyApprovedError: "A file for this date has already been sent and approved by Twin Oaks. If you need to make any changes, please edit the Live Journal", EditUsage_Desc: "Insert and Edit usage records for clients.", ExpiresWithinMonthsOther: "Expires Within {0} Months", DefaultPaymentForJoins: "Default Option For Online Joins", DateMomentTomorrow: "[Tomorrow], MMMM D", ChecksAllowed: "Checks Allowed", RemainingVisits: "Remaining Visits", Selected: "Selected", IPAddress: "IP Address", PhoneNumbersEmpty: "No phone numbers have been provisioned for this Account", EditUsageTypes: "Edit Usage Types", FlatDiscount: "Flat Discount", TotalCollectedInCycle: "Total Collected in Cycle", SaveForFutureUse: "Save for future use", EventDeletedStringFieldValue: "A user deleted a string field value", OnlineVsInClubOnlyOffers: "Online vs. In-Club Only Offers", PleaseEnterInitialCCExp: "Please enter initial credit card expiration.", PendingFreezeRequest: "You already have a pending freeze request submitted on {0}.", CompleteEmailWithRep: "{0} emailed {1}", UserReportWizard: "Use Report Wizard", AssignLocker: "Assign Locker", NoFutureAppointments: "No Future Appointments", PasswordsDoNotMatch: "The passwords do not match", PleaseEnterRecurringPaymentsBillingZipCode: "Please enter your billing zipcode for the recurring payments.", LockerAssignments: "Locker Assignments", Optional: "Optional", LeaderFullNameLastFirstToken: "Leader Full Name (Last, First)", MyTrainingHours: "My Training Hours", BankCorrection: "Bank Correction", HideRecordsNoClockedOut: "Hide records with no Clocked Out time recorded", ContainsSecureInfo: "Contains Private Protected Information", StatementFilterExplanation: "Select from the additional filter options below to further customize your selection criteria.", ClaimTaxRevenue: "Claim Tax Revenue", TextMergeNoHeaderOne: "1 - Client with no Phone Number", CannotValidateExpirationDate: "Unable to validate expiration date", ConfirmDeletionTagTextFormatted: "Deleting this tag will remove it from all past, current and future offers. Are you sure you want to remove the tag {0} ?", ShoppingAndCommerce: "Shopping and Commerce", FirstQuarterlyBillingDate: "First Quarterly Billing Date", NoGroupsFoundMessage: "No groups found with the selected Group Type.", DailyScheduler: "Daily Scheduler", CheckedInKeyTag: "Checked in {0} at {1}", MembSalesReps: "Membership Sales Reps", EditPOSOptions: "Edit POS Options", UsesPerClientAllowed: "Uses/Client Allowed", RPNotSetForClientsText: "Some clients are not currently set to have {0} as their responsible party. Select which clients you would like to reassign. Once you are done press \u0027Accept\u0027.", OnlinePackageEmailSubjectLine: "Online Package Sale", ErrorOccurred: "An Error has Occurred", EmailTemplateRequired: "Email Template Required", MonthInputStrings: "MMM YYYY|MMMM YYYY|M YY|MM YY|M/YY|MM/YY|M/YYYY|MM/YYYY", SaveScheduledReportPrompt: "This report is scheduled to be emailed. Changing any of the fields or filters will change the data on the emailed report. Are you sure you want to save these changes?", CannotDegroupSharedAccount: "{0} cannot be removed because they have shared accounts being used by other clients.", EntireSale: "Entire Sale", MemberUsageFactorDescription: "Compare the client’s usage in the last 45 days to that of other members", ReceiptHeader: "Receipt Header", InventoryUsageHistory: "Inventory Usage History", EventUndoComplete: "Made a completed appointment incomplete.", SubClients: "Sub-Clients", AppointmentTypeForAssessments: "Appointment Type For Assessments", SignContracts: "Sign Contracts", WhatsAppSubmitError: "WhatsApp Submission Failure", PackageSalesReportByPackageSalesRepWithoutAssessment: "Package Sales Report By Package Sales Rep", MessagingUseCase: "Messaging Use Case", CancelArchiveReport: "Canceled/Archived Clients Report", OutOfDateBrowserWarning: "It looks like you might be using an out-of-date browser. Please consider updating your browser to get the best experience this site has to offer.", EventCreatedEnrollment: "A user enrolled a client in an appointment", PleaseEnterValidCCExp: "Please enter a valid credit card number", CurrentlyAssignedLocations: "Currently Assigned Locations", CannotRemoveFinancedPackageEftDetail: "Removing this transaction is not permitted. Doing so would result in the club not receiving all the funds which are due for a package which was already issued. Once frozen, there is no method to manually enter a replacement transaction to properly recover and track those funds to the package in question.", PleaseEnterValidZipForTheRecurriingPayments: "Please enter a valid zip/postal code for recurring payments", BusinessRegistrationType: "Business Registration ID Type", ScheduleCustomReport: "Schedule Custom Report", BillingReports: "Billing Reports", GroupDisbandForm: "Group Disband Form", RemoveWorkoutSectionPrompt: "Are you sure you want to remove the {0} workout section?", CancelChecksAction: "Hold On. It looks like there are a few issues to resolve. Please review and select the appropriate actions.", TaxableOnly: "Taxable Only", OnFreeze: "On Freeze", HideUsageDet: "Hide Usage Details", GeneralSettings: "General Settings", PaysForFollowingClients: "Pays for the following clients", FutureAppointmentWithSecondPersonSingular: "{0} have an upcoming Appointment with {1}", AppointmentLengthExists: "That Length has already been configured for this Appointment Type.", ConfirmCancelTitle: "Cancel Changes?", HardwareServices: "Hardware Services", DefaultOptionNewApptTypesExp: "This option will be the default setting for all new Appointment Types. The setting can be changed on each individual Appointment Type.", HoursBeforeRequired: "Please enter a number of Hours Before.", ViewMembershipHistory: "View Membership History", WebFormOptInExplained: "An embedded form on the end-business’s website that prompts end-users to enter their mobile handset phone number and opt into the texting campaign.\r\n\r\nProvide the link to the direct opt-in page or you can include a screenshot of the website opt-in page. Note that only the phone number opt in page should be included. An opt-in for an email address is not acceptable for SMS toll-free verification opt in.", UsePackageDiscounts: "Charge Code Discounts apply when selling Packages.", MassChangesRemovedMessage: "The scheduled mass change has been removed!", LockerCurrentlyAssigned: "This locker is currently assigned to {0}.", ForReturns: "For Return(s)", Wednesday_Short: "Wed", SelectAnAccount: "Select an Account", IncomingTextSingular: "{0} sent a message to the club", AmountTooHigh: "Amount too High", NoShowPenalized: "No Show Penalized", CurrentlyAssignedTrainers: "Currently Assigned Trainers", AnniversaryFromDate: "Anniversary From Date", CanBeAddedToAClientinEdit: "These can be added to a client on the Edit screen under Documents.", ClickToScheduleAnAppointment: "Click or tap on any available ( {0} ) time slot on the right to schedule an appointment.", DLScanner: "Drivers License Scanner", InactiveAsOfDate: "Inactive as of {0:d}", SessionsExpire: "Sessions Expire", PlanetFitnessCorporate: "Planet Fitness Corporate", DropDownSelect: "-Select-", DoNotIncludeSharedAccountsFormatted: "Do Not {0} Shared Account Holders", YearBeginningDate: "Year Beginning Date", SaveToLibary: "Save to Library", EditUsageAlerts_Desc: "Edit Usage Alerts", ShowPrevious: "Show Previous", OnAccountPayment_Personal: "On Account Payment (Personal)", ClientsWithBadEmails: "Clients with Bad Emails", ClientAmenities: "Client Amenities", LastDateYouWishToEnroll: "Last Date you wish to Enroll", EndedBillingGrid: "Ended Billing Grid", MaxLessThanMinError: "The Maximum cannot be less than the Minimum", NonGovernmentalOrg: "Non-governmental organization", ChargeCodesReport: "Charge Codes Report", DeactivateRepHasAppts: "This rep is assigned to a class, or future appointments. Please choose a different rep for those appointments before deactivating this rep. Curretly scheduled appointments and class sessions can be found using the Scheduled Sessions by Trainer Report and the Class Roster Report.", ClientsWithRP: "Clients With A Responsible Party", MemosReport: "Memos Report", UseMailMerge_Desc: "Create and Send Mail Merge Letters.", TotalDelinquentRecoveryCollections: "Total Delinquent Recovery Collections", QuarterlyAccountPaymentMethod: "Quarterly Account Payment Method", EditReps_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete a Club\u0027s Representatives", ContractConversion: "Contract Conversion", Masculine: "Masculine", AddLockerArea: "Add Locker Area", DoNotAssignStatus: "Do not assign a Status Code", MembershipDuesRespExplained: "Sets responsibility for group members\u0027 membership and payment responsibility for any related dues billing items.", Description: "Description", PrintWithoutLS: "Print Without the Local Service", OtherCharges: "other charges", PosItemSavedConfirmation: "POS Item {0} - {1} saved successfully", DoNotUpdateAccount: "Do not update an account", LeaderEdashmailAddress: "Leader E-Mail Address", Terminal: "Terminal", ChangeTheseSessions: "Change these Sessions", RedemptionVerificationEmailBody: "An employee is attempting to redeem one of your purchased packages. To authorize this redemption, please present the following verification code:", NumberOfPayments: "Number of Payments", ExpiredPackage: "{0} cannot use that package because it has expired.", ReorderDailyRecapNumbers: "Reorder Daily Recap Numbers", UnFreezeMembership: "Un-Freeze Membership", LockedExplained: "Select this so that the Billing Charge and any associated one time payments cannot be changed when inserting or renewing a client. This will also prevent changes to one time payment amounts for \u0027Pro-rated\u0027 and \u0027Charge first billing amount at enrollment\u0027.", XDaysOther: "{0} days", NewPassword: "New password", CategoryFilter: "Category: {0}", NoCompleteForBalanceExplanation: "If a client has any posted balance greater than zero you will be unable to mark appointments or classes as completed. You will need the Override Appointment Completion Restrictions Rep Right to bypass this. For any Appointment Types that allow Auto completion on check in, this setting will not be honored while auto completing.", AddHoursFor: "Add Scheduled Hours for {0}", JournalAuthorized: "Your EFT Journal has been authorized and will be sent to Twin Oaks shortly.", ObligationEndsOn: "Obligation Ends On", Employer: "Employer", RequireTrainerAndLocation: "Require both a Trainer and Location to book", OfferCopyTabHeaderChargeCodes: "The following {0} are used in the original Club\u0027s charge codes. Select what action you would like to take for each", OnlineBillingInfoUpdate: "Online Billing Info Update", BillingHistoryForBillDay: "Billing History For This Bill Day", PerformedAppointmentDate: "The date on which the appointment was completed", ScheduledSessions: "Scheduled Sessions", NoRepAssigned: "No Rep Assigned", FinancedBillingsExcluded: "Note: Any billings for financed packages will be excluded from this utility.", UnableToLoadAppointmentHeader: "Unable to Load Appointment", SalesAnalysisDetailReportShortName: "Sales Analysis Detail", PrintNoDoNotPrint: "No, I don\u0027t need to print", AddMessagingService: "Add Messaging Service", ChargeEarlyCancelFee: "Charge early cancel fee", FirstNameWithColon: "First Name:", BiWeekly: "Bi-Weekly", XHoursOther: "{0} hours", Everyone: "Everyone", EventChangedFlagValue: "A user changed an existing flag value", EditOnAccountPayments: "Edit On Account Payments", RejectedByRepUsername: "Rejected By Rep Username", OptOutKeywordsPlaceholder: "Example: CANCEL, END, QUIT, UNSUBSCRIBE, STOP, STOPALL", PanamaCoordEm: "Geographic information of the branch where the locate the billing point", AutoPostReturnsOnDownload: "Auto-Post Returns when they are available, provided the related billing file is posted.", ContractClubName: "Contract Club Name", BillingDateRequired: "Please select a Billing Date.", StatementIsReadyAt: "Your {0} statement from {1} is ready.", ClubClosedEmpty: "No Close Days were found that match your search criteria.", RequireAdditionalAccountExplained: "If set to required, an online join cannot be completed unless at least two account numbers are entered", CodeInUse: "There is already a charge code with this code.", ResponsibilityHeaderExplained: "Indicates the Payment Responsibility this client has for others (Pays For) and the Payment Responsibility others have for this client (Paid By)", Reminder_Resubmits_EftDate: "{0:d} - ({1}){2}", UnableToViewContractHeader: "Unable to View Contract", EventRemovedAppointment: "A user removed an existing appointment", PleaseEnterValidUrl: "Please enter a valid URL", CannotCancelAnniversary: "Client cannot self cancel if prior to anniversary date", CalendarYear: "Calendar Year", ViewClientMembership_Desc: "View the Membership tab on Client Edit", ExpirePackageMembership: "This Per-Visit Client will not be active unless they have non-expired visits remaining.", DuplicateClientsReport_Desc: "View and print the duplicate clients report", BadWorkPhone: "Bad Work Phone", BeforeDateFilter: "Beginning of time through {0:d}", lowercase: "lower-case letter", Include: "Include", QuickBooksFailureEmailUnposted: "Sorry, but we were unable to create your QuickBooks® extract due to outstanding unposted transactions. Please make sure all transactions are posted and retry through the Accounting section of the software.", MinimalThemeName: "Express", uppercase: "upper-case letter", AutoAuthEmailBiWeeklyHeader: "Your Bi-Weekly file dated {0:d} was automatically authorized at {1:g}", AgreeCheckBoxText: "Agree Checkbox Text", SomeClientsNotSuitableByAgeRestrictions: "SomeClients are not suitable by age restrictions", EditCloudSettings: "Edit Cloud Settings", CurrentlyUsingMachineText: "You are currently using machine {0}.", UnComplete: "Un-Complete", AnnualCCExpDate: "Annual CC Exp Date", ExpectedRunTime: "This process should run at or around {0}", InsertBillings_Desc: "The ability to insert new recurring billing items for clients.", EditRepDepartments_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Rep Departments and their pay rates.", RemoveSavedFilterDeny: "I\u0027m sorry, but you do not have permission to delete this saved filter.", WebsiteUrl: "Website URL", SessionConflictsToastText: "There were errors saving your sessions. Please see the Conflict Details.", PaymentRestriction_Desc: "Sorry, but this action cannot be performed when there are payments in your cart.", FutureUnbookedAppointmentWithSecondPersonSingular: "{0} need to schedule an Appointment with {1}", ViewClientAccounts_Desc: "View the Accounts section on Client Edit", RecurringBillingReportShortName: "Recurring Billing", NoSessionsRemaining: "The specified package for {0} does not have remaining sessions", NewMemberCRM: "New Member CRM", UnableToDowngrade_HomeClub: "Downgrades must be performed for the client\u0027s home club.", MessageFlowMinLength: "Consent description must be at least {0} characters", PromoCodeMembersOnly: "This promotion is only available to members.", AccountGrid: "Account Grid", AccountName: "Account Name", AccountCity: "Account City", IllegalAttemptToAccessAppointmentDetails: "Illegal attept to access an appointment\u0027s details!", AccountType: "Account Type", InventoryOrderWarning: "NOTE: Inventory orders are just for tracking the status of your inventory re-orders. Twin Oaks is not responsible for placing or fulfilling inventory orders.", AutoCheckOutMinutes: "Consider people as checked out after", SelectedColumns: "Selected Columns", PromoCodeCode: "Promo Code Code", QuickInsert_Desc: "Use the Quick Insert method for creating new clients.", PleaseEnterCCExpMonth: "Please enter month for the credit card expiration date", OngoingEnrollment: "Ongoing Enrollment", UnableToDeleteUsageTypeText: "You cannot delete a usage type that is in use.", Initial: "Initial", TrainersShown: "Trainers Shown", ConfirmRemoveOverrideBody: "Are you sure you want to remove the Override?", PrintPreview: "Print Preview", NoMatchingResubs: "There are no returns eligible for resubmittal that match your criteria.", OfferNotAvailableWrongDues: "This offer does not have an eligible dues amount", MonthlyDuesRevenue: "Monthly Dues Revenue", MailMergeBadHeader: "{0} {1} with Bad Email Address", OneTimeBillingGrid: "One Time Billing Grid", PleaseSelectAppointmentTypeToBook: "Please select what type of appointment you would like to book", Integer: "Integer", ValidFrom: "Valid From", ReportFilterFieldBalanceChanges: "The report tokens and filters for AR Balances have been simplified, however you can no longer display/filter both Personal and Responsible Balances at the same time.\r\n\r\nPlease check your filters before running the report.", GiftCard: "Gift Card", Invoice: "Invoice", OutsideCurrentCycle: "Outside Current Cycle", ReturnTrackingReportShortName: "Return Tracking", CategoryRequired: "Please select a Category", PackageSalesAnalysisReport_Desc: "Package Sales Analysis Report", GiftReload: "Gift Reload", ClientTypeTimeRestriction: "This client type is not allowed to use the club at this time.", CustomFieldsRequiredAlert: "Alert me if a client is missing required Custom Fields.", ReportScheduleSuccess: "Report Scheduled", ProblemStatusCode: "Problem Status Code", ClientPaymentsReport_Desc: "View and print your Client Payments.", RegisterACard: "Register a Card", ReceiptAndDrawerOptions: "Receipt and Drawer Options", VerificationEmailRequired: "The varification email address is required", NextBilling: "Next Billing", FilterByClient: "Filter By Client", DefaultContractAssignments: "Default Contract Assignments", EventRemovedGroupAccount: "A user removed an account assignment from a group of clients", ItemsAddedToJournalAlert: "{0} billing items have been added to begin on this specific billing date since you generated this file. It is recommended that you review these before you authorize the billing for processing.", AnyUseType: "Any Use Type", BusinessAcn: "Australia: Company Number from ASIC (ACN)", BusinessCbn: "Canada: Canadian Business Number (first 9 digits only)", BusinessCin: "India: Corporate Identity Number", BusinessEin: "USA: Employer Identification Number (EIN)", BusinessVat: "Estonia: VAT Number", EnsureInAccordanceWithRegulation: "*Please ensure that this is in accordance with your state and local regulations.", POSRegisterInstructions: "If you need Point of Sale functionality please close Twin Oaks Advantage Suite and open the program using the Launching Application. If you do not have a launching application, please contact Twin Oaks Technical Support at 800-829-2339 to get set up!", NetDueToFrom: "Net Due To/From", NotInterestedInFeatureTooltip: "You will not see this notification again, and Twin Oaks will not notify you of similar features.", EndTimeRequired: "Please enter an End Time.", ClientNumsign: "Client #", OnlineJoinDuplicateCheckOverride: "Allow for client override", ConfigureHardDeclineReasons: "Configure Hard Decline Reason", StatementGenerationConfirmation: "Your statements are being generated by Twin Oaks.", ViewAppointmentsInCheckIn_Desc: "View Appointments In Check In", RegisterUnder: "Register Under", HideDailyTotals: "Hide the daily totals", BillingsAddedSuccess: "Your billings have been added to the journal.", EditRepDepartmentsAndRates: "Edit Rep Departments and Rates", InHouseCharges: "In-House Charges", IncludeUnPostedSales: "Include Un-Posted Sales", BalancePayment: "Balance Payment", EditFromAddress: "Edit From Address", TerminalNumber: "Terminal Number", ComputerSettingsSaved: "Computer Settings Saved for Computer {0}!", StandardAndPackageItems: "Standard and Package Items", PIFDuesAdded: "PIF Dues Added", DateMomentTodayWithTime: "[Today], MMMM D LT", IgnoreAnnualReturns: "Ignore Returns for Annual Billing", EnableVariableBilling: "Enable Variable Billing", TaxableCodeSelected: "Taxable Code Selected", FacebookPixelID: "Facebook Pixel ID", CreditCardExpirationReport_Desc: "View and print a report of all Credit Card Expirations.", TermTotalSessions: "Term Total Sessions", CashBackNotAllowed: "Sorry, but cash back is not permitted on {0} transactions. Please lower the amount paid by {0}.", ProspectAgeFactorDescription: "How many active members are there in the prospect’s age bracket", WeeklyTotal: "Weekly Total", UnsubscribeTransactionalAfter: ".", DiscoverCredits: "Discover Credits", LastMonth: "Last Month", ClassRoster: "Class Roster", KeepAnnualScheduleTransfer: "Maintain Annual Fee Day/Month on Transfer", RedemptionRemoved: "The redemption has been removed.", DeleteCustomReportQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this report?", EmailAddressesReport_Desc: "View and print your Email Addresses Report.", ClientFirstName: "Client First Name", UploadedDate: "Uploaded Date", Filters: "Filters", ShiftOpened: "Shift Opened", FamilyMembersCellPhoneInvalid: "Please enter a valid cell phone number for this family member", OnlineRequestReminderHeaderSingle: "You have an online request to post!", ExcludeSessionValue: "Exclude Session Value", ItemsPerSale: "Items Per Sale", ProrateCodeInUseError: "The selected Prorate Code is already being used by another Charge Code", PrepaidBillingsAlert: "Some of the billings in this journal have been prepaid. Please re-create the journal before authorizing.", GroupByTrainer: "Group By Trainer", BypassARBalanceAlert: "Bypass AR Balance Alert", TotalPrepaidLiability: "Total Pre-Paid Liability", FixedDate: "Fixed", AddToCartFail: "Unable to add item to cart", FreezesSlashCancels: "Freezes / Cancels", InvalidRepIDEntry: "Invalid Rep ID Entry", NoAccountsMessage: "This client does not have any accounts on file. Click the \u0027Add Account\u0027 link above to add an account.", SemiAnnually: "Semi-Annually", ClientHasRPRenewOrBranch: "Only the Responsible Party is allowed to renew your memberships within the group. Do you wish to start an individual membership outside this group for this client?", LocationsThatCanExplanation: "This is the list of all locations in which classes of this appointment type are are allowed to occur. You may select multiple Locations by clicking on them and then clicking the Select Locations button.", GroupByFormatted: "Group By {0}", ShowDetail: "Show Detail", MachineSettingsSelection: "Machine Settings Selection", UseInventory: "Use Inventory", Turnstile: "Turnstile", OptInKeywordsPlaceholder: "Example: START, YES, UNSTOP", EnterCCVerificationForSafetyText: "For your safety and security, we require that you enter your card verification number. The verification number is a 3 or 4-digit number printed on your card.", ReportScheduleFail: "Unable to Schedule Report", ViewARHistoryInCheckIn_Desc: "View AR History In CheckIn", ClubClosedDays: "Club Closed Days", YouCurrentlyHaveNoRecurringBilling: "You currently have no recurring billing.", CreditCardsInData: "Credit card numbers were detected in the existing data.", PrepayBillingCancelAccepted: "You have committed to issuing a refund manually", PleaseSelectAClient: "Please Select a Client", LeaderHomePhone: "Leader Home Phone", EditClientMarketing_Desc: "Edit clients marketing info such as survey answers or areas of interest.", ProrateTrackingCode: "Pro-Rate Tracking Charge Code", SubTotal: "Sub Total", MarketingReport: "Marketing Report", GiftCardNumber: "Gift Card Number", LoadFiltersForX: "Load Filters - {0}", NoRepsFoundWithRight: "Your search did not match any Reps with the \"{0}\" right at Club {1}.", MobileQrOptInExplained: "Include a document with the QR Code.", StepBreakdownByClient: "Clients in Step: {0}", TwilioIncomingOne: "There is 1 unread text message.", RememberMe: "Remember me", GovernmentIdInUseAtOtherClub: "This Government ID is already in use at another location.", SampleMessageMinLength: "Sample message must be at least {0} characters", BillingAmountRangeExplained: "When not set to 0, the Minimum and Maximum amount is used to alert you if any dollar amounts are outside of the range. Any records outside of the range will show on the Problem Report.", Reservations: "Reservations", AddSessionsInCartSingular: "Add an additional {0} session of {1} to the cart", ShiftLength: "Shift Length", HoursAdded: "Hours Added", AutomatedTransactions: "Automated Transactions", LastUsage: "Last Usage", ClientsOrGroups: "Clients/Groups", ClassAddConfirmation: "{0} has been enrolled in the class", MarginAvgCostDefinition: "The Total Cost divided by MTD Units", NoTrainersInAppointment: "There are no trainers booked in this appointment.", Electronic: "Electronic", MonthsCount: "{0} Months", ExportJournal: "Export Journal", MoreInfo: "More Info", SearchForAmenity: "Search for Amenity", ClosedMemberStatusReportShortName: "Closed Member Status", Potential: "Potential", PosBillingDeclinePrompt: "Chose to not add recurring billing on package sale", FinishReversal: "Finish Reversal", ExcludeOpenShifts: "Exclude Open Shifts", OptInType: "Opt-In Type", GeneralLedgerAccountAbbr: "GL Account", ClientPaymentsReportSummary: "This report will display any payment that was made in the software. The default settings will only display On-Account Payments, but payments for Item Sales, EFT Transactions, Manual Transactions, Automated Transactions, and Waived Service Fees can also be included.", PrepayBillingEndWarning_Other: "Billing item is currently prepaid for {0} more billing periods. If you end this billing item, you must issue the following refunds for the unused pre-payment:", NoClientTypes: "There are no client types configured.", UnableToAddUsageTypesPF: "Addition of Usage Types must be approved by Planet Fitness Corporate, and then can only be added by Twin Oaks.", OldEndDate: "Old End Date", EnterGiftCard: "Enter a Gift Card", CreditCardInvalid: "The credit card number is not valid", OldEndTime: "Old End Time", AddAllowedMachine: "Add Computer Access", ValueWithColonAndValue: "Value: {0}", QuarterlyPaymentStarting: "Quarterly Starting {0}", AddAllowedAppointmentType: "Add Allowed Appointment Type", ManualApplyServiceFeeExplained: "Will apply Service Fee Amount configured in Accounting Settings", UseCaseApprovalRequired: "This use case requires an additional carrier review", TransactionStatus: "Transaction Status", StageAvailableForEditing: "{0} are available for editing.", ProspectTypeFactorDescription: "How many other prospects of this type have become members", SharedAccountsAreAffected: "Warning! Shared Accounts are affected.", BankSelect: "Bank Select", DiscReceiptTotal: "DISCOVER.............{0,10}", CompareBillingFiles: "Compare Billing Files", BrandPhoneHint: "Please provide a mobile number that you have access to in order to confirm OTP verification. Only US/Canadian numbers will be accepted. You may not use a CPaaS phone number. You cannot use the same mobile number to register more than 3 Sole Proprietor brands. This limit is managed at the TCR level.", UnableToAddClientTypesFormatted: "Addition of Client Types must be approved by {0}, and then can only be added by Twin Oaks.", FileAlreadySentMessage: "A file was already authorized for this club/date. You can view it under \u0027Journals\u0027.", AutoAuthEmailSemiAnnualSubject: "{0:m} - Semi-Annual Billing Journal Auto-Authorization", ClearCancelationQuestion: "Clear Cancelation?", RenewalsInClub: "Renewals In Club", LanguageRequired: "Please select a Language", UnableToChangeQuantity_Desc: "The Quantity cannot be changed for this type of item.", ClosedMemberStatusReport: "Closed Member Status Report", EditClientCRM_Desc: "Edit the CRM tab on Client Edit", ShiftRepName: "Shift Rep Name", SalesBreakdown: "Sales Breakdown", EditChargeCode: "Edit Charge Code", DetecnoLicense: "License", RelativeChangedWarningDetail: "Scheduled reports used to evaluate relative date fitlers as of 11:59 PM on the day before the report was scheduled to run. Now the relative date filters will be evaluated as of the user specified run time on the day the report was scheduled to run.", Documents: "Documents", Abbreviation: "Abbreviation", WrongPackageLength: "{0} cannot use that package for {1} of this length.", PackageSalesReportByPackageSalesRep_Desc: "View and print a report of Package Sales By Package Sales Rep with Assessment Information", CloseFromToRequired: "When not All Day, either a From or To is required", PleaseEnterEmergencyPhone: "Please enter your emergency phone", NewDescription: "New Description", ClosedReason: "Closed Reason", GiftCardNotAllowedError: "We\u0027re sorry, but that Gift Card cannot be used at this location.", OfficeCreditLiabilityCode: "Office Credit Liability Code", AchievementClassTypeComplete: "Earned when a client completes {0} {1} time(s).", OfferContainsExpPackages: "Offer Contains Expired/Deleted Package(s)", ClientsToBeRenewed: "Clients to be Renewed", RegisteredFilter: "Registered: {0}", ViewMatches: "View Matches", ImageContractText: "All elements from your contract cannot be converted. Would you like to continue?", NonProfitCorporation: "Non-profit Corporation", SelectOneExercisePerSection: "Please select at least one exercise per-section", PendingFreeze: "Pending Freeze", FirstBillingDate: "First Billing Date", MarketingSource: "Marketing Source", OneTimePaymentsCCExpired: "The credit card for the one-time payment is expired", AreYouSureCancelMembershipRequest: "Are you sure you would like to submit a request to have your membership canceled?", DeferredRevenuesReport: "Deferred Revenues Report", BusinessTypeRequired: "Please select a Business Type", ConfirmGiftPickupText: "For your protection, please click \"Confirm\" once you have successfully printed your gift card.", YouHaveNoScheduledBillings: "You have no scheduled billings.", VoidedTransactions: "Voided Transactions", EndDateBeforeBillDate: "The end date must be after the billing date.", FilterStatusFilter: "File Status: {0}", PleaseEnterValidGovernmentID: "Please enter a valid Government ID", AccountUpdateSuccess: "Successfully updated Account", BiWeeklyPaymentStarting: "Bi-Weekly Starting {0}", OnlineAccRegistration_EnterCode: "Thanks for registering your online account. Please enter this code when prompted: {0}\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ePlease be aware that this code will expire within 10 minutes.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e", CannotChangeBecauseDiscount: "You are not allowed to modify a charge that has been discounted.", Hospitality: "Hospitality", GroupTypes: "Group Types", CampaignDescriptionHelp: "This should be a fairly detailed description of what purpose this campaign serves. This description should align with but expand upon the use case you selected above. The description should provide an explanation of the campaign’s objective or purpose: who the sender is, who the recipient is, and why messages are being sent to the intended recipient.", ErrorRedeemingReward: "Sorry, but there was a problem redeeming your reward.", UnableToPrintRedemptionReceipt: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to print the redemption receipt at this time", SharedFor: "Shared For", EditCustomFields: "Edit Custom Fields", ShortName: "Short Name", ArchiveGroupLeaderPrompt: "This Client is the Group Leader for the {0} group. In order to archive them you must either archive all members of the group, or disband the group.", PleaseEnterZipForTheRecurriingPayments: "Please enter a zip/postal code for the recurring payments.", NoReturnsMessage: "No returns were found that match your criteria.", FreezeChargeCode: "Freeze Charge Code", InvalidReportParameter: "One or more of the report parameters is invalid.", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersEmailAddress: "Please enter this family member\u0027s e-mail address", EventRemovedRedemption: "A user removed a package redemption.", YourOnlineJoinRequest: "Your Online Join Request", SelectAction: "Select Action", ConfirmDeleteSavedFilterAfter: "report filter?", LeaderStreet2: "Leader Street 2", AddOnMembersDefinition: "The total number of clients who have a Responsible Party", BillingItemSummaryFull: "Bills {0} on the {1} starting {2}", BillingItemSummaryCart: "Bills {0} on the {1} starting {2} for {3}", UnableToLoadDrawerHeader: "Unable to Load Amounts", NoMethodSelected: "No Method Selected", MemberTypePrompt: "Please select a Member Type...", RevolutionDay: "", EditReminders_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Basic and System Reminders", AutoReviewContracts: "Automatically mark contracts as reviewed", Message2: "Message 2", Message1: "Message 1", ClientJoinRenewDate: "Client Join/Renewal Date", NotInterestedInFeature: "I am not interested in this feature", GetTransactionsError: "Unable to get Transactions", EmailAnalyticsReportShortName: "Email Analytics", LoadFilters: "Load Filters", SalesPlan: "Sales Plan", RepRightDisabled_all: "You do not currently have this right. You can only grant rights you hold, or you must be granted the Manage Rep Security right.", AmountAlertSettingsTooltip: "The minimum and maximum dues amounts are used to alert you on the Problem Report of any amounts out of this range. You can set these up in Configuration - Settings - billing Settings - Bill Days. Any freezes or Variable Billing records falling outside this range will not be a problem.", OnlyIncludeClientsWithCustomField: "Only include Clients with this Custom Field", RoyalThemeName: "Royal", OfferNotAvailableExpiredPackages: "This offer includes expired packages", IncludeSubClientsFormatted: "{0} Sub-Clients if they match the filter criteria (independent of their group leader)", ManageEftReconciliation: "Manage EFT Reconciliation", DayOfMonth: "Day of Month", SkipThisAppointment: "Skip this Appointment", EnrollFingerprints_Desc: "The ability to scan and update Client\u0027s fingerprints.", CancelDateOption: "Cancel Date Option", UseAnExistingAddress: "Use an existing address", Duration: "Duration", NoClassesMessage: "There are not classes set up for this location", AverageCostPerUnit: "Avg Cost per Unit", YourNextPaymentOf: "Your next payment of", LogoLink: "Redirect address for when the logo is clicked.", LeaderPrimaryPhone: "Leader Primary Phone", CreateAccountFormNotYetImplemented: "Create Account Form Not Yet Implemented...", ProspectSignup: "Prospect Signup", NoSurveyAnswersMessage: "There are no survey answers that match your search criteria.", NotAllAppointmentsUpdated: "Not all of the selected appointments could be updated to {0}.", ProcessTypeRequired: "Please select the type of process you would like to schedule", ArchiveWarningHeader: "Once archived these client will not show on most reports or searches.", TourSaved: "Tour Saved", AllowAmericanExpress: "Allow American Express", ShowedExpiredPIFS: "Show Expired PIFs", AddClientType: "Add Client Type", OpenedPercent: "Opened %", EventLookedUpAccountNumber: "Used Account Number Lookup to find a client.", IncludedInDuesExplained: "Select this so that the recurring billing item is marked as being part of the Dues. This is strictly for reporting purposes.", LeaderOfActiveGroup: "Leader of an Active Group", AdjustMembershipBreakdown: "Adjust Membership Breakdown", WhatAreChallenges: "Challenges are a time-limited set of actions clients can take to complete the challenge. These are a fun and simple way to increase client engagement or to drive traffic to profit centers. Completed challenges will show up in the client\u0027s trophy case in the Client App.", EnterExpDateFormat: "Please enter the Expiration Date in mmyy format.", TotalSalesDeposit: "Total Sales Deposit", TotalCollectedSummary: "Total Collected Summary", AddTimeRestriction: "Add Time Restriction", RenewalsOnline: "Renewals Online", WaitlistDeclineFooter: "Please note, if you decide to Decline, you will be removed from the wait list and will no longer receive emails.", ScheduledAppointmentWithAnySingular: "{0} scheduled an Appointment with {1}", MinAmountOnItems: "Only consider applicable items when confirming minimum has been reached", NoGroupMembersMessage: "This client does not have any group members. Click the \u0027Add Group Member\u0027 link above to add a new group member.", GiftNumsign: "Gift #", EdashmailAddress: "E-mail Address", ClearCancelationOnEdit: "Clear Cancelation On Edit", TwinOaksResubsApprovedTransactions: "TWIN OAKS Resubs Approved Transactions", SocialMedia: "Social Media", LatinAmerica: "Latin America", RemoteDoor: "Remote Door Scanner Enabled", QuickBooksExtract: "QuickBooks® Extract", ErrorSavingRepReminder: "There was a problem saving your Reminder Settings. Please try again, or contact Twin Oaks Tech Support for assistance.", LockerNumSign: "Locker #", CloudTransferInProgressError: "There is currently a cloud file transfer in progress. Please wait until all transfers are complete before changing cloud provider settings.", InactiveAsOfToday_Other: "Inactive as of Today", AssessmentAppDateRange: "Assessment Appointment Between", NotEnoughToFinance: "In order to finance, you must have a total of at least $300 of financeable items in your cart.", TemplatesEmpty: "No Templates have been created for this Account", ArchivedStatus: "Archived Status", EditTransaction: "Edit Transaction", MinAmountLessThanMaxAmount: "The Minimum Amount cannot be greater than the Maximum Amount", WaitingForSwipe: "Waiting for you to swipe the credit card", EditInsertWizard: "Edit Insert Wizard", YourCartIsCurrentlyEmpty: "Your cart is currently empty", InventoryOrder: "Inventory Order", AllTransactionDates: "All Transaction Dates", EventManagerAuthorization: "Used the credentials from another user to perform an action.", JoinedDate: "Joined Date", HeadCount: "Head Count", RetentionStats: "Retention / Attrition Statistics", PerDayExplained: "Since midnight Today", Estimated: "Estimated", ConfirmCustomInsecure: "This custom field will no longer be stored securely. The process to convert existing client values may take a few minutes. During that time, you will be unable to use or edit this field. Are you sure you want to continue?", ActiveBillingGrid: "Active Billing Grid", GoalsSummaryWidget_Desc: "A bar graph that shows a summary of all reps progress towards their goals.", AccountCreditNoReimbursment: "You cannot refund a Credit Balance Refund as an Account Credit.", IncludeDeletedUseTypes: "Include Deleted Use Types", FromEmailAlreadyExists: "This email address has already been verified at a club for which you do not have EditClubs permission", ReceiptConfirmBoth: "Yes Print \u0026 Email", StockExchangeRequired: "Please select a Stock Exchange", AppointmentChanged: "Appointment Changed", SaveAsPDF: "Save as PDF", SaveAsNew: "Save as New", History: "History", UndoComplete_Desc: "The ability to change the status of an booking that has been completed.", ViewClientCRM: "View Client CRM", GiftsReportShortName: "Gifts", GeneralLedgerAccount: "GL Account", GeneralLedgerJournalReport: "GL Journal Report", SelectTransaction: "Please select a transaction to continue.", BillingFileNotPosted: "The billing file is not yet posted.", CanPayAtLocationOnEnrollmentFailure: "Allow the option to pay at the club when the initial payment fails.", CurrentCycleActivity: "Current Cycle Activity", BillingChangeEffectiveDateExplained: "A new billing item with this new amount will be created and set to start billing on the selected Effective Date. The original billing will be ended.", PerVisitRemainingAlertOne: "Per-Visit Client - Only 1 session is remaining", Confirmed: "Confirmed", FutureSessionCancelClient: "Canceling this client may cancel some future appointments for this client. To see which appointments remain scheduled please run the Scheduled Sessions Report.", AnniversaryDaysAgo: "The client\u0027s Anniversary Date was {0} days ago.", UsageByTimeReportShortName: "Usage By Time", Conflicts: "Conflicts", Headline: "Headline", ClubRequired: "Please select the Club", SelectGender: "Select Gender", GiftCardReadyForPrinting: "Your gift card is ready for printing.", ExportFirstFilterChange: "You must run the export again after changing filters.", PhoneNumberRequireAccount: "You must have an Account before you can manage Phone Numbers", BestDayClicked: "Best Day Clicked", XWinsOther: "{0} Wins", SemiAnnualJournal: "Semi-Annual Billing", EditSurveys: "Edit Surveys", PaymentType: "Payment Type", PaymentName: "Payment Name", PaymentDate: "Payment Date", PostReturnsProcess: "Post All Returns", PaymentClub: "Payment Club", SharingPasswordsIsBad: "Please be aware that you should never share your user name or password with anyone. Twin Oaks will never ask you for your user name or password.", RefundChargesRequired: "In order to issue a refund, you must enter charges totaling the refund amount.", CopyUrlToClipboard: "Copy URL to clipboard", MissingInformation: "Missing Information", ViewOffersByTag: "View Offers by Tag", EditClientMarketing: "Edit Client Marketing", RelativeToToday: "Relative to Today", ClockedOutBefore: "Clocked Out Before", NoChargeCodesForSalesCategoryOne: "There are no Charges Codes in the selected Sales Category", GenericSale: "Generic Sale", SalesPlanWidget: "Sales Plan Widget", GiftCardNumberWithColonAndValue: "Card Number: {0:0000}{1}", PrintSettlementReport: "Print CC Settlement Report", ErrorProcessingPaymentMessage: "We\u0027re sorry, but there was an error processing the payment. Please try again later.", AutoPrintReceiptField: "Automatically print receipt during automatic completion", TimeRestrictionsEndTimeBeforeStartTime: "The To Time cannot be before or equal to the From Time. If you\u0027re trying to span midnight, have this record go to 11:59:59pm, then add another Time Restriction from midnight that will apply to the next day.", SessionExpiredTryAgainText: "We\u0027re sorry, but it looks like your session has expired. Please reload this page and try again.", YourPrimaryLocation: "your primary location", NoPrimeTimeAllowed: "No Prime Time Allowed", MissingCustomFieldData: "Missing Custom Field Data", TwoFactorAuthentication: "Two-Factor Authentication", MarkAsCancelPenalize: "Mark as Cancel Penalized", CannotBeModifiedAtClub: "This setting may not be modified at the club. Please call Twin Oaks Technical Support for assistance.", ConfirmDeactivation: "Confirm Deactivation", EventChangedMonthlySettings: "A user changed Monthly Scheduled Process Settings", SingleItemFreeze: "Single Item Freeze", OldValue: "Old Value", GroupResponsibilities: "Group Responsibilities", BrandRegistration: "Brand Registration", ViewFullAccountNumber: "View Full Account Number", DeleteUsage: "Delete Usage", RequiredFrenchCustomText: "This field is required for French: {0}", Computers: "Computers", Computing: "Computing", SelectFeesToWaive: "Select Fees To Waive", TerminalNumberRequired: "Terminal Number is required", EditDocumentCategory: "Edit Document Category", AllCreditCards: "All Credit Cards", EmailAnalyticsReport: "Email Analytics Report", IncompleteTransaction: "Incomplete Transaction", JoinWaitList: "Join Wait List", SignContracts_Desc: "Sign contracts for clients.", ClubCollectedFutureBillings: "Club Collected Future Billings", GovernmentPersonId: "Government ID", PrintSummaryOnly: "Print Summary Only", LockedPriceOnly: "Locked Price Only", GoogleTrackingLink: "Google Tracking Link", AppointmentAddConfirmation: "{0} has been added to the appointment", PreviousBalance: "Previous Balance", WeekStartDate: "Week Start Date", BrowseCurrent: "Browse Current", SavedAmount: "Saved Amount", Workouts: "Workouts", CannotFreezeFinancedPackageBilling: "Freezing this transaction is not permitted. Doing so would result in the club not receiving all the funds which are due for a package which was already issued. Once frozen, there is no method to manually enter a replacement transaction to properly recover and track those funds to the package in question.", SelectLocations: "Select Locations", BuyPhysicalGift: "Buy a Gift Card", TransferIn: "Transfer In", ClientCanceledAsOf: "This client will be canceled as of {0}{1}", ClientProfileReport_Desc: "View and print the Client Profile Report", GeneralLedgerJournalReportShortName: "GL Journal", ShowUpgradeOptionOn: "Show Upgrade Option On", Address2: "Address 2", CityRequired: "Please enter City", Recipients: "Recipients", RelativeDate: "Relative", TransactionVoided: "Transaction Voided", AccountNotifications: "Account Notifications", RepSalesSummaryReport: "Rep Sales Summary Report", DuplicateEmailNoAccount: "You already have an account record at {0}. Please click {1} to register for your account.", FeeScheduleOverlap: "The date range overlaps with another range on this Fee Schedule.", ClientContactInfoHeader: "Client Name / Primary Phone / Email", UserNameNotAvailable: "Sorry, this username is not available", FilterSelection: "Filter Selection", EditBillingFreezes: "Edit Billing Freezes", CancelDateInPast: "The Cancelation Date cannot be in the past.", OfficeCreditExpenseCode: "Office Credit Expense Code", UnsubscribeMarketingAfter: ".", CustomUtility: "Custom {0} Utility", NoMidnightReports: "You cannot schedule a Report to run at midnight", NotEnoughForFinancePackage: "Only one Package item may be financed. Any other remaining items cannot be paid for using \"Financed Packages\".", TemplateDeleteConfirmation: "The Template has been deleted", UserPassword: "User Password", DeferredRevenuesByMonthReportSubtext: "This report lists all pre-paid clients and calculates their pre-paid liability remaining. The liability is reported for each across each month in the twelve month fiscal year specified. This report may output Paid in Full clients and Non-Member clients. Only clients of those billing types with an expiration date entered will be included.", ExportWithAccountInfo: "Export with Account Info", TaxRateExplained: "This rate will apply to all charge codes with this Tax Rate selected in Charge Code configuration. Any updates made to this tax rate setting will be applied to future transactions using the assigned charge code.", InvalidBillCode: "Invalid Bill Code", EditAccountTypeUses: "Edit Account Type Uses", TrainersThatCanInstructThisClass: "Trainers who can instruct this class", NetworkLocation: "Network Location", IncludeAll: "Include All", CloseYourBrowser: "Please close your browser.", PerMonthExplained: "Based on the \u0027My Month Begins On\u0027 setting in Accounting Settings", AddFunds: "Add Funds", HasntUsedInDays: "This client hasn\u0027t used the club in {0} days", AddEmail: "Add Email", DelinquentClientsWithBillingReturnsReport_Desc: "View and print a report showing your clients who have a returned billing and have a balance", AllTrainers: "All Trainers", TowelTrackerAmenity: "Towel Tracker Amenity", GrandReceiptTotal: "TOTAL................{0,10}", NoParticipantsLimit: "No Participants Limit", UnpostedTransactions: "Un-Posted Transactions", CannotArchive_Shared: "The process cannot be completed because this client has shared accounts being used by the following clients", ViewAccountNumbers_Desc: "View a Club\u0027s Full Account Numbers", AddAlert: "Add Alert", BillingChargeCodeDescription: "Billing Charge Code Description", MembershipAlreadyHasOnlineAccount: "Your membership already has an online account. If you\u0027ve forgotten your user name or password please contact your membership\u0027s primary location for more information.", OptInKeywords: "Opt-in Keywords", AmountInvalid: "Please enter a valid Amount.", Completed: "Completed", Deactivate: "Deactivate", CountInvoicesAsReturned: "Count unpaid part of dues Recurring Invoice billings as returns", AddGroup: "Add Group", CallToEnableFeature1: "Thank you for your interest in exploring our advanced features! We noticed that you attempted to use a specific feature that requires activation. To fully enjoy this feature and its capabilities, we kindly ask you to get in touch with our dedicated Sales Department.", CallToEnableFeature3: "Please feel free to reach out to our Sales Department at or call us directly at (860) 829-6000. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we\u0027re committed to ensuring you have the best experience with our product.", CallToEnableFeature2: "Our knowledgeable sales team will be delighted to assist you in enabling the feature and providing you with all the information you need. They can guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have.", AppointmentMinAgeConflict: "{0} is not old enough to book this appointment.", HelpKeywords: "Help Keywords", PaymentTotal: "Payment Total", ConfirmPassword: "Confirm Password", FileTotalAmount: "{0:c} File Total", BillingDay_FrequencyHeader: "Billing Day / Frequency", FeatureNotEnabled: "Feature Not Enabled", AddClass: "Add Class", AddCheck: "Add a Check", ConfirmRemoveSessionsContent: "Are you sure you wish to remove {0} {1} of {2}?", SystemReminders: "System Reminders", EventExpiredPackage: "A user expired a package", CollChangeReminderHeaderMultiple: "You have {0} account changes to post!", PrintMergeQueued: "Your Merge has been queued for printing and will begin shortly. Navigating away from this page will not affect the printing process.", AddHours: "Add Hours", OldClient: "Old Client", OrderReceipt: "Order Receipt", UpdateAlert: "Update Alert", AddOffer: "Add Offer", MexicoTaxIdRequired: "Please enter a Taxpayer Identification Number", BalanceForward: "Balance Forward", BodyRequired: "Please enter a message body", EditClientDocuments_Desc: "Upload Documents on Client Edit", InsufficientChargeLimit_Desc: "Sorry, but the Charge To Account amount exceeds the client\u0027s charging limit.", AddValue: "Add Value", AddVideo: "Add Video", BrowseAllInvoices: "Browse all Invoices", AddUsage: "Add Usage", ChangeGiftClientExplained: "Select a new client to transfer ownership of this Gift. If this is an E-Gift a new Number and PIN will be generated. The balance and transaction history will be transferred with the card, but any earned rewards and points will stay on the current owner.", Howlong: "How long", Exercises: "Exercises", ClickPercent: "Click %", ProcessTypePrompt: "Select the type of process you would like to schedule", AccountNameMax: "The Account Name cannot be longer than 64 characters.", AchievementClassType: "Earned when a client enrolls in {0} {1} time(s).", EnableBreakdownAdjustments: "Enable Adjustments on the Membership Breakdown", WorkoutLoadInformation: "Workouts created in your Library (Office Tab) can be loaded and customized to create the perfect client workout.", CheckedFirst: "Checked First", RunLater: "Run Later", ReissueGiftTypeOptions: "Would you like to issue a new Physical Gift Card, or would you like the system to automatically issue and re-send an E-Gift?", Assigned: "Assigned", CreatedByRepUsername: "Created By Rep Username", NotAuthorizedViewAccount: "I\u0027m sorry, but you do not have rights to view full account numbers for this club.", ReportXForDay: "Scheduled Report - {0} for {1:d}", CancelGroupLeaderPrompt2: "This Client is the Group Leader for the {0} group. In order to cancel them you must disband the group (Some sub-members in this group cannot be canceled because they are either the leader of other groups or sharing accounts with other groups).", ReceiptInvoiceRange: "Invoices: {0:00000000} - {1:00000000}", NoAlternateTimeAvailable: "No Alternate Times Available", ScheduledReportDescriptor: "{0} Scheduled Report", YearsInPast: "Years in the Past", WorkoutLibrary: "Workout Library", NotFinalizedWontPost: "Note: Any Non-Finalized transactions will not be posted. These will need to be reviewed and resolved or voided before they can be posted.", ProblemUpdatingAccountInfoText: "Sorry there was a problem updating your account information.", PageBreakAfterGroup: "Page Break After Group", EventInsertedUsage: "Manually Inserted a new Usage Record.", CheckingOrSavings: "Checking/Savings", TemplateHasInvalidToken_Other: "This template contains invalid tokens", RedemptionVerification: "Client Redemption Verification", AddStaff: "Add Staff", EventDetails: "Event Details", EmailGreetingFormal: "Dear {0} {1},", AddShift: "Add Shift", SkipAppointment: "Skip Appointment", MemberFactors: "Member Factors", PipelineClosed: "Pipeline Closed", ClosedMemberStatusReport_Desc: "View and print the Closed Member Status Report", SemiYearly: "Semi Yearly", NotInEditableState: "This transaction is not in an editable state.", MembershipFreezeStartDate: "Membership Freeze Start Date", ClassLowSpotsLeft: "Only {0} spots left", EventInvalidLogin: "A user attempted to access the system, but failed authentication", CancelReasonCode: "Cancel Reason Code", AllowCrossClubGroupsText: "Allow members to join a group at secondary club that is different from where the primary member joined", ClientClassConfirmationSubject: "Class Enrollment Confirmation", VerificationLinkInvalid: "The verification link is invalid. Please try again.", EffectiveFrom: "Effective From", EffectiveDate: "Effective Date", TwilioPhonePendingOne: "1 of your Phone Numbers is pending verification", ZipMergeExplained: "Anything that uses {0} will now use {1}. You will no longer see any references to {0} in the software. This process cannot be undone.", Professional: "Professional", EditLocationGroup: "Edit Location Group", EditTaxes: "Edit Taxes", InvalidSqlDate: "Please enter a valid {0}.", SecondPersonPossessiveAdjective: "Second Person Possessive Adjective", Inventory: "Inventory", EditUsage: "Edit Usage", MultipleClientTypes: "Multiple Client Types", EditRules: "Edit Rules", MissingRight: "Sorry, but you do not have the rights to {0}.", CurrentBalancePersonal: "Current Balance (Personal)", IsBlackCard: "Is Black Card", AsOfClientStatusExplained: "Running this report for a date other than the default date may result in inaccurate results since the current state of a client might be different than what state they were in on a prior date (i.e. they could have been active and are now canceled, they could have not joined yet and now are a new join, etc.)", XOrMoreUsesFormatted: "{0} or More Uses", ReceiptFooter: "Receipt Footer", TheScheduledProcess: "the scheduled process", CountedBy: "Counted By", ClientSurveyAnswersReportSummary: "This report breaks down client responses to survey questions", LiveStream: "Live Stream", AddNewPackage: "Add New Package", FeatureMissingVitalComponent: "The FeatureFilter is missing a vital component", Location: "Location", UnableToVerifyAddress: "Unable to Verify Address", NoCompleteForERExplanation: "If a client has the ER (EFT Resubmit) status code you will be unable to mark appointments or classes as completed. You will need the Override Appointment Completion Restrictions Rep Right to bypass this. For any Appointment Types that allow Auto completion on check in, this setting will not be honored while auto completing.", ClientsWithValidEmails: "Clients with Valid Emails", SalesCategoryName: "Sales Category Name", SalesCategoryCode: "Sales Category Code", EditPOSItem: "Edit a POS Item", ClientReferralsReport: "Client Referrals Report", ConfirmationFormatted: "Are you sure you want to {0} this {1}?", RecurringPaymentsCreditCardInvalid: "Please enter a valid credit card number for the recurring payments.", CancelInactiveBillingClients: "Cancel Inactive Billing Clients", ReservationScheduled: "Your Reservation has been scheduled.", ReceiptText_ExpDate: "EXP DATE:", OnOrBefore: "On or Before", PanamaUnitOfMeasureExplanation: "Unit of measure in the Panamanian Codification of Goods and Services", ContractLegalSettings: "Legal Text", ScheduledReportDeleted: "Scheduled Report Deleted", MemberAppointmentsFactorDescription: "How many appointments were attended in the last 60 days compared to other members", EditGiftSettings: "Edit Gift/Reward Settings", LockTerm: "Lock Term", CreditCardExpirationYear: "Credit Card Expiration Year", RecurringBillingItems: "Recurring Billing Items", PanamaTipoRuc1: "Natural", PanamaTipoRuc2: "Legal", RecurringBillingReport: "Recurring Billing Report", TooMuchInHouseCharge: "The amount entered to In-House charge exceeds the amount due", AttritionRiskReportSummary: "This report shows a breakdown of clients by their Attrition Risk Grade.", TourAddedDate: "The date on which the tour occurred", EnterOrScanBarcode: "Enter or Scan a Barcode", EditEmail: "Edit Email", FingerprintVerification: "Fingerprint Verification", FamilyMembersBirthdayInvalidMessage: "Please enter a valid birthday for this family member.", WaitlistExpirationHours: "Wait List Cutoff", EditBanks: "Edit Bank Information", AllDepartments: "All Departments", UserAgreement: "User Agreement", EditClubs: "Edit Clubs", AddOnClients: "Add-On Clients", PatriotThemeName: "Patriot", AllowClientToBook: "Allow Client to Book", AssignReps: "Assign Reps", AssignedTo: "Assigned To", PleaseEnterFamilyMembersCity: "Please enter this family member\u0027s city", OfferOnlyAvailableTo: "This offer is available only to", ClassWillLoseChanges: "This class session has unsaved changes that will be discarded if you continue.", MarkAsCompleted: "Mark as Completed", TwilioPhonePendingOther: "{0} of your Phone Numbers are pending verification", PackageSalesByChargeCode: "Package Sales By Charge Code Report", CustomView: "Custom View", CustomText: "Custom Text", OnlyEligible: "Only Eligible", CompleteEmailOnlineShoppingReceiptSecondPersonSingular: "You were emailed an Online Shopping Cart Receipt", EditSurveys_Desc: "Create questions and answers for the client survey.", ResumeSale: "Resume Sale", PastNDays: "The Past N Days", PleaseClickHereToReviewMembership: "Please \u003ca class=\"openContractLink\"\u003e{0}\u003c/a\u003e to review your membership details.", GroupContracts: "Group Contracts", CategoryName: "Category Name", ClientNotInJournal: "This client was not found in this EFT Journal.", EnrollNewFingerprint: "Enroll a new Fingerprint", PasswordRequired: "Please enter your Password", AssignLeaderAsRP: "For New Group Members, assign leader with Payment Responsibility for:", TextingFilterSaveSuccess: "Successfully saved filters", MassCancelExcludeONAC: "Do not cancel clients who have made an On-Account Payment in the Return time-frame.", KeepChanges: "Keep Changes", UserNameUnavailableText: "Sorry, but this user name is not available, please choose a different one.", AvailableOnline: "Available Online", AddTheseTrainers: "Add these Trainers", ReturnsReport_Desc: "View and print a report of all returns.", ClosingForFormatted: "Closing for {0}", GiveSearchPriorityTo: "In the search give priority to", PosVoidedTransactionReport: "Point of Sale Voided Transactions Report", PackagePricingDisplay: "{0} at {1} per session", Unaccounted: "Unaccounted", Multimedia: "Multimedia", InHouseCharge: "In House Charge", MaxParticipants: "Maximum Participants", AssignStatusOf: "Assign Status Of", OnlyCreditCardUsed: "Only Credit Card Used", AvailableUntil: "Available Until", NoClientsToComplete: "There are no Clients to mark as complete.", NoAvailableSessionsAlert: "Per-Visit Client - No Membership Package Sessions Available", ClientUpdateAlertSubject: "Confirmation of account changes", GroupTypeFilter: "Group Type: {0}", InsertPayment: "Insert Payment", EventRemovedEnrollment: "A user removed a client enrollment", BookingReminder: "Booking Reminder", NoMembershipHistories: "This client does not have any Membership Histories that match your search. Please try changing your search criteria.", CustomReportDescriptionRequired: "Report Description is required", CancellationRequestWarning: "If you did not submit this request, please contact {0}.", UnaccountedCode: "Unaccounted Code", EffectiveEnd: "Effective End", BiWeeklyAccountPaymentMethod: "Bi-Weekly Account Payment Method", CannotMassCheckIn: "There are no clients that can be checked in", FinancedReceiptTotal: "FINANCED.............{0,10}", ClientsCanCancelUpTo: "Clients can cancel up to", DefaultTerm: "Default Term", ErrorSavingAppointment: "Error Saving Appointment", PaysForFormatted: "Pays for {0} - {1} ({2})", DefaultSort: "Default Sort", BonusSeries: "Bonus a Series", RemovingTransaction: "Removing Transaction", ViewConnectedGroups: "View Connected Group", ScheduleMerge: "Schedule Merge", LastReturnReason: "Last Return Reason", DelayBillingStart: "Delay the start of billing", SessionCountSingular: "1 Session", EditAppointmentTypes_Desc: "Insert, Edit, or Delete Appointment Types", Generating: "Generating", AnnualDuesBilled: "Annual Dues Billed", SavedFilter: "Saved Filter", NotificationsRequireV2: "Online Notifications can only be used with the new Twin Oaks Advantage Member App. Reach out to your Twin Oaks Sales Associate (860.829.6000) to find out how to activate this new service.", RemoveTrainerConfirm: "Are you sure you want to remove {0} as a trainer for this appointment?", GroupCheckInToast_One: "{0} Client Checked In at {1}", MembershipFrozenFrom: "Membership Frozen From", ReminderName: "Reminder Name", SomeoneElse: "Someone Else", NewRatesEffectiveDates: "New rates should be effective on", ClearPastCancelations_Desc: "Allows user to clear past cancelations.", CurrentPasswordIncoreectOrNewPasswordInvalid: "The current password is incorrect or the new password is invalid.", SetCRMFactors_Desc: "Choose which CRM factors will be used in potential/risk assessment", AppointmentTypePackageLengthMismatch: "The following Packages do not apply to any of the Allowed Lengths of this Appointment Type:", Warning: "Warning", ErrorSavingJournal: "There was an error saving your Journal.", ViewClientCustomFields_Desc: "View the Custom Fields tab on Client Edit", FinancePackagesAllowed: "Financed Package Purchases Allowed", PrepayBillingEndConfirmation: "Do you with to proceed and End the billing of this item?", NoQuickInsertOffers: "There are no offers available at this club that are eligible for Quick Insert.", NotAllDay: "Not All Day", SelectForPIFDues: "Select this so that the item is included in the calculation for the client\u0027s Paid In Full Dues at sign-up.", UnableToDeleteStatusCode: "Unable to delete Status Code", CurpInvalid: "CURP Invalid", RemoveTrainer: "Remove Trainer", Reminder_ReturnToPost_Body: " {0}This can be done in the Billing section under Returns", AllPipelines: "All Pipelines", TodaysDate: "Today\u0027s date", BillingItemName: "Billing Item Name", RewardsEarningRulesFormatted: "Every {0} spent using enrolled gift cards earns {1} point(s).", AlreadyRedeemed: "{0} has already redeemed a package for the {1}.", ChargeCodeOrPackageRequired: "Please select a Charge Code or Package.", AgreeToPay_Line3: "(Merchant agreement if credit voucher).", AgreeToPay_Line2: "according to card issuer agreement", AgreeToPay_Line1: "I agree to pay the above total amount", EnableGiftCards: "Enable Gift Cards", OfficeCredit: "Office Credit", CannotReturnNoPayment: "Only posted payment transactions can be marked as returned", ARBalancesReportShortName: "AR Balances", Archiving: "Archiving...", ARBalanceWithPending: "AR Balance with Pending", ClientBillingStopped: "This client\u0027s billing has stopped", GiftCardNoFundsError: "We\u0027re sorry, but there are no funds remaining on that Gift Card.", PromoCodeNoValidItems: "This promotion cannot be applied to any of the items in your current sale.", ToReturnToMainPage: "to return to the main page.", AuthorizedRepresentative: "Authorized Representative", LockedInitationItemExplained: "This item is part of a membership agreement and cannot be modified.", ExpiredOn: "This client expired on {0:d}", POSSetup: "POS Setup", GenericError: "An error occurred performing the requested operation.", SalesPlanSelect: "Sales Plan Select", HoursBefore: "Hours Before", PurchaseAdditionalSessionsOf: "Purchase an additional {0} sessions of {1}", PurchaseAdditionalSessionOne: "Purchase an additional {0} session of {1}", Flexibility: "Flexibility", BankCorrectionChanges: "Bank Correction Changes", PaperFormOptInExplained: "An in-store visitor completes a physical form that collects their phone number and their consent to subscribe to your texting campaign.\r\n\r\nProvide the form. Can be a scanned copy.", SearchCustomFields: "Search Custom Fields", UnableToRemoveTrainer: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to remove the trainer at this time.", ReceivedInventory: "Received Inventory", BookingConfirmation: "Booking Confirmation", ManualReturnSetServiceFee: "Please configure a Service Fee Amount in Accounting/Settings or enter a separate Charge transaction in the amount of the desired Service Fee", AddOrEditMemoType: "Add or Edit Memo Type", OnlineBalancePayment: "Online Balance Payment", DelayBillingStartExplained: "This will take what would have been calculated as the billing start date, and add it to the number of billing cycles specified.", TaxRateNotMappedText: "Tax Rate not mapped correctly, missing TaxID:", InsertAccounts: "Insert Accounts", MembershipsToSell: "Memberships to Sell", FilterAfter: "on or after {0}", UseCreditCard: "Use Credit Card", ReorderInventorySubject: "Reorder Inventory", DropDownLength: "-Please Select a Length-", UnableToAdd: "Unable to Add", PleaseFillOutContractInfoText: "Please fill out the contract information:", Over90BalancePersonal: "Over 90 Balance (Personal)", AnniversaryToDate: "Anniversary To Date", BillingChargeCodeName: "Billing Charge Code Name", AmenityRequired: "Please select an Amenity", PostedToAccountsOn: "Posted to accounts on {0}.", EditSalesPlan_Desc: "Edit the Sales Plan.", MinFirstBillingAmount: "Minimum First Billing Amount", DiscountAmount: "Discount Amount", ConfirmOnlineAccCreation: "Confirm your online account creation", OffersWithEqualPartOfDues: "Only offers with an equal Part of Dues amount.", OnlineFreezes: "Online Freezes", FilterByGrp: "Filter by group", MessageContents: "Message Contents", XToYUsesFormatted: "{0} to {1} Uses", OpenCashDrawer_Desc: "Open the cash drawer from Point of Sale", LockersSettings: "Lockers Settings", TimeClockReport: "Time Clock Report", NoTransactionSelected: "No Transaction Selected", UnableToSaveChargeCode: "Unable to save the ChargeCode", NoLocationsForGroup: "There are no locations in this group.", InvalidAppointmentLength: "This type of {0} cannot be scheduled for this time frame", Miscellaneous: "Miscellaneous", UsageByTimeReportSubHeader: "This report shows club’s usage ordered by date and time", VerificationExpired: "Verification challenge expired", DaysUntilExpiration: "Days Until Expiration", UnsubscribeFromEmails: "Unsubscribe from emails", AllReports: "All", UseTheAreToProvideAdditionalInfo: "Use this area to provide additional information.", LastClosedFormatted: "Last Closed: {0}", OfferNotAvailableHasNotStartedPackages: "This offer includes packages that are not yet available for purchase", ConfirmCancelSharedAccounts: "This client has shared accounts in use for billing by the following clients: {0}Selecting YES will only cancel this client and will not remove the shared accounts for the listed clients. Select NO to abort the process. Would you like to proceed with the cancelation?", LookupPrivateInformation: "Lookup Private Protected Information", FirstSemiAnnualBillingAmount: "First Semi-Annual Billing Amount", ReportNameExists: "There already is a custom report with the same name", EditAppointmentPosRequirement: "This workstation is not setup for Point of Sale. If this appointment will require you to take payment, you must run the wizard from a POS workstation.", ReimbursementRequiresCreditBody: "I\u0027m sorry, but a reimbursement cannot be issued unless the Client has a credit balance.", PleaseSelectOneTimePaymentsBillingState: "Please select your billing state for the one-time payments", Electronics: "Electronics", FraudAlertMessaging: "Fraud Alert Messaging", ManualTransactions: "Manual Transactions", GenderBreakdown: "Gender Breakdown", ManageNoShows_Desc: "Access the No Show Browse.", VicePresident: "Vice President", ShowOnline: "Show Online", InvalidPackageLengthMessage: "The package you have selected does not match any of the lengths you have set up for this Appointment Type. Would you like to add the length of {0} minutes to this appointment type?", MexicoTaxNameRequired: "Please enter a Tax Legal Name", SemiPrivate: "Semi-Private", ProvisionPhoneNumber: "Provision Phone Number", FilterRange: "during {0} – {1}", UnableToConvertContract: "Unable to convert contract", PeriodStartDate: "Period Start date", ProspectActivityWidget: "Prospect Activity Widget", LogInToDetermineAvailability: "Log in to determine availability", SearchForAppointmentType: "Search for an Appointment Type", ManageRepSecurityBaseMessage: "You do not currently have access to all the rights you are attempting to assign to this rep. You need to hold each right you wish to grant to this rep or you must be granted the Manage Rep Security right to perform this action. All of the rights that you do have access to have been changed.", AddAMemoForEachClient: "Add a Memo for each Client.", ViewClientRewards_Desc: "View the Rewards tab on Client Edit", FreezeMembershipRequest: "Freeze Membership Request", AppointmentTypeRemoved: "Appointment Type Removed", with: "with", Edit: "Edit", Ends: "Ends", Auto: "Auto", Asia: "Asia", Area: "Area", AsOf: "as of", File: "File", Food: "Food", From: "From", Gift: "Gift", Date: "Date", Days: "Days", Deny: "Deny", Desk: "Desk", Done: "Done", Move: "Move", More: "More", Main: "Main", Male: "Male", Memo: "Memo", Menu: "", Back: "Back", Bank: "Bank", Body: "Body", Both: "Both", Cell: "Cell", Cold: "Cold", Code: "Code", Cost: "Cost", Copy: "Copy", Call: "Call", Cart: "Cart", Card: "Card", Cash: "Cash", Club: "Club", City: "City", CVV2: "CVV2/CVC2", CURP: "CURP", Info: "Info", Into: "Into", Icon: "Icon", Item: "Item", None: "None", Note: "Note", Name: "Name", Next: "Next", Only: "Only", Once: "Once", Open: "Open", Link: "Link", Live: "Live", Load: "Load", Left: "Left", Uses: "Uses", Undo: "Undo", July: "July", June: "June", High: "High", Hide: "Hide", Home: "Home", Here: "Here", Hard: "Hard", Visa: "Visa", View: "View", Void: "Void", Warm: "Warm", Week: "Week", Work: "Work", What: "What", When: "When", Type: "Type", Task: "Task", Tags: "Tags", Term: "Term", Text: "Text", Time: "Time", Tour: "Tour", Reps: "Reps", Rate: "Rate", Stay: "Stay", Stop: "Stop", Scan: "Scan", Sent: "Sent", Send: "Send", Sell: "Sell", Self: "Self", Sort: "Sort", Save: "Save", Sale: "Sale", Skip: "Skip", Size: "Size", Show: "Show", Past: "Past", Page: "Page", Paid: "Paid", Post: "Post", Year: "Year", SearchSalesPlans: "Search Sales Plans", XRep: "{0} Rep", XofY: "{0} of {1}", AutoRefillAgreement: "Auto-Refill Agreement", EventCreatedID: "A user created a personal ID", DoesNotEqual: "Not Equals", HoursChanged: "Hours Changed", DaysOrMore: "days or more.", DaysOrLess: "days or less.", StartingDrawerAmount: "Starting Drawer Amount", UploadedDocuments: "Uploaded Documents", FinancedPackagesCode: "Financed Packages Code", BalanceAdjustments: "Balance Adjustments", PleaseEnterLastName: "Please enter your last name", RemoteDoorMode: "Remote Door Mode", SettleCCBatch: "Settle your credit card batch (Optional)", PleaseWaitForExport: "Please wait until the export is ready.", OrganizeByGroup: "Organize By Group", MainLevel: "Main Level", IssueRegisteringAccTryAgain: "Sorry, there was an issue registering your account. Please try again later.", CountMoreFormatted: "{0} more", EventViewedSecureCustom: "A rep accessed Custom Field Lookup", ReceiptText_Header: " QTY AMOUNT TAX TOTAL", BillingName: "Billing Name", BillingGrid: "Billing Grid", BillingFile: "Billing File", BillingItem: "Billing Item", BillingDays: "Billing Days", BillingDate: "Billing Date", EventChangedClubInfo: "Changed the address and/or contact info for the club.", BillingType: "Billing Type", AreYouSureAppointmentCancel: "Are you sure you want to cancel your appointment?", PoweredByTwinOaks: "Powered By TwinOaks", OfferNotAvailableHeader: "Offer Not Available", NoSalesPlansFound: "No Sales Plans Found", Registers: "Registers", ClientsCanCancelUpToExplained: "Allow members to cancel their scheduled appointments online up to the specified number of hours before the appointment start time.", UnlockAndSendResetEmail: "Unlock and Send Password Reset Email", CompleteEmailOnlineCancelationNotificationThirdPersonSingular: "{0} received an online client cancelation request notification", IsExpiredOrExpiresWithinMonthsOther: "Is Expired or Expires Within {0} Months", UserNameNotFoundClickBelowText: "The User Name entered was not found. Please be sure to enter your User Name correctly, or click the \u0027Forgot user name?\u0027 link below to recover it.", StockExchange: "Stock Exchange", OnlineJoinDuplicateCheck: "Duplicate check for on-line joins", PleaseEnterSecurityCode: "Please enter the security code", UnableToRemoveClientHeader: "Unable to Remove Client", ContactBankForCardVerificationNumber: "If your card does not have a verification number, please contact your card issuing bank for assistance, or attempt the purchase with a different card.", LastNameRequired: "Please enter Last Name", SomeRightsNotAssigned: "Some rights were not assigned", DailyRevenueDate: "Daily Revenue Date", NewPostBillingProcess: "New Billing Auto Posting", AppointmentReminderPushBody: "Reminder. Your appointment is scheduled for {0} at {1}.", BranchNumberRequired: "Please enter a valid branch number.", NoDetailsMessage: "No Details Found", FutureTourWithThirdPersonSingular: "{0} needs to give a Tour to {1}", ExportPdf: "Print", ClubReturnsResubTool: "Club Returns Resub Tool", ClassRosterReportShortName: "Class Roster", TaxAmount: "Tax Amount", AddLocationGroup: "Add Location Group", ClickToEmailClient: "Click the email link to the left to email this client", DeleteAppointmentConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this appointment?", PasswordInsecure: "The password entered does not meet the security requirements.", ShowClientsWithCustomField: "Only show clients with a custom field of", PackageSaleRep: "Package Sale Rep", UnableToTransfer: "Unable to Transfer", BillingStateRequired: "Please enter Billing State", WhatsAppDisabled: "WhatsApp Disabled", PurchaseAChargeCode: "Purchase a Product", MailMergeDocument: "Mail Merge Document", DailyDashboardReport: "Daily Dashboard Report", PosVoidedTransactionReportShortName: "POS Voided Transactions", ConflictWaitlistExpired: "The wait list is closed", DailyRecapReportSummary: "This report shows a customizable set of key performance indicators for the club", CloudStorage: "Cloud Storage", RewardsSettings: "Rewards Settings", IncompleteCartSecondEmailDescription: "Email Clients who started but haven’t completed online purchases for at least", ContactInformation: "Contact Information", NoRepShiftsMessage: "There are no shifts to display", LowVisitWarningNotification: "Low Visit Warning Notification must be less than the Number of Sessions", EndedBillings: "Ended Billings", CrunchFitnessCorporate: "Crunch Fitness Corporate", UnableToAddWaitList: "I\u0027m sorry, but we were unable to add the client to the wait list at this time.", StandardItemsOnly: "Standard Items Only", Subject: "Subject", DailyRecapReportShortName: "Daily Recap", Subtext: "Subtext", Buildings: "Buildings", FirstSemiAnnualBillingDate: "First Semi-Annual Billing Date", SaleType: "Sale Type", SelectedAppointments: "Selected Appointments", SalesRep: "Sales Rep", NoChangesMessage: "No changes were found that match your criteria.", OfferNotAvailableInClub: "This offer is not available In-Club", CreditBalance: "Credit Balance", GroupSlashFamilyOneTimePayments: "Group/Family One Time Payments", ConfirmFinalize: "Confirm Finalization", AdditionalMemberPricing: "Additional Member Pricing", CoreTotal: "Core Total", AccountNotSet: "Select an Account", ResponsiblePartyName: "Responsible Party Name", PleaseSelectItem_Delete: "Please select an item to delete.", LegalBusinessNameHint: "If you\u0027re registering a US entity, please enter the exact legal business name as registered with the EIN, which can be found on the CP 575 EIN Confirmation Letter", CreditCardExpirationReport: "Credit Card Expiration Report", ResponsiblePartyAbbr: "Resp. Party", FutureSessionCartOther: "Use {0} sessions of my {1} set to bill on {2}", PartitiveArticlePlural: "Partitive Article Plural", QuarterlyAccountName: "Quarterly Account Name", AddTheseLocations: "Add these Locations", CartEmpty_Sale: "There are no items in your cart. Please select the items that you wish to purchase.", BookingStatusesReport: "Booking Statuses Report", ViewClientUsage_Desc: "View the Usage tab on Client Edit", IncludePurchasedPackageDetails: "Include Purchased Package Details", RepFirstName: "Rep First Name", GAAlertTextHeader: "Google Analytics 4 needs to be set up!", FromJoinRenewal: "From Join/Renewal Date", CompletedDate: "Completed Date", ARBalancesReportSubHeader: "This report provides a list of AR Balances for each client.", };